@charset "UTF-8"; @import "inc/bootstrap"; // override font to avoid @font-face load $regularFont: 'Franklin Gothic', 'Franklin Gothic Medium', sans-serif; $mainContainer : '.qti-item'; @import "inc/base"; @import "inc/select2"; @import "inc/mediaelementplayer"; %selectableHover { background: whiten($info, .95) !important; color: darken($textColor, .95) !important; cursor: pointer !important; } %activeHover { background: whiten($info, .91) !important; color: darken($textColor, .91) !important; } %dragged { z-index:10; background: whiten($info, .91) !important; color: darken($textColor, .91) !important; } %dropzone { background: whiten($info, .80) !important; color: darken($textColor, .80) !important; border: 1px $uiClickableHoverBg dashed !important; } %droppable { background: whiten($info, .80) !important; color: darken($textColor, .80) !important; } %qtiModalFeedback { color : blacken($textColor, .5);/*because of the overlay, make it darker*/ margin-top : 10px; .qti-title{ margin-top: 0px; } border : 4px solid $infoBorderColor; &.positive{ border-color : $successBorderColor; } &.negative{ border-color : $errorBorderColor; } } #{$mainContainer} { @import "inc/fonts/tao-icon-classes"; @import "inc/feedback"; @import "inc/grid"; @import "inc/tooltip"; @import "inc/buttons"; @import "inc/jquery.nouislider"; // reset grid set-up within the item context //!important to override all attempts to change this in the theme overflow-x: visible !important; .grid-row, .fixed-grid-row { width: 100%; [class*=" col-"], [class^="col-"] { &.col-12 { width: 100%; } &:last-child { margin-right: 0; } } } .grid-container { overflow-x: visible !important; } padding: 15px; background: white(); margin:auto; max-width: 1024px; &.runtime { min-height: 100%; } [class*="col-"] { img { max-width: initial; } } #modalFeedbacks { max-height:0; .qti-modalFeedback{ @extend %qtiModalFeedback; } } .qti-itemBody{ .qti-modalFeedback{ @extend %qtiModalFeedback; border-width : 1px; padding:10px 10px 15px; background: $infoBgColor; position: relative; z-index: 100002; &.positive{ background: $successBgColor; } &.negative{ background: $errorBgColor; } } &.highlighter-cursor { cursor: url("../img/qtiIconsPng/marker.png") 0 32, auto; } } .interaction-cover{ display : block; opacity : 0.05; } /* authoring */ .qti-choice, .qti-prompt-container { p:last-child { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } } .prompt, .qti-prompt { word-wrap: break-word; overflow-wrap: break-word; } // MathJax reset .MathJax { display: inline-table; &:focus { outline: 0; } span { line-height: inherit; font-size: inherit; } } //scope all hover, active style for delivery under the runtime class &.runtime { .block-listing { & > li { &.active { border-color: whiten($info, .2) !important; &:hover{ @extend %activeHover; } } &:hover{ @extend %selectableHover; } &.dragged, &.dragged:hover { // :hover is to override .active:hover @extend %dragged; } &.droppable, &.droppable:hover { // :hover is to override .active:hover @extend %droppable; } &.dropzone { @extend %dropzone; } } } } .block-listing { & > li { @include simple-border(#e0e0e0); background: transparent; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; cursor: pointer; position:relative; } &.horizontal { @extend .clearfix; padding-right: 3px; padding-left: 3px; &:after { @extend .clearfix:after; } &:before { @extend .clearfix:before; } & > li { display: block; float: left; @include rtl { float: right; } } } &.solid, &.bordered { padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; &.none { padding-left: 3px; @include rtl { padding-left: auto; padding-right: 3px; } } } } .qti-block { border:1px solid transparent; } .qti-interaction { &:focus { outline-color: $colorWheel-05; } .text-container{ min-height: 50px; &.text-preformatted{ font-family: $monospaceFont; } } .solid { //background: whiten($uiClickableDefaultBg, .4); // @include simple-border(whiten($uiClickableDefaultBg, .4)); // original: above; new: below border: 6px solid whiten($uiClickableDefaultBg, .2); } .bordered { @include simple-border(#e0e0e0); background: white; } .empty { border: 1px $uiClickableHoverBg dashed !important; min-height: 50px; cursor: default; } input[type="color"], input[type="date"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="email"], input[type="month"], input[type="number"], input[type="range"], input[type="search"], input[type="tel"], input[type="time"], input[type="text"], input[type="password"], input[type="url"], input[type="week"], textarea, select { border-top-color : #aaa; border-left-color : #aaa; } } @import "all-interactions"; @import "object"; @import "choice"; @import "order"; @import "extended-text"; @import "feedback"; @import "associate"; @import "match"; @import "media"; @import "graphic"; @import "hottext"; @import "gap-match"; @import "slider"; @import "inline-choice"; @import "text-entry"; @import "upload"; @import "rubric-block"; @import "custom"; @import "table"; @import "tooltip"; } .tao-preview-scope{ padding-top: 20px; }