
499 lines
20 KiB

* GenerisTreeSelectClass is an easy to use container for the checkbox tree widget,
* it provides the common behavior for a selectable Class/Instance Rdf resource tree
* @example new GenerisTreeClass('#tree-container', 'myData.php', {});
* @see GenerisTreeClass.defaultOptions for options example
* @require jquery >= 1.3.2 [http://jquery.com/]
* @require jstree = 0.9.9 [http://jstree.com/]
* @author Bertrand Chevrier, <bertrand.chevrier@tudor.lu>
* @author Aliaksandr Katovich, <aliaksandr@taotesting.com>
* @author Jehan Bihin (class)
], function($, _, __, context, GenerisTreeClass, helpers, feedback) {
var GenerisTreeSelectClass = GenerisTreeClass.extend({
* Constructor
* @param {String} selector the jquery selector of the tree container
* @param {String} dataUrl the url to call, it must provide the json data to populate the tree
* @param {Object} options
init: function(selector, dataUrl, options) {
this.loadedData = null;
this.checkedNodes = typeof options.checkedNodes !== 'undefined' ? options.checkedNodes.slice(0) : [];
this.hiddenNodes = typeof options.hiddenNodes !== 'undefined' ? options.hiddenNodes.slice(0) : [];
if (options.callback && options.callback.checkPaginate) {
this.checkPaginate = options.callback.checkPaginate;
this.checkResourcePermissions =
typeof options.checkResourcePermissions !== 'undefined' ? options.checkResourcePermissions : false;
var instance = this;
* Display priority DISPLAY_SELECTED.
* Display in priority the previously selected instances ..
var treeOptions = {
types: {
default: {
draggable: false
ui: {
theme_name: 'checkbox',
theme_path: context.taobase_www + 'js/lib/jsTree/themes/css/style.css'
callback: {
//before check
beforecheck: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
var nodeId = $(NODE).prop('id');
if (instance.isRefreshing) {
if ($.inArray(nodeId, instance.checkedNodes) === -1) {
return false;
if (NODE.hasClass('node-class')) {
if (instance.getMeta(nodeId, 'displayed') !== instance.getMeta(nodeId, 'count')) {
instance.paginateInstances(NODE, TREE_OBJ, { limit: 0, checkedNodes: '*' });
return false;
return true;
//before check
beforeuncheck: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
var nodeId = $(NODE).prop('id');
var indice = $.inArray(nodeId, instance.checkedNodes);
if (!$(NODE).hasClass('node-class') && indice > -1) {
instance.checkedNodes.splice(indice, 1);
return true;
//Before receive data from server, return the POST parameters
beforedata: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
var returnValue = instance.defaultServerParameters;
//If a NODE is given, send its identifier to the server
if (NODE) {
returnValue['classUri'] = $(NODE).prop('id');
//Augment with the serverParameters
for (var key in instance.serverParameters) {
if (instance.serverParameters[key] !== null) {
returnValue[key] = instance.serverParameters[key];
return returnValue;
onopen: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
if (instance.checkedNodes) {
if (instance.options.onOpenCallback) {
* Triggered actions when data was loaded
* @param {Object} TREE_OBJ - the reference to the tree
onload: function(TREE_OBJ) {
if (instance.options.loadCallback) {
instance.isRefreshing = false;
onchange: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
if (instance.options.onChangeCallback && !instance.isRefreshing) {
instance.options.onChangeCallback(NODE, TREE_OBJ);
//when a node is selected
onselect: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {
var servOptions = {};
var $NODE = $(NODE);
var $nodeParent = $NODE.parent().parent();
if (instance.serverParameters.hasOwnProperty('order')) {
servOptions.order = instance.serverParameters.order;
if (instance.serverParameters.hasOwnProperty('orderdir')) {
servOptions.orderdir = instance.serverParameters.orderdir;
if ($NODE.hasClass('paginate-more')) {
instance.paginateInstances($nodeParent, TREE_OBJ, servOptions);
if ($NODE.hasClass('paginate-all')) {
var parentNodeId = $nodeParent.prop('id');
servOptions.limit =
instance.getMeta(parentNodeId, 'count') - instance.getMeta(parentNodeId, 'displayed');
instance.paginateInstances($nodeParent, TREE_OBJ, servOptions);
return true;
ondata: function(DATA, TREE_OBJ) {
if (instance.checkResourcePermissions && DATA.permissions) {
DATA = instance.convertDataWithPermissions(DATA);
//automatically open the children of the received node
if (DATA.children) {
DATA.state = 'open';
//saving response data
instance.loadedData = DATA;
//extract meta data from children
//remove hidden nodes from the data
instance.removeHiddenNodes(DATA.children || DATA);
return DATA;
plugins: {
checkbox: { three_state: true }
//Add server parameters to the treeOptions variable
for (var i in this.serverParameters) {
treeOptions.data.opts[i] = this.serverParameters[i];
//create the tree
this._super(selector, dataUrl, options, treeOptions);
$('#saver-action-' + this.options.actionId).click({ instance: this }, function(e) {
* converts and filter raw data to common format to use it with jquery.tree.js component
* @returns {Array} - list of tree nodes to form a checkbox list from it
convertDataWithPermissions: function convertDataWithPermissions(rawData) {
var converted = rawData;
var children;
var filteredChildren;
var permissions = converted.permissions;
if (converted.tree.children) {
children = converted.tree.children;
} else {
children = converted.tree;
//checking all the permissions recursively to check if inner classes/instances should be hidden
filteredChildren = this.checkPermissionsRecursively(children, permissions);
//setting filtered children back
