import asyncio from multiprocessing import Queue import pygame import time from pygame.math import Vector2 class Waiter(object): def __init__(self, game, x, y): = game self.grid = game.grid game.idItem += 1 self.size= self.x = x self.y = y self.positionX = int(x / 50) self.positionY = int(y / 50) self.image = pygame.image.load("./Images/waiter.png").convert() self.image.set_colorkey((255, 255, 255)) self.type = "waiter" self.lastStep = [] self.whatKeep = 0 self.dfsStack = [] self.dfsPaths = [] self.bfsQueue = [] self.bfsPaths = [] # NIEUZYWANA FUNKCJA ZNAJDOWANIA KELNERA NA PLANSZY; ZWRACA POZYCJĘ KELNERA def findWaiter(self, grid): for y in range(10): for x in range(10): if grid[y][x].type =="waiter": #print(x,y) return [x, y] def moveLeft(self): if self.positionX != 0: collisionObject =[self.positionY][self.positionX - 1] if collisionObject.type == "gridElement":[self.positionY][self.positionX - 1].x += 50[self.positionY][self.positionX].x -= 50[self.positionY][self.positionX - 1], \[self.positionY][self.positionX] = \[self.positionY][self.positionX], \[self.positionY][self.positionX - 1] self.positionX -= 1 #print(self.positionX) self.lastStep.append("Left") else: def moveRight(self): if self.positionX != collisionObject =[self.positionY][self.positionX + 1] if collisionObject.type == "gridElement":[self.positionY][self.positionX + 1].x -= 50[self.positionY][self.positionX].x += 50[self.positionY][self.positionX + 1], \[self.positionY][self.positionX] = \[self.positionY][self.positionX], \[self.positionY][self.positionX + 1] self.positionX += 1 #print(self.positionX) self.lastStep.append("Right") else: def moveUp(self): if self.positionY != 0: collisionObject =[self.positionY - 1][self.positionX] if collisionObject.type == "gridElement":[self.positionY - 1][self.positionX].y += 50[self.positionY][self.positionX].y -= 50[self.positionY - 1][self.positionX], \[self.positionY][self.positionX] = \[self.positionY][self.positionX], \[self.positionY - 1][self.positionX] self.positionY -= 1 self.lastStep.append("Up") else: def moveDown(self): if self.positionY != collisionObject =[self.positionY + 1][self.positionX] if collisionObject.type == "gridElement":[self.positionY + 1][self.positionX].y -= 50[self.positionY][self.positionX].y += 50[self.positionY + 1][self.positionX], \[self.positionY][self.positionX] = \[self.positionY][self.positionX], \[self.positionY + 1][self.positionX] self.positionY += 1 self.lastStep.append("Down") else: # SPRAWDZA NACIŚNIĘTE KLAWISZE def move(self, game): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.moveLeft() if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.moveRight() if keys[pygame.K_UP]: self.moveUp() if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: self.moveDown() if keys[pygame.K_s]: game.showGrid(game.grid) def draw(self): self.rect1 = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y, 50, 50) pygame.draw.rect(, (0, 150, 255), self.rect1) if self.whatKeep == 0:, (self.x, self.y)) elif self.whatKeep == 1:"./Images/waiterJedzenie.png"), (self.x, self.y)) elif self.whatKeep == 2:"./Images/waiterBrudneTalerze.png"), (self.x, self.y)) # SPRAWDZA CZY ELELEMNT, KTORY POBIERAMY NIE JEST SPOZA PLANSZY def isMoveInRange(self, move, position): positionX = position[0] positionY = position[1] if move == "Left": if positionX == 0: return False if move == "Right": if positionX == 9: return False if move == "Up": if positionY == 0: return False if move == "Down": if positionY == 9: return False return True # SPRAWDZA MOZLIWOSCI RUCHU ZGODNIE Z OSTATNIM RUCHEM def checkPoss(self, position, lastOperation): stackMove = [] positionX = position[0] positionY = position[1] if len(lastOperation) == 0: if self.isMoveInRange("Up", position): collisionObjectUp = self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX] if collisionObjectUp.type == "gridElement" or collisionObjectUp.type == "waiter": stackMove.append("Up") if self.isMoveInRange("Down", position): collisionObjectDown = self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX] if collisionObjectDown.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Down") if self.isMoveInRange("Left", position): collisionObjectLeft = self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1] if collisionObjectLeft.type == "gridElement" or collisionObjectLeft.type == "waiter": stackMove.append("Left") if self.isMoveInRange("Right", position): collisionObjectRight = self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1] if collisionObjectRight.type == "gridElement" or collisionObjectRight.type == "waiter": stackMove.append("Right") return stackMove else: last = lastOperation[-1] if last == "Left": if self.isMoveInRange("Up", position): collisionObjectUp = self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX] if collisionObjectUp.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Up") if self.isMoveInRange("Down", position): collisionObjectDown = self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX] if collisionObjectDown.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Down") if self.isMoveInRange("Left", position): collisionObjectLeft = self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1] if collisionObjectLeft.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Left") return stackMove if last == "Right": if self.isMoveInRange("Up", position): collisionObjectUp = self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX] if collisionObjectUp.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Up") if self.isMoveInRange("Down", position): collisionObjectDown = self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX] if collisionObjectDown.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Down") if self.isMoveInRange("Right", position): collisionObjectRight = self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1] if collisionObjectRight.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Right") return stackMove if last == "Up": if self.isMoveInRange("Up", position): collisionObjectUp = self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX] if collisionObjectUp.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Up") if self.isMoveInRange("Left", position): collisionObjectLeft = self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1] if collisionObjectLeft.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Left") if self.isMoveInRange("Right", position): collisionObjectRight = self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1] if collisionObjectRight.