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Extend Wikidata extension to support arbitrary Wikibase instances (#2810) Closes #1640. All Wikibase-dependent parameters, which were previously hard-coded for Wikidata, are now described in a JSON manifest. The manifest is currently constructed by hand, but, in the future, will hopefully be published by each Wikibase instance at a standard location. * setup the manifest framework * add dependency mechanism to scrutinizers & update tests * add json creators to constraint entities * adapt the backend (units tests are to be updated) * remove the call to prepareDependencies() in the constructor * update code according to review feedback * update scrutinizers tests * fix typo & update ConstraintsV1 * log if a scrutinizer is skipped * update versioning handling in the backend * correct the order of "actual" and "expected" for assertEquals method * use regex to check manifest versions * 1. add wikibase-manager.js, wikibase-dialog.js, etc. 2. move dialog/schema-alignment-dialog.js -> schema-alignment.js 3. remove unused schema-alignment-dialog.html 4. change most mentions of "Wikidata" to "Wikibase" * support saving cookies for different Wikibases & fix LoginCommandTest * fix schema related tests * removed unused WikibaseCredentials * include MediaWiki API endpoint in the schema * fetch language codes for different Wikibases * fix lgtm-bot alerts * keep a connection map (MediaWiki API endpoint => Connection) in ConnectionManager * simplify the constraint configurations of the manifest and remove lots of unnecessary code. * add slash to the end of mediawiki.root * add manifest schema and use ajv to validate the manifest * remove JSONP support (Wikibase manifest host should support CORS) * save manifests on manifest update * add unit tests for Manifest * include the exception in logger.error() method to make it easier to debug * include the message of ManifestException when calling respondError * test multiple connections * test no manifest & test invalid manifest * adapt manage-account-dialog.js to support multiple Wikibase connections * update instance/subclass of related translations * beautify import-schema-dialog.html * use "${lang}" variable in the reconciliation service endpoint of the manifest * adapt schema-alignment.js after introducing "${lang}" variable in the reconciliation service endpoint * use WikibaseManager.getSelectedWikibaseApi() in SchemaAlignment._getPropertyType * replace more mentions of "Wikidata" to "Wikibase" * use WikibaseManager.getSelectedWikibaseApi() in previewrenderer.js * support fetching language codes of different Wikibases in the frontend * skip EditInspector if missing 'property_constraint_pid' in the manifest * improve unit tests for fetching lang codes * skip scrutinizers depending on fetcher if 'property_constraint_pid' is missing in the manifest * make sure the schema alignment panel is set up before rendering * fix preview bug * add getters of "instance of" and "subclass of" to the Manifest interface and use them in NewItemScrutinizer * fix hardcode for Wikidata in WbItemVariable * rename 'entity_prefix' to 'site_iri' and move it from 'manifest.wikibase.properties' to 'manifest.wikibase' * include oauth configurations in the manifest & support logging in with owner-only consumer for Wikibases with the OAuth extension * correct schema fallback logic * select default wikibase according to the saved schema * include maxlag in the manifest * [backend] move maxlag setting from preferences to request parameter * support setting maxlag when uploading edits * rename "Manage Wikibase" to "Select Wikibase instance" and localize it * fix manifest updating bug * include EditGroups in the manifest * add the reconciliation service from the manifest to standard services if it's not present yet when adding a new manifest * update according to review feedback 1. use inherited color variable 2. rename 'gridwroks' to 'openrefine' 3. remove unnecessary 'async: true' 4. add 'format: url' validation to urls to the schema * rename 'wikibasePrefix' to 'siteIri'
2020-08-22 17:58:56 +02:00
"wikibase-extension/menu-label": "Wikidata",
"wikibase-extension/edit-wikibase-schema": "Redigera Wikidata-schema",
"wikibase-extension/import-wikibase-schema": "Importera schema",
"wikibase-extension/perform-edits-on-wikibase": "Ladda upp redigeringar till Wikidata",
"wikibase-extension/export-to-qs": "Exportera till QuickStatements",
"wikibase-extension/export-schema": "Exportera schema",
"wikibase-extension/quickstatements-export-name": "QuickStatements",
"wikibase-schema/dialog-explanation": "Wikidata-schemat nedan specificerar hur dina tabulerade data transformeras till Wikidata-redigeringar. Du kan dra och släppa kolumnnamnen nedan till de flesta indataboxarna: för varje rad genereras redigeringar med värdena i dessa kolumner.",
