import pygame as pg import numpy as np import random from math import hypot import itertools as it from UI.grid import Grid, Node from Logic.Apath import a_path class Window(): def __init__(self, grid: Grid,start: (int,int),end: (int,int)): self.start = start self.end = end self.grid = grid # assign to variables for brevity cols = self.grid.cols rows = self.grid.rows width = Node.r_width height = Node.r_height margin = Node.r_margin screen_width = cols * (width + margin) + 2 * margin screen_height = rows * (height + margin) + 2 * margin self.screen = pg.display.set_mode([screen_width, screen_height]) self.end = False self.clock = pg.time.Clock() def random_trash(grid: Grid): for x in range(len(grid.table)*2): grid.generate_trash(random.randint(1,len(grid.table)-1),random.randint(1,len(grid.table)-1)) #generate trash random_trash(grid) grid.change_field(start[0], start[1], 1) grid.change_field(end[0], end[1], 2) garbage = grid.garbage_to_collect() #all obstacles, remove from list objects to collect obs = [3,5,6,7,8] for x in garbage: obs.remove(x) #list of garbage to collect to_collect = [] for x in garbage: to_collect.extend(grid.get_trash_possition(x)) print("\n",len(to_collect)," garbage to collect.\n") #sort list of tuples to get minimum distance betwen all of them #fajnie jakby sie udalo to zrobic wydajniej ale narazie niech bedzie tak #change to diagonal distance def dist(x,y): return max(abs(x[0] - y[0]), abs(x[1] - y[1])) to_collect_sorted = [] visited = [] for p in to_collect: path_distances =[] #poprzednik if(len(to_collect_sorted) == 0): s = (0,0) else: s = to_collect_sorted[len(to_collect_sorted)-1] for upoint in to_collect: if upoint in visited: path_distances.append(55555) else: path_distances.append(dist(s,upoint)) min_index = np.argmin(path_distances) visited.append(to_collect[min_index]) print(to_collect,"\n",path_distances,"\n",min_index,"\n",to_collect[min_index]) to_collect_sorted.append(to_collect[min_index]) #window init pg.init() # pylint: disable=no-member # setup window pg.display.set_caption('Inteligentna śmieciarka') #draw starting map self.grid.draw_map(self.screen) #move of the truck def move_truck(path): for index, t in enumerate(path): x,y =t if index != 0: self.grid.change_field(path[index-1][0],path[index-1][1],4) self.grid.change_field(x, y, 1) self.grid.draw_node(self.screen, path[index-1][0],path[index-1][1]) self.grid.draw_node(self.screen, x, y) pg.time.delay(500) if(x != end[0] and y != end[1]): print("collected:",grid.table[x][y].house.trash[2],"on possition: (",x,",",y,") ", grid.table[x][y].house.trash_file) #visit all points from to_collect for ind, x in enumerate(to_collect_sorted): if ind == 0: array = [[self.grid.table[col][row] for row in range(cols)] for col in range(rows)] path = a_path(array,(start[0],start[1]),(x[0],x[1]),obs) #print("Path:",path) else: array = [[self.grid.table[col][row] for row in range(cols)] for col in range(rows)] path = a_path(array,(to_collect_sorted[ind-1][0],to_collect_sorted[ind-1][1]),(x[0],x[1]),obs) #print("Path:",path) #draw movement of garbage truck move_truck(path) #last move array = [[self.grid.table[col][row] for row in range(cols)] for col in range(rows)] path = a_path(array,(to_collect_sorted[len(to_collect)-1][0],to_collect_sorted[len(to_collect)-1][1]),(end[0],end[1]),obs) #print("Path:",path) move_truck(path) pg.quit() # pylint: disable=no-member