1055 lines
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1055 lines
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import sys
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
pkg_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
parent_dir, pkg_name = os.path.split(pkg_dir)
is_pygame_pkg = (pkg_name == 'tests' and
os.path.split(parent_dir)[1] == 'pygame')
if not is_pygame_pkg:
sys.path.insert(0, parent_dir)
is_pygame_pkg = __name__.startswith('pygame.tests.')
import unittest
if is_pygame_pkg:
from pygame.tests.test_utils import example_path
from test.test_utils import example_path
import pygame
from pygame import mixer
from pygame.compat import xrange_, unicode_, as_bytes, geterror, bytes_
################################### CONSTANTS ##################################
FREQUENCIES = [11025, 22050, 44100, 48000]
SIZES = [-16, -8, 8, 16]
CHANNELS = [1, 2]
BUFFERS = [3024]
############################## MODULE LEVEL TESTS ##############################
class MixerModuleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_init__keyword_args(self):
# Fails on a Mac; probably older SDL_mixer
## Probably don't need to be so exhaustive. Besides being slow the repeated
## init/quit calls may be causing problems on the Mac.
## configs = ( {'frequency' : f, 'size' : s, 'channels': c }
## for f in FREQUENCIES
## for s in SIZES
## for c in CHANNELS )
#### configs = [{'frequency' : 44100, 'size' : 16, 'channels' : 1}]
configs = [{'frequency' : 22050, 'size' : -16, 'channels' : 2}]
for kw_conf in configs:
mixer_conf = mixer.get_init()
# Not all "sizes" are supported on all systems.
(mixer_conf[0], abs(mixer_conf[1]), mixer_conf[2]),
def todo_test_pre_init__keyword_args(self):
# Fails on Mac; probably older SDL_mixer
## Probably don't need to be so exhaustive. Besides being slow the repeated
## init/quit calls may be causing problems on the Mac.
## configs = ( {'frequency' : f, 'size' : s, 'channels': c }
## for f in FREQUENCIES
## for s in SIZES
## for c in CHANNELS )
configs = [{'frequency' : 44100, 'size' : 16, 'channels' : 1}]
for kw_conf in configs:
mixer_conf = mixer.get_init()
# Not all "sizes" are supported on all systems.
(mixer_conf[0], abs(mixer_conf[1]), mixer_conf[2]),
def todo_test_pre_init__zero_values(self):
# Ensure that argument values of 0 are replaced with
# default values. No way to check buffer size though.
mixer.pre_init(44100, -8, 1) # Non default values
mixer.pre_init(0, 0, 0) # Should reset to default values
self.failUnlessEqual(mixer.get_init(), (22050, -16, 2))
def todo_test_init__zero_values(self):
# Ensure that argument values of 0 are replaced with
# preset values. No way to check buffer size though.
mixer.pre_init(44100, 8, 1) # None default values
mixer.init(0, 0, 0)
self.failUnlessEqual(mixer.get_init(), (44100, 8, 1))
mixer.pre_init(0, 0, 0, 0)
def test_get_init__returns_exact_values_used_for_init(self):
