"specify-topic-warning":"Please specify which existing Freebase topic to use",
"specify-value-warning":"Please specify the value to use"
"dialog-header":"Align to Freebase's Schemas",
"body-text":"The schema alignment skeleton below specifies how your grid-shaped data will be transformed into graph-shaped data in Freebase's schemas.",
"find-more":"Find out more ...",
"mql-preview":"MQL-like Preview",
"tripleloader-preview":"TripleLoader Preview"
"sign-in":"Sign into Freebase",
"enable-loading":"to enable loading",
"error-new-topic":"Error creating new topic",
"error-loading-data":"Error loading data",
"add-info-source":"Click here to add a new information source",
"dialog-header":"Load Data into Freebase",
"no-triples-dataset":"This dataset has no triples",
"warning-aligned":"Have you aligned it with Freebase's schemas yet?",
"name-of-data":"Name of data load",
"source-id":"Source ID (optional)",
"bodytext-1":"Note: Your data will only be loaded into",
"bodytext-2":"Sandbox is where everyone can experiment with Freebase technologies without disruption to the official",
"bodytext-3":"Sandbox gets",
"sandbox-link":" Sandbox",
"freebase-link":" Freebase",
"refreshed-link":" refreshed periodically",
"bodytext-4":"In order to load your data into the official Freebase, you must first load it into Sandbox. Then it must pass a Quality Assurance (QA) process before it can be loaded into Freebase proper.",
"quality-assurance":"Quality assurance",
"bodytext-5":"After loaded into Sandbox, enlist other people's help to double-check this data load's quality so that it can be loaded into Freebase.",
"triple-schedule":"triples successfully scheduled for loading",
"follow-progress":"Follow the loading progress in the ",
"refinery-link":"Freebase Refinery",
"signed-as":"Signed in as:",
"sign-out":"Sign Out"
"header":"QA Data Load?",
"bodytext-1":"Other people will be enlisted to help double-check your data load for quality assurance purposes. Their time and labor have a cost.",
"bodytext-2":"You yourself should have taken all reasonable measures to eliminate errors from your data load. Your prudence is greatly appreciated.",
"tell-more":"Tell me more ...",
"ok-button":"Yes, QA Data Load"
"add-column":"Add Columns from Freebase Based on Column",
"warning-add-properties":"Please add some properties first.",
"querying-freebase":"Querying Freebase ...",
"remove-column":"Remove this column",
"add-constraints":"Add constraints to this column",
"mql-constraints":"Enter MQL query constraints as JSON",
"warning-valid-json":"Please ensure that the JSON you enter is valid.",
"warning-json-obj":"The JSON you enter must be an object, that is, it is of this form { ... }.",