9.1 KiB
9.1 KiB
List of rules
- ArrayVal
- ArrayType
- BoolVal
- BoolType
- CallableType
- Countable
- Date
- FalseVal
- FloatVal
- FloatType
- Instance
- IntVal
- IntType
- IterableType
- NullType
- Numeric
- ObjectType
- ResourceType
- ScalarVal
- StringType
- TrueVal
- Type
- Xdigit
Comparing Values
- Between
- BoolType
- Even
- Factor
- Fibonacci
- Finite
- FloatVal
- FloatType
- Infinite
- IntVal
- IntType
- Multiple
- Negative
- NotEmpty
- Numeric
- Odd
- PerfectSquare
- Positive
- PrimeNumber
- Roman
- Xdigit
- Alnum
- Alpha
- Between
- Charset
- Cntrl
- Consonant
- Contains
- Digit
- EndsWith
- Graph
- In
- Length
- Lowercase
- NotEmpty
- NoWhitespace
- PhpLabel
- Prnt
- Punct
- Regex
- ResourceType
- Slug
- Space
- StartsWith
- Uppercase
- Version
- Vowel
- Xdigit
- ArrayVal
- ArrayType
- Contains
- Each
- EndsWith
- In
- Key
- KeyNested
- KeySet
- KeyValue
- Length
- NotEmpty
- StartsWith
Date and Time
Group Validators
- Directory
- Executable
- Exists
- Extension
- File
- Image
- Mimetype
- Readable
- Size
- SymbolicLink
- Uploaded
- Writable
- Bsn
- Cnh
- Cnpj
- Cpf
- Domain
- HexRgbColor
- Imei
- Ip
- Json
- MacAddress
- NfeAccessKey
- NotBlank
- NotOptional
- Pesel
- Phone
- Sf
- Url
- VideoUrl
- Zend
- Age
- AllOf
- Alnum
- Alpha
- AlwaysInvalid
- AlwaysValid
- ArrayVal
- ArrayType
- Attribute
- Bank
- BankAccount
- Between
- Bic
- BoolType
- Bsn
- Call
- CallableType
- Callback
- Charset
- Cnh
- Cnpj
- Cntrl
- Consonant
- Contains
- Countable
- CountryCode
- Cpf
- CreditCard
- Date
- Digit
- Directory
- Domain
- Each
- EndsWith
- Equals
- Even
- Executable
- Exists
- Extension
- Factor
- FalseVal
- Fibonacci
- File
- FilterVar
- Finite
- FloatVal
- FloatType
- Graph
- HexRgbColor
- Identical
- IdentityCard
- Image
- Imei
- In
- Infinite
- Instance
- IntVal
- IntType
- Ip
- IterableType
- Json
- Key
- KeyNested
- KeySet
- KeyValue
- LanguageCode
- LeapDate
- LeapYear
- Length
- Lowercase
- MacAddress
- Max
- Mimetype
- Min
- MinimumAge
- Multiple
- Negative
- NfeAccessKey
- No
- NoWhitespace
- NoneOf
- Not
- NotBlank
- NotEmpty
- NotOptional
- NullType
- Numeric
- ObjectType
- Odd
- OneOf
- Optional
- PerfectSquare
- Pesel
- Phone
- PhpLabel
- Positive
- PostalCode
- PrimeNumber
- Prnt
- Punct
- Readable
- Regex
- ResourceType
- Roman
- ScalarVal
- Sf
- Size
- Slug
- Space
- StartsWith
- StringType
- SubdivisionCode
- SymbolicLink
- Tld
- TrueVal
- Type
- Uploaded
- Uppercase
- Url
- Version
- VideoUrl
- Vowel
- When
- Writable
- Xdigit
- Yes
- Zend