Reworked in as functions instead of an array of commands

git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@598 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874
This commit is contained in:
Jeff Fry 2010-05-05 00:43:20 +00:00
parent 900e9a4bbc
commit 1582836dca

View File

@ -1,25 +1,56 @@
var test_basicFunctionality = new function() {//try cutting 'new' at some point
this.test_openProject = [
{ params: { "link": "Food" }, method: "click" },
{ params: {"timeout": "20000"}, method: "waits.forPageLoad"}
//assert the project is open
var column_name = 'Shrt_Desc';
this.test_filterColumn = [
// {method: "click", params: { jquery: '(".column-header-layout tr:contains( '+ column_name + ' ) .column-header-menu")[0]' } },
{method: "click", params: { jquery: '(".column-header-layout tr:contains(\'Shrt_Desc\') .column-header-menu")[0]'} },
{method: "mouseOver", params: { jquery: '("td:contains(\'Facet\')")[0]'} },
{method: "click", params: { jquery: '(".menu-item:contains(\'Custom Text Facet\')")[0]'} },
{method: "type", params: { jquery: '(".expression-preview-code")[0]', text: "value.split(',')[0]"} },
{method: "waits.forElement", params: { jquery: '("td:contains(\'value.split\')")[0]'} },
{method: "click", params: { jquery: '("button:contains(\'OK\')")[0]'} },
{method: "waits.forElement", params: { jquery: '("a:contains(\'Count\')")[0]'} },
{method: "click", params: { jquery: '("a:contains(\'Count\')")[0]'} }
// assert_expected_top_value(client, 'BEEF')
// {method: "waits.forElement", params: { jquery: '("body[ajax_in_progress=\'false\']")[0]'} }, //wants to be a method
var wm = windmill.jsTest;
var asserts = windmill.controller.asserts;
asserts.gw = {};
asserts.gw.row_count = function (count) {
asserts.assertText( { jquery: '(".viewPanel-summary-row-count")[0]', validator: count } );
asserts.gw.expected_top_value = function(expected_value) {
var actual_value = $.trim($("a.facet-choice-label")[0].text);
jum.assertEquals( expected_value, actual_value );
/* haven't gotten this working yet....
waits.gw = {};
waits.gw.ajax = function () {
{ method: "waits.forElement", params: { jquery: '("body[ajax_in_progress=\'false\']")[0]'} };
}; */
wm.actions.gw = {};
wm.actions.gw.click_column_header = function (column_name) {
wm.actions.click( { jquery: '(".column-header-layout tr:contains("' + column_name + '") .column-header-menu")[0]'} );
var gwActions = wm.actions.gw;
var test_basic_functions = new function () {
// open Food project
this.test_open_project = function () { wm.actions.click( { link: "Food" } ); };
this.test_wait = { method: "waits.forPageLoad", params: { timeout: "20000" }};
this.test_got_to_main_page = function () { asserts.gw.row_count("7413"); };
// create text facet from 1st word of Short Description
// this.test_facet_short_desc = function () { wm.actions.gw.click_column_header('Shrt_Desc'); }; // currently broken
this.test_filter_column = function () {
wm.actions.click( { jquery: '(".column-header-layout tr:contains(\'Shrt_Desc\') .column-header-menu")[0]'} ); //replace w/ above when able
wm.actions.mouseOver( { jquery: '("td:contains(\'Facet\')")[0]' } );
this.test_wait_for_menu = { method: "waits.forElement", params: {jquery: '(".menu-item:contains(\'Custom Text Facet\')")[0]'} };
this.test_create_facet = function () {
wm.actions.click( { jquery: '(".menu-item:contains(\'Custom Text Facet\')")[0]'} );
wm.actions.type( { jquery: '(".expression-preview-code")[0]', text: "value.split(',')[0]"} );
this.test_wait_for_value = {method: "waits.forElement", params: { jquery: '("td:contains(\'value.split\')")[0]'} };
this.test_click_button = function () { wm.actions.click( { jquery: '("button:contains(\'OK\')")[0]'} ); };
this.test_wait_for_link = {method: "waits.forElement", params: { jquery: '(".ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]'} };
this.test_sort_worked= function () { asserts.gw.expected_top_value("SPAGHETTIOS"); };
this.test_sort_by_count = function () { wm.actions.click( { jquery: '(".ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]'} ); };
this.test_sort_worked= function () { asserts.gw.expected_top_value("BEEF"); };