setting the right EOL subversion settings

git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@607 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874
This commit is contained in:
Stefano Mazzocchi 2010-05-06 01:05:48 +00:00
parent cc1b0a8974
commit 5d6fa58258
12 changed files with 349140 additions and 349126 deletions

View File

@ -1,185 +1,185 @@
@echo off
rem Configuration variables
rem Home of Java installation.
rem Extra options to pass to the JVM
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" @setlocal
if "%OS%"=="WINNT" @setlocal
rem --- First two utilities for exiting --------------------------------------------
goto endUtils
echo Usage %0 [options] ^<action^>
echo where [options] include:
echo /h print this message and exit
echo /p <port> the port that Gridworks will listen to
echo default: 3333
echo /i <interface> the host interface gridworks should bind to
echo default:
echo /w <path> path to the webapp
echo default src\main\webapp
echo /d enable JVM debugging (on port 8000)
echo /m <memory> max memory heap size to use
echo default: 1024M
echo /x enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole and friends)
echo and <action> is one of
echo build ..................... Build Gridworks
echo run ....................... Run Gridworks
echo clean ..................... Clean compiled classes
echo distclean ................. Remove all generated files
goto end
echo Type 'gridworks /h' for usage.
goto end
if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto gotJavaHome
echo You must set JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation
echo If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions at
echo http://bit.ly/1c2gkR
goto fail
rem --- Read ini file --------------------------------------------
set OPTS=
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in (gridworks.ini) do (
set %%a=%%b
rem --- Argument parsing --------------------------------------------
if ""%1"" == """" goto endArgumentParsing
if ""%1"" == ""/h"" goto usage
if ""%1"" == ""/p"" goto arg-p
if ""%1"" == ""/i"" goto arg-i
if ""%1"" == ""/w"" goto arg-w
if ""%1"" == ""/d"" goto arg-d
if ""%1"" == ""/m"" goto arg-m
if ""%1"" == ""/x"" goto arg-x
goto endArgumentParsing
goto shift2loop
goto shift2loop
goto shift2loop
goto shift2loop
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
goto shift2loop
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
goto shift2loop
goto loop
rem --- Fold in Environment Vars --------------------------------------------
if not "%JAVA_OPTIONS%" == "" goto gotJavaOptions
if not "%GRIDWORKS_MEMORY%" == "" goto gotMemory
if not "%GRIDWORKS_PORT%" == "" goto gotPort
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.port=%GRIDWORKS_PORT%
if not "%GRIDWORKS_HOST%" == "" goto gotHost
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.host=%GRIDWORKS_HOST%
if not "%GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP%" == "" goto gotHost
set GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP=src\main\webapp
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.webapp=%GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP%
if not "%GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR%" == "" goto gotBuildDir
if not "%GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR%" == "" goto gotLibDir
rem ----- Respond to the action ----------------------------------------------------------
set ACTION=%1
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""build"" goto doAnt
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""clean"" goto doAnt
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""distclean"" goto doAnt
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""run"" goto doRun
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -cp %CLASSPATH% %OPTS% -Djava.library.path=lib/native/windows com.metaweb.gridworks.Gridworks
goto end
if not "%ANT_HOME%" == "" goto gotAntHome
echo You must have Apache Ant installed and the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to it
echo You can download it from
echo http://ant.apache.org/
echo If you don't know how to set environment variables, follow the instructions at
echo http://bit.ly/1c2gkR
"%ANT_HOME%\bin\ant.bat" -f build.xml -Dbuild.dir="%GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR%" %ACTION%
goto end
@echo off
rem Configuration variables
rem Home of Java installation.
rem Extra options to pass to the JVM
if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" @setlocal
if "%OS%"=="WINNT" @setlocal
rem --- First two utilities for exiting --------------------------------------------
goto endUtils
echo Usage %0 [options] ^<action^>
echo where [options] include:
echo /h print this message and exit
echo /p <port> the port that Gridworks will listen to
echo default: 3333
echo /i <interface> the host interface gridworks should bind to
echo default:
echo /w <path> path to the webapp
echo default src\main\webapp
echo /d enable JVM debugging (on port 8000)
echo /m <memory> max memory heap size to use
echo default: 1024M
echo /x enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole and friends)
echo and <action> is one of
echo build ..................... Build Gridworks
echo run ....................... Run Gridworks
echo clean ..................... Clean compiled classes
echo distclean ................. Remove all generated files
goto end
echo Type 'gridworks /h' for usage.
goto end
if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto gotJavaHome
echo You must set JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation
echo If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions at
echo http://bit.ly/1c2gkR
goto fail
rem --- Read ini file --------------------------------------------
set OPTS=
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in (gridworks.ini) do (
set %%a=%%b
rem --- Argument parsing --------------------------------------------
if ""%1"" == """" goto endArgumentParsing
if ""%1"" == ""/h"" goto usage
if ""%1"" == ""/p"" goto arg-p
if ""%1"" == ""/i"" goto arg-i
if ""%1"" == ""/w"" goto arg-w
if ""%1"" == ""/d"" goto arg-d
if ""%1"" == ""/m"" goto arg-m
if ""%1"" == ""/x"" goto arg-x
goto endArgumentParsing
goto shift2loop
goto shift2loop
goto shift2loop
goto shift2loop
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n
goto shift2loop
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
goto shift2loop
goto loop
rem --- Fold in Environment Vars --------------------------------------------
if not "%JAVA_OPTIONS%" == "" goto gotJavaOptions
if not "%GRIDWORKS_MEMORY%" == "" goto gotMemory
if not "%GRIDWORKS_PORT%" == "" goto gotPort
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.port=%GRIDWORKS_PORT%
if not "%GRIDWORKS_HOST%" == "" goto gotHost
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.host=%GRIDWORKS_HOST%
if not "%GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP%" == "" goto gotHost
set GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP=src\main\webapp
set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.webapp=%GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP%
if not "%GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR%" == "" goto gotBuildDir
if not "%GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR%" == "" goto gotLibDir
rem ----- Respond to the action ----------------------------------------------------------
set ACTION=%1
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""build"" goto doAnt
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""clean"" goto doAnt
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""distclean"" goto doAnt
if ""%ACTION%"" == ""run"" goto doRun
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -cp %CLASSPATH% %OPTS% -Djava.library.path=lib/native/windows com.metaweb.gridworks.Gridworks
goto end
if not "%ANT_HOME%" == "" goto gotAntHome
echo You must have Apache Ant installed and the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to it
echo You can download it from
echo http://ant.apache.org/
echo If you don't know how to set environment variables, follow the instructions at
echo http://bit.ly/1c2gkR
"%ANT_HOME%\bin\ant.bat" -f build.xml -Dbuild.dir="%GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR%" %ACTION%
goto end

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
* Version: 1.0 Alpha-1
* Build Date: 13-Nov-2007
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Coolite Inc. (http://www.coolite.com/). All rights reserved.
* License: Licensed under The MIT License. See license.txt and http://www.datejs.com/license/.
* Website: http://www.datejs.com/ or http://www.coolite.com/datejs/
* Version: 1.0 Alpha-1
* Build Date: 13-Nov-2007
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, Coolite Inc. (http://www.coolite.com/). All rights reserved.
* License: Licensed under The MIT License. See license.txt and http://www.datejs.com/license/.