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Right") return stackMove if last == "Down": if self.isMoveInRange("Down", position): collisionObjectDown = self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX] if collisionObjectDown.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Down") if self.isMoveInRange("Left", position): collisionObjectLeft = self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1] if collisionObjectLeft.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Left") if self.isMoveInRange("Right", position): collisionObjectRight = self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1] if collisionObjectRight.type == "gridElement": stackMove.append("Right") return stackMove # DFS def dfsFind(self, position, currentOperation, visited, idTable): #print("Sprawdzam czy stolik") positionX = position[0] positionY = position[1] #print("Pozycja kelnera: ", position) if self.isMoveInRange("Up", position): if self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX].id == idTable: self.dfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 if self.isMoveInRange("Down", position): if self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX].id == idTable: self.dfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 if self.isMoveInRange("Left", position): if self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1].id == idTable: self.dfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 if self.isMoveInRange("Right", position): if self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1].id == idTable: self.dfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 # print("Sprawdzilem nie jest to stolik") steps = [] steps.append(self.checkPoss(position, currentOperation)) allstep = steps[-1] # print("Naszymi mozliwosciami sa ", allstep) if not allstep: return 0 else: for step in allstep: newCurrentOperation = currentOperation[:] newCurrentOperation.append(step) newPosition = position[:] newVisited = visited[:] #print("newVisited", newVisited) if step == "Left": if [newPosition[0] - 1, newPosition[1]] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[0] -= 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) elif step == "Right": if [newPosition[0] + 1, newPosition[1]] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[0] += 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) elif step == "Up": if [newPosition[0], newPosition[1] - 1] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[1] -= 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) else: if [newPosition[0], newPosition[1] + 1] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[1] += 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) self.dfsStack.append([newPosition, newCurrentOperation, newVisited, idTable]) while self.dfsStack: move = self.dfsStack.pop() self.dfsFind(move[0], move[1], move[2], move[3]) # BFS def bfsFind(self, position, currentOperation, visited, idTable): #print("Sprawdzam czy stolik") positionX = position[0] positionY = position[1] # print("Pozycja kelnera: ", position) if self.isMoveInRange("Up", position): if self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY - 1][positionX].id == idTable: currentOperation.append("Up") self.bfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 if self.isMoveInRange("Down", position): if self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY + 1][positionX].id == idTable: currentOperation.append("Down") self.bfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 if self.isMoveInRange("Left", position): if self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY][positionX - 1].id == idTable: currentOperation.append("Left") self.bfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 if self.isMoveInRange("Right", position): if self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1].type == "table": if self.grid[positionY][positionX + 1].id == idTable: currentOperation.append("Right") self.bfsPaths.append(currentOperation) print("Dodalem sciezke: ", currentOperation) return 0 # print("Sprawdzilem nie jest to stolik") steps = [] steps.append(self.checkPoss(position, currentOperation)) allstep = steps[-1] # print("Naszymi mozliwosciami sa ", allstep) if not allstep: return 0 else: for step in allstep: newCurrentOperation = currentOperation[:] newCurrentOperation.append(step) newPosition = position[:] newVisited = visited[:] # print("newVisited", newVisited) if step == "Left": if [newPosition[0] - 1, newPosition[1]] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[0] -= 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) elif step == "Right": if [newPosition[0] + 1, newPosition[1]] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[0] += 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) elif step == "Up": if [newPosition[0], newPosition[1] - 1] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[1] -= 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) else: if [newPosition[0], newPosition[1] + 1] in visited: # print("Tam gdzie chce isc bylem juz: ", step) continue newPosition[1] += 1 if len(self.checkPoss(newPosition, newCurrentOperation)) == 1: newVisited.append(newPosition) self.bfsQueue.append([newPosition, newCurrentOperation, newVisited, idTable]) while not(self.bfsPaths) and self.bfsQueue: move = self.bfsQueue.pop(0) self.bfsFind(move[0], move[1],move[2], move[3]) # PORUSZA KELNERA WEDŁUG LISTY KROKOW def followThePath(self, path): for direction in path: if direction == "Left": self.moveLeft() if direction == "Right": self.moveRight() if direction == "Up": self.moveUp() if direction == "Down": self.moveDown() time.sleep(.50) def takeDish(self, orderTable): orderTable.hasDish = False self.whatKeep = 1 def putDish(self, table): self.whatKeep = 0 table.hasDish = True table.isWaiting = False def takePlate(self, table): table.hasDish = False table.isClean = True self.whatKeep = 2 def putPlate(self): self.whatKeep = 0 def takeOrder(self, table): table.isOrdering = False def work(self, object: object) -> object: if object.type == "wasteTable" and self.whatKeep == 2: self.putPlate() elif object.type == "orderTable" and object.hasDish and self.whatKeep == 0: self.takeDish(object) elif object.type == "table": if not object.isClean and (self.whatKeep == 0 or self.whatKeep == 2): self.takePlate(object) elif object.isOrdering and self.whatKeep == 0: self.takeOrder(object) elif object.isWaiting and self.whatKeep == 1: self.putDish(object)