
186 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package com.metaweb.gridworks.operations;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONWriter;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.browsing.RowVisitor;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.expr.ExpressionUtils;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.AbstractOperation;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Cell;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Column;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Project;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Recon;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.ReconCandidate;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Row;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Recon.Judgment;
import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.changes.CellChange;
public class ReconJudgeSimilarCellsOperation extends EngineDependentMassCellOperation {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5205694623711144436L;
final protected String _similarValue;
final protected Judgment _judgment;
final protected ReconCandidate _match;
static public AbstractOperation reconstruct(Project project, JSONObject obj) throws Exception {
JSONObject engineConfig = obj.getJSONObject("engineConfig");
ReconCandidate match = null;
if (obj.has("match")) {
JSONObject matchObj = obj.getJSONObject("match");
JSONArray types = matchObj.getJSONArray("types");
String[] typeIDs = new String[types.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < typeIDs.length; i++) {
typeIDs[i] = types.getString(i);
match = new ReconCandidate(
Judgment judgment = Judgment.None;
if (obj.has("judgment")) {
judgment = Recon.stringToJudgment(obj.getString("judgment"));
return new ReconJudgeSimilarCellsOperation(
public ReconJudgeSimilarCellsOperation(
JSONObject engineConfig,
String columnName,
String similarValue,
Judgment judgment,
ReconCandidate match
) {
super(engineConfig, columnName, false);
this._similarValue = similarValue;
this._judgment = judgment;
this._match = match;
public ReconJudgeSimilarCellsOperation(
JSONObject engineConfig,
String columnName,
String similarValue,
String judgmentString,
ReconCandidate match
) {
super(engineConfig, columnName, false);
this._similarValue = similarValue;
this._judgment = Recon.stringToJudgment(judgmentString);
this._match = match;
public void write(JSONWriter writer, Properties options)
throws JSONException {
writer.key("op"); writer.value(OperationRegistry.s_opClassToName.get(this.getClass()));
writer.key("description"); writer.value(getBriefDescription());
writer.key("engineConfig"); writer.value(getEngineConfig());
writer.key("columnName"); writer.value(_columnName);
writer.key("similarValue"); writer.value(_similarValue);
writer.key("judgment"); writer.value(Recon.judgmentToString(_judgment));
if (_match != null) {
writer.key("match"); _match.write(writer, options);
protected String getBriefDescription() {
if (_judgment == Judgment.None) {
return "Discard recon judgments for cells containing \"" +
_similarValue + "\" in column " + _columnName;
} else if (_judgment == Judgment.New) {
return "Mark to create new topics for cells containing \"" +
_similarValue + "\" in column " + _columnName;
} else if (_judgment == Judgment.Matched) {
return "Match topic " +
_match.topicName + " (" +
_match.topicID + ") for cells containing \"" +
_similarValue + "\" in column " + _columnName;
throw new InternalError("Can't get here");
protected String createDescription(Column column,
List<CellChange> cellChanges) {
if (_judgment == Judgment.None) {
return "Discard recon judgments for " + cellChanges.size() + " cells containing \"" +
_similarValue + "\" in column " + _columnName;
} else if (_judgment == Judgment.New) {
return "Mark to create new topics for " + cellChanges.size() + " cells containing \"" +
_similarValue + "\" in column " + _columnName;
} else if (_judgment == Judgment.Matched) {
return "Match topic " +
_match.topicName + " (" +
_match.topicID + ") for " +
cellChanges.size() + " cells containing \"" +
_similarValue + "\" in column " + _columnName;
throw new InternalError("Can't get here");
protected RowVisitor createRowVisitor(Project project, List<CellChange> cellChanges) throws Exception {
Column column = project.columnModel.getColumnByName(_columnName);
return new RowVisitor() {
int _cellIndex;
List<CellChange> _cellChanges;
public RowVisitor init(int cellIndex, List<CellChange> cellChanges) {
_cellIndex = cellIndex;
_cellChanges = cellChanges;
return this;
public boolean visit(Project project, int rowIndex, Row row, boolean contextual) {
Cell cell = row.getCell(_cellIndex);
if (cell != null &&
!ExpressionUtils.isBlank(cell.value) &&
_similarValue.equals(cell.value)) {
Cell newCell = new Cell(
cell.recon == null ? new Recon() : cell.recon.dup()
if (_judgment == Judgment.Matched) {
newCell.recon.judgment = Recon.Judgment.Matched;
newCell.recon.match = _match;
} else if (_judgment == Judgment.New) {
newCell.recon.judgment = Recon.Judgment.New;
} else if (_judgment == Judgment.None) {
newCell.recon.judgment = Recon.Judgment.None;
newCell.recon.match = null;
CellChange cellChange = new CellChange(rowIndex, _cellIndex, cell, newCell);
return false;
}.init(column.getCellIndex(), cellChanges);