* Website: http://www.datejs.com/ or http://www.coolite.com/datejs/
Date.CultureInfo={name:"en-US",englishName:"English (United States)",nativeName:"English (United States)",dayNames:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],abbreviatedDayNames:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],shortestDayNames:["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"],firstLetterDayNames:["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"],monthNames:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],abbreviatedMonthNames:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],amDesignator:"AM",pmDesignator:"PM",firstDayOfWeek:0,twoDigitYearMax:2029,dateElementOrder:"mdy",formatPatterns:{shortDate:"M/d/yyyy",longDate:"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy",shortTime:"h:mm tt",longTime:"h:mm:ss tt",fullDateTime:"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",sortableDateTime:"yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss",universalSortableDateTime:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ",rfc1123:"ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT",monthDay:"MMMM dd",yearMonth:"MMMM, yyyy"},regexPatterns:{jan:/^jan(uary)?/i,feb:/^feb(ruary)?/i,mar:/^mar(ch)?/i,apr:/^apr(il)?/i,may:/^may/i,jun:/^jun(e)?/i,jul:/^jul(y)?/i,aug:/^aug(ust)?/i,sep:/^sep(t(ember)?)?/i,oct:/^oct(ober)?/i,nov:/^nov(ember)?/i,dec:/^dec(ember)?/i,sun:/^su(n(day)?)?/i,mon:/^mo(n(day)?)?/i,tue:/^tu(e(s(day)?)?)?/i,wed:/^we(d(nesday)?)?/i,thu:/^th(u(r(s(day)?)?)?)?/i,fri:/^fr(i(day)?)?/i,sat:/^sa(t(urday)?)?/i,future:/^next/i,past:/^last|past|prev(ious)?/i,add:/^(\+|after|from)/i,subtract:/^(\-|before|ago)/i,yesterday:/^yesterday/i,today:/^t(oday)?/i,tomorrow:/^tomorrow/i,now:/^n(ow)?/i,millisecond:/^ms|milli(second)?s?/i,second:/^sec(ond)?s?/i,minute:/^min(ute)?s?/i,hour:/^h(ou)?rs?/i,week:/^w(ee)?k/i,month:/^m(o(nth)?s?)?/i,day:/^d(ays?)?/i,year:/^y((ea)?rs?)?/i,shortMeridian:/^(a|p)/i,longMeridian:/^(a\.?m?\.?|p\.?m?\.?)/i,timezone:/^((e(s|d)t|c(s|d)t|m(s|d)t|p(s|d)t)|((gmt)?\s*(\+|\-)\s*\d\d\d\d?)|gmt)/i,ordinalSuffix:/^\s*(st|nd|rd|th)/i,timeContext:/^\s*(\:|a|p)/i},abbreviatedTimeZoneStandard:{GMT:"-000",EST:"-0400",CST:"-0500",MST:"-0600",PST:"-0700"},abbreviatedTimeZoneDST:{GMT:"-000",EDT:"-0500",CDT:"-0600",MDT:"-0700",PDT:"-0800"}};
Date.getMonthNumberFromName=function(name){var n=Date.CultureInfo.monthNames,m=Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedMonthNames,s=name.toLowerCase();for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++){if(n[i].toLowerCase()==s||m[i].toLowerCase()==s){return i;}}
return-1;};Date.getDayNumberFromName=function(name){var n=Date.CultureInfo.dayNames,m=Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedDayNames,o=Date.CultureInfo.shortestDayNames,s=name.toLowerCase();for(var i=0;i<n.length;i++){if(n[i].toLowerCase()==s||m[i].toLowerCase()==s){return i;}}
@ -101,4 +101,4 @@ return _.any.apply(null,rx);}else{return _get(fx);}};g._formats=g.formats(["yyyy
return g._start.call({},s);};}());Date._parse=Date.parse;Date.parse=function(s){var r=null;if(!s){return null;}
try{r=Date.Grammar.start.call({},s);}catch(e){return null;}
return((r[1].length===0)?r[0]:null);};Date.getParseFunction=function(fx){var fn=Date.Grammar.formats(fx);return function(s){var r=null;try{r=fn.call({},s);}catch(e){return null;}
return((r[1].length===0)?r[0]:null);};};Date.parseExact=function(s,fx){return Date.getParseFunction(fx)(s);};
return((r[1].length===0)?r[0]:null);};};Date.parseExact=function(s,fx){return Date.getParseFunction(fx)(s);};

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,200 +1,200 @@
01001,"BUTTER,WITH SALT",15.87,717,0.85,81.11,2.11,0.06,0,0.059999999,24,0.02,2,24,24,576,0.09,0,0,1,0,0.005,0.034,0.042,0.11,0.003,3,0,3,3,19,0.17,2499,684,671,0,158,0,0,0,2.32,7,51.368,21.021,3.043,215,227,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01002,"BUTTER,WHIPPED,WITH SALT",15.87,717,0.85,81.11,2.11,0.06,0,0.059999999,24,0.16,2,23,26,827,0.05,0.016,0.004,1,0,0.005,0.034,0.042,0.11,0.003,3,0,3,3,19,0.13,2499,684,671,0,158,0,0,0,2.32,7,50.489,23.426,3.012,219,151,1 cup,9,1 tbsp,0
01003,"BUTTER OIL,ANHYDROUS",0.24,876,0.28,99.48,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,3,5,2,0.01,0.001,0,0,0,0.001,0.005,0.003,0.01,0.001,0,0,0,0,22,0.01,3069,840,824,0,193,0,0,0,2.8,8.6,61.924,28.732,3.694,256,205,1 cup,13,1 tbsp,0
01004,"CHEESE,BLUE",42.41,353,21.4,28.74,5.11,2.34,0,0.5,528,0.31,23,387,256,1395,2.66,0.04,0.009,14.5,0,0.029,0.382,1.016,1.729,0.166,36,0,36,36,15,1.22,763,198,192,0,74,0,0,0,0.25,2.4,18.669,7.778,0.8,75,28.35,1 oz,17,1 cubic inch,0
01005,"CHEESE,BRICK",41.11,371,23.24,29.68,3.18,2.79,0,0.50999999,674,0.43,24,451,136,560,2.6,0.024,0.012,14.5,0,0.014,0.351,0.118,0.288,0.065,20,0,20,20,15,1.26,1080,292,286,0,76,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,18.764,8.598,0.784,94,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01006,"CHEESE,BRIE",48.42,334,20.75,27.68,2.7,0.45,0,0.449999988,184,0.5,20,188,152,629,2.38,0.019,0.034,14.5,0,0.07,0.52,0.38,0.69,0.235,65,0,65,65,15,1.65,592,174,173,0,9,0,0,0,0.24,2.3,17.41,8.013,0.826,100,240,"1 cup, melted",144,"1 cup, sliced",0
01007,"CHEESE,CAMEMBERT",51.8,300,19.8,24.26,3.68,0.46,0,0.460000008,388,0.33,20,347,187,842,2.38,0.021,0.038,14.5,0,0.028,0.488,0.63,1.364,0.227,62,0,62,62,15,1.3,820,241,240,0,12,0,0,0,0.21,2,15.259,7.023,0.724,72,246,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01008,"CHEESE,CARAWAY",39.28,376,25.18,29.2,3.28,3.06,0,,673,0.64,22,490,93,690,2.94,0.024,0.021,14.5,0,0.031,0.45,0.18,0.19,0.074,18,0,18,18,,0.27,1054,271,262,,,,,,,,18.584,8.275,0.83,93,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01009,"CHEESE,CHEDDAR",36.75,403,24.9,33.14,3.93,1.28,0,0.519999981,721,0.68,28,512,98,621,3.11,0.031,0.01,13.9,0,0.027,0.375,0.08,0.413,0.074,18,0,18,18,16,0.83,1002,265,258,0,85,0,0,0,0.29,2.8,21.092,9.391,0.942,105,132,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01010,"CHEESE,CHESHIRE",37.65,387,23.37,30.6,3.6,4.78,0,,643,0.21,21,464,95,700,2.79,0.042,0.012,14.5,0,0.046,0.293,0.08,0.413,0.074,18,0,18,18,,0.83,985,233,220,,,,,,,,19.475,8.671,0.87,103,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01011,"CHEESE,COLBY",38.2,394,23.76,32.11,3.36,2.57,0,0.519999981,685,0.76,26,457,127,604,3.07,0.042,0.012,14.5,0,0.015,0.375,0.093,0.21,0.079,18,0,18,18,15,0.83,994,264,257,0,82,0,0,0,0.28,2.7,20.218,9.28,0.953,95,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01012,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,CRMD,LRG OR SML CURD",79.79,98,11.12,4.3,1.41,3.38,0,2.670000076,83,0.07,8,159,104,364,0.4,0.029,0.002,9.7,0,0.027,0.163,0.099,0.557,0.046,12,0,12,12,18,0.43,140,37,36,0,12,0,0,0,0.08,0,1.718,0.778,0.123,17,113,4 oz,210,"1 cup, large curd (not packed)",0
01013,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,CRMD,W/FRUIT",79.64,97,10.69,3.85,1.2,4.61,0.200000003,2.380000114,53,0.16,7,113,90,344,0.33,0.04,0.003,7.7,1.4,0.033,0.142,0.15,0.181,0.068,11,0,11,11,18,0.53,146,38,37,0,14,0,0,0,0.04,0.4,2.311,1.036,0.124,13,226,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01014,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,NONFAT,UNCRMD,DRY,LRG OR SML CURD",81.01,72,10.34,0.29,1.71,6.66,0,1.850000024,86,0.15,11,190,137,330,0.47,0.03,0.022,9.4,0,0.023,0.226,0.144,0.446,0.016,9,0,9,9,18,0.46,8,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.169,0.079,0.003,7,145,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01015,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,LOWFAT,2% MILKFAT",80.69,86,11.83,2.45,1.36,3.66,0,3.670000076,91,0.15,7,163,84,330,0.41,0.03,0.007,9.9,0,0.041,0.198,0.108,0.253,0.022,10,0,10,10,16,0.45,74,20,19,0,6,0,0,0,0.04,0,0.979,0.443,0.07,10,226,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01016,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,LOWFAT,1% MILKFAT",82.48,72,12.39,1.02,1.39,2.72,0,2.720000029,61,0.14,5,134,86,406,0.38,0.028,0.003,9,0,0.021,0.165,0.128,0.215,0.068,12,0,12,12,18,0.63,41,11,11,0,3,0,0,0,0.01,0.1,0.645,0.291,0.031,4,226,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01017,"CHEESE,CREAM",54.44,342,5.93,34.24,1.32,4.07,0,3.210000038,98,0.38,9,106,138,321,0.51,0.019,0.011,2.4,0,0.02,0.125,0.145,0.57,0.035,11,0,11,11,27,0.25,1265,362,359,0,41,0,0,0,0.65,3.4,19.292,8.62,1.437,110,232,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01018,"CHEESE,EDAM",41.56,357,24.99,27.8,4.22,1.43,0,1.429999948,731,0.44,30,536,188,965,3.75,0.036,0.011,14.5,0,0.037,0.389,0.082,0.281,0.076,16,0,16,16,15,1.54,825,243,242,0,11,0,0,0,0.24,2.3,17.572,8.125,0.665,89,28.35,1 oz,198,"1 package, (7 oz)",0
01019,"CHEESE,FETA",55.22,264,14.21,21.28,5.2,4.09,0,4.090000153,493,0.65,19,337,62,1116,2.88,0.032,0.028,15,0,0.154,0.844,0.991,0.967,0.424,32,0,32,32,15,1.69,422,125,125,0,3,0,0,0,0.18,1.8,14.946,4.623,0.591,89,150,"1 cup, crumbled",28,1 oz,0