# fix in 1.9 - I think it's a SDL_mixer bug.
# TODO: When this bug is fixed, testing through every combination
# will be too slow so adjust as necessary, at the moment it
# breaks the loop after first failure
configs = []
for s in SIZES:
for c in CHANNELS:
configs.append ((f,s,c))
print (configs)
for init_conf in configs:
print (init_conf)
f,s,c = init_conf
if (f,s) == (22050,16):continue
mixer_conf = mixer.get_init()
import time
if init_conf != mixer_conf:
self.assertEquals(init_conf, mixer_conf)
def test_get_init__returns_None_if_mixer_not_initialized(self):
self.assert_(mixer.get_init() is None)
def test_get_num_channels__defaults_eight_after_init(self):
num_channels = mixer.get_num_channels()
self.assert_(num_channels == 8)
def test_set_num_channels(self):
for i in xrange_(1, mixer.get_num_channels() + 1):
self.assert_(mixer.get_num_channels() == i)
def test_quit(self):
""" get_num_channels() Should throw pygame.error if uninitialized
after mixer.quit() """
self.assertRaises (
pygame.error, mixer.get_num_channels,
def test_sound_args(self):
def get_bytes(snd):
return snd.get_raw()
sample = as_bytes('\x00\xff') * 24
wave_path = example_path(os.path.join('data', 'house_lo.wav'))
uwave_path = unicode_(wave_path)
bwave_path = uwave_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
snd = mixer.Sound(file=wave_path)
self.assert_(snd.get_length() > 0.5)
snd_bytes = get_bytes(snd)
self.assert_(len(snd_bytes) > 1000)
self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(wave_path)) == snd_bytes)
self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=uwave_path)) == snd_bytes)
self.assert_(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(uwave_path)) == snd_bytes)
arg_emsg = 'Sound takes either 1 positional or 1 keyword argument'
except TypeError:
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
mixer.Sound(wave_path, buffer=sample)
except TypeError:
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
mixer.Sound(sample, file=wave_path)
except TypeError:
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, file=wave_path)
except TypeError:
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
except TypeError:
emsg = "Unrecognized keyword argument 'foobar'"
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path, **{})
self.assertEqual(get_bytes(snd), snd_bytes)
snd = mixer.Sound(*[], **{'file': wave_path})
snd = mixer.Sound([])
except TypeError:
emsg = 'Unrecognized argument (type list)'
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=[])
except TypeError:
emsg = 'Expected object with buffer interface: got a list'
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
ufake_path = unicode_('12345678')
self.assertRaises(pygame.error, mixer.Sound, ufake_path)
except TypeError:
emsg = 'Unicode object not allowed as buffer object'
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(buffer=sample)), sample)
self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(sample)), sample)
self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(file=bwave_path)), snd_bytes)
self.assertEqual(get_bytes(mixer.Sound(bwave_path)), snd_bytes)
snd = mixer.Sound(wave_path)
mixer.Sound(wave_path, array=snd)
except TypeError:
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
mixer.Sound(buffer=sample, array=snd)
except TypeError:
self.assertEqual(str(geterror()), arg_emsg)
self.fail("no exception")
snd2 = mixer.Sound(array=snd)
self.assertEqual(snd.get_raw(), snd2.get_raw())
def test_array_keyword(self):
# If we don't have a real sound card don't do this test because it will fail.
if os.environ.get('SDL_AUDIODRIVER') == 'disk':
from numpy import (array, arange, zeros,
int8, uint8,
int16, uint16,
int32, uint32)
except ImportError:
freq = 22050
format_list = [-8, 8, -16, 16]
channels_list = [1, 2]
a_lists = dict((f, []) for f in format_list)
a32u_mono = arange(0, 256, 1, uint32)
a16u_mono = a32u_mono.astype(uint16)
a8u_mono = a32u_mono.astype(uint8)
au_list_mono = [(1, a) for a in [a8u_mono, a16u_mono, a32u_mono]]
for format in format_list:
if format > 0:
a32s_mono = arange(-128, 128, 1, int32)
a16s_mono = a32s_mono.astype(int16)
a8s_mono = a32s_mono.astype(int8)
as_list_mono = [(1, a) for a in [a8s_mono, a16s_mono, a32s_mono]]
for format in format_list:
if format < 0:
a32u_stereo = zeros([a32u_mono.shape[0], 2], uint32)
a32u_stereo[:,0] = a32u_mono
a32u_stereo[:,1] = 255 - a32u_mono
a16u_stereo = a32u_stereo.astype(uint16)
a8u_stereo = a32u_stereo.astype(uint8)
au_list_stereo = [(2, a)
for a in [a8u_stereo, a16u_stereo, a32u_stereo]]
for format in format_list:
if format > 0:
a32s_stereo = zeros([a32s_mono.shape[0], 2], int32)
a32s_stereo[:,0] = a32s_mono
a32s_stereo[:,1] = -1 - a32s_mono
a16s_stereo = a32s_stereo.astype(int16)
a8s_stereo = a32s_stereo.astype(int8)
as_list_stereo = [(2, a)
for a in [a8s_stereo, a16s_stereo, a32s_stereo]]
for format in format_list:
if format < 0:
for format in format_list:
for channels in channels_list:
mixer.init(freq, format, channels)
except pygame.error:
# Some formats (e.g. 16) may not be supported.
__, f, c = mixer.get_init()
if f != format or c != channels:
# Some formats (e.g. -8) may not be supported.
for c, a in a_lists[format]:
self._test_array_argument(format, a, c == channels)
def _test_array_argument(self, format, a, test_pass):
from numpy import array, all as all_
snd = mixer.Sound(array=a)
except ValueError:
if not test_pass:
self.fail("Raised ValueError: Format %i, dtype %s" %
(format, a.dtype))
if not test_pass:
self.fail("Did not raise ValueError: Format %i, dtype %s" %
(format, a.dtype))
a2 = array(snd)
a3 = a.astype(a2.dtype)
lshift = abs(format) - 8 * a.itemsize
if lshift >= 0:
# This is asymmetric with respect to downcasting.
a3 <<= lshift
self.assert_(all_(a2 == a3),
"Format %i, dtype %s" % (format, a.dtype))
def _test_array_interface_fail(self, a):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, mixer.Sound, array=a)
def test_array_interface(self):
mixer.init(22050, -16, 1)
snd = mixer.Sound(as_bytes('\x00\x7f') * 20)
d = snd.__array_interface__
self.assertTrue(isinstance(d, dict))
if pygame.get_sdl_byteorder() == pygame.LIL_ENDIAN:
typestr = '<i2'
typestr = '>i2'
self.assertEqual(d['typestr'], typestr)
self.assertEqual(d['shape'], (20,))
self.assertEqual(d['strides'], (2,))
self.assertEqual(d['data'], (snd._samples_address, False))
if pygame.HAVE_NEWBUF:
def test_newbuf(self):
if is_pygame_pkg:
from pygame.tests.test_utils import buftools
from test.test_utils import buftools
def NEWBUF_test_newbuf(self):
mixer.init(22050, -16, 1)
mixer.init(22050, -16, 2)
def NEWBUF_export_check(self):
freq, fmt, channels = mixer.get_init()
if channels == 1:
ndim = 1
ndim = 2
itemsize = abs(fmt) // 8
formats = {8: 'B', -8: 'b',
16: '=H', -16: '=h',
32: '=I', -32: '=i', # 32 and 64 for future consideration
64: '=Q', -64: '=q'}
format = formats[fmt]
buftools = self.buftools
Exporter = buftools.Exporter
Importer = buftools.Importer
is_lil_endian = pygame.get_sdl_byteorder() == pygame.LIL_ENDIAN
fsys, frev = ('<', '>') if is_lil_endian else ('>', '<')
shape = (10, channels)[:ndim]
strides = (channels * itemsize, itemsize)[2 - ndim:]
exp = Exporter(shape, format=frev + 'i')
snd = mixer.Sound(array=exp)
buflen = len(exp) * itemsize * channels
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_SIMPLE)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, 0)
self.assertTrue(imp.format is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.len, buflen)
self.assertEqual(imp.itemsize, itemsize)
self.assertTrue(imp.shape is None)
self.assertTrue(imp.strides is None)
self.assertTrue(imp.suboffsets is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.buf, snd._samples_address)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_WRITABLE)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, 0)
self.assertTrue(imp.format is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.len, buflen)
self.assertEqual(imp.itemsize, itemsize)
self.assertTrue(imp.shape is None)
self.assertTrue(imp.strides is None)
self.assertTrue(imp.suboffsets is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.buf, snd._samples_address)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_FORMAT)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, 0)
self.assertEqual(imp.format, format)
self.assertEqual(imp.len, buflen)
self.assertEqual(imp.itemsize, itemsize)
self.assertTrue(imp.shape is None)
self.assertTrue(imp.strides is None)
self.assertTrue(imp.suboffsets is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.buf, snd._samples_address)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_ND)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, ndim)
self.assertTrue(imp.format is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.len, buflen)
self.assertEqual(imp.itemsize, itemsize)
self.assertEqual(imp.shape, shape)
self.assertTrue(imp.strides is None)
self.assertTrue(imp.suboffsets is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.buf, snd._samples_address)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_STRIDES)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, ndim)
self.assertTrue(imp.format is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.len, buflen)
self.assertEqual(imp.itemsize, itemsize)
self.assertEqual(imp.shape, shape)
self.assertEqual(imp.strides, strides)
self.assertTrue(imp.suboffsets is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.buf, snd._samples_address)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_FULL_RO)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, ndim)
self.assertEqual(imp.format, format)
self.assertEqual(imp.len, buflen)
self.assertEqual(imp.itemsize, 2)
self.assertEqual(imp.shape, shape)
self.assertEqual(imp.strides, strides)
self.assertTrue(imp.suboffsets is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.buf, snd._samples_address)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_FULL_RO)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, ndim)
self.assertEqual(imp.format, format)
self.assertEqual(imp.len, buflen)
self.assertEqual(imp.itemsize, itemsize)
self.assertEqual(imp.shape, exp.shape)
self.assertEqual(imp.strides, strides)
self.assertTrue(imp.suboffsets is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.buf, snd._samples_address)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, ndim)
self.assertTrue(imp.format is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.strides, strides)
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, ndim)
self.assertTrue(imp.format is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.strides, strides)
if (ndim == 1):
imp = Importer(snd, buftools.PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS)
self.assertEqual(imp.ndim, 1)
self.assertTrue(imp.format is None)
self.assertEqual(imp.strides, strides)
self.assertRaises(BufferError, Importer, snd,
def test_get_raw(self):
samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh') # keep byte size a multiple of 4
snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
raw = snd.get_raw()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
def test_get_raw_more(self):
""" test the array interface a bit better.
