imsManifestExtractor = new ImsManifestMetadataExtractor(); } public function tearDown(): void { parent::tearDown(); unset($this->imsManifestExtractor); } /** * @dataProvider sampleProvider * * @param string $imsManifestFile The relative path to the sample IMS Manifest File e.g. "sample1.xml". * @param string $key The key of the returned metadata value array where to find the MetadataValue objects that belong to a given Resource Identifier. * @param integer $index The index where to find the metadata value. The index begins at 0. * @param string $path The path of the metadata. * @param string $identifier A QTI identifier. * @param string $type A QTI resource type. * @param string $href An hyperext reference. * @param string $val A metadata intrinsic value. * @param string $lang (optional) A language value. */ public function testSample($imsManifestFile, $key, $index, $path, $identifier, $type, $href, $val, $lang = '') { $domManifest = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $domManifest->load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../samples/metadata/imsManifestExtraction/' . $imsManifestFile); $values = $this->imsManifestExtractor->extract($domManifest); $this->assertTrue(isset($values[$key]), "No metadata array found at key '${key}'."); $this->assertTrue(isset($values[$key][$index]), "No Metadata value found at index '${index}' for key '${key}' in file '${imsManifestFile}'."); $value = $values[$key][$index]; $this->assertInstanceOf( 'oat\\taoQtiItem\\model\\qti\\metadata\\MetadataValue', $value, "The value found at index '${index}' is not a MetadataValue object in file '${imsManifestFile}'." ); $this->assertEquals($path, $value->getPath(), "The MetadataValue object with index '${index}' contains an unexpected Path in file '${imsManifestFile}'."); $this->assertEquals($identifier, $value->getResourceIdentifier(), "The MetadataValue object with index '${index}' contains an unexpected Resource Identifier in file '${imsManifestFile}'."); $this->assertEquals($type, $value->getResourceType(), "The MetadataValue object with index '${index}' contains an unexpected Resource Type in file '${imsManifestFile}'."); $this->assertEquals($href, $value->getResourceHref(), "The MetadataValue object with index '${index}' contains an unexpected Resource Hypertext reference in file '${imsManifestFile}'."); $this->assertEquals($val, $value->getValue(), "The MetadataValue object with index '${index}' contains an unexpected intrinsic metadata value in file '${imsManifestFile}'."); $this->assertEquals($lang, $value->getLanguage(), "The MetadataValue object with index '${index}' contains an unexpected language in file '${imsManifestFile}'."); } public function sampleProvider() { return [ // -- Sample #1 [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 0, [ '', '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'qti_v2_item_01' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 1, [ '', '', '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'Metadata Example Item #1', 'en' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 2, [ '', '', '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'This is a dummy item', 'en' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 3, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'false' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 4, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'choiceInteraction' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 5, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'nonadaptive' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 6, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'true' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 7, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'XMLSPY' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 8, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', '5.4' ], [ 'sample1.xml', 'choice', 9, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'ALTOVA' ], // -- Sample #2. [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 0, [ '', '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'qti_v2_item_01' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 1, [ '', '', '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'Metadata Example Item #1', 'en' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 2, [ '', '', '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'This is a dummy item', 'en' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 3, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'false' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 4, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'choiceInteraction' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 5, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'nonadaptive' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 6, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'true' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 7, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'XMLSPY' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 8, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', '5.4' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'choice', 9, [ '', '' ], 'choice', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p0', 'choice.xml', 'ALTOVA' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'hybrid', 0, [ '', '', '' ], 'hybrid', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p1', 'hybrid.xml', 'qti_v2_item_02' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'hybrid', 1, [ '', '' ], 'hybrid', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p1', 'hybrid.xml', 'choiceInteraction' ], [ 'sample2.xml', 'hybrid', 2, [ '', '' ], 'hybrid', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p1', 'hybrid.xml', 'orderInteraction' ], // Sample #3. [ 'sample3.xml', 'Q01', 0, [ '', '' ], 'Q01', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p1', 'Q01/qti.xml', '4' ], // Sample #4. [ 'sample4.xml', 'Q01', 0, [ '', '' ], 'Q01', 'imsqti_item_xmlv2p1', 'Q01/qti.xml', '4' ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider wrongTypeAsInputProvider * * @param mixed $input */ public function testWrongTypeAsInput($input) { $this->expectException(MetadataExtractionException::class); $values = $this->imsManifestExtractor->extract($input); } public function wrongTypeAsInputProvider() { return [ [true], ['string'], [[]], [10], [13.37], [null], [new stdClass()] ]; } }