01020,"CHEESE,FONTINA",37.92,389,25.6,31.14,3.79,1.55,0,1.549999952,550,0.23,14,346,64,800,3.5,0.025,0.014,14.5,0,0.021,0.204,0.15,0.429,0.083,6,0,6,6,15,1.68,913,261,258,0,32,0,0,0,0.27,2.6,19.196,8.687,1.654,116,132,"1 cup, diced",108,"1 cup, shredded",0
01021,"CHEESE,GJETOST",13.44,466,9.65,29.51,4.75,42.65,0,,400,0.52,70,444,1409,600,1.14,0.08,0.04,14.5,0,0.315,1.382,0.813,3.351,0.271,5,0,5,5,,2.42,1113,334,334,,,,,,,,19.16,7.879,0.938,94,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01022,"CHEESE,GOUDA",41.46,356,24.94,27.44,3.94,2.22,0,2.220000029,700,0.24,29,546,121,819,3.9,0.036,0.011,14.5,0,0.03,0.334,0.063,0.34,0.08,21,0,21,21,15,1.54,563,165,164,0,10,0,0,0,0.24,2.3,17.614,7.747,0.657,114,28.35,1 oz,198,"1 package, (7 oz)",0
01023,"CHEESE,GRUYERE",33.19,413,29.81,32.34,4.3,0.36,0,0.360000014,1011,0.17,36,605,81,336,3.9,0.032,0.017,14.5,0,0.06,0.279,0.106,0.562,0.081,10,0,10,10,15,1.6,948,271,268,0,33,0,0,0,0.28,2.7,18.913,10.043,1.733,110,132,"1 cup, diced",108,"1 cup, shredded",0
01024,"CHEESE,LIMBURGER",48.42,327,20.05,27.25,3.79,0.49,0,0.49000001,497,0.13,21,393,128,800,2.1,0.021,0.038,14.5,0,0.08,0.503,0.158,1.177,0.086,58,0,58,58,15,1.04,1155,340,339,0,15,0,0,0,0.23,2.3,16.746,8.606,0.495,90,134,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01025,"CHEESE,MONTEREY",41.01,373,24.48,30.28,3.55,0.68,0,0.5,746,0.72,27,444,81,536,3,0.032,0.011,14.5,0,0.015,0.39,0.093,0.21,0.079,18,0,18,18,15,0.83,769,198,192,0,78,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,19.066,8.751,0.899,89,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01026,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,WHL MILK",50.01,300,22.17,22.35,3.28,2.19,0,1.029999971,505,0.44,20,354,76,627,2.92,0.011,0.03,17,0,0.03,0.283,0.104,0.141,0.037,7,0,7,7,15,2.28,676,179,174,0,57,0,0,0,0.19,2.3,13.152,6.573,0.765,79,112,"1 cup, shredded",28,1 oz,0
01027,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,WHL MILK,LO MOIST",48.38,318,21.6,24.64,2.91,2.47,0,1.00999999,575,0.2,21,412,75,415,2.46,0.022,0.009,16.1,0,0.016,0.27,0.094,0.071,0.062,8,0,8,8,15,0.73,745,197,192,0,63,0,0,0,0.21,2.5,15.561,7.027,0.778,89,28.35,1 oz,18,1 cubic inch,0
01028,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,PART SKIM MILK",53.78,254,24.26,15.92,3.27,2.77,0,1.129999995,782,0.22,23,463,84,619,2.76,0.025,0.01,14.4,0,0.018,0.303,0.105,0.079,0.07,9,0,9,9,15,0.82,481,127,124,0,41,0,0,0,0.14,1.6,10.114,4.51,0.472,64,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01029,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,PART SKIM MILK,LO MOIST",46.46,302,25.96,20.03,3.72,3.83,0,0.600000024,731,0.25,26,524,95,528,3.13,0.027,0.011,16.3,0,0.101,0.329,0.119,0.09,0.079,10,0,10,10,14,2.31,517,137,133,0,44,0,0,0,0.37,1.3,12.67,5.73,0.626,54,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01030,"CHEESE,MUENSTER",41.77,368,23.41,30.04,3.66,1.12,0,1.120000005,717,0.41,27,468,134,628,2.81,0.031,0.008,14.5,0,0.013,0.32,0.103,0.19,0.056,12,0,12,12,15,1.47,1012,298,297,0,13,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,19.113,8.711,0.661,96,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01031,"CHEESE,NEUFCHATEL",63.11,253,9.15,22.78,1.37,3.59,0,3.190000057,117,0.13,10,138,152,334,0.82,0.027,0.011,3,0,0.022,0.155,0.21,0.575,0.041,14,0,14,14,,0.3,841,241,239,0,27,0,0,,0.4,1.7,12.79,5.784,0.97,74,28.35,1 oz,85,"1 package, (3 oz)",0
01032,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,GRATED",20.84,431,38.46,28.61,8.03,4.06,0,0.899999976,1109,0.9,38,729,125,1529,3.87,0.238,0.085,17.7,0,0.029,0.486,0.114,0.325,0.049,10,0,10,10,15,2.26,442,120,117,0,31,0,0,0,0.26,1.9,17.301,8.375,1.173,88,100,1 cup,5,1 tbsp,0
01033,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,HARD",29.16,392,35.75,25.83,6.04,3.22,0,0.800000012,1184,0.82,44,694,92,1602,2.75,0.032,0.02,22.5,0,0.039,0.332,0.271,0.453,0.091,7,0,7,7,15,1.2,399,108,106,0,28,0,0,0,0.23,1.7,16.41,7.515,0.569,68,28.35,1 oz,10,1 cubic inch,0
01034,"CHEESE,PORT DE SALUT",45.45,352,23.78,28.2,2,0.57,0,0.569999993,650,0.43,24,360,136,534,2.6,0.022,0.011,14.5,0,0.014,0.24,0.06,0.21,0.053,18,0,18,18,15,1.5,1092,315,313,0,29,0,0,0,0.24,2.4,16.691,9.338,0.729,123,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01035,"CHEESE,PROVOLONE",40.95,351,25.58,26.62,4.71,2.14,0,0.560000002,756,0.52,28,496,138,876,3.23,0.026,0.01,14.5,0,0.019,0.321,0.156,0.476,0.073,10,0,10,10,15,1.46,880,236,230,0,68,0,0,0,0.23,2.2,17.078,7.393,0.769,69,132,"1 cup, diced",28,1 oz,0
01036,"CHEESE,RICOTTA,WHOLE MILK",71.7,174,11.26,12.98,1.02,3.04,0,0.270000011,207,0.38,11,158,105,84,1.16,0.021,0.006,14.5,0,0.013,0.195,0.104,0.213,0.043,12,0,12,12,18,0.34,445,120,117,0,33,0,0,0,0.11,1.1,8.295,3.627,0.385,51,246,1 cup,124,.5 cup,0
01037,"CHEESE,RICOTTA,PART SKIM MILK",74.41,138,11.39,7.91,1.15,5.14,0,0.310000002,272,0.44,15,183,125,125,1.34,0.034,0.01,16.7,0,0.021,0.185,0.078,0.242,0.02,13,0,13,13,18,0.29,384,107,105,0,20,0,0,0,0.07,0.7,4.927,2.314,0.26,31,246,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01038,"CHEESE,ROMANO",30.91,387,31.8,26.94,6.72,3.63,0,0.730000019,1064,0.77,41,760,86,1200,2.58,0.03,0.02,14.5,0,0.037,0.37,0.077,0.424,0.085,7,0,7,7,15,1.12,415,96,90,0,69,0,0,0,0.23,2.2,17.115,7.838,0.593,104,28.35,1 oz,142,"5 package, (5 oz)",0
01039,"CHEESE,ROQUEFORT",39.38,369,21.54,30.64,6.44,2,0,,662,0.56,30,392,91,1809,2.08,0.034,0.03,14.5,0,0.04,0.586,0.734,1.731,0.124,49,0,49,49,,0.64,1047,294,290,,,,,,,,19.263,8.474,1.32,90,28.35,1 oz,85,"1 package, (3 oz)",0
01040,"CHEESE,SWISS",37.12,380,26.93,27.8,2.77,5.38,0,1.320000052,791,0.2,38,567,77,192,4.36,0.043,0.005,18.2,0,0.063,0.296,0.092,0.429,0.083,6,0,6,6,16,3.34,830,220,214,0,70,0,0,0,0.38,2.5,17.779,7.274,0.972,92,132,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01041,"CHEESE,TILSIT",42.86,340,24.41,25.98,4.87,1.88,0,,700,0.23,13,500,65,753,3.5,0.026,0.013,14.5,0,0.061,0.359,0.205,0.346,0.065,20,0,20,20,,2.1,1045,249,236,,,,,,,,16.775,7.136,0.721,102,28.35,1 oz,170,"1 package, (6 oz)",0
01042,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4",39.16,375,22.15,31.25,5.84,1.6,0,0.50999999,552,0.19,27,513,169,1489,2.84,0.016,0.008,14.4,0,0.027,0.353,0.069,0.482,0.071,8,0,8,8,36,0.7,961,254,247,0,82,0,0,0,0.27,2.7,19.694,8.951,0.99,94,140,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01043,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,PIMENTO",39.08,375,22.13,31.2,5.84,1.73,0.100000001,0.629999995,614,0.42,22,744,162,1428,2.98,0.033,0.016,14.5,2.3,0.027,0.354,0.078,0.485,0.071,8,0,8,8,36,0.7,1045,248,235,12,151,0,0,20,0.29,2.9,19.663,8.937,0.988,94,140,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01044,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,SWISS,W/DI NA PO4",42.31,334,24.73,25.01,5.85,2.1,0,1.230000019,772,0.61,29,762,216,1370,3.61,0.027,0.014,15.9,0,0.014,0.276,0.038,0.26,0.036,6,0,6,6,36,1.23,746,198,192,0,63,0,0,0,0.34,2.2,16.045,7.046,0.622,85,140,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01045,"CHEESE FD,COLD PK,AMERICAN",43.12,331,19.66,24.46,4.44,8.32,0,,497,0.84,30,400,363,966,3.01,0.03,0.01,16.2,0,0.03,0.446,0.074,0.977,0.141,5,0,5,5,,1.28,705,159,148,,,,,,,,15.355,7.165,0.719,64,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01046,"CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4",43.21,330,18.4,25.18,5.38,7.83,0,7.429999828,570,0.57,31,439,291,1265,3.19,0.085,0.073,16.1,0,0.068,0.517,0.17,0.974,0.073,7,0,7,7,36,1.26,761,201,196,0,65,0,0,0,0.22,3.4,14.895,7.214,1.108,80,113,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01047,"CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,SWISS",43.67,323,21.92,24.14,5.77,4.5,0,,723,0.6,28,526,284,1552,3.55,0.03,0.01,16.1,0,0.014,0.4,0.104,0.5,0.035,6,0,6,6,,2.3,856,237,233,,,,,,,,15.487,6.801,0.6,82,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01048,"CHEESE SPRD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4",47.65,290,16.41,21.23,5.98,8.73,0,7.320000172,562,0.33,29,712,242,1345,2.59,0.033,0.02,11.3,0,0.048,0.431,0.131,0.686,0.117,7,0,7,7,36,0.4,653,173,168,0,55,0,0,0,0.19,1.8,13.327,6.219,0.624,55,140,"1 cup, diced",244,1 cup,0
01049,"CREAM,FLUID,HALF AND HALF",80.57,130,2.96,11.5,0.67,4.3,0,0.159999996,105,0.07,10,95,130,41,0.51,0.01,0.001,1.8,0.9,0.035,0.149,0.078,0.289,0.039,3,0,3,3,19,0.33,354,97,95,0,22,0,0,0,0.33,1.3,7.158,3.321,0.427,37,242,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01050,"CREAM,FLUID,LT (COFFEE CRM OR TABLE CRM)",73.75,195,2.7,19.31,0.58,3.66,0,0.140000001,96,0.04,9,80,122,40,0.27,0.008,0.001,0.6,0.8,0.032,0.148,0.057,0.276,0.032,2,0,2,2,17,0.22,656,181,178,0,37,0,0,0,0.55,1.7,12.02,5.577,0.717,66,240,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01052,"CREAM,FLUID,LT WHIPPING",63.5,292,2.17,30.91,0.46,2.96,0,0.109999999,69,0.03,7,61,97,34,0.25,0.007,0.001,0.5,0.6,0.024,0.125,0.042,0.259,0.028,4,0,4,4,17,0.2,1013,279,274,0,60,0,0,0,0.88,2.7,19.337,9.093,0.884,111,120,"1 cup, whipped",239,"1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped)",0
