define(['jquery', 'i18n', 'context'], function($, __, context){ /** * Enable you to check if the login contained in the field identified by id is unique * An ajax request is sent to the url with the login and a JSON response {"available": "true"} * @param id * @param url * @return void */ function checkLogin(id, url){ var $login = $("input[id='" + id + "']"); if($login.length > 0){ $login.blur(function(){ var elt = $(this); // trim value var trimmedValue = elt.val().replace(/^\s+/g,'').replace(/\s+$/g,''); var value = elt.val(); $('input#http_2_www_0_tao_0_lu_1_Ontologies_1_generis_0_rdf_3_login ~ div.form-error').remove(); if(trimmedValue === ''){ $('span.login-info').remove(); } else{ $.postJson(url, { login: value }, function(data){ $('span.login-info').remove(); if(data.available){ elt.after(" " + __('Login available') + ""); } else{ elt.after(" " + __('This Login is already in use') + ""); } } ); } }); } } return { checkLogin : checkLogin }; });