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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; under version 2
* of the License (non-upgradable).
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Copyright (c) 2017-2020 (original work) Open Assessment Technologies SA (under the project TAO-PRODUCT);
namespace oat\taoLti\models\classes\user;
use common_Exception;
use Exception;
use oat\generis\model\GenerisRdf;
use oat\oatbox\event\EventManager;
use oat\oatbox\service\ConfigurableService;
use oat\taoLti\models\classes\LtiLaunchData;
use oat\oatbox\mutex\LockTrait;
use oat\taoLti\models\classes\user\events\dispatcher\LtiUserEventDispatcher;
use oat\taoLti\models\classes\user\events\LtiUserCreatedEvent;
use oat\taoLti\models\classes\user\events\LtiUserUpdatedEvent;
* Lti user service, allow us to find or spawn a lti user based on launch data
* @access public
* @author Antoine Antoine, <joel@taotesting.com>
* @package taoLti
abstract class LtiUserService extends ConfigurableService
use LockTrait;
const SERVICE_ID = 'taoLti/LtiUserService';
const OPTION_FACTORY_LTI_USER = 'factoryLtiUser';
const PROPERTY_USER_LTICONSUMER = 'http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/TAOLTI.rdf#UserConsumer';
const PROPERTY_USER_LTIKEY = 'http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/TAOLTI.rdf#UserKey';
* Returns the existing tao User that corresponds to
* the LTI request or spawns it
* @param LtiLaunchData $launchData
* @return LtiUser
* @throws common_Exception
* @throws \common_exception_Error
* @throws \core_kernel_users_CacheException
* @throws \core_kernel_users_Exception
* @throws \oat\taoLti\models\classes\LtiVariableMissingException
public function findOrSpawnUser(LtiLaunchData $launchData)
$lock = $this->createLock(__METHOD__ . $launchData->getUserID() . $launchData->getLtiConsumer()->getUri(), 30);
try {
$taoUser = $this->findUser($launchData);
if ($taoUser === null) {
$taoUser = $this->spawnUser($launchData);
} finally {
return $taoUser;
* Searches if this user was already created in TAO
* @param LtiLaunchData $ltiContext
* @return LtiUser
* @throws common_Exception
* @throws \common_exception_Error
* @throws \core_kernel_users_CacheException
* @throws \core_kernel_users_Exception
* @throws \oat\taoLti\models\classes\LtiVariableMissingException
* @throws Exception
public function findUser(LtiLaunchData $ltiContext)
$ltiConsumer = $ltiContext->getLtiConsumer();
$taoUserId = $this->getUserIdentifier($ltiContext->getUserID(), $ltiConsumer->getUri());
if (is_null($taoUserId)) {
return null;
$ltiUser = $this->createLtiUser($ltiContext, $taoUserId);
\common_Logger::t("LTI User '" . $ltiUser->getIdentifier() . "' found.");
$this->updateUser($ltiUser, $ltiContext);
return $ltiUser;
* @param LtiUser $user
* @param LtiLaunchData $ltiContext
* @return mixed
abstract protected function updateUser(LtiUserInterface $user, LtiLaunchData $ltiContext);
* Find the tao user identifier related to a lti user id and a consumer
* @param string $ltiUserId
* @param \core_kernel_classes_Resource $consumer
* @return mixed
abstract public function getUserIdentifier($ltiUserId, $consumer);
* Creates a new LTI User with the absolute minimum of required informations
* @param LtiLaunchData $ltiContext
* @return LtiUserInterface
* @throws common_Exception
* @throws \common_exception_Error
* @throws \core_kernel_users_CacheException
* @throws \core_kernel_users_Exception
* @throws \oat\taoLti\models\classes\LtiVariableMissingException
* @throws Exception
public function spawnUser(LtiLaunchData $ltiContext)
//@TODO create LtiUser after create and save in db.
$userId = $ltiContext->getUserID();
$ltiUser = $this->createLtiUser($ltiContext, $userId);
$this->updateUser($ltiUser, $ltiContext);
return $ltiUser;
* Get the user information from the tao user identifier
* @param string $taoUserId
* @return array structure that represent the user
* [
* 'http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/generis.rdf#userRoles' => ['firstRole', 'secondRole'],
* 'http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/generis.rdf#userUILg' => 'en-US',
* 'http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/generis.rdf#userFirstName' => 'firstname,
* 'http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/generis.rdf#userLastName' => 'lastname',
* 'http://www.tao.lu/Ontologies/generis.rdf#userMail' => 'test@test.com',
* 'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label' => 'label'
* ]
abstract public function getUserDataFromId($taoUserId);
* @param array $userData
* @return string
public function getUserName(array $userData)
$firstName = $this->getFirstName($userData);
$lastName = $this->getLastName($userData);
$userName = trim($firstName . ' ' . $lastName);
return $userName;
* @param array $userData
* @return mixed|string
public function getLastName(array $userData)
return isset($userData[GenerisRdf::PROPERTY_USER_LASTNAME])
? $userData[GenerisRdf::PROPERTY_USER_LASTNAME]
: '';
* @param array $userData
* @return string
public function getFirstName(array $userData)
return isset($userData[GenerisRdf::PROPERTY_USER_FIRSTNAME])
? $userData[GenerisRdf::PROPERTY_USER_FIRSTNAME]
: '';
* @param LtiLaunchData $ltiContext
* @param string $userId
* @return LtiUserInterface
* @throws common_Exception
protected function createLtiUser(LtiLaunchData $ltiContext, $userId)
return $this->getLtiUserFactory()->create($ltiContext, $userId);
* @return LtiUserFactoryInterface
* @throws common_Exception
protected function getLtiUserFactory()
$ltiUserFactory = $this->getServiceLocator()->get($this->getOption(static::OPTION_FACTORY_LTI_USER));
if (!$ltiUserFactory instanceof LtiUserFactoryInterface) {
throw new common_Exception('Lti Factory it is not a LtiUserFactoryInterface');
return $ltiUserFactory;
* @return EventManager
protected function getEventManager()
return $this->getServiceLocator()->get(EventManager::SERVICE_ID);
protected function userUpdatedEvent($userId)
$this->getEventManager()->trigger(new LtiUserUpdatedEvent($userId));
protected function userCreatedEvent($userId)
$this->getEventManager()->trigger(new LtiUserCreatedEvent($userId));
private function getLtiUserEventDispatcher(): LtiUserEventDispatcher
return $this->getServiceLocator()->get(LtiUserEventDispatcher::class);