01053,"CREAM,FLUID,HVY WHIPPING",57.71,345,2.05,37,0.45,2.79,0,0.109999999,65,0.03,7,62,75,38,0.23,0.006,0.001,0.5,0.6,0.022,0.11,0.039,0.255,0.026,4,0,4,4,17,0.18,1470,411,405,0,72,0,0,0,1.06,3.2,23.032,10.686,1.374,137,119.5,"1 cup, whipped",238,"1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped)",0
01054,"CREAM,WHIPPED,CRM TOPPING,PRESSURIZED",61.33,257,3.2,22.22,0.76,12.49,0,8,101,0.05,11,89,147,130,0.37,0.01,0.001,1.4,0,0.037,0.065,0.07,0.305,0.041,3,0,3,3,17,0.29,685,188,184,0,43,0,0,0,0.64,1.9,13.831,6.418,0.825,76,60,1 cup,3,1 tbsp,0
01055,"CREAM,SOUR,RED FAT,CULTURED",80.14,135,2.94,12,0.66,4.26,0,0.159999996,104,0.07,10,95,129,41,0.5,0.016,0.003,2.1,0.9,0.035,0.149,0.067,0.363,0.016,11,0,11,11,19,0.3,372,102,100,0,23,0,0,0,0.34,0.6,7.47,3.466,0.446,39,242,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01056,"CREAM,SOUR,CULTURED",74.46,193,2.07,19.73,0.85,2.88,0,3.5,110,0.17,10,115,141,80,0.38,0.019,0.011,2.6,0.9,0.036,0.172,0.109,0.336,0.057,7,0,7,7,19,0.28,576,162,160,0,26,0,0,0,0.44,1.8,11.507,5.068,0.84,52,230,1 cup,12,1 tbsp,0
01057,EGGNOG,74.37,135,3.81,7.48,0.8,13.54,0,8.409999847,130,0.2,19,109,165,54,0.46,0.013,0.005,4.2,1.5,0.034,0.19,0.105,0.417,0.05,1,0,1,1,52,0.45,161,46,45,0,6,1,0,54,0.2,0.2,4.443,2.233,0.339,59,254,1 cup,32,1 fl oz,0
01058,"SOUR DRSNG,NON-BUTTERFAT,CULTURED,FILLED CREAM-TYPE",74.79,178,3.25,16.57,0.71,4.68,0,4.679999828,113,0.03,10,87,162,48,0.37,0.01,0.002,2.3,0.9,0.038,0.163,0.074,0.398,0.017,12,0,12,12,15,0.33,10,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,1.34,4.1,13.272,1.958,0.468,5,235,1 cup,12,1 tbsp,0
01059,"MILK,FILLED,FLUID,W/BLEND OF HYDR VEG OILS",87.67,63,3.33,3.46,0.8,4.74,0,,128,0.05,13,97,139,57,0.36,0.01,0.002,2,0.9,0.03,0.123,0.087,0.301,0.04,5,0,5,5,,0.34,7,2,2,,,,,,,,0.768,1.783,0.75,2,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01060,"MILK,FILLED,FLUID,W/LAURIC ACID OIL",87.73,63,3.33,3.4,0.8,4.74,0,4.739999771,128,0.05,13,97,139,57,0.36,0.01,0.002,2,0.9,0.03,0.123,0.087,0.301,0.04,5,0,5,5,15,0.34,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0.13,0.8,3.101,0.1,0.01,2,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01067,"CREAM SUB,LIQ,W/HYDR VEG OIL&SOY PROT",77.27,136,1,9.97,0.38,11.38,0,11.38000011,9,0.03,0,64,191,79,0.02,0,0,1.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15,1,0,0,9,0,0,0,0.81,2.5,1.937,7.551,0.027,0,240,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01068,"CREAM SUB,LIQ,W/LAURIC ACID OIL&NA CASEINATE",77.27,136,1,9.97,0.38,11.38,0,,9,0.03,0,64,191,79,0.02,0.025,0.04,1.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,89,4,0,,,,,,,,9.304,0.106,0.003,0,15,"1 container, individual",120,.5 cup,0
01069,"CREAM SUBSTITUTE,POWDERED",2.21,545,4.79,35.48,2.64,54.88,0,54.88000107,22,1.15,4,422,812,181,0.51,0.115,0.22,0.6,0,0,0.165,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,33,2,0,0,20,0,0,0,0.59,8.8,32.525,0.968,0.014,0,94,1 cup,2,1 tsp,0
01070,"DESSERT TOPPING,POWDERED",1.47,577,4.9,39.92,1.17,52.54,0,52.54000092,17,0.03,7,74,166,122,0.08,0.118,0.225,0.6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,180,9,0,0,108,0,0,0,1.52,9.9,36.723,0.6,0.447,0,42.5,1.5 oz,1,"1 portion, amount to make 1 tbsp",0
01071,"DESSERT TOPPING,PDR,1.5 OZ PREP W/1/2 CUP MILK",66.65,188,3.6,12.41,0.81,16.53,0,16.53000069,90,0.04,10,86,151,66,0.27,0.012,0.005,4.8,0.7,0.027,0.117,0.06,0.226,0.03,4,0,4,4,11,0.26,122,23,21,0,32,0,0,0,0.44,2.7,10.684,0.843,0.201,10,80,1 cup,4,1 tbsp,0
01072,"DESSERT TOPPING,PRESSURIZED",60.37,264,0.98,22.3,0.28,16.07,0,16.06999969,5,0.02,1,18,19,62,0.01,0.024,0.045,1.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,78,4,0,0,47,0,0,0,0.85,5.5,18.912,1.927,0.241,0,70,1 cup,4,1 tbsp,0
01073,"DESSERT TOPPING,SEMI SOLID,FRZ",50.21,318,1.25,25.31,0.18,23.05,0,23.04999924,6,0.12,2,8,18,25,0.03,0.03,0.058,2.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,143,7,0,0,86,0,0,0,0.96,6.3,21.783,1.616,0.523,0,75,1 cup,4,1 tbsp,0
01074,"SOUR CRM,IMITN,CULTURED",71.15,208,2.4,19.52,0.3,6.63,0,6.630000114,3,0.39,6,45,161,102,1.18,0.058,0.11,2.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.74,4.8,17.791,0.588,0.056,0,230,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01075,"MILK SUBSTITUTES,FLUID W/HYDR VEG OILS",88.18,61,1.75,3.41,0.5,6.16,0,6.159999847,33,0.39,6,74,114,78,1.18,0.051,0.097,1.9,0,0.012,0.088,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.28,0.8,0.767,1.998,0.488,0,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01076,"MILK SUBSTITUTES,FLUID,W/LAURIC ACID OIL",88.18,61,1.75,3.41,0.5,6.16,0,,33,0.39,6,74,114,78,1.18,0.051,0.097,1.9,0,0.012,0.088,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,3.037,0.176,0.008,0,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01077,"MILK,WHL,3.25% MILKFAT",88.32,60,3.22,3.25,0.69,4.52,0,5.260000229,113,0.03,10,91,143,40,0.4,0.011,0.003,3.7,0,0.044,0.183,0.107,0.362,0.036,5,0,5,5,14,0.44,102,28,28,0,5,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,1.865,0.812,0.195,10,244,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01078,"MILK,PRODUCER,FLUID,3.7% MILKFAT",87.69,64,3.28,3.66,0.72,4.65,0,,119,0.05,13,93,151,49,0.38,0.01,0.004,2,1.5,0.038,0.161,0.084,0.313,0.042,5,0,5,5,,0.36,138,33,31,,,,,,,,2.278,1.057,0.136,14,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01079,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2%MILKFAT,W/ADDED VIT A",89.33,50,3.3,1.97,0.71,4.68,0,5.059999943,117,0.03,11,94,150,41,0.43,0.012,0.003,2.5,0.2,0.039,0.185,0.092,0.356,0.038,5,0,5,5,16,0.46,189,55,55,0,3,0,0,0,0.03,0.2,1.257,0.56,0.073,8,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01080,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A",88.86,51,3.48,1.92,0.77,4.97,0,,128,0.05,14,100,162,52,0.4,0.008,0.002,2.3,1,0.04,0.173,0.09,0.336,0.045,5,0,5,5,,0.38,204,56,55,,,,,,,,1.195,0.555,0.071,8,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01081,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A",87.71,56,3.95,1.98,0.87,5.49,0,5.260000229,143,0.06,16,112,182,59,0.45,0.008,0.002,2.6,1.1,0.045,0.194,0.101,0.376,0.051,6,0,6,6,,0.43,5,0,,0,3,0,0,0,0.04,0.1,1.232,0.572,0.074,8,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01082,"MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,W/ VIT A",89.92,42,3.37,0.97,0.75,4.99,0,5.199999809,119,0.03,11,95,150,44,0.42,0.01,0.003,3.3,0,0.02,0.185,0.093,0.361,0.037,5,0,5,5,18,0.44,196,58,58,0,2,0,0,0,0.01,0.1,0.633,0.277,0.035,5,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01083,"MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A",89.81,43,3.48,0.97,0.77,4.97,0,,128,0.05,14,100,162,52,0.4,0.01,0.002,2.3,1,0.04,0.173,0.09,0.336,0.045,5,0,5,5,,0.38,204,59,58,,,,,,,,0.604,0.28,0.036,4,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01084,"MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A",88.74,48,3.93,1.17,0.86,5.52,0,,142,0.06,16,111,180,58,0.45,0.01,0.002,2.5,1.2,0.045,0.192,0.1,0.373,0.05,6,0,6,6,,0.43,203,61,61,,,,,,,,0.728,0.338,0.043,4,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01085,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,W/ VIT A (FAT FREE OR SKIM)",90.84,34,3.37,0.08,0.75,4.96,0,5.090000153,125,0.03,11,101,156,42,0.42,0.013,0.003,3.1,0,0.045,0.182,0.094,0.357,0.037,5,0,5,5,16,0.53,204,61,61,0,0,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.051,0.021,0.003,2,245,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01086,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A (FAT FREE/SKIM)",90.38,37,3.57,0.25,0.78,5.02,0,5.019999981,129,0.05,15,104,171,53,0.41,0.011,0.002,2.2,1,0.041,0.175,0.091,0.339,0.046,5,0,5,5,16,0.39,203,61,61,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.162,0.065,0.009,2,245,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01087,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A (FAT FREE/SKIM)",89.36,41,3.96,0.25,0.87,5.56,0,,143,0.06,16,112,182,59,0.45,0.011,0.002,2.4,1.1,0.045,0.194,0.101,0.376,0.05,6,0,6,6,,0.43,203,61,61,,,,,,,,0.162,0.065,0.009,2,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01088,"MILK,BTTRMLK,FLUID,CULTURED,LOWFAT",90.13,40,3.31,0.88,0.89,4.79,0,4.789999962,116,0.05,11,89,151,105,0.42,0.011,0.002,2,1,0.034,0.154,0.058,0.275,0.034,5,0,5,5,16,0.22,26,7,7,0,1,0,0,0,0.05,0.1,0.548,0.254,0.033,4,245,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01089,"MILK,LOW SODIUM,FLUID",88.2,61,3.1,3.46,0.78,4.46,0,4.460000038,101,0.05,5,86,253,3,0.38,0.01,0.004,2,0.9,0.02,0.105,0.043,0.304,0.034,5,0,5,5,16,0.36,103,28,28,0,6,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,2.154,0.999,0.128,14,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01090,"MILK,DRY,WHOLE",2.47,496,26.32,26.71,6.08,38.42,0,38.41999817,912,0.47,85,776,1330,371,3.34,0.08,0.04,16.3,8.6,0.283,1.205,0.646,2.271,0.302,37,0,37,37,119,3.25,915,257,253,0,43,0,0,0,0.48,1.8,16.742,7.924,0.665,97,128,1 cup,32,.25 cup,0
