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#################################### IMPORTS ###################################
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
import os
pkg_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
parent_dir, pkg_name = os.path.split(pkg_dir)
is_pygame_pkg = (pkg_name == 'tests' and
os.path.split(parent_dir)[1] == 'pygame')
if not is_pygame_pkg:
sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)
is_pygame_pkg = __name__.startswith('pygame.tests.')
import unittest
if is_pygame_pkg:
from pygame.tests.test_utils import question, prompt
from test.test_utils import question, prompt
import pygame
class CdromModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def todo_test_CD(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD:
# pygame.cdrom.CD(id): return CD
# class to manage a cdrom drive
# You can create a CD object for each cdrom on the system. Use
# pygame.cdrom.get_count() to determine how many drives actually
# exist. The id argument is an integer of the drive, starting at zero.
# The CD object is not initialized, you can only call CD.get_id() and
# CD.get_name() on an uninitialized drive.
# It is safe to create multiple CD objects for the same drive, they
# will all cooperate normally.
def todo_test_get_count(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.get_count:
# pygame.cdrom.get_count(): return count
# number of cd drives on the system
# Return the number of cd drives on the system. When you create CD
# objects you need to pass an integer id that must be lower than this
# count. The count will be 0 if there are no drives on the system.
def todo_test_get_init(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.get_init:
# pygame.cdrom.get_init(): return bool
# true if the cdrom module is initialized
# Test if the cdrom module is initialized or not. This is different
# than the CD.init() since each drive must also be initialized
# individually.
def todo_test_init(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.init:
# pygame.cdrom.init(): return None
# initialize the cdrom module
# Initialize the cdrom module. This will scan the system for all CD
# devices. The module must be initialized before any other functions
# will work. This automatically happens when you call pygame.init().
# It is safe to call this function more than once.
def todo_test_quit(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.quit:
# pygame.cdrom.quit(): return None
# uninitialize the cdrom module
# Uninitialize the cdrom module. After you call this any existing CD
# objects will no longer work.
# It is safe to call this function more than once.
class CDTypeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.cd = pygame.cdrom.CD(0)
except pygame.error:
self.cd = None
def tearDown(self):
def test_1_eject(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-07-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.eject:
# CD.eject(): return None
# eject or open the cdrom drive
# should raise if cd object not initialized
if self.cd:
self.assert_(question('Did the cd eject?'))
prompt("Please close the cd drive")
def test_2_get_name(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-07-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_name:
# CD.get_name(): return name
# the system name of the cdrom drive
if self.cd:
cd_name = self.cd.get_name()
self.assert_ (
question('Is %s the correct name for the cd drive?' % cd_name)
def todo_test_get_all(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_all:
# CD.get_all(): return [(audio, start, end, lenth), ...]
# get all track information
# Return a list with information for every track on the cdrom. The
# information consists of a tuple with four values. The audio value is
# True if the track contains audio data. The start, end, and length
# values are floating point numbers in seconds. Start and end
# represent absolute times on the entire disc.
def todo_test_get_busy(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_busy:
# CD.get_busy(): return bool
# true if the drive is playing audio
# Returns True if the drive busy playing back audio.
def todo_test_get_current(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_current:
# CD.get_current(): return track, seconds
# the current audio playback position
# Returns both the current track and time of that track. This method
# works when the drive is either playing or paused.
# Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.
def todo_test_get_empty(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_empty:
# CD.get_empty(): return bool
# False if a cdrom is in the drive
# Return False if there is a cdrom currently in the drive. If the
# drive is empty this will return True.
def todo_test_get_id(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_id:
# CD.get_init(): return bool
# true if this cd device initialized
# Returns the integer id that was used to create the CD instance. This
# method can work on an uninitialized CD.
def todo_test_get_init(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_init:
# CD.get_init(): return bool
# true if this cd device initialized
# Test if this CDROM device is initialized. This is different than the
# pygame.cdrom.init() since each drive must also be initialized
# individually.
def todo_test_get_numtracks(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_numtracks:
# CD.get_numtracks(): return count
# the number of tracks on the cdrom
# Return the number of tracks on the cdrom in the drive. This will
# return zero of the drive is empty or has no tracks.
def todo_test_get_paused(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_paused:
# CD.get_paused(): return bool
# true if the drive is paused
# Returns True if the drive is currently paused.
def todo_test_get_track_audio(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_track_audio:
# CD.get_track_audio(track): return bool
# true if the cdrom track has audio data
# Determine if a track on a cdrom contains audio data. You can also
# call CD.num_tracks() and CD.get_all() to determine more information
# about the cdrom.
# Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.
def todo_test_get_track_length(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_track_length:
# CD.get_track_length(track): return seconds
# length of a cdrom track
# Return a floating point value in seconds of the length of the cdrom track.
# Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.
def todo_test_get_track_start(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.get_track_start:
# CD.get_track_start(track): return seconds
# start time of a cdrom track
# Return the absolute time in seconds where at start of the cdrom track.
# Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.
def todo_test_init(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.init:
# CD.init(): return None
# initialize a cdrom drive for use
# Initialize the cdrom drive for use. The drive must be initialized
# for most CD methods to work. Even if the rest of pygame has been
# initialized.
# There may be a brief pause while the drive is initialized. Avoid
# CD.init() if the program should not stop for a second or two.
def todo_test_pause(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.pause:
# CD.pause(): return None
# temporarily stop audio playback
# Temporarily stop audio playback on the CD. The playback can be
# resumed at the same point with the CD.resume() method. If the CD is
# not playing this method does nothing.
# Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.
def todo_test_play(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.play:
# CD.init(): return None
# initialize a cdrom drive for use
# Playback audio from an audio cdrom in the drive. Besides the track
# number argument, you can also pass a starting and ending time for
# playback. The start and end time are in seconds, and can limit the
# section of an audio track played.
# If you pass a start time but no end, the audio will play to the end
# of the track. If you pass a start time and 'None' for the end time,
# the audio will play to the end of the entire disc.
# See the CD.get_numtracks() and CD.get_track_audio() to find tracks to playback.
# Note, track 0 is the first track on the CD. Track numbers start at zero.
def todo_test_quit(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.quit:
# CD.quit(): return None
# uninitialize a cdrom drive for use
# Uninitialize a drive for use. Call this when your program will not
# be accessing the drive for awhile.
def todo_test_resume(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.resume:
# CD.resume(): return None
# unpause audio playback
# Unpause a paused CD. If the CD is not paused or already playing,
# this method does nothing.
def todo_test_stop(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.cdrom.CD.stop:
# CD.stop(): return None
# stop audio playback
# Stops playback of audio from the cdrom. This will also lose the
# current playback position. This method does nothing if the drive
# isn't already playing audio.
if __name__ == '__main__':