import platform
IS_PYPY = 'PyPy' == platform.python_implementation()
from ctypes import pythonapi, c_void_p, py_object
Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyBytes_FromString
Bytes_FromString = pythonapi.PyString_FromString
Bytes_FromString.restype = c_void_p
Bytes_FromString.argtypes = [py_object]
samples = as_bytes('abcdefgh') # keep byte size a multiple of 4
snd = mixer.Sound(buffer=samples)
raw = snd.get_raw()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, bytes_))
self.assertNotEqual(snd._samples_address, Bytes_FromString(samples))
self.assertEqual(raw, samples)
def todo_test_fadeout(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.fadeout:
# pygame.mixer.fadeout(time): return None
# fade out the volume on all sounds before stopping
# This will fade out the volume on all active channels over the time
# argument in milliseconds. After the sound is muted the playback will
# stop.
def todo_test_find_channel(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.find_channel:
# pygame.mixer.find_channel(force=False): return Channel
# find an unused channel
# This will find and return an inactive Channel object. If there are
# no inactive Channels this function will return None. If there are no
# inactive channels and the force argument is True, this will find the
# Channel with the longest running Sound and return it.
# If the mixer has reserved channels from pygame.mixer.set_reserved()
# then those channels will not be returned here.
def todo_test_get_busy(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.get_busy:
# pygame.mixer.get_busy(): return bool
# test if any sound is being mixed
# Returns True if the mixer is busy mixing any channels. If the mixer
# is idle then this return False.
def todo_test_init(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.init:
# pygame.mixer.init(frequency=22050, size=-16, channels=2,
# buffer=3072): return None
# initialize the mixer module
# Initialize the mixer module for Sound loading and playback. The
# default arguments can be overridden to provide specific audio
# mixing. The size argument represents how many bits are used for each
# audio sample. If the value is negative then signed sample values
# will be used. Positive values mean unsigned audio samples will be
# used.
# The channels argument is used to specify whether to use mono or
# stereo. 1 for mono and 2 for stereo. No other values are supported.
# The buffer argument controls the number of internal samples used in
# the sound mixer. The default value should work for most cases. It
# can be lowered to reduce latency, but sound dropout may occur. It
# can be raised to larger values to ensure playback never skips, but
# it will impose latency on sound playback. The buffer size must be a
# power of two.
# Some platforms require the pygame.mixer module to be initialized
# after the display modules have initialized. The top level
# pygame.init() takes care of this automatically, but cannot pass any
# arguments to the mixer init. To solve this, mixer has a function
# pygame.mixer.pre_init() to set the proper defaults before the
# toplevel init is used.
# It is safe to call this more than once, but after the mixer is
# initialized you cannot change the playback arguments without first
# calling pygame.mixer.quit().
def todo_test_pause(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.pause:
# pygame.mixer.pause(): return None
# temporarily stop playback of all sound channels
# This will temporarily stop all playback on the active mixer
# channels. The playback can later be resumed with
# pygame.mixer.unpause()
def todo_test_pre_init(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.pre_init:
# pygame.mixer.pre_init(frequency=0, size=0, channels=0,
# buffersize=0): return None
# preset the mixer init arguments
# Any nonzero arguments change the default values used when the real
# pygame.mixer.init() is called. The best way to set custom mixer
# playback values is to call pygame.mixer.pre_init() before calling
# the top level pygame.init().
def todo_test_set_reserved(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.set_reserved:
# pygame.mixer.set_reserved(count): return None
# reserve channels from being automatically used
# The mixer can reserve any number of channels that will not be
# automatically selected for playback by Sounds. If sounds are
# currently playing on the reserved channels they will not be stopped.
# This allows the application to reserve a specific number of channels
# for important sounds that must not be dropped or have a guaranteed
# channel to play on.
def todo_test_stop(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.stop:
# pygame.mixer.stop(): return None
# stop playback of all sound channels
# This will stop all playback of all active mixer channels.
def todo_test_unpause(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.unpause:
# pygame.mixer.unpause(): return None
# resume paused playback of sound channels
# This will resume all active sound channels after they have been paused.
############################## CHANNEL CLASS TESTS #############################
class ChannelTypeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def todo_test_Channel(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel:
# pygame.mixer.Channel(id): return Channel
# Create a Channel object for controlling playback
# Return a Channel object for one of the current channels. The id must
# be a value from 0 to the value of pygame.mixer.get_num_channels().
# The Channel object can be used to get fine control over the playback
# of Sounds. A channel can only playback a single Sound at time. Using
# channels is entirely optional since pygame can manage them by
# default.
def todo_test_fadeout(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.fadeout:
# Channel.fadeout(time): return None
# stop playback after fading channel out
# Stop playback of a channel after fading out the sound over the given
# time argument in milliseconds.
def todo_test_get_busy(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.get_busy:
# Channel.get_busy(): return bool
# check if the channel is active
# Returns true if the channel is activily mixing sound. If the channel
# is idle this returns False.
def todo_test_get_endevent(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.get_endevent:
# Channel.get_endevent(): return type
# get the event a channel sends when playback stops
# Returns the event type to be sent every time the Channel finishes
# playback of a Sound. If there is no endevent the function returns
# pygame.NOEVENT.
def todo_test_get_queue(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.get_queue:
# Channel.get_queue(): return Sound
# return any Sound that is queued
# If a Sound is already queued on this channel it will be returned.
# Once the queued sound begins playback it will no longer be on the
# queue.
def todo_test_get_sound(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.get_sound:
# Channel.get_sound(): return Sound
# get the currently playing Sound
# Return the actual Sound object currently playing on this channel. If
# the channel is idle None is returned.
def todo_test_get_volume(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.get_volume:
# Channel.get_volume(): return value
# get the volume of the playing channel
# Return the volume of the channel for the current playing sound. This
# does not take into account stereo separation used by
# Channel.set_volume. The Sound object also has its own volume which
# is mixed with the channel.
def todo_test_pause(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.pause:
# Channel.pause(): return None
# temporarily stop playback of a channel
# Temporarily stop the playback of sound on a channel. It can be
# resumed at a later time with Channel.unpause()
def todo_test_play(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.play:
# Channel.play(Sound, loops=0, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0): return None
# play a Sound on a specific Channel
# This will begin playback of a Sound on a specific Channel. If the
# Channel is currently playing any other Sound it will be stopped.
# The loops argument has the same meaning as in Sound.play(): it is
# the number of times to repeat the sound after the first time. If it
# is 3, the sound will be played 4 times (the first time, then three
# more). If loops is -1 then the playback will repeat indefinitely.
# As in Sound.play(), the maxtime argument can be used to stop
# playback of the Sound after a given number of milliseconds.
# As in Sound.play(), the fade_ms argument can be used fade in the sound.
def todo_test_queue(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.queue:
# Channel.queue(Sound): return None
# queue a Sound object to follow the current
# When a Sound is queued on a Channel, it will begin playing
# immediately after the current Sound is finished. Each channel can
# only have a single Sound queued at a time. The queued Sound will
# only play if the current playback finished automatically. It is
# cleared on any other call to Channel.stop() or Channel.play().
# If there is no sound actively playing on the Channel then the Sound
# will begin playing immediately.
def todo_test_set_endevent(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.set_endevent:
# Channel.set_endevent(): return None
# Channel.set_endevent(type): return None
# have the channel send an event when playback stops
# When an endevent is set for a channel, it will send an event to the
# pygame queue every time a sound finishes playing on that channel
# (not just the first time). Use pygame.event.get() to retrieve the
# endevent once it's sent.
# Note that if you called Sound.play(n) or Channel.play(sound,n), the
# end event is sent only once: after the sound has been played "n+1"
# times (see the documentation of Sound.play).
# If Channel.stop() or Channel.play() is called while the sound was
# still playing, the event will be posted immediately.
# The type argument will be the event id sent to the queue. This can
# be any valid event type, but a good choice would be a value between
# pygame.locals.USEREVENT and pygame.locals.NUMEVENTS. If no type
# argument is given then the Channel will stop sending endevents.
def todo_test_set_volume(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.set_volume:
# Channel.set_volume(value): return None
# Channel.set_volume(left, right): return None
# set the volume of a playing channel
# Set the volume (loudness) of a playing sound. When a channel starts
# to play its volume value is reset. This only affects the current
# sound. The value argument is between 0.0 and 1.0.
# If one argument is passed, it will be the volume of both speakers.
# If two arguments are passed and the mixer is in stereo mode, the
# first argument will be the volume of the left speaker and the second
# will be the volume of the right speaker. (If the second argument is
# None, the first argument will be the volume of both speakers.)
# If the channel is playing a Sound on which set_volume() has also
# been called, both calls are taken into account. For example:
# sound = pygame.mixer.Sound("s.wav")
# channel = s.play() # Sound plays at full volume by default
# sound.set_volume(0.9) # Now plays at 90% of full volume.
# sound.set_volume(0.6) # Now plays at 60% (previous value replaced).
# channel.set_volume(0.5) # Now plays at 30% (0.6 * 0.5).
def todo_test_stop(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.stop:
# Channel.stop(): return None
# stop playback on a Channel
# Stop sound playback on a channel. After playback is stopped the
# channel becomes available for new Sounds to play on it.
def todo_test_unpause(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Channel.unpause:
# Channel.unpause(): return None
# resume pause playback of a channel
# Resume the playback on a paused channel.
############################### SOUND CLASS TESTS ##############################
class SoundTypeTest(unittest.TestCase):
def todo_test_fadeout(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Sound.fadeout:
# Sound.fadeout(time): return None
# stop sound playback after fading out
# This will stop playback of the sound after fading it out over the
# time argument in milliseconds. The Sound will fade and stop on all
# actively playing channels.
def todo_test_get_length(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Sound.get_length:
# Sound.get_length(): return seconds
# get the length of the Sound
# Return the length of this Sound in seconds.
def todo_test_get_num_channels(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Sound.get_num_channels:
# Sound.get_num_channels(): return count
# count how many times this Sound is playing
# Return the number of active channels this sound is playing on.
def todo_test_get_volume(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Sound.get_volume:
# Sound.get_volume(): return value
# get the playback volume
# Return a value from 0.0 to 1.0 representing the volume for this Sound.
def todo_test_play(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Sound.play:
# Sound.play(loops=0, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0): return Channel
# begin sound playback
# Begin playback of the Sound (i.e., on the computer's speakers) on an
# available Channel. This will forcibly select a Channel, so playback
# may cut off a currently playing sound if necessary.
# The loops argument controls how many times the sample will be
# repeated after being played the first time. A value of 5 means that
# the sound will be played once, then repeated five times, and so is
# played a total of six times. The default value (zero) means the
# Sound is not repeated, and so is only played once. If loops is set
# to -1 the Sound will loop indefinitely (though you can still call
# stop() to stop it).
# The maxtime argument can be used to stop playback after a given
# number of milliseconds.
# The fade_ms argument will make the sound start playing at 0 volume
# and fade up to full volume over the time given. The sample may end
# before the fade-in is complete.
# This returns the Channel object for the channel that was selected.
def todo_test_set_volume(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Sound.set_volume:
# Sound.set_volume(value): return None
# set the playback volume for this Sound
# This will set the playback volume (loudness) for this Sound. This
# will immediately affect the Sound if it is playing. It will also
# affect any future playback of this Sound. The argument is a value
# from 0.0 to 1.0.
def todo_test_stop(self):
# __doc__ (as of 2008-08-02) for pygame.mixer.Sound.stop:
# Sound.stop(): return None
# stop sound playback
# This will stop the playback of this Sound on any active Channels.
##################################### MAIN #####################################
if __name__ == '__main__':