"wikibase-schema/schema-tab-header": "Schema",
"wikibase-schema/edits-preview-tab-header": "Förhandsvisning",
"wikibase-schema/statements-header": "Uttalanden",
"wikibase-schema/empty-statements": "Inga uttalanden tillagda",
"wikibase-schema/empty-terms": "inga etiketter, beskrivningar eller alias tillagda",
"wikibase-schema/remove": "ta bort",
"wikibase-schema/add-statement": "lägg till uttalande",
"wikibase-schema/add-value": "lägg till värde",
"wikibase-schema/add-reference": "lägg till referens",
"wikibase-schema/add-reference-snak": "lägg till",
"wikibase-schema/property-placeholder": "egenskap",
"wikibase-schema/nb-references": " referenser",
"wikibase-schema/remove-column": "ta bort kolumn",
"wikibase-schema/label": "Etikett",
"wikibase-schema/description": "Beskrivning",
"wikibase-schema/alias": "Alias",
"wikibase-schema/amount": "antal",
"wikibase-schema/unit": "enhet",
"wikibase-schema/tabular-data-with-prefix": "filnamn som börjar med «Data:»",
"wikibase-schema/commons-media": "filnamn",
"wikibase-schema/math-expression": "matematiskt uttryck",
"wikibase-schema/geoshape-with-prefix": "filnamn som börjar med «Data:»",
"wikibase-schema/invalid-schema-warning-issues": "Schemat är ofullständigt, fixa detta för att se problemen.",
"wikibase-schema/invalid-schema-warning-preview": "Schemat är ofullständigt, fixa detta för att se förhandsvisningen.",
"wikibase-schema/save-button": "Spara schema",
"wikibase-schema/close-button": "Stäng",
"wikibase-schema/save-schema-alt": "Spara schemat i OpenRefine. Ändringarna kommer inte laddas upp till Wikidata ännu.",
"wikibase-schema/incomplete-schema-could-not-be-saved": "Schemat är ofullständigt, så kan inte sparas ännu.",
"wikibase-schema/unsaved-warning": "Ditt schema har ändringar som ej sparats. Stäng ändå?",
"wikibase-account/dialog-header": "Wikidata-konto",
"wikibase-account/close": "Stäng",
"wikibase-account/log-in": "Logga in",
"wikibase-account/logged-in-as": "Du är inloggad som:",
"wikibase-account/log-out": "Logga ut",
"perform-wikibase-edits/logged-in-as": "Du är inloggad som",
"wikibase-extension/manage-wikibase-account": "hantera Wikidata-konto",
"wikibase-schema/dialog-header": "Anpassa till Wikidata",
"wikibase-schema/preview-explanation": "Den här fliken visar de första ändringarna (av {nb_edits}) som kommer att göras när du laddar upp ändringarna till Wikidata. Du kan använda fasetter för att inspektera ändringarna på specifika objekt.",
"wikibase-schema/warnings-tab-header": "Problem",
"wikibase-schema/terms-header": "Termer",
"wikibase-schema/add-item-button": "lägg till objekt",
"wikibase-schema/add-term": "lägg till term",
"wikibase-schema/add-qualifier": "lägg till kvalifikator",
"wikibase-schema/item-or-reconciled-column": "skriv in objekt eller dra avstämd kolumn hit",
"wikibase-schema/full-url": "full URL inklusive protokoll",
"wikibase-schema/datatype-not-supported-yet": "Denna datatyp stöds tyvärr inte ännu.",
"wikibase-schema/discard-button": "Ignorera ändringar",
"wikibase-schema/unsaved-changes-alt": "Du har olagrade ändringar i ditt Wikidata-schema.",
"wikibase-schema/discard-schema-changes-alt": "Ignorera ändringarna i schemat.",
"wikibase-preview/new-id": "nytt objekt",
"wikibase-account/explain-log-in": "Logga in på <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/\" target=\"_blank\">Wikidata</a> så att du kan ladda upp redigeringar direkt från OpenRefine.",
"wikibase-account/username-label": "Användarnamn:",
"wikibase-account/password-label": "Lösenord:",
"wikibase-account/connecting-to-wikibase": "Anslut till Wikidata…",
"perform-wikibase-edits/dialog-header": "Överför redigeringar till Wikidata",
"perform-wikibase-edits/review-your-edits": "Du håller på att ladda upp {nb_edits} redigeringar till Wikidata. Kontrollera dem noggrant. Stora antal av ändringar bör skickas till <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot\" target=\"_blank\">botgranskning</a> först.",
"perform-wikibase-edits/edit-summary-label": "Redigeringssammanfattning:",
"perform-wikibase-edits/edit-summary-placeholder": "några ord som beskriver dina ändringar",
"perform-wikibase-edits/perform-edits": "Överför redigeringar",
"perform-wikibase-edits/cancel": "Avbryt",
"perform-wikibase-edits/analyzing-edits": "Analyserar dina ändringar…",
"import-wikibase-schema/dialog-header": "Importera Wikidata-schema",
"import-wikibase-schema/file-label": "Från JSON-fil: ",
"import-wikibase-schema/schema-label": "Eller från JSON-text:",
"import-wikibase-schema/invalid-schema": "Ogiltigt Wikidata-schema.",
"import-wikibase-schema/import": "Importera",