01091,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,REG,WO/ VIT A",3.16,362,36.16,0.77,7.93,51.98,0,51.97999954,1257,0.32,110,968,1794,535,4.08,0.041,0.02,27.3,6.8,0.415,1.55,0.951,3.568,0.361,50,0,50,50,169,4.03,22,6,6,0,1,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.499,0.201,0.03,20,120,1 cup,30,.25 cup,0
01092,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,INST,W/ VIT A",3.96,358,35.1,0.72,8.03,52.19,0,52.18999863,1231,0.31,117,985,1705,549,4.41,0.041,0.02,27.3,5.6,0.413,1.744,0.891,3.235,0.345,50,0,50,50,168,3.99,2365,709,709,0,1,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.467,0.187,0.028,18,68,1 cup,91,"1 envelope, (1-1/3 cup)",0
01093,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,CA RED",4.9,354,35.5,0.2,7.6,51.8,0,,280,0.32,60,1011,680,2280,4.03,0.016,0.008,27.3,6.7,0.163,1.642,0.665,3.312,0.298,50,0,50,50,,3.98,8,2,1,,,,,,,,0.124,0.058,0.007,2,28.35,1 oz,113,.25 lb,0
01094,"MILK,BUTTERMILK,DRIED",2.97,387,34.3,5.78,7.95,49,0,49,1184,0.3,110,933,1592,517,4.02,0.111,0.023,20.3,5.7,0.392,1.579,0.876,3.17,0.338,47,0,47,47,119,3.82,175,49,48,0,9,0,0,0,0.1,0.4,3.598,1.669,0.215,69,120,1 cup,6,1 tbsp,0
01095,"MILK,CND,COND,SWTND",27.16,321,7.91,8.7,1.83,54.4,0,54.40000153,284,0.19,26,253,371,127,0.94,0.015,0.006,14.8,2.6,0.09,0.416,0.21,0.75,0.051,11,0,11,11,89,0.44,267,74,73,0,14,0,0,0,0.16,0.6,5.486,2.427,0.337,34,306,1 cup,38,1 fl oz,0
01096,"MILK,CND,EVAP,WO/ VIT A",74.04,134,6.81,7.56,1.55,10.04,0,10.03999996,261,0.19,24,203,303,106,0.77,0.016,0.006,2.3,1.9,0.047,0.316,0.194,0.638,0.05,8,0,8,8,32,0.16,233,65,64,0,12,0,0,0,0.14,0.5,4.591,2.335,0.245,29,252,1 cup,32,1 fl oz,0
01097,"MILK,CND,EVAP,NONFAT",79.4,78,7.55,0.2,1.5,11.35,0,11.35000038,290,0.29,27,195,332,115,0.9,0.016,0.006,2.5,1.2,0.045,0.309,0.174,0.738,0.055,9,0,9,9,25,0.24,394,118,118,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.121,0.062,0.006,4,256,1 cup,32,1 fl oz,0
01102,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,",82.3,83,3.17,3.39,0.8,10.34,0.800000012,9.539999962,112,0.24,13,101,167,60,0.41,0.065,0.077,1.9,0.9,0.037,0.162,0.125,0.295,0.04,5,0,5,5,17,0.33,95,26,26,0,5,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,2.104,0.99,0.124,12,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01103,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,RED FAT",82.17,76,2.99,1.9,0.81,12.13,0.699999988,9.550000191,109,0.24,14,102,169,66,0.39,0.075,0.062,3.4,0,0.045,0.183,0.164,0.539,0.024,2,0,2,2,17,0.33,227,64,63,0,11,0,0,0,0.04,0.2,1.177,0.455,0.089,8,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01104,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,LOWFAT",84.5,63,3.24,1,0.82,10.44,0.5,9.93999958,115,0.24,13,103,170,61,0.41,0.065,0.077,1.9,0.9,0.038,0.166,0.127,0.302,0.041,5,0,5,5,17,0.34,196,58,58,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.616,0.3,0.035,3,250,1 cup,1000,1 quart,0
01105,"MILK,CHOC BEV,HOT COCOA,HOMEMADE",82.57,77,3.52,2.33,0.65,10.63,1,9.670000076,105,0.48,23,105,197,44,0.63,0.103,0.013,2.7,0.2,0.039,0.182,0.133,0.328,0.04,5,0,5,5,,0.42,175,51,51,0,3,0,0,0,0.03,0.2,1.431,0.677,0.034,8,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01106,"MILK,GOAT,FLUID",87.03,69,3.56,4.14,0.82,4.45,0,4.449999809,134,0.05,14,111,204,50,0.3,0.046,0.018,1.4,1.3,0.048,0.138,0.277,0.31,0.046,1,0,1,1,16,0.07,198,57,56,0,7,0,0,0,0.07,0.3,2.667,1.109,0.149,11,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01107,"MILK,HUMAN,MATURE,FLUID",87.5,70,1.03,4.38,0.2,6.89,0,6.889999866,32,0.03,3,14,51,17,0.17,0.052,0.026,1.8,5,0.014,0.036,0.177,0.223,0.011,5,0,5,5,16,0.05,212,61,60,0,7,0,0,0,0.08,0.3,2.009,1.658,0.497,14,246,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01108,"MILK,INDIAN BUFFALO,FLUID",83.39,97,3.75,6.89,0.79,5.18,0,,169,0.12,31,117,178,52,0.22,0.046,0.018,,2.3,0.052,0.135,0.091,0.192,0.023,6,0,6,6,,0.36,178,53,53,,,,,,,,4.597,1.787,0.146,19,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01109,"MILK,SHEEP,FLUID",80.7,108,5.98,7,0.96,5.36,0,,193,0.1,18,158,137,44,0.54,0.046,0.018,1.7,4.2,0.065,0.355,0.417,0.407,0.06,7,0,7,7,,0.71,147,44,44,,,,,,,,4.603,1.724,0.308,27,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01110,"MILK SHAKES,THICK CHOC",72.2,119,3.05,2.7,0.9,21.15,0.300000012,20.85000038,132,0.31,16,126,224,111,0.48,0.065,0.039,1.9,0,0.047,0.222,0.124,0.363,0.025,5,0,5,5,,0.32,67,18,18,0,4,0,0,0,0.05,0.2,1.681,0.78,0.1,11,28.35,1 fl oz,300,"1 container, (10.6 oz)",0
01111,"MILK SHAKES,THICK VANILLA",74.45,112,3.86,3.03,0.91,17.75,0,17.75,146,0.1,12,115,183,95,0.39,0.051,0.014,2.3,0,0.03,0.195,0.146,0.368,0.042,7,0,7,7,,0.52,91,25,25,0,5,0,0,0,0.05,0.2,1.886,0.875,0.113,12,28.35,1 fl oz,313,"1 container, (11 oz)",0
01112,"WHEY,ACID,FLUID",93.42,24,0.76,0.09,0.61,5.12,0,5.119999886,103,0.08,10,78,143,48,0.43,0.003,0.002,1.8,0.1,0.042,0.14,0.079,0.381,0.042,2,0,2,2,16,0.18,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.057,0.025,0.004,1,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01113,"WHEY,ACID,DRIED",3.51,339,11.73,0.54,10.77,73.45,0,73.44999695,2054,1.24,199,1349,2289,968,6.31,0.05,0.015,27.3,0.9,0.622,2.06,1.16,5.632,0.62,33,0,33,33,225,2.5,59,17,17,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0.342,0.149,0.021,3,57,1 cup,3,1 tbsp,0
01114,"WHEY,SWEET,FLUID",93.12,27,0.85,0.36,0.53,5.14,0,5.139999866,47,0.06,8,46,161,54,0.13,0.004,0.001,1.9,0.1,0.036,0.158,0.074,0.383,0.031,1,0,1,1,16,0.28,12,3,3,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0.23,0.1,0.011,2,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01115,"WHEY,SWEET,DRIED",3.19,353,12.93,1.07,8.35,74.46,0,74.45999908,796,0.88,176,932,2080,1079,1.97,0.07,0.009,27.2,1.5,0.519,2.208,1.258,5.62,0.584,12,0,12,12,225,2.37,30,8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.684,0.297,0.034,6,145,1 cup,8,1 tbsp,0
01116,"YOGURT,PLN,WHL MILK,8 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",87.9,61,3.47,3.25,0.72,4.66,0,4.659999847,121,0.05,12,95,155,46,0.59,0.009,0.004,2.2,0.5,0.029,0.142,0.075,0.389,0.032,7,0,7,7,15,0.37,99,27,27,0,5,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,2.096,0.893,0.092,13,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01117,"YOGURT,PLN,LOFAT,12 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",85.07,63,5.25,1.55,1.09,7.04,0,7.039999962,183,0.08,17,144,234,70,0.89,0.013,0.004,3.3,0.8,0.044,0.214,0.114,0.591,0.049,11,0,11,11,15,0.56,51,14,14,0,2,0,0,0,0.03,0.2,1,0.426,0.044,6,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01118,"YOGURT,PLN,SKIM MILK,13 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",85.23,56,5.73,0.18,1.18,7.68,0,7.679999828,199,0.09,19,157,255,77,0.97,0.015,0.005,3.6,0.9,0.048,0.234,0.124,0.641,0.053,12,0,12,12,15,0.61,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,0.116,0.049,0.005,2,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01119,"YOGURT,VANILLA,LOFAT,11 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",79,85,4.93,1.25,1.02,13.8,0,13.80000019,171,0.07,16,135,219,66,0.83,0.013,0.004,4.9,0.8,0.042,0.201,0.107,0.552,0.045,11,0,11,11,15,0.53,43,12,12,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.806,0.343,0.036,5,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01120,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,9 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",75.3,99,3.98,1.15,0.93,18.64,0,18.63999939,138,0.06,13,109,177,53,0.67,0.079,0.064,2.8,0.6,0.034,0.162,0.086,0.446,0.037,9,0,9,9,15,0.43,40,11,11,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.742,0.316,0.033,5,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",125,"1 container, (4.4 oz)",0
01121,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,10 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",74.48,102,4.37,1.08,1.02,19.05,0,19.04999924,152,0.07,15,119,195,58,0.74,0.08,0.065,3.1,0.7,0.037,0.178,0.095,0.489,0.04,9,0,9,9,14,0.47,36,10,10,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.697,0.297,0.031,4,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",170,"1 container, (6 oz)",0
01122,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,11 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",74.1,105,4.86,1.41,1.03,18.6,0,,169,0.07,16,133,216,65,0.82,0.08,0.065,3.1,0.7,0.041,0.198,0.105,0.544,0.045,10,0,10,10,,0.52,60,,,,,,,,,,0.909,0.387,0.04,6,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",113,".5 container, (4 oz)",0
01123,"EGG,WHOLE,RAW,FRESH",75.84,143,12.58,9.94,0.86,0.77,0,0.769999981,53,1.83,12,191,134,140,1.11,0.102,0.038,31.7,0,0.069,0.478,0.07,1.438,0.143,47,0,47,47,251,1.29,487,140,139,0,10,9,0,331,0.97,0.3,3.099,3.81,1.364,423,243,"1 cup, (4.86 large eggs)",56,1 extra large,12
01124,"EGG,WHITE,RAW,FRESH",87.57,48,10.9,0.17,0.63,0.73,0,0.709999979,7,0.08,11,15,163,166,0.03,0.023,0.011,20,0,0.004,0.439,0.105,0.19,0.005,4,0,4,4,1,0.09,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,243,1 cup,33,1 large,0
