getExtensionById('tao'); } /** * * @see \oat\oatbox\AbstractRegistry::getConfigId() */ protected function getConfigId() { return 'themes'; } public function setWebSource($websource) { $this->set(ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE, $websource); } /** * * @author Lionel Lecaque, * @param string $target * @param string $themeId * @throws \common_Exception */ public function setDefaultTheme($target, $themeId) { $theme = $this->getTheme($target, $themeId); if (!is_null($theme)) { $array = $this->get($target); $array['default'] = $themeId; $this->set($target, $array); } } /** * Get the theme array identified by its target and id * * @param string $target * @param string $themeId * @return array * @throws \common_Exception */ private function getTheme($target, $themeId) { $returnValue = null; if (!$this->isRegistered($target)) { throw new \common_Exception('Target ' . $target . ' does not exist'); } else { $array = $this->get($target); $found = false; foreach ($array['available'] as $theme) { if ($theme['id'] == $themeId) { $found = true; $returnValue = $theme; break; } } if (!$found) { throw new ThemeNotFoundException('Theme ' . $themeId . ' not found for target ' . $target); } } return $returnValue; } /** * Get the default theme array */ public function getDefaultTheme($target) { $defaultTheme = null; if (!$this->isRegistered($target)) { throw new \common_Exception('Target ' . $target . ' does not exist'); } else { $array = $this->get($target); if (isset($array['default'])) { $themeId = $array['default']; try { $defaultTheme = $this->getTheme($target, $themeId); } catch (Exception $e) { //not found $defaultTheme = null; } } } return $defaultTheme; } /** * Adds a new target to the System * * @param string $targetId * @param string|array $base * @throws \common_Exception */ public function createTarget($targetId, $base) { if (!is_string($base) && !is_array($base)) { throw new \common_Exception('Invalid base format'); } $array = [ 'base' => $base, 'available' => [] ]; $this->set($targetId, $array); } /** * Adds a theme to the registry * * @author Lionel Lecaque, * @param string $id * @param string $name * @param string $path * @param array $targets * @throws \common_Exception */ public function registerTheme($id, $name, $path = '', $targets = [], $templates = []) { if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $id) === 0) { throw new \common_Exception('Invalid id "' . $id . '"'); } if (!is_array($targets) || count($targets) === 0) { throw new \common_Exception('No targets were provided for theme ' . $id); } foreach ($targets as $target) { if (!$this->isRegistered($target)) { throw new \common_Exception('Target ' . $target . ' does not exist'); } else { $array = $this->get($target); foreach ($array['available'] as $theme) { if ($theme['id'] == $id) { throw new \common_Exception('Theme ' . $id . ' already exists for target ' . $target); } } $theme = [ 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name ]; //the path is optional if ($path) { $theme['path'] = $path; } //register templates if (is_array($templates) && count($templates) > 0) { $theme['templates'] = []; foreach ($templates as $templateId => $tpl) { $theme['templates'][$templateId] = $tpl; } } $array['available'][] = $theme; } $this->set($target, $array); } } /** * * @author Joel Bout, * * @param string $id * @throws \common_Exception */ public function unregisterTheme($id) { if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', $id) === 0) { throw new \common_Exception('Invalid id "' . $id . '"'); } $isDeleted = false; $map = $this->getMap(); unset($map[ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE]);//still ugly but looks better than 'continue' foreach ($map as $target => $themes) { foreach ($themes['available'] as $key => $theme) { if ($theme['id'] == $id) { unset($themes['available'][$key]); $isDeleted = true; } } $this->set($target, $themes); } if (!$isDeleted) { throw new ThemeNotFoundException('Theme ' . $id . ' not found for any target'); } } /** * @param $theme * @return mixed */ private function updatePath($theme) { if (isset($theme['path'])) { if (strpos($theme['path'], ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE) === 0) { $websource = WebsourceManager::singleton()->getWebsource($this->get(ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE)); $webUrl = $websource->getAccessUrl(substr($theme['path'], strlen(ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE))); $theme['path'] = $webUrl; } else { $assetService = $this->getServiceManager()->get(AssetService::SERVICE_ID); $theme['path'] = $assetService->getAsset($theme['path']); } } return $theme; } /** * Get the resolved absolute URL for a stylesheet * * @param string $path * @return string */ private function resolveStylesheetUrl($path) { $websource = WebsourceManager::singleton()->getWebsource($this->get(ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE)); if (strpos($path, ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE) === 0) { return $websource->getAccessUrl(substr($path, strlen(ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE))); } else { $assetService = $this->getServiceManager()->get(AssetService::SERVICE_ID); return $assetService->getAsset($path); } } /** * Resolve the template absolute path * * @todo make it support templates as data * @param string $tpl * @return string */ private function resolveTemplatePath($tpl) { return ROOT_PATH . $tpl; } /** * Resolve the path and url defined in target "base" * * @param string $target * @return mixed * @throws common_Exception */ private function getResolvedBase($target) { $base = null; $array = $this->get($target); if (is_string($array['base'])) { $assetService = $this->getServiceManager()->get(AssetService::SERVICE_ID); $base = $assetService->getAsset($array['base']); } elseif (is_array($array['base'])) { $base = [ 'css' => $this->resolveStylesheetUrl($array['base']['css']), 'templates' => [] ]; foreach ($array['base']['templates'] as $id => $path) { $base['templates'][$id] = $this->resolveTemplatePath($path); } } else { throw new common_Exception('invalid type for theme base'); } return $base; } /** * Get list of available theme * The available themes have their URL and paths resolved * * @author Lionel Lecaque, */ public function getAvailableThemes() { $returnValue = []; foreach ($this->getMap() as $target => $value) { //ugly if ($target == ThemeRegistry::WEBSOURCE) { continue; } //retrieve all other value $returnValue[$target] = $value; // adapt path for all theme $returnValue[$target]['available'] = []; foreach ($value['available'] as $theme) { $returnValue[$target]['available'][] = $this->updatePath($theme); } $returnValue[$target]['base'] = $this->getResolvedBase($target); } return $returnValue; } /** * Get the absolute path to a theme template * * @deprecated use theme\ThemeService instead * @param string $target * @param string $themeId * @param string $templateId * @return string */ public function getTemplate($target, $themeId, $templateId) { $theme = $this->getTheme($target, $themeId); if (isset($theme['templates']) && isset($theme['templates'][$templateId])) { return $this->resolveTemplatePath($theme['templates'][$templateId]); } return null; } /** * Get the abosolute url to a stylesheet * * @deprecated use theme\ThemeService instead * @param string $target * @param string $themeId * @return string */ public function getStylesheet($target, $themeId) { $theme = $this->getTheme($target, $themeId); if (isset($theme['path'])) { return $this->resolveStylesheetUrl($theme['path']); } return null;//not found } /** * Get the asbolute path to the base template * * @deprecated use theme\ThemeService instead * @param string $target * @param string $templateId * @return string */ public function getBaseTemplate($target, $templateId) { $base = $this->getResolvedBase($target); if (is_array($base) && isset($base['templates']) && isset($base['templates'][$templateId])) { return $base['templates'][$templateId]; } return null; } /** * Get the absolute url to the base css * * @deprecated use theme\ThemeService instead * @param string $target * @return string */ public function getBaseStylesheet($target) { $base = $this->getResolvedBase($target); if (is_string($base)) { return $base; } elseif (is_array($base) && isset($base['css'])) { return $base['css']; } return null; } public function getServiceManager() { return ServiceManager::getServiceManager(); } }