
140 lines
5.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"core-index": {
"version": "Version",
"new-version": "New version!",
"download": "Download",
"now": "now",
"change-value": "Change value of preference key",
"delete-key": "Delete preference key",
"preferences": "Preferences",
"key": "Key",
"value": "Value",
"add-pref": "Add Preference",
"pref-key": "Preference key value:",
"edit": "Edit",
"delete": "Delete",
"new-proj-name": "New project name:",
"error-rename": "Failed to rename project:"
"core-index-create": {
"create-proj": "Create Project",
"starting": "Starting",
"done": "Done.",
"min-remaining": "minutes remaining",
"sec-remaining": "seconds remaining",
"almost-done": "almost done ...",
"memory-usage": "Memory usage:",
"no-details": "No technical details.",
"question": "Create a project by importing data. What kinds of data files can I import?",
"formats": "TSV, CSV, *SV, Excel (.xls and .xlsx), JSON, XML, RDF as XML, and Google Data documents are all supported. Support for other formats can be added with OpenRefine extensions.",
"from": "Get data from"
"core-index-import": {
"import-proj": "Import Project",
"locate": "Locate an existing Refine project file (.tar or .tar.gz):",
"file": "Project file:",
"rename": "Re-name project (optional):",
"inspecting": "Inspecting selected files ...",
"warning-name": "Please name the project.",
"errors": "Errors:",
"creating-proj": "Creating project ...",
"import": "Import?",
"name": "Name",
"mime-type": "Mime-type",
"format": "Format",
"size": "Size",
"warning-select": "Please select at least one file.",
"inspecting-files": "Inspecting<br/>selected files ...",
"unknown-err": "Unknown error",
"error": "Error:",
"select-file": "Select Files to Import",
"several-file": "There are several files available. Please select the ones to import.",
"sel-by-extension": "Select by Extension",
"sel-by-regex": "Select by Regex on File Names",
"parsing-options": "Configure Parsing Options",
"project-name": "Project&nbsp;name",
"updating-preview": "Updating preview ...",
"parse-as": "Parse data as",
"this-computer": "This Computer",
"warning-data-file": "You must specify a data file to import.",
"uploading-data": "Uploading data ...",
"web-address": "Web Addresses (URLs)",
"warning-web-address": "You must specify a web address (URL) to import.",
"downloading-data": "Downloading data ...",
"clipboard": "Clipboard",
"warning-clipboard": "You must paste some data to import.",
"uploading-pasted-data": "Uploading pasted data ...",
"locate-files": "Locate one or more files on your computer to upload:",
"enter-url": "Enter one or more web addresses (URLs) pointing to data to download:",
"clipboard-label": "Paste data from clipboard here:",
"import-worksheet": "Worksheets to Import",
"column-widths": "Column widths:",
"column-names": "Column names:",
"comma-separated": "comma separated numbers",
"optional-separated": "optional, comma separated",
"warning-record-path": "Please specify a record path first.",
"pick-nodes": "Pick Record Nodes",
"char-encoding": "Character&nbsp;encoding"
"core-index-open": {
"open-proj" : "Open Project",
"name": "Name",
"last-mod": "Last&nbsp;modified",
"del-title": "Delete this project",
"del-body": "Are you sure you want to delete project \"",
"new-title": "New project name:",
"warning-rename": "Failed to rename project:",
"warning-proj-name": "You must specify a project name.",
"warning-data-file": "You must specify a data file to upload or a URL to retrieve.",
"browse": "Browse workspace directory"
"ignore-first": "Ignore first",
"lines-beg": "line(s) at beginning of file",
"parse-next": "Parse next",
"lines-header": "line(s) as column headers",
"discard-initial": "Discard initial",
"rows-data": "row(s) of data",
"load-at-most": "Load at most",
"parse-cell": "Parse cell text into<br/>numbers, dates, ...",
"store-blank": "Store blank rows",
"store-nulls": "Store blank cells as nulls",
"store-source": "Store file source <br/>(file names, URLs)<br/>in each row",
"preserve-empty": "Preserve empty strings",
"trim": "Trim leading &amp; trailing whitespace from strings",
"json-parser": "Click on the first JSON { } node corresponding to the first record to load.",
"parse-every": "Parse every",
"lines-into-row": "lines into one row",
"col-separated-by": "Columns are separated by",
"commas": "commas (CSV)",
"tabs": "tabs (TSV)",
"custom": "custom",
"escape": "Escape special characters with \\",
"quotation-mark": "Quotation marks are used<br/>to enclose cells containing<br/>column separators",
"click-xml": "Click on the first XML element corresponding to the first record to load."
"core-util-enc": {
"select-enc": "Select Encoding",
"common": "Common Encodings",
"all": "All Encodings",
"encoding": "Encoding",
"aliases": "Aliases"
"core-buttons": {
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "OK",
"import-proj": "Import Project",
"select-all": "Select All",
"unselect-all": "Unselect All",
"select": "Select",
"unselect": "Unselect",
"startover": "&laquo; Start Over",
"conf-pars-opt": "Configure Parsing Options &raquo;",
"reselect-files": "&laquo; Re-select Files",
"create-project": "Create Project &raquo;",
"next": "Next &raquo;",
"add-url": "Add Another URL",
"update-preview": "Update&nbsp;Preview",
"pick-record": "Pick Record Elements"