01125,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRSH",52.31,317,15.86,26.54,1.71,3.59,0,0.560000002,129,2.73,5,390,109,48,2.3,0.077,0.055,56,0,0.176,0.528,0.024,2.99,0.35,146,0,146,146,682,1.95,1442,381,371,38,88,33,0,1094,2.58,0.7,9.551,11.738,4.204,1234,243,1 cup,17,1 large,0
01126,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FROZEN",56.2,303,15.5,25.6,1.55,1.15,0,0.50999999,138,3.34,9,417,118,67,2.88,0.024,0.062,41.8,0,0.155,0.52,0.045,3.53,0.345,116,0,116,116,682,1.82,1609,433,423,36,85,32,0,1055,2.49,0.7,7.82,9.747,3.628,1075,227,.5 lb,,,0
01127,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRZ,SUGARED",51.25,307,13.8,22.75,1.4,10.8,0,,123,3.14,10,384,103,67,2.81,0.012,0.059,37.7,0,0.135,0.53,0.023,3.2,0.284,139,0,139,139,,1.77,1315,395,395,,,,,,,,6.97,8.614,3.244,959,227,.5 lb,,,0
01128,"EGG,WHL,CKD,FRIED",69.13,196,13.63,15.31,1.05,0.88,0,0.829999983,59,1.98,13,208,147,204,1.2,0.111,0.041,34.2,0,0.075,0.518,0.077,1.558,0.155,51,0,51,51,273,1.39,729,198,193,0,46,10,0,358,1.22,5.6,4.294,6.346,2.66,457,46,1 large,,,0
01129,"EGG,WHL,CKD,HARD-BOILED",74.62,155,12.58,10.61,1.08,1.12,0,1.120000005,50,1.19,10,172,126,124,1.05,0.013,0.026,30.8,0,0.066,0.513,0.064,1.398,0.121,44,0,44,44,225,1.11,586,169,168,0,11,10,0,353,1.03,0.3,3.267,4.077,1.414,424,136,"1 cup, chopped",8,1 tbsp,12
01130,"EGG,WHOLE,COOKED,OMELET",75.87,157,10.59,12.03,0.84,0.68,0,0.649999976,47,1.55,10,162,114,161,0.93,0.088,0.032,26.7,0,0.058,0.404,0.06,1.21,0.121,39,0,39,39,212,1.09,572,155,152,0,36,8,0,279,1.22,4.5,3.296,4.971,2.252,356,15.2,1 tbsp,61,1 large,0
01131,"EGG,WHL,CKD,POACHED",75.54,142,12.53,9.9,1.26,0.76,0,0.769999981,53,1.83,12,190,133,294,1.1,0.102,0.039,31.6,0,0.055,0.405,0.059,1.433,0.121,35,0,35,35,200,1.28,485,139,138,0,10,9,0,330,0.96,0.3,3.087,3.795,1.359,422,50,1 large,,,0
01132,"EGG,WHL,CKD,SCRMBLD",73.15,167,11.09,12.21,1.36,2.2,0,1.730000019,71,1.2,12,170,138,280,1,0.014,0.022,22.5,0.2,0.052,0.437,0.079,1.007,0.118,30,0,30,30,190,0.77,526,143,140,0,33,7,0,245,1.09,4,3.679,4.768,2.148,352,220,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01133,"EGG,WHOLE,DRIED",3.1,594,47.35,40.95,3.65,4.95,0,3.079999924,231,6.79,42,831,493,523,5.28,0.196,0.125,119.6,0,0.195,1.54,0.305,5.905,0.388,171,0,171,171,1007,3.95,997,275,270,0,41,36,0,1329,3.88,1.2,12.727,15.337,5.804,1715,85,"1 cup, sifted",5,1 tbsp,0
01134,"EGG,WHL,DRIED,STABILIZED,GLUCOSE RED",1.87,615,48.17,43.95,3.63,2.38,0,,222,8.28,49,715,515,548,5.71,0.27,0.15,121.1,0,0.325,1.232,0.259,6.71,0.42,193,0,193,193,,10.51,2050,616,616,,,,,,,,13.198,17.564,5.713,2017,85,"1 cup, sifted",5,1 tbsp,0
01135,"EGG,WHITE,DRIED,FLAKES,GLUCOSE RED",14.62,351,76.92,0.04,4.25,4.17,0,4.170000076,83,0.23,67,83,1042,1156,0.15,0.23,0.07,116.8,0,0.035,2.162,0.675,1.829,0.023,89,0,89,89,,0.49,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,227,.5 lb,,,0
01136,"EGG,WHITE,DRIED,PDR,GLUCOSE RED",8.54,376,82.4,0.04,4.55,4.47,0,4.46999979,89,0.24,72,89,1116,1238,0.16,0.17,0.05,125.1,0,0.037,2.316,0.723,1.958,0.024,96,0,96,96,8,0.53,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,107,"1 cup, sifted",7,1 tbsp,0
01137,"EGG,YOLK,DRIED",2.95,666,34.25,55.8,3.4,3.6,0,3.599999905,284,5.42,13,920,244,135,4.93,0.012,0.119,86.8,0,0.29,1.88,0.095,7.765,0.66,244,0,244,244,1388,5.33,1751,417,395,79,186,70,0,2299,5.42,1.5,17.154,21.129,7.895,2335,67,"1 cup, sifted",4,1 tbsp,0
01138,"EGG,DUCK,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW",70.83,185,12.81,13.77,1.14,1.45,0,0.930000007,64,3.85,17,220,222,146,1.41,0.062,0.038,36.4,0,0.156,0.404,0.2,1.862,0.25,80,0,80,80,263,5.4,674,194,192,0,14,12,0,459,1.34,0.4,3.681,6.525,1.223,884,70,1 egg,,,12
01139,"EGG,GOOSE,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW",70.43,185,13.87,13.27,1.08,1.35,0,0.939999998,60,3.64,16,208,210,138,1.33,0.062,0.038,36.9,0,0.147,0.382,0.189,1.759,0.236,76,0,76,76,263,5.1,650,187,185,0,13,12,0,442,1.29,0.4,3.595,5.747,1.672,852,144,1 egg,,,13
01140,"EGG,QUAIL,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW",74.35,158,13.05,11.09,1.1,0.41,0,0.409999996,64,3.65,13,226,132,141,1.47,0.062,0.038,32,0,0.13,0.79,0.15,1.761,0.15,66,0,66,66,263,1.58,543,156,155,0,11,10,0,369,1.08,0.3,3.557,4.324,1.324,844,9,1 egg,,,8
01141,"EGG,TURKEY,WHL,FRSH,RAW",72.5,171,13.68,11.88,0.79,1.15,0,,99,4.1,13,170,142,151,1.58,0.062,0.038,34.3,0,0.11,0.47,0.024,1.889,0.131,71,0,71,71,,1.69,554,166,166,,,,,,,,3.632,4.571,1.658,933,79,1 egg,,,12
01142,"EGG SUBSTITUTE,FROZEN",73.1,160,11.29,11.11,1.3,3.2,0,3.200000048,73,1.98,15,72,213,199,0.98,0.022,0.006,41.3,0.5,0.12,0.386,0.14,1.66,0.133,16,0,16,16,2,0.34,225,11,0,0,135,0,0,0,1.59,0.2,1.93,2.435,6.241,2,240,1 cup,60,.25 cup,0
01143,"EGG SUBSTITUTE,LIQUID",82.75,84,12,3.31,1.3,0.64,0,0.639999986,53,2.1,9,121,330,177,1.3,0.023,0.007,24.9,0,0.11,0.3,0.11,2.7,0.003,15,0,15,15,2,0.3,360,18,0,0,216,0,0,0,0.27,0.8,0.659,0.896,1.603,1,251,1 cup,16,1 tbsp,0
01144,"EGG SUBSTITUTE,POWDER",3.86,444,55.5,13,5.84,21.8,0,21.79999924,326,3.16,65,478,744,800,1.82,0.207,0.08,127.7,0.8,0.226,1.76,0.577,3.384,0.143,125,0,125,125,118,3.52,1230,369,369,0,0,0,0,0,1.26,0.4,3.766,5.341,1.683,572,9.9,.35 oz,20,.7 oz,0
01145,"BUTTER,WITHOUT SALT",17.94,717,0.85,81.11,0.04,0.06,0,0.059999999,24,0.02,2,24,24,11,0.09,0.016,0.004,1,0,0.005,0.034,0.042,0.11,0.003,3,0,3,3,19,0.17,2499,684,671,0,158,0,0,0,2.32,7,51.368,21.021,3.043,215,227,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01146,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,SHREDDED",25,415,37.86,27.34,6.39,3.41,0,,1253,0.87,51,735,97,1696,3.19,0.037,0.023,23.9,0,0.041,0.352,0.287,0.527,0.105,8,0,8,8,,1.4,639,122,108,,,,,,,,17.37,8.734,0.661,72,5,1 tbsp,,,0
01147,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4",39.16,375,22.15,31.25,5.84,1.6,0,0.50999999,616,0.39,22,444,162,650,2.99,0.03,0.015,14.4,0,0.027,0.353,0.069,0.482,0.071,8,0,8,8,,0.7,961,254,247,0,82,0,0,0,0.27,2.7,19.694,8.951,0.99,94,28.35,1 oz,18,1 cubic inch,0
01148,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,SWISS,WO/DI NA PO4",42.31,334,24.73,25.01,5.85,2.1,0,,772,0.61,29,540,216,681,3.61,0.027,0.014,15.9,0,0.014,0.276,0.038,0.26,0.036,6,0,6,6,,1.23,808,225,221,,,,,,,,16.045,7.046,0.622,85,28.35,1 oz,18,1 cubic inch,0
01149,"CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4",43.15,328,19.61,24.6,5.35,7.29,0,7.429999828,574,0.84,31,754,279,1596,2.99,0.03,0.01,16,0,0.029,0.442,0.14,0.558,0.141,7,0,7,7,,1.12,762,201,196,,65,,,,0.22,,15.443,7.206,0.723,64,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01150,"CHEESE SPRD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4",47.65,290,16.41,21.23,5.98,8.73,0,,562,0.33,29,875,242,1625,2.59,0.033,0.02,11.3,0,0.048,0.431,0.131,0.686,0.117,7,0,7,7,,0.4,788,,,,,,,,,,13.327,6.219,0.624,55,28.35,1 oz,142,"1 jar, (5 oz)",0
01151,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,WO/ VIT A (FAT FREE OR SKIM)",90.8,35,3.41,0.18,0.76,4.85,0,5.090000153,123,0.04,11,101,166,52,0.4,0.011,0.002,2.1,1,0.036,0.14,0.088,0.329,0.04,5,0,5,5,,0.38,7,2,2,,,,,,0.04,,0.117,0.047,0.007,2,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01152,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL,WO/ VIT A",87.71,56,3.95,1.98,0.87,5.49,0,,143,0.06,15,112,182,59,0.41,0.011,0.002,2.6,1.1,0.045,0.194,0.101,0.339,0.046,5,0,5,5,,0.39,75,17,16,,,,,,,,1.232,0.065,0.009,8,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01153,"MILK,CND,EVAP,W/ VIT A",74.04,134,6.81,7.56,1.55,10.04,0,,261,0.19,24,203,303,106,0.77,0.016,0.006,2.3,1.9,0.047,0.316,0.194,0.638,0.05,8,0,8,8,,0.16,397,,,,,,,,,,4.591,2.335,0.245,29,31.5,1 fl oz,126,.5 cup,0
01154,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,REG,W/ VIT A",3.16,362,36.16,0.77,7.93,51.98,0,51.97999954,1257,0.32,110,968,1794,535,4.08,0.041,0.02,27.3,6.8,0.415,1.55,0.951,3.568,0.361,50,0,50,50,169,4.03,2179,653,653,0,1,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.499,0.2,0.03,20,120,1 cup,30,.25 cup,0
01155,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,INST,WO/ VIT A",3.96,358,35.1,0.72,8.03,52.19,0,52.18999863,1231,0.31,117,985,1705,549,4.41,0.041,0.02,27.3,5.6,0.413,1.744,0.891,3.23,0.345,50,0,50,50,,3.99,15,4,4,0,1,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.47,0.19,0.03,18,68,1 cup,91,"1 envelope, (1-1/3 cup)",0