"warnings-messages/new-item-created/title": "Dessa ändringar kommer att skapa nya Wikidata-objekt.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-created/body": "Se till att dessa objekt inte redan existerar och de är <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Notability\" target=\"_blank\">lämpliga för inkludering i Wikidata</a>.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-without-labels-or-aliases/title": "Nya objekt skapade utan etikett eller alias.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-without-labels-or-aliases/body": "Du bör ge minst en etikett för nya objekt som {example_entity}, så att andra kan förstå vad objektet handlar om.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-without-descriptions/title": "Nya objekt skapade utan beskrivning.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-without-descriptions/body": "Lägga till beskrivningar för nya objekt som {example_entity} gör det enklare att skilja objekten från andra som har samma etikett.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-with-deleted-statements/title": "Radera påståenden om nya objekt.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-with-deleted-statements/body": "Det finns förmodligen något fel i ditt schema eller projekt.",
Extend Wikidata extension to support arbitrary Wikibase instances (#2810) Closes #1640. All Wikibase-dependent parameters, which were previously hard-coded for Wikidata, are now described in a JSON manifest. The manifest is currently constructed by hand, but, in the future, will hopefully be published by each Wikibase instance at a standard location. * setup the manifest framework * add dependency mechanism to scrutinizers & update tests * add json creators to constraint entities * adapt the backend (units tests are to be updated) * remove the call to prepareDependencies() in the constructor * update code according to review feedback * update scrutinizers tests * fix typo & update ConstraintsV1 * log if a scrutinizer is skipped * update versioning handling in the backend * correct the order of "actual" and "expected" for assertEquals method * use regex to check manifest versions * 1. add wikibase-manager.js, wikibase-dialog.js, etc. 2. move dialog/schema-alignment-dialog.js -> schema-alignment.js 3. remove unused schema-alignment-dialog.html 4. change most mentions of "Wikidata" to "Wikibase" * support saving cookies for different Wikibases & fix LoginCommandTest * fix schema related tests * removed unused WikibaseCredentials * include MediaWiki API endpoint in the schema * fetch language codes for different Wikibases * fix lgtm-bot alerts * keep a connection map (MediaWiki API endpoint => Connection) in ConnectionManager * simplify the constraint configurations of the manifest and remove lots of unnecessary code. * add slash to the end of mediawiki.root * add manifest schema and use ajv to validate the manifest * remove JSONP support (Wikibase manifest host should support CORS) * save manifests on manifest update * add unit tests for Manifest * include the exception in logger.error() method to make it easier to debug * include the message of ManifestException when calling respondError * test multiple connections * test no manifest & test invalid manifest * adapt manage-account-dialog.js to support multiple Wikibase connections * update instance/subclass of related translations * beautify import-schema-dialog.html * use "${lang}" variable in the reconciliation service endpoint of the manifest * adapt schema-alignment.js after introducing "${lang}" variable in the reconciliation service endpoint * use WikibaseManager.getSelectedWikibaseApi() in SchemaAlignment._getPropertyType * replace more mentions of "Wikidata" to "Wikibase" * use WikibaseManager.getSelectedWikibaseApi() in previewrenderer.js * support fetching language codes of different Wikibases in the frontend * skip EditInspector if missing 'property_constraint_pid' in the manifest * improve unit tests for fetching lang codes * skip scrutinizers depending on fetcher if 'property_constraint_pid' is missing in the manifest * make sure the schema alignment panel is set up before rendering * fix preview bug * add getters of "instance of" and "subclass of" to the Manifest interface and use them in NewItemScrutinizer * fix hardcode for Wikidata in WbItemVariable * rename 'entity_prefix' to 'site_iri' and move it from 'manifest.wikibase.properties' to 'manifest.wikibase' * include oauth configurations in the manifest & support logging in with owner-only consumer for Wikibases with the OAuth extension * correct schema fallback logic * select default wikibase according to the saved schema * include maxlag in the manifest * [backend] move maxlag setting from preferences to request parameter * support setting maxlag when uploading edits * rename "Manage Wikibase" to "Select Wikibase instance" and localize it * fix manifest updating bug * include EditGroups in the manifest * add the reconciliation service from the manifest to standard services if it's not present yet when adding a new manifest * update according to review feedback 1. use inherited color variable 2. rename 'gridwroks' to 'openrefine' 3. remove unnecessary 'async: true' 4. add 'format: url' validation to urls to the schema * rename 'wikibasePrefix' to 'siteIri'
