import pygame as pg import numpy as np import random as rd from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join from Logic.TrashRecognition.ImageClassification import classify # MODULE LEVEL VARIABLES trash_files = classify() ######################## class Grid: def __init__(self, cols: int, rows: int): self.table = [[Node(row, col) for col in range(cols)] for row in range(rows)] self.cols = cols self.rows = rows def draw_map(self, screen: "PyGame screen"): """Draws whole map""" screen.fill(Node.BLACK) for row in self.table: for node in row: node.draw(screen) def change_field(self, row: int, col: int, f_type: int): self.table[row][col].change_field_type(f_type) def generate_trash(self,row: int, col: int): self.table[row][col].generate_trash() def draw_node(self, screen, row: int, col: int): self.table[row][col].draw(screen) def get_trash_possition(self, trash: int): trash_possition = [] for row in self.table: for node in row: if node.field_type == trash and == False: trash_possition.append((node.row,node.col)) return trash_possition def garbage_to_collect(self): garbage = [] field_types = [] d = rd.randint(1,7) day = self.table[0][0].house.get_day_of_week(d) for index, x in enumerate(day): if index != 0 and index != 1: garbage.append(x) print("\n Today is:", day[1], ", garbage to collect: ",end = '') for x in garbage: print(x[2],", ",end='') field_types.append(x[0]) return field_types class House: # define some basic colors BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) SKYBLUE = (0,191,255) RED = (255, 0, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) ORANGE = (255, 165, 0) PINK = (199,21,133) GREY = (192,192,192) #define trash paper = (5,WHITE,"paper") glass = (6,SKYBLUE,"glass") metal = (7,GREY,"metal") plastic = (8,ORANGE,"plastic") #define days of the week MONDAY = (1, "Monday", paper, metal) TUESDAY = (2, "Tuesday", glass) WEDNESDAY=(3, "Wednesday", plastic, metal) THURSDAY = (4, "Thursday", glass) FRIDAY = (5, "Friday", paper, metal) SATURDAY = (6, "Saturday", plastic) SUNDAY = (7, "Sunday", metal) DAYS = [MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY] def __init__(self): self.empty = True self.trash = None self.trash_file = None def find_trash_file(self, trash): # trash_files_list = [] # file_names = [f for f in listdir("Images\\TestImages") if isfile(join("Images\\TestImages", f))] # #filter names # for f in file_names: # if trash[2] in f: # trash_files_list.append(f) trash_files_list = [] # filter names for f in trash_files: if trash[2] in f[1]: trash_files_list.append(f[0]) f = rd.randint(0,len(trash_files_list)) return trash_files_list[f-1] def generate_trash(self): self.empty = False num = rd.randint(1, 4) if num == 1: self.trash = self.paper self.trash_file = self.find_trash_file(self.trash) elif num == 2: self.trash = self.trash_file = self.find_trash_file(self.trash) elif num == 3: self.trash = self.metal self.trash_file = self.find_trash_file(self.trash) elif num == 4: self.trash = self.plastic self.trash_file = self.find_trash_file(self.trash) def get_day_of_week(self, d: int): for day in self.DAYS: if day[0] == d: return day class Node: # define rectangles dimensions r_width = 20 r_height = 20 r_margin = 5 # define some basic colors # TODO: change to Enum BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) SKYBLUE = (0,191,255) RED = (255, 0, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) ORANGE = (255, 165, 0) PINK = (199,21,133) GREY = (192,192,192) def __init__(self, row: int, col: int, field_type: int = 0): self.row = row self.col = col self.field_type = field_type = House() def draw(self, screen): color = self.get_field_color() col = self.col row = self.row width = self.r_width height = self.r_height margin = self.r_margin # rect -> (left, top, width, height) # draw.rect(surface, color, rect, margin) pg.draw.rect(screen, color, ((col * (width + margin)) + margin, (row * (height + margin)) + margin, width, height)) pg.display.flip() # refresh screen def generate_trash(self): self.field_type =[0] def change_field_type(self, field_type: int): self.field_type = field_type def get_field_color(self) -> tuple: """Gets the color tuple of field""" #base color if self.field_type == 0: return self.GREEN #truck color elif self.field_type == 1: return self.RED #end point elif self.field_type == 2: return self.BLUE #obstacles color elif self.field_type == 3: return self.ORANGE #path color elif self.field_type == 4: return self.PINK #paper elif self.field_type == 5: return self.WHITE #glass elif self.field_type == 6: return self.SKYBLUE #metal elif self.field_type == 7: return self.GREY #plastic elif self.field_type == 8: return self.ORANGE