01156,"CHEESE,GOAT,HARD TYPE",29.01,452,30.52,35.59,3.72,2.17,0,2.170000076,895,1.88,54,729,48,346,1.59,0.627,0.252,5.5,0,0.14,1.19,2.4,0.41,0.08,4,0,4,4,15,0.12,1745,486,478,0,91,0,0,0,0.31,3,24.609,8.117,0.845,105,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01157,"CHEESE,GOAT,SEMISOFT TYPE",45.52,364,21.58,29.84,2.94,2.54,0,2.539999962,298,1.62,29,375,158,515,0.66,0.564,0.093,3.8,0,0.072,0.676,1.148,0.19,0.06,2,0,2,2,15,0.22,1464,407,401,0,77,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,20.639,6.808,0.709,79,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01159,"CHEESE,GOAT,SOFT TYPE",60.75,268,18.52,21.08,1.58,0.89,0,0.889999986,140,1.9,16,256,26,368,0.92,0.732,0.1,2.8,0,0.07,0.38,0.43,0.68,0.25,12,0,12,12,15,0.19,1033,288,283,0,54,0,0,0,0.18,1.8,14.575,4.807,0.501,46,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01160,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRZ,SALTED",50.8,274,14,23,10.6,1.6,0,,114,3.75,10,431,117,3780,2.84,0.109,0.062,37.7,0,0.13,0.43,0.04,3.23,0.261,107,0,107,107,,2.52,1190,357,357,,,,,,,,7.028,8.849,3.15,955,227,.5 lb,,,0
01161,"CHEESE SUB,MOZZARELLA",47.36,248,11.47,12.22,5.27,23.67,0,23.67000008,610,0.4,41,583,455,685,1.92,0.11,0.028,19.2,0.1,0.026,0.444,0.317,0.083,0.051,11,0,11,11,14,0.81,1457,437,437,0,0,0,0,0,0.11,1,3.711,6.243,1.738,0,113,"1 cup, shredded",28,1 oz,0
01163,CHEESE FONDUE,61.61,229,14.23,13.47,1.85,3.77,0,,476,0.39,23,306,105,132,1.96,0.026,0.099,9,0,0.027,0.196,0.19,0.233,0.055,8,4,4,11,,0.83,414,109,107,,,,,,,,8.721,3.563,0.484,45,215,1 cup,108,.5 cup,0
01164,"CHEESE SAU,PREP FROM RECIPE",66.86,197,10.33,14.92,2.41,5.48,0.100000001,,311,0.35,19,229,142,493,1.26,0.019,0.04,6.6,0.6,0.044,0.243,0.204,0.233,0.045,10,2,8,11,,0.35,606,166,163,,,,,,,,8.034,4.735,1.397,38,243,1 cup,30,2 tbsp,0
01165,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO ANEJO",38.06,373,21.44,29.98,5.89,4.63,0,4.630000114,680,0.47,28,444,87,1131,2.94,0.008,0.037,14.5,0,0.02,0.209,0.032,0.252,0.047,1,0,1,1,15,1.38,187,54,54,0,4,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,19.033,8.528,0.901,105,132,"1 cup, crumbled",28,1 oz,0
01166,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO ASADERO",42.16,356,22.6,28.26,4.11,2.87,0,2.869999886,661,0.51,26,443,86,655,3.02,0.026,0.036,14.5,0,0.021,0.223,0.181,0.231,0.053,8,0,8,8,15,1,190,55,55,0,4,0,0,0,0.24,2.4,17.939,8.038,0.85,105,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01167,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO CHIHUAHUA",39.13,374,21.56,29.68,4.06,5.56,0,5.559999943,651,0.47,23,442,52,617,3.5,0.024,0.071,14.5,0,0.018,0.225,0.15,0.279,0.055,2,0,2,2,15,1.03,193,56,56,0,4,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,18.843,8.443,0.892,105,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01168,"CHEESE,LOFAT,CHEDDAR OR COLBY",63.1,173,24.35,7,3.64,1.91,0,0.519999981,415,0.42,16,484,66,612,1.82,0.021,0.006,14.5,0,0.012,0.221,0.051,0.183,0.045,11,0,11,11,15,0.49,207,60,60,0,4,0,0,0,0.06,0.6,4.342,2.082,0.222,21,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01169,"CHEESE,LOW-SODIUM,CHEDDAR OR COLBY",38.98,398,24.35,32.62,2.13,1.91,0,0.49000001,703,0.72,27,484,112,21,3.09,0.036,0.011,14.5,0,0.021,0.375,0.086,0.311,0.076,18,0,18,18,15,0.83,996,264,257,0,84,0,0,0,0.28,2.7,20.768,9.189,0.972,100,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01178,"SOUR CREAM,REDUCED FAT",71,181,7,14.1,0.9,7,0,0.300000012,141,0.06,11,85,211,70,0.27,0.01,,4.1,0.9,0.04,0.24,0.07,,0.02,11,0,11,11,19,0.3,436,119,117,0,27,0,0,0,0.4,0.7,8.7,4.1,0.5,35,,,,,0
01179,"SOUR CREAM,LIGHT",78.1,136,3.5,10.6,0.7,7.1,0,0.219999999,141,0.07,10,71,212,71,0.5,0.016,,3.1,0.9,0.04,0.12,0.07,,0.02,11,0,11,11,19,0.42,328,90,88,0,21,0,0,0,0.3,0.5,6.6,3.1,0.4,35,,,,,0
01180,"SOUR CREAM,FAT FREE",80.6,74,3.1,0,0.7,15.6,0,0.389999986,125,0,10,95,129,141,0.5,0.016,,5.3,0,0.04,0.15,0.07,,0.02,11,0,11,11,19,0.3,255,73,72,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,,,,,0
01182,"USDA COMMODITY,CHS,CHEDDAR,RED FAT",48.2,282,27.2,18.3,4.3,2,0,0.579999983,905,0.13,35,583,93,725,4.3,0.021,,15.5,0,0.03,0.3,0.06,,0.084,20,0,20,20,15,1.66,633,150,142,0,95,0,0,0,0.16,1.5,11.6,5.02,0.75,56,,,,,0
01184,"YOGURT,VAN OR LEM FLAV,NONFAT MILK,SWTND W/LOW-CALORIE SWTNR",87.43,47,3.86,0.18,1,7.5,0,7.5,143,0.12,13,109,177,59,0.67,0.079,,3.1,1.1,0.034,0.162,0.086,,0.037,8,0,8,8,15,0.43,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.116,0.049,0.005,2,,,,,0
01185,"PARMESAN CHS TOPPING,FAT FREE",8.6,370,40,5,6.4,40,0,1.5,800,5,40,700,600,1150,3,0.02,,43.3,0,0.05,0.05,0.2,,0.1,25,0,25,25,15,1.1,151,40,39,0,13,0,0,0,0.04,0.4,3.11,1.446,0.186,20,,,,,0
01186,"CHEESE,CREAM,FAT FREE",71.87,105,15.69,1,3.77,7.66,0,5.480000019,351,0.19,22,523,278,702,1.5,0.036,0.017,4.9,0,0.04,0.265,0.23,0.84,0.05,35,0,35,35,65,0.95,53,11,10,0,11,0,0,0,0.02,0.2,0.644,0.25,0.057,12,,,,,0
01187,"YOGURT,CHOC,NONFAT MILK",71.57,108,3.53,0,1.37,23.53,1.200000048,14.97000027,88,0.42,40,166,339,135,1.13,0.209,,7,0,0.047,0.215,0.223,,0.047,12,0,12,12,15,0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,,,,,0
01188,KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ PAST PROCESS CHS SAU,51.5,276,12,21,5.8,9.2,0.300000012,6.699999809,359,0.19,,806,240,1638,1.64,,,,0.4,,0.24,,,,,,,,,,649,,,,,,,,,,13.1,,,75,33,2 tbsp,,,0
01189,KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ LT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT,51.5,215,16.3,9.5,6.4,16.2,0.200000003,8.199999809,418,0.16,,943,297,1705,2.36,,,,0.4,,0.33,,,,,,,,,,628,,,,,,,,,,6.4,,,35,35,2 tbsp,,,0
01190,KRAFT FREE SINGLES AMERICAN NONFAT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT,58,148,22.7,1,6.1,11.7,0.200000003,6.699999809,712,0.05,,923,236,1298,2.5,,,,0.2,,0.28,,,,,,,,,,2166,,,,,,,,,,0.7,,,16,21,1 slice,,,0
01191,KRAFT VELVEETA PAST PROCESS CHS SPRD,45.8,303,16.3,22,6,9.8,0,8.100000381,466,0.18,,863,335,1499,1.84,,,,0.2,,0.35,,,,,,,,,,1107,,,,,,,,,,14.4,,,80,28,1 oz,,,0
01192,KRAFT VELVEETA LT RED FAT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT,51.3,222,19.6,10.6,6.6,11.8,0,8.5,574,0.14,,1024,345,1586,2.49,,,,0.1,,0.65,,,,,,,,,,982,,,,,,,,,,7.1,,,42,28,1 oz,,,0
01193,KRAFT BREAKSTONE'S RED FAT SOUR CRM,76.2,152,4.5,12,0.8,6.5,0.100000001,6.400000095,161,0.06,,110,210,59,,,,,1.1,,,,,,,,,,,,1053,,,,,,,,,,7.6,,,50,31,2 tbsp,,,0
01194,KRAFT BREAKSTONE'S FREE FAT FREE SOUR CRM,77.7,91,4.7,1.3,1.2,15.1,0,7.199999809,141,0.05,,116,219,72,,,,,1.2,,,,,,,,,,,,679,,,,,,,,,,0.8,,,9,32,2 tbsp,,,0
01195,KRAFT BREYERS LOWFAT STRAWBERRY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT),76.5,96,3.8,0.8,0.7,18.2,0.200000003,17.39999962,125,0.1,,89,192,52,,,,,0,,0.19,,,,,,,,,0.53,34,,,,,,,,,,0.5,,,9,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",,,0
01196,KRAFT BREYERS LT N' LVLY LOWFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT),73.3,108,3.2,0.8,0.6,21.9,0.200000003,19.60000038,91,0.11,,67,151,45,,,,,0,,0.14,,,,,,,,,0.46,30,,,,,,,,,,0.5,,,9,125,"1 container, (4.4 oz)",,,0
01197,KRAFT BREYERS SMOTH&CRMY LOWFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT),74.8,102,3.8,0.9,0.7,19.9,0.300000012,17.20000076,108,0.13,,78,177,55,,,,,0,,0.18,,,,,,,,,0.52,31,,,,,,,,,,0.5,,,9,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",,,0
01198,KRAFT BREYERS LT NONFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (W/ASPRT&FRUCT SW'T),86,55,3.4,0.2,0.6,9.9,0,7.699999809,95,0.11,,68,146,45,,,,,0.6,,0.14,,,,,,,,,0.41,4,,,,,,,,,,0.1,,,5,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",,,0
01199,"CREAM,HALF & HALF,FAT FREE",86,59,2.6,1.4,1,9,0,5,96,0,16,151,206,144,0.81,0.016,0.002,2.9,0.7,0.056,0.237,0.124,0.459,0.062,4,0,4,4,15,0.52,43,12,12,0,3,0,0,0,0.04,0.2,0.841,0.384,0.052,5,,,,,0
01200,REDDI WIP FAT FREE WHIPPED TOPPING,66.44,149,3,5,0.56,25,0.400000006,16,108,0.03,8,68,108,72,0.31,0.019,,3,0,0.148,0.619,0.364,,0.123,17,0,17,17,0,1.48,175,49,48,0,9,0,0,0,0.09,0.3,2.869,1.25,0.299,16,,,,,0
01202,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,RED FAT,W/ ADDED CA",82.17,78,2.99,1.9,0.81,12.13,0.699999988,9.550000191,194,0.24,14,76,123,66,0.39,0.075,0.062,3.4,0,0.045,0.565,0.164,0.539,0.024,2,0,2,2,,0.33,227,64,63,0,11,0,0,0,0.04,0.2,1.177,0.455,0.089,8,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01203,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,W/LO CAL SWEETENER",74.1,105,4.86,1.41,1.03,18.6,0,2.900000095,152,0.07,16,133,194,58,0.82,0.08,0.065,3.1,0.7,0.041,0.18,0.105,0.544,0.045,10,0,10,10,15,0.52,441,131,131,0,4,0,0,0,0.06,1.2,0.909,0.387,0.04,6,227,"1 8 oz container, (8 oz)",245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",0
01204,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,DRY GRATED,RED FAT",50.6,265,20,20,8.03,1.37,0,0,1109,0.9,38,729,125,1529,3.87,0.238,0.085,17.7,0,0.029,0.486,0.114,0.325,0.049,10,0,10,10,21,2.26,605,160,156,0,51,0,0,0,0.17,1.7,13.317,6.098,0.462,88,100,1 cup,5,1 tbsp,0
01205,"CREAM SUB,FLAV,LIQ",50.06,251,0.69,13.5,0.55,35.07,1.100000024,33.04000092,6,0.59,19,28,96,80,0.25,0.142,0.142,0.7,0,0.004,0.024,0.091,0.01,0.004,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1.58,3.3,2.635,4.002,6.269,0,,,,,0
01206,"CREAM SUB,FLAV,POWDERED",1.52,495,0,21.47,0.79,75.42,1.200000048,58.00999832,5,0.63,17,28,90,196,0.23,0.135,0.14,1.3,0,0.004,0.027,0.084,0.009,0.004,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0.41,9.1,19.446,0.618,0.229,0,,,,,0