2020-08-22 17:58:56 +02:00
"warnings-messages/new-item-without-instance-of-or-subclass-of/title": "Nya objekt skapade utan typ.",
"warnings-messages/new-item-without-instance-of-or-subclass-of/body": "Du bör ange \"instans av\" (P31) eller \"underklass till\" (P279) för varje objekt som du skapar, till exempel {example_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/add-statements-with-invalid-format/title": "{property_entity} påstående med ogiltigt format.",
"warnings-messages/add-statements-with-invalid-format/body": "Värden för den här egenskapen förväntas matcha det reguljära uttrycket <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{regex}</span>, vilket inte är fallet för <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{ example_value}</span> tillagt på {example_item_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/remove-statements-with-invalid-format/title": "Tog bort påståenden med ogiltigt format.",
"warnings-messages/remove-statements-with-invalid-format/body": "Om dessa uttalanden existerar på Wikidata, kommer detta att lösa begränsningsbrott.",
"warnings-messages/missing-inverse-statements/title": "Omvända påståenden saknas för {added_property_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/missing-inverse-statements/body": "Varje {added_property_entity}-påstående som den från {source_entity} till {target_entity} ska också läggas till motsatta objektet {inverse_property_entity}: i detta fall {target_entity} {inverse_property_entity} {source_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/self-referential-statements/title": "Självreferenser.",
"warnings-messages/self-referential-statements/body": "Självrefererande uttalanden är inte förbjudna men generellt sett suspekta. Du har några på {example_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/unsourced-statements/title": "Påståenden utan referenser.",
"warnings-messages/unsourced-statements/body": "De flesta uttalandena bör ha referenser. Dessa kan enkelt läggas till i schemat.",
"warnings-messages/property-found-in-mainsnak/title": "{property_entity} använd som uttalande.",
"warnings-messages/property-found-in-mainsnak/body": "Du använder {property_entity} som ett huvudpåstående men det är inte utformat för det.",
"warnings-messages/property-found-in-qualifier/title": "{property_entity} används som kvalifikator.",
"warnings-messages/property-found-in-qualifier/body": "Du använder {property_entity} som kvalifikator men den är inte utformat för det.",
"warnings-messages/property-found-in-reference/title": "{property_entity} används som referens.",
"warnings-messages/property-found-in-reference/body": "Du använder {property_entity} i en referens men den är inte avsedd för det.",
"warnings-messages/missing-mandatory-qualifiers/title": "{statement_property_entity} saknar en {missing_property_entity}-kvalifikator.",
"warnings-messages/missing-mandatory-qualifiers/body": "Uttalanden som använder {statement_property_entity}, som den på {example_item_entity}, saknar en obligatorisk {missing_property_entity}-kvalifikator.",
"warnings-messages/disallowed-qualifiers/title": "Kvalifikatorn {disallowed_property_entity} är inkompatibel med {statement_property_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/disallowed-qualifiers/body": "Uttalanden som använder {statement_property_entity} som den på {example_item_entity} bör ej ha kvalifikatorn {disallowed_property_entity} eftersom de är inkompatibla.",
"warnings-messages/single-valued-property-added-more-than-once/title": "{property_entity} tillagt mer än en gång på samma objekt.",
"warnings-messages/single-valued-property-added-more-than-once/body": "Den här egenskapen förväntas användas högst en gång per objekt, men har lagts till flera gånger på samma objekt, till exempel på {example_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/identical-values-for-distinct-valued-property/title": "Identiska värden för {property_entity}",
"warnings-messages/identical-values-for-distinct-valued-property/body": "Den här egenskapen bör ha distinkta värden, men samma värde hittades exempelvis på {item1_entity} och {item2_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/no-edit-generated/title": "Ingen redigering genererades.",
"warnings-messages/no-edit-generated/body": "Det kan vara något fel med ditt schema.",
"warnings-messages/no-issue-detected/title": "Inga problem upptäcktes i dina ändringar.",
