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function ScatterplotDialog(column) {
this._column = column;
this._plot_method = "lin";
this._plot_size = Math.max(Math.floor("500" / theProject.columnModel.columns.length / 5) * 5,"20");
this._dot_size = 0.3;
ScatterplotDialog.prototype._createDialog = function() {
var self = this;
var frame = DialogSystem.createDialog();
var header = $('<div></div>').addClass("dialog-header").text('Scatterplot Matrix' + ((typeof this._column == "undefined") ? "" : " (focusing on '" + this._column + "')")).appendTo(frame);
var body = $('<div></div>').addClass("dialog-body").appendTo(frame);
var footer = $(
'<div class="dialog-footer">' +
'<table width="100%"><tr>' +
'<td class="left" style="text-align: left"></td>' +
'<td class="right" style="text-align: right"></td>' +
'</tr></table>' +
var html = $(
'<div class="grid-layout layout-normal"><table width="100%">' +
'<tr>' +
'<td>' +
'<span class="clustering-dialog-controls">Plot type: <select bind="plotSelector">' +
'<option selected="true">linear</option>' +
'<option>log-log</option>' +
'</select></span>' +
'<span class="clustering-dialog-controls">Plot Size: <input bind="plotSize" type="test" size="2" value="' + this._plot_size + '"> px</span>' +
'<span class="clustering-dialog-controls">Dot Size: <input bind="dotSize" type="test" size="2" value="' + this._dot_size + '"> px</span>' +
'</td>' +
'</tr>' +
'<tr>' +
'<td>' +
'<div bind="tableContainer" class="scatterplot-dialog-table-container"></div>' +
'</td>' +
'</tr>' +
this._elmts = DOM.bind(html);
this._elmts.plotSelector.change(function() {
var selection = $(this).find("option:selected").text();
if (selection == 'linear') {
self._plot_method = "lin";
} else if (selection === 'log-log') {
self._plot_method = "log";
this._elmts.plotSize.change(function() {
try {
self._plot_size = parseInt($(this).val())
} catch (e) {
alert("Must be a number");
this._elmts.dotSize.change(function() {
try {
self._dot_size = parseFloat($(this).val())
} catch (e) {
alert("Must be a number");
var left_footer = footer.find(".left");
var right_footer = footer.find(".right");
$('<button></button>').text("Close").click(function() { self._dismiss(); }).appendTo(right_footer);
this._level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame);
ScatterplotDialog.prototype._renderMatrix = function() {
var self = this;
var columns = theProject.columnModel.columns;
var container = this._elmts.tableContainer.html(
'<div style="margin: 1em; font-size: 130%; color: #888;">Processing... <img src="/images/small-spinner.gif"></div>'
if (columns.length > 0) {
var table = '<table class="scatterplot-matrix-table"><tbody>';
var createScatterplot = function(cx, cy) {
var title = cx + ' (x) vs. ' + cy + ' (y)';
var link = '<a href="javascript:{}" title="' + title + '" cx="' + cx + '" cy="' + cy + '">';
var plotter_params = {
'cx' : cx,
'cy' : cy,
'w' : self._plot_size * 3,
'h' : self._plot_size * 3,
'dot': self._dot_size,
'dim': self._plot_method
var params = {
project: theProject.id,
engine: JSON.stringify(ui.browsingEngine.getJSON()),
plotter: JSON.stringify(plotter_params)
var url = "/command/get-scatterplot?" + $.param(params);
return link + '<img src="' + url + '" width="' + self._plot_size + '" height="' + self._plot_size + '" /></a>';
for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
table += '<tr>';
var div_class = "column_header";
if (columns[i].name == this._column) div_class += " current_column";
table += '<td class="' + div_class + '" colspan="' + (i + 1) + '">' + columns[i].name + '</td>'
for (var j = i + 1; j < columns.length; j++) {
var cx = columns[i].name;
var cy = columns[j].name;
var div_class = "scatterplot";
if (cx == this._column || cy == this._column) div_class += " current_column";
table += '<td><div class="' + div_class + '">' + createScatterplot(cx,cy) + '</div></td>';
table += '</tr>';
table += "</tbody></table>";
var width = container.width();
container.empty().css("width", width + "px").append($(table));
container.find("a").click(function() {
var options = {
"name" : $(this).attr("title"),
"x_columnName" : $(this).attr("cx"),
"y_columnName" : $(this).attr("cy"),
"x_expression" : "value",
"y_expression" : "value",
"dot" : self._dot_size,
"dim" : self._plot_method
ui.browsingEngine.addFacet("scatterplot", options);
function() {
} , function() {
} else {
'<div style="margin: 2em;"><div style="font-size: 130%; color: #333;">There are no columns in this dataset</div></div>'
ScatterplotDialog.prototype._dismiss = function() {
DialogSystem.dismissUntil(this._level - 1);