<?php /* * This file is part of Respect/Validation. * * (c) Alexandre Gomes Gaigalas <alexandre@gaigalas.net> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the "LICENSE.md" * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Respect\Validation\Exceptions; use DateTime; use Exception; use InvalidArgumentException; use Traversable; class ValidationException extends InvalidArgumentException implements ExceptionInterface { const MODE_DEFAULT = 1; const MODE_NEGATIVE = 2; const STANDARD = 0; public static $defaultTemplates = [ self::MODE_DEFAULT => [ self::STANDARD => 'Data validation failed for %s', ], self::MODE_NEGATIVE => [ self::STANDARD => 'Data validation failed for %s', ], ]; /** * @var int */ private static $maxDepthStringify = 5; /** * @var int */ private static $maxCountStringify = 10; /** * @var string */ private static $maxReplacementStringify = '...'; protected $id = 'validation'; protected $mode = self::MODE_DEFAULT; protected $name = ''; protected $template = ''; protected $params = []; private $customTemplate = false; public static function format($template, array $vars = []) { return preg_replace_callback( '/{{(\w+)}}/', function ($match) use ($vars) { if (!isset($vars[$match[1]])) { return $match[0]; } $value = $vars[$match[1]]; if ('name' == $match[1] && is_string($value)) { return $value; } return ValidationException::stringify($value); }, $template ); } /** * @param mixed $value * @param int $depth * * @return string */ public static function stringify($value, $depth = 1) { if ($depth >= self::$maxDepthStringify) { return self::$maxReplacementStringify; } if (is_array($value)) { return static::stringifyArray($value, $depth); } if (is_object($value)) { return static::stringifyObject($value, $depth); } if (is_resource($value)) { return sprintf('`[resource] (%s)`', get_resource_type($value)); } if (is_float($value)) { if (is_infinite($value)) { return ($value > 0 ? '' : '-').'INF'; } if (is_nan($value)) { return 'NaN'; } } return (@json_encode($value, (JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)) ?: $value); } /** * @param array $value * @param int $depth * * @return string */ public static function stringifyArray(array $value, $depth = 1) { $nextDepth = ($depth + 1); if ($nextDepth >= self::$maxDepthStringify) { return self::$maxReplacementStringify; } if (empty($value)) { return '{ }'; } $total = count($value); $string = ''; $current = 0; foreach ($value as $childKey => $childValue) { if ($current++ >= self::$maxCountStringify) { $string .= self::$maxReplacementStringify; break; } if (!is_int($childKey)) { $string .= sprintf('%s: ', static::stringify($childKey, $nextDepth)); } $string .= static::stringify($childValue, $nextDepth); if ($current !== $total) { $string .= ', '; } } return sprintf('{ %s }', $string); } /** * @param mixed $value * @param int $depth * * @return string */ public static function stringifyObject($value, $depth = 2) { $nextDepth = $depth + 1; if ($value instanceof DateTime) { return sprintf('"%s"', $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); } $class = get_class($value); if ($value instanceof Traversable) { return sprintf('`[traversable] (%s: %s)`', $class, static::stringify(iterator_to_array($value), $nextDepth)); } if ($value instanceof Exception) { $properties = [ 'message' => $value->getMessage(), 'code' => $value->getCode(), 'file' => $value->getFile().':'.$value->getLine(), ]; return sprintf('`[exception] (%s: %s)`', $class, static::stringify($properties, $nextDepth)); } if (method_exists($value, '__toString')) { return static::stringify($value->__toString(), $nextDepth); } $properties = static::stringify(get_object_vars($value), $nextDepth); return sprintf('`[object] (%s: %s)`', $class, str_replace('`', '', $properties)); } public function __toString() { return $this->getMainMessage(); } public function chooseTemplate() { return key(static::$defaultTemplates[$this->mode]); } public function configure($name, array $params = []) { $this->setName($name); $this->setId($this->guessId()); $this->setParams($params); return $this; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getMainMessage() { $vars = $this->getParams(); $vars['name'] = $this->getName(); $template = $this->getTemplate(); if (isset($vars['translator']) && is_callable($vars['translator'])) { $template = call_user_func($vars['translator'], $template); } return static::format($template, $vars); } public function getParam($name) { return $this->hasParam($name) ? $this->params[$name] : false; } public function getParams() { return $this->params; } public function getTemplate() { if (!empty($this->template)) { return $this->template; } else { return $this->template = $this->buildTemplate(); } } public function hasParam($name) { return isset($this->params[$name]); } public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; return $this; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; return $this; } public function setMode($mode) { $this->mode = $mode; $this->template = $this->buildTemplate(); $this->buildMessage(); return $this; } public function setParam($key, $value) { $this->params[$key] = $value; $this->buildMessage(); return $this; } public function setParams(array $params) { foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $this->params[$key] = $value; } $this->buildMessage(); return $this; } public function hasCustomTemplate() { return (true === $this->customTemplate); } public function setTemplate($template) { $this->customTemplate = true; if (isset(static::$defaultTemplates[$this->mode][$template])) { $template = static::$defaultTemplates[$this->mode][$template]; } $this->template = $template; $this->buildMessage(); return $this; } private function buildMessage() { $this->message = $this->getMainMessage(); } protected function buildTemplate() { $templateKey = $this->chooseTemplate(); return static::$defaultTemplates[$this->mode][$templateKey]; } public function guessId() { if (!empty($this->id) && $this->id != 'validation') { return $this->id; } $pieces = explode('\\', get_called_class()); $exceptionClassShortName = end($pieces); $ruleClassShortName = str_replace('Exception', '', $exceptionClassShortName); $ruleName = lcfirst($ruleClassShortName); return $ruleName; } }