#!/usr/bin/env python """A pgyame.mask collition detection example exports main() This module can also be run as a stand-alone program, excepting one or more image file names as command line arguments. """ import sys, random import pygame, pygame.image, pygame.surface, pygame.time, pygame.display def maskFromSurface(surface, threshold = 127): #return pygame.mask.from_surface(surface, threshold) mask = pygame.mask.Mask(surface.get_size()) key = surface.get_colorkey() if key: for y in range(surface.get_height()): for x in range(surface.get_width()): if surface.get_at((x+0.1,y+0.1)) != key: mask.set_at((x,y),1) else: for y in range(surface.get_height()): for x in range (surface.get_width()): if surface.get_at((x,y))[3] > threshold: mask.set_at((x,y),1) return mask def vadd(x,y): return [x[0]+y[0],x[1]+y[1]] def vsub(x,y): return [x[0]-y[0],x[1]-y[1]] def vdot(x,y): return x[0]*y[0]+x[1]*y[1] class Sprite: def __init__(self, surface, mask = None): self.surface = surface if mask: self.mask = mask else: self.mask = maskFromSurface(self.surface) self.setPos([0,0]) self.setVelocity([0,0]) def setPos(self,pos): self.pos = [pos[0],pos[1]] def setVelocity(self,vel): self.vel = [vel[0],vel[1]] def move(self,dr): self.pos = vadd(self.pos,dr) def kick(self,impulse): self.vel[0] += impulse[0] self.vel[1] += impulse[1] def collide(self,s): """Test if the sprites are colliding and resolve the collision in this case.""" offset = [int(x) for x in vsub(s.pos,self.pos)] overlap = self.mask.overlap_area(s.mask,offset) if overlap == 0: return """Calculate collision normal""" nx = (self.mask.overlap_area(s.mask,(offset[0]+1,offset[1])) - self.mask.overlap_area(s.mask,(offset[0]-1,offset[1]))) ny = (self.mask.overlap_area(s.mask,(offset[0],offset[1]+1)) - self.mask.overlap_area(s.mask,(offset[0],offset[1]-1))) if nx == 0 and ny == 0: """One sprite is inside another""" return n = [nx,ny] dv = vsub(s.vel,self.vel) J = vdot(dv,n)/(2*vdot(n,n)) if J > 0: """Can scale up to 2*J here to get bouncy collisions""" J *= 1.9 self.kick([nx*J,ny*J]) s.kick([-J*nx,-J*ny]) return """Separate the sprites""" c1 = -overlap/vdot(n,n) c2 = -c1/2 self.move([c2*nx,c2*ny]) s.move([(c1+c2)*nx,(c1+c2)*ny]) def update(self,dt): self.pos[0] += dt*self.vel[0] self.pos[1] += dt*self.vel[1] def main(*args): """Display multiple images bounce off each other using collition detection Positional arguments: one or more image file names. This pygame.masks demo will display multiple moving sprites bouncing off each other. More than one sprite image can be provided. """ if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError("Require at least one image file name: non given") print ('Press any key to quit') screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,480)) images = [] masks = [] for impath in args: images.append(pygame.image.load(impath).convert_alpha()) masks.append(maskFromSurface(images[-1])) numtimes = 10 import time t1 = time.time() for x in range(numtimes): m = maskFromSurface(images[-1]) t2 = time.time() print ("python maskFromSurface :%s" % (t2-t1)) t1 = time.time() for x in range(numtimes): m = pygame.mask.from_surface(images[-1]) t2 = time.time() print ("C pygame.mask.from_surface :%s" % (t2-t1)) sprites = [] for i in range(20): j = i % len(images) s = Sprite(images[j],masks[j]) s.setPos((random.uniform(0,screen.get_width()), random.uniform(0,screen.get_height()))) s.setVelocity((random.uniform(-5,5),random.uniform(-5,5))) sprites.append(s) pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT,33) while 1: event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return elif event.type == pygame.USEREVENT: """Do both mechanics and screen update""" screen.fill((240,220,100)) for i in range(len(sprites)): for j in range(i+1,len(sprites)): sprites[i].collide(sprites[j]) for s in sprites: s.update(1) if s.pos[0] < -s.surface.get_width()-3: s.pos[0] = screen.get_width() elif s.pos[0] > screen.get_width()+3: s.pos[0] = -s.surface.get_width() if s.pos[1] < -s.surface.get_height()-3: s.pos[1] = screen.get_height() elif s.pos[1] > screen.get_height()+3: s.pos[1] = -s.surface.get_height() screen.blit(s.surface,s.pos) pygame.display.update() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: return if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print ('Usage: mask.py [ ...]') print ('Let many copies of IMAGE(s) bounce against each other') print ('Press any key to quit') else: main(*sys.argv[1:])