"warnings-messages/no-issue-detected/body": "Observera att OpenRefine inte kan upptäcka alla typer av problem Wikidata-redigeringar kan ha.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-qualifiers/title": "Vissa kvalifikatorer ignorerades.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-qualifiers/body": "Kvalifikatorvärden kunde inte analyseras, så de kommer inte att läggas till i motsvarande uttalanden.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-references/title": "Några referenser ignorerades.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-references/body": "Inget av uttalanden kunde tolkas, så inga referenser lades till.",
"warnings-messages/monolingual-text-without-language/title": "Inget språk angett för enspråkig text.",
"warnings-messages/monolingual-text-without-language/body": "Vissa etiketter, beskrivningar, alias eller enspråkiga textvärden har hoppats över, eftersom inget språk angetts. Exempelvärde: <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_text}</span>.",
"warnings-messages/duplicate-whitespace/title": "Dubbelt mellanrum i strängar.",
"warnings-messages/duplicate-whitespace/body": "Strängar som <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_string}</span> innehåller dubbelt blankutrymme.",
"warnings-messages/non-printable-characters/title": "Icke-skrivbara tecken i strängar.",
"warnings-messages/non-printable-characters/body": "Strängar som <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_string}</span> innehåller icke-skrivbara tecken.",
"warnings-messages/invalid-identifier-space/title": "Ogiltigt identifieringsutrymme för avstämda celler.",
"warnings-messages/invalid-identifier-space/body": "Vissa avstämda celler som <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_cell}</span> ignorerades eftersom de inte stämde av med Wikidata.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-language/title": "Ogiltiga språkidentifierare.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-language/body": "Vissa språkidentifierare är ogiltiga, exempelvis <span class=\"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span>. Se <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Schema_alignment#Languages\" target=\"_blank\">tillåtna värden</a>.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-date/title": "Ogiltiga datumformat.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-date/body": "Vissa datum är felaktigt formaterade, till exempel <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span>. Se <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Schema_alignment#Dates\" target=\"_blank\">tillåtna format</a>.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-amount/title": "Ogiltiga beloppformat.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-amount/body": "Vissa belopp är felaktigt formaterade, till exempel <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span>. Se <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Schema_alignment#Quantities\" target=\"_blank\">tillåtna format</a>.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-coordinates/title": "Ogiltiga geografiska koordinater.",
"warnings-messages/ignored-coordinates/body": "Vissa koordinater är felaktigt formaterade, till exempel <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span>. Se <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Schema_alignment#Globe_coordinates\" target=\"_blank\">tillåtna format</a>.",
"warnings-messages/forbidden-value/title": "Ogiltiga värden för {property_entity}",
"warnings-messages/forbidden-value/body": "Objekt som {example_value_entity} tillagda i {example_subject_entity} är inte tillåtna som värden för {property_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/bounds-disallowed/title": "Kvantitetsgränser angivna för {property_entity}",
"warnings-messages/bounds-disallowed/body": "Värden förväntas inte ha osäkerhetsgränser, men <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span> tillagt {example_item_entity} har några. Se <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Schema_alignment#Quantities\" target=\"_blank\">manualen</a> för att lära dig hur du åtgärdar formatet.",
"warnings-messages/values-should-be-integers/title": "Värden som inte är heltal för {property_entity}",
"warnings-messages/values-should-be-integers/body": "Värdena förväntas vara heltal, men <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span> som lagts till i {example_item_entity} har decimaler. Se <a href=\"https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/Schema_alignment#Quantities\" target=\"_blank\">manualen</a> om du vill lära dig hur du åtgärdar formatet.",
"warnings-messages/invalid-unit/title": "{property_entity} med ogiltiga enheter",