if (converted.tree.children) {
converted.tree.children = filteredChildren;
} else {
converted.tree = filteredChildren;
return converted.tree;
* Check permissions (if applicable) on the tree members
* @param {Array} children list of nodes
* @param {Array} permissions list of permissions returned from backend to check against
* @returns {Array}
checkPermissionsRecursively: function checkPermissionsRecursively(children, permissions) {
var filteredChildren = [];
var recursiveCheck = [];
_.each(children, function(dataObj) {
var key = dataObj.attributes['data-uri'];
if (dataObj.children && dataObj.children.length > 0) {
recursiveCheck = checkPermissionsRecursively(dataObj.children, permissions);
if (permissions.data[key] && permissions.data[key].indexOf('READ') !== -1) {
dataObj.children = recursiveCheck;
} else {
if (permissions.data[key] && permissions.data[key].indexOf('READ') !== -1) {
return filteredChildren;
* Remove configured hidden nodes from the DATA
* @param {Array} nodes
removeHiddenNodes: function removeHiddenNodes(nodes) {
var self = this;
var hiddenNodes = this.hiddenNodes;
if (_.isArray(nodes) && hiddenNodes && _.isArray(hiddenNodes)) {
_.remove(nodes, function(node) {
if (node.type === 'instance') {
return _.indexOf(hiddenNodes, node.attributes['data-uri']) >= 0;
} else if (node.type === 'class' && node.children) {
trace: function() {
/*console.log('TRACE '+
* Paginate function, display more instances
paginateInstances: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ, pOptions, callback) {
var nodeId = NODE[0].id;
var instancesLeft = this.getMeta(nodeId, 'count') - this.getMeta(nodeId, 'displayed');
var options = {
classUri: nodeId,
subclasses: 0,
offset: this.getMeta(nodeId, 'position'),
limit: instancesLeft < this.paginate ? instancesLeft : this.paginate
options = $.extend(options, pOptions);
(function(instance) {
return function(DATA) {
var countClass = 0;
var i = 0;
if (instance.checkResourcePermissions) {
DATA = instance.convertDataWithPermissions(DATA);
//Hide paginate options
//Display incoming nodes
for (i; i < DATA.length; i++) {
DATA[i].attributes['class'] =
instance.options.instanceClass + ' node-instance node-draggable';
if (!$('#' + DATA[i].attributes['id'], $(TREE_OBJ.container)).length)
TREE_OBJ.create(DATA[i], TREE_OBJ.get_node(NODE[0]));
// If the check all options. Add the incoming nodes to the list of node to check
if (options.checkedNodes === '*') {
countClass += DATA[i].type === 'class';
// Update meta data
instance.getMeta(nodeId, 'displayed') + DATA.length - countClass
instance.getMeta(nodeId, 'position') + DATA.length - countClass
//refresh pagination options
instance.refreshPaginate(NODE, TREE_OBJ);
//If options checked nodes
if (options.checkedNodes) {
// If options check all, check not checked nodes
if (options.checkedNodes === '*') {
.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.hasClass('node-instance')) {
$this.find('a:not(.checked, .undetermined)').each(function() {
} else {
instance.checkedNodes = options.checkedNodes;
//Execute callback;
if (instance.options.onChangeCallback) {
if (callback) {
callback(NODE, TREE_OBJ);
if (instance.checkPaginate) {
instance.checkPaginate(NODE, TREE_OBJ);
* Check the tree instances
* @param {Array} elements the list of ids of instances to check
check: function(elements) {
var self = this;
$.each(elements, function(i, elt) {
if (elt != null) {
var NODE = $(self.selector).find("li[id='" + elt + "']");
if (NODE.length > 0) {
if ($(NODE).hasClass('node-instance')) {
* Get the checked nodes
* @return {array}
getChecked: function() {
var unchecked = [];
$.each($.tree.plugins.checkbox.get_unchecked(this.getTree()), function(i, NODE) {
if ($(NODE).hasClass('node-instance')) {
var returnValue = $.grep(this.checkedNodes, function(value) {
return unchecked.indexOf(value) == -1;
$.each($.tree.plugins.checkbox.get_checked(this.getTree()), function(i, NODE) {
if ($(NODE).hasClass('node-instance')) {
var value = $(NODE).prop('id');
if (returnValue.indexOf(value) == -1) {
return returnValue;
* save the checked instances in the tree by sending the ids using an ajax request
saveData: function() {
var instance = this;
var toSend = {};
if (typeof this.options.saveData == 'object') {
for (var key in this.options.saveData) {
toSend[key] = this.options.saveData[key];
var index = 0;
/*$.each($.tree.plugins.checkbox.get_checked(this.getTree()), function(i, NODE){
if ($(NODE).hasClass('node-instance')) {
toSend2['instance_' + index2] = $(NODE).prop('id');
var nodes = this.getChecked();
toSend['instances'] = JSON.stringify(nodes);
var uriField,
classUriField = null;
if (this.options.relatedFormId) {
var uriEltSelector = '#' + this.options.relatedFormId + ' :input[name=uri]';
if ($(uriEltSelector).length) {
uriField = $(uriEltSelector);
var classUriEltSelector = '#' + this.options.relatedFormId + ' :input[name=classUri]';
if ($(classUriEltSelector).length) {
classUriField = $(classUriEltSelector);
if (!uriField) {
uriField = $('input[name=uri]');
if (!classUriField) {
classUriField = $('input[name=classUri]');
if (uriField) {
toSend.uri = uriField.val();
if (classUriField) {
toSend.classUri = classUriField.val();
url: this.options.saveUrl,
type: 'POST',
data: toSend,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(response) {
if (response.saved) {
if (instance.options.saveCallback) {
feedback().info(__('Selection saved successfully'));
} else {
if (instance.options.saveErrorCallback) {
instance.options.saveErrorCallback(response, instance);
complete: function() {
return GenerisTreeSelectClass;