#!/usr/bin/env python3 import string import sys import os import time import asyncio from Tomato import Tomato from Cucumber import Cucumber from Plant import Plant from Trac import Trac string.ascii_letters = 'oOpPx' string.ascii_numbers = '01' OKGREEN = '\033[92m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKRED = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' def initialize_field(): field = [] for i in range(11): row = [] for j in range(7): if i == 0 or i == 10 or j == 0 \ or j == 3 or j == 6: row.append(None) elif j < 3: row.append(Cucumber()) else: row.append(Tomato()) field.append(row) return field def print_field(field, tractor): if sys.platform == "win32": os.system("cls") else: os.system("clear") print(tractor.get_position()) sys.stdout.write(OKBLUE) sys.stdout.write("$") sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.write("\n") for x, row in enumerate(field): for y, i in enumerate(row): if not i: if tractor.get_position()[0] == x \ and tractor.get_position()[1] == y: sys.stdout.write(OKBLUE) sys.stdout.write(tractor.get_symbol()) sys.stdout.write(" ") else: sys.stdout.write(" ") else: symbol = i.get_symbol() if symbol[1] == "green": sys.stdout.write(OKGREEN) sys.stdout.write(symbol[0]) sys.stdout.write(" ") else: sys.stdout.write(OKRED) sys.stdout.write(symbol[0]) sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.write("\n") def update_state(field): for row in field: for i in row: if i: i.tick(1) def try_move(field, tractor): x = tractor.get_position()[0] y = tractor.get_position()[1] rotation = tractor.get_rotation() if rotation == 'N': x -= 1 elif rotation == 'S': x += 1 elif rotation == 'W': y -= 1 else: y += 1 if x >= 0 and x < len(field) \ and y >= 0 and y < len(field[0]) \ and not field[x][y]: # print(str(x) + " " + str(y)) return True return False def test_cords(cord, len1, len2): if cord[0] > -1 and cord[0] < len1 \ and cord[1] > -1 and cord[1] < len2: return True return False def look_at_plats(field, location): wsp = [ (location[0] + 1, location[1]), (location[0] - 1, location[1]), (location[0], location[1] - 1), (location[0], location[1] + 1) ] len1 = len(field) len2 = len(field[0]) wsp = [l if test_cords(l, len1, len2) else None for l in wsp] plants = [] for i in wsp: if i and field[i[0]][i[1]]: plants.append(i) return plants def send_stats(field, location): x = location[0] y = location[1] stats = field[x][y].get_stats() str_stats = str(stats["ttl"]) + " " + str(stats["is_alive"]) + " " + str(stats["hydration"]) + " " \ + str(stats["soil_level"]) + " " + str(stats["ready"]) + " " + str(stats["name"]) + "\n" return str_stats if __name__ == "__main__": field = initialize_field() tractor = Trac('N', (0,0)) async def handle_echo(reader, writer): data = await reader.readline() message = data.decode().split() if message[0] == "rotate": tractor.set_rotation(message[1]) writer.write("OK\n".encode()) elif message[0] == "try": if try_move(field, tractor): writer.write("OK\n".encode()) else: writer.write("FAIL\n".encode()) elif message[0] == "move": tractor.move() writer.write(("OK\n").encode()) elif message[0] == "look_at_plants": plants = look_at_plats(field, (int(message[1]), int(message[2]))) plants_str = "" for i in plants: plants_str += (" " + str(i[0]) + " " + str(i[1])) writer.write((plants_str + "\n").encode()) elif message[0] == "stats": x = int(message[1]) y = int(message[2]) stats = send_stats(field, (x, y)).encode() writer.write(stats) elif message[0] == "inc_soil": x = int(message[1]) y = int(message[2]) field[x][y].increase_soillevel(field[x][y].max_soil_lvl - field[x][y].soil_level) elif message[0] == "inc_hydration": x = int(message[1]) y = int(message[2]) field[x][y].increase_hydration(field[x][y].max_hydration_lvl - field[x][y].hydration) elif message[0] == "dec_ttl": x = int(message[1]) y = int(message[2]) field[x][y].decrease_ttl(0) print_field(field, tractor) # print(tractor.get_position().get_x()) # print(tractor.get_position().get_y()) # print(tractor.get_rotation()) update_state(field) await writer.drain() writer.close() async def main(): server = await asyncio.start_server( handle_echo, '', 8887) addr = server.sockets[0].getsockname() async with server: await server.serve_forever() asyncio.run(main())