"warnings-messages/invalid-unit/body": "Enheter som {unit_entity} på {example_item_entity} är ogiltiga för {property_entity}.",
"warnings-messages/no-unit-provided/title": "Enhet saknas för {property_entity}",
"warnings-messages/no-unit-provided/body": "Värden som <span class = \"wb-issue-preformat\">{example_value}</span> på {example_item_entity} förväntas ha enhet.",
"warnings-messages/invalid-entity-type/title": "{property_entity} används i objekt",
"warnings-messages/invalid-entity-type/body": "Användning av {property_entity} i objekt som {example_entity} är icke giltigt.",
Extend Wikidata extension to support arbitrary Wikibase instances (#2810) Closes #1640. All Wikibase-dependent parameters, which were previously hard-coded for Wikidata, are now described in a JSON manifest. The manifest is currently constructed by hand, but, in the future, will hopefully be published by each Wikibase instance at a standard location. * setup the manifest framework * add dependency mechanism to scrutinizers & update tests * add json creators to constraint entities * adapt the backend (units tests are to be updated) * remove the call to prepareDependencies() in the constructor * update code according to review feedback * update scrutinizers tests * fix typo & update ConstraintsV1 * log if a scrutinizer is skipped * update versioning handling in the backend * correct the order of "actual" and "expected" for assertEquals method * use regex to check manifest versions * 1. add wikibase-manager.js, wikibase-dialog.js, etc. 2. move dialog/schema-alignment-dialog.js -> schema-alignment.js 3. remove unused schema-alignment-dialog.html 4. change most mentions of "Wikidata" to "Wikibase" * support saving cookies for different Wikibases & fix LoginCommandTest * fix schema related tests * removed unused WikibaseCredentials * include MediaWiki API endpoint in the schema * fetch language codes for different Wikibases * fix lgtm-bot alerts * keep a connection map (MediaWiki API endpoint => Connection) in ConnectionManager * simplify the constraint configurations of the manifest and remove lots of unnecessary code. * add slash to the end of mediawiki.root * add manifest schema and use ajv to validate the manifest * remove JSONP support (Wikibase manifest host should support CORS) * save manifests on manifest update * add unit tests for Manifest * include the exception in logger.error() method to make it easier to debug * include the message of ManifestException when calling respondError * test multiple connections * test no manifest & test invalid manifest * adapt manage-account-dialog.js to support multiple Wikibase connections * update instance/subclass of related translations * beautify import-schema-dialog.html * use "${lang}" variable in the reconciliation service endpoint of the manifest * adapt schema-alignment.js after introducing "${lang}" variable in the reconciliation service endpoint * use WikibaseManager.getSelectedWikibaseApi() in SchemaAlignment._getPropertyType * replace more mentions of "Wikidata" to "Wikibase" * use WikibaseManager.getSelectedWikibaseApi() in previewrenderer.js * support fetching language codes of different Wikibases in the frontend * skip EditInspector if missing 'property_constraint_pid' in the manifest * improve unit tests for fetching lang codes * skip scrutinizers depending on fetcher if 'property_constraint_pid' is missing in the manifest * make sure the schema alignment panel is set up before rendering * fix preview bug * add getters of "instance of" and "subclass of" to the Manifest interface and use them in NewItemScrutinizer * fix hardcode for Wikidata in WbItemVariable * rename 'entity_prefix' to 'site_iri' and move it from 'manifest.wikibase.properties' to 'manifest.wikibase' * include oauth configurations in the manifest & support logging in with owner-only consumer for Wikibases with the OAuth extension * correct schema fallback logic * select default wikibase according to the saved schema * include maxlag in the manifest * [backend] move maxlag setting from preferences to request parameter * support setting maxlag when uploading edits * rename "Manage Wikibase" to "Select Wikibase instance" and localize it * fix manifest updating bug * include EditGroups in the manifest * add the reconciliation service from the manifest to standard services if it's not present yet when adding a new manifest * update according to review feedback 1. use inherited color variable 2. rename 'gridwroks' to 'openrefine' 3. remove unnecessary 'async: true' 4. add 'format: url' validation to urls to the schema * rename 'wikibasePrefix' to 'siteIri'
2020-08-22 17:58:56 +02:00
"wikibase-schema/copy-reference": "kopiera",
"wikibase-schema/paste-reference": "klistra referens",
"wikibase-extension/export-wikibase-schema": "Exportera Wikidata-schema"