01208,"CHEESE,PROVOLONE,RED FAT",50.6,274,24.7,17.6,3.6,3.5,0,0.550000012,756,0.52,28,496,138,876,3.23,0.026,0.01,14.5,0,0.019,0.321,0.156,0.476,0.073,10,0,10,10,13,1.46,532,141,137,0,45,0,0,0,0.15,1.5,11.3,4.89,0.51,55,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01209,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,BLEND,RED FAT",48.2,282,24.69,19.4,4.3,3.41,0,0.560000002,1146,0.13,35,583,93,776,4.3,0.021,,15.5,0,0.03,0.3,0.06,,0.084,20,0,20,20,14,1.66,586,155,151,0,50,0,0,0,0.17,1.6,11.58,5.02,0.75,62,,,,,0
01210,"EGG MIX,USDA CMDTY",2.78,549,35.6,34.5,3.15,23.97,,2.460000038,171,3.23,11,451,373,576,2.76,0.149,0.056,118,,0.19,1.277,0.267,6.5,0.207,138,0,138,138,602,2.9,398,117,116,0,0,13,0,,2.04,0.7,10.305,13.745,7.555,1110,,,,,0
02001,"ALLSPICE,GROUND",8.46,263,6.09,8.69,4.65,72.12,21.60000038,,661,7.06,135,113,1044,77,1.01,0.553,2.943,2.7,39.2,0.101,0.063,2.86,,0.21,36,0,36,36,,0,540,27,0,,,,,,,,2.55,0.66,2.36,0,6,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0
02002,ANISE SEED,9.54,337,17.6,15.9,6.95,50.02,14.60000038,,646,36.96,170,440,1441,16,5.3,0.91,2.3,5,21,0.34,0.29,3.06,0.797,0.65,10,0,10,10,,0,311,16,0,,,,,,,,0.586,9.78,3.15,0,6.7,"1 tbsp, whole",2,"1 tsp, whole",0
02003,"SPICES,BASIL,DRIED",6.43,251,14.37,3.98,14.27,60.96,40.5,1.710000038,2113,42,422,490,3433,34,5.82,1.367,3.167,2.8,61.2,0.148,0.316,6.948,,2.32,274,0,274,274,55,0,9375,469,0,0,5584,81,393,1150,7.48,1714.5,0.24,0.453,2.168,0,0.7,"1 tsp, leaves",2,"1 tbsp, leaves",0
02004,"SPICES,BAY LEAF",5.44,313,7.61,8.36,3.62,74.97,26.29999924,,834,43,120,113,529,23,3.7,0.416,8.167,2.8,46.5,0.009,0.421,2.005,,1.74,180,0,180,180,,0,6185,309,0,,,,,,,,2.28,1.64,2.29,0,1.8,"1 tbsp, crumbled",1,"1 tsp, crumbled",0
02005,CARAWAY SEED,9.87,333,19.77,14.59,5.87,49.9,38,0.639999986,689,16.23,258,568,1351,17,5.5,0.91,1.3,12.1,21,0.383,0.379,3.606,,0.36,10,0,10,10,25,0,363,18,0,0,189,58,6,205,2.5,0,0.62,7.125,3.272,0,6.7,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0
02006,"SPICES,CARDAMOM",8.28,311,10.76,6.7,5.78,68.47,28,,383,13.97,229,178,1119,18,7.47,0.383,28,,21,0.198,0.182,1.102,,0.23,,,,,,0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,0.68,0.87,0.43,0,5.8,"1 tbsp, ground",2,"1 tsp, ground",0
02007,CELERY SEED,6.04,392,18.07,25.27,9.27,41.35,11.80000019,0.670000017,1767,44.9,440,547,1400,160,6.93,1.37,7.567,12.1,17.1,0.34,0.29,3.06,,0.89,10,0,10,10,25,0,52,3,0,0,31,0,0,0,1.07,0,2.19,15.93,3.72,0,6.5,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0
02008,"CHERVIL,DRIED",7.2,237,23.2,3.9,16.6,49.1,11.30000019,,1346,31.95,130,450,4740,83,8.8,0.44,2.1,29.3,50,0.38,0.68,5.4,,0.93,274,0,274,274,,0,5850,293,0,,,,,,,,0.169,1.399,1.8,0,1.9,1 tbsp,1,1 tsp,0
02009,CHILI POWDER,7.79,314,12.26,16.76,8.53,54.66,34.20000076,7.190000057,278,14.25,170,303,1916,1010,2.7,0.429,2.165,6,64.1,0.349,0.794,7.893,,3.67,100,0,100,100,66,0,29650,1483,0,2090,15000,3490,21,310,29.05,105.7,2.953,3.574,7.458,0,7.5,1 tbsp,3,1 tsp,0
02010,"CINNAMON,GROUND",10.58,247,3.99,1.24,3.6,80.59,53.09999847,2.170000076,1002,8.32,60,64,431,10,1.83,0.339,17.466,3.1,3.8,0.022,0.041,1.332,0.358,0.158,6,0,6,6,11,0,295,15,0,1,112,129,15,222,2.32,31.2,0.345,0.246,0.068,0,7.85,1 tbsp,3,1 tsp,0
02011,"CLOVES,GROUND",6.86,323,5.98,20.07,5.88,61.21,34.20000076,2.380000114,646,8.68,264,105,1102,243,1.09,0.347,30.033,5.9,80.8,0.115,0.267,1.458,,0.59,93,0,93,93,37,0,530,27,0,0,84,468,0,0,8.52,141.8,5.438,1.471,7.088,0,6.6,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0
01001,"BUTTER,WITH SALT",15.87,717,0.85,81.11,2.11,0.06,0,0.059999999,24,0.02,2,24,24,576,0.09,0,0,1,0,0.005,0.034,0.042,0.11,0.003,3,0,3,3,19,0.17,2499,684,671,0,158,0,0,0,2.32,7,51.368,21.021,3.043,215,227,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01002,"BUTTER,WHIPPED,WITH SALT",15.87,717,0.85,81.11,2.11,0.06,0,0.059999999,24,0.16,2,23,26,827,0.05,0.016,0.004,1,0,0.005,0.034,0.042,0.11,0.003,3,0,3,3,19,0.13,2499,684,671,0,158,0,0,0,2.32,7,50.489,23.426,3.012,219,151,1 cup,9,1 tbsp,0
01003,"BUTTER OIL,ANHYDROUS",0.24,876,0.28,99.48,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,3,5,2,0.01,0.001,0,0,0,0.001,0.005,0.003,0.01,0.001,0,0,0,0,22,0.01,3069,840,824,0,193,0,0,0,2.8,8.6,61.924,28.732,3.694,256,205,1 cup,13,1 tbsp,0
01004,"CHEESE,BLUE",42.41,353,21.4,28.74,5.11,2.34,0,0.5,528,0.31,23,387,256,1395,2.66,0.04,0.009,14.5,0,0.029,0.382,1.016,1.729,0.166,36,0,36,36,15,1.22,763,198,192,0,74,0,0,0,0.25,2.4,18.669,7.778,0.8,75,28.35,1 oz,17,1 cubic inch,0
01005,"CHEESE,BRICK",41.11,371,23.24,29.68,3.18,2.79,0,0.50999999,674,0.43,24,451,136,560,2.6,0.024,0.012,14.5,0,0.014,0.351,0.118,0.288,0.065,20,0,20,20,15,1.26,1080,292,286,0,76,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,18.764,8.598,0.784,94,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01006,"CHEESE,BRIE",48.42,334,20.75,27.68,2.7,0.45,0,0.449999988,184,0.5,20,188,152,629,2.38,0.019,0.034,14.5,0,0.07,0.52,0.38,0.69,0.235,65,0,65,65,15,1.65,592,174,173,0,9,0,0,0,0.24,2.3,17.41,8.013,0.826,100,240,"1 cup, melted",144,"1 cup, sliced",0
01007,"CHEESE,CAMEMBERT",51.8,300,19.8,24.26,3.68,0.46,0,0.460000008,388,0.33,20,347,187,842,2.38,0.021,0.038,14.5,0,0.028,0.488,0.63,1.364,0.227,62,0,62,62,15,1.3,820,241,240,0,12,0,0,0,0.21,2,15.259,7.023,0.724,72,246,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01008,"CHEESE,CARAWAY",39.28,376,25.18,29.2,3.28,3.06,0,,673,0.64,22,490,93,690,2.94,0.024,0.021,14.5,0,0.031,0.45,0.18,0.19,0.074,18,0,18,18,,0.27,1054,271,262,,,,,,,,18.584,8.275,0.83,93,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01009,"CHEESE,CHEDDAR",36.75,403,24.9,33.14,3.93,1.28,0,0.519999981,721,0.68,28,512,98,621,3.11,0.031,0.01,13.9,0,0.027,0.375,0.08,0.413,0.074,18,0,18,18,16,0.83,1002,265,258,0,85,0,0,0,0.29,2.8,21.092,9.391,0.942,105,132,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01010,"CHEESE,CHESHIRE",37.65,387,23.37,30.6,3.6,4.78,0,,643,0.21,21,464,95,700,2.79,0.042,0.012,14.5,0,0.046,0.293,0.08,0.413,0.074,18,0,18,18,,0.83,985,233,220,,,,,,,,19.475,8.671,0.87,103,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01011,"CHEESE,COLBY",38.2,394,23.76,32.11,3.36,2.57,0,0.519999981,685,0.76,26,457,127,604,3.07,0.042,0.012,14.5,0,0.015,0.375,0.093,0.21,0.079,18,0,18,18,15,0.83,994,264,257,0,82,0,0,0,0.28,2.7,20.218,9.28,0.953,95,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01012,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,CRMD,LRG OR SML CURD",79.79,98,11.12,4.3,1.41,3.38,0,2.670000076,83,0.07,8,159,104,364,0.4,0.029,0.002,9.7,0,0.027,0.163,0.099,0.557,0.046,12,0,12,12,18,0.43,140,37,36,0,12,0,0,0,0.08,0,1.718,0.778,0.123,17,113,4 oz,210,"1 cup, large curd (not packed)",0
01013,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,CRMD,W/FRUIT",79.64,97,10.69,3.85,1.2,4.61,0.200000003,2.380000114,53,0.16,7,113,90,344,0.33,0.04,0.003,7.7,1.4,0.033,0.142,0.15,0.181,0.068,11,0,11,11,18,0.53,146,38,37,0,14,0,0,0,0.04,0.4,2.311,1.036,0.124,13,226,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01014,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,NONFAT,UNCRMD,DRY,LRG OR SML CURD",81.01,72,10.34,0.29,1.71,6.66,0,1.850000024,86,0.15,11,190,137,330,0.47,0.03,0.022,9.4,0,0.023,0.226,0.144,0.446,0.016,9,0,9,9,18,0.46,8,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.169,0.079,0.003,7,145,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01015,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,LOWFAT,2% MILKFAT",80.69,86,11.83,2.45,1.36,3.66,0,3.670000076,91,0.15,7,163,84,330,0.41,0.03,0.007,9.9,0,0.041,0.198,0.108,0.253,0.022,10,0,10,10,16,0.45,74,20,19,0,6,0,0,0,0.04,0,0.979,0.443,0.07,10,226,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01016,"CHEESE,COTTAGE,LOWFAT,1% MILKFAT",82.48,72,12.39,1.02,1.39,2.72,0,2.720000029,61,0.14,5,134,86,406,0.38,0.028,0.003,9,0,0.021,0.165,0.128,0.215,0.068,12,0,12,12,18,0.63,41,11,11,0,3,0,0,0,0.01,0.1,0.645,0.291,0.031,4,226,"1 cup, (not packed)",113,4 oz,0
01017,"CHEESE,CREAM",54.44,342,5.93,34.24,1.32,4.07,0,3.210000038,98,0.38,9,106,138,321,0.51,0.019,0.011,2.4,0,0.02,0.125,0.145,0.57,0.035,11,0,11,11,27,0.25,1265,362,359,0,41,0,0,0,0.65,3.4,19.292,8.62,1.437,110,232,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01018,"CHEESE,EDAM",41.56,357,24.99,27.8,4.22,1.43,0,1.429999948,731,0.44,30,536,188,965,3.75,0.036,0.011,14.5,0,0.037,0.389,0.082,0.281,0.076,16,0,16,16,15,1.54,825,243,242,0,11,0,0,0,0.24,2.3,17.572,8.125,0.665,89,28.35,1 oz,198,"1 package, (7 oz)",0
01019,"CHEESE,FETA",55.22,264,14.21,21.28,5.2,4.09,0,4.090000153,493,0.65,19,337,62,1116,2.88,0.032,0.028,15,0,0.154,0.844,0.991,0.967,0.424,32,0,32,32,15,1.69,422,125,125,0,3,0,0,0,0.18,1.8,14.946,4.623,0.591,89,150,"1 cup, crumbled",28,1 oz,0
01020,"CHEESE,FONTINA",37.92,389,25.6,31.14,3.79,1.55,0,1.549999952,550,0.23,14,346,64,800,3.5,0.025,0.014,14.5,0,0.021,0.204,0.15,0.429,0.083,6,0,6,6,15,1.68,913,261,258,0,32,0,0,0,0.27,2.6,19.196,8.687,1.654,116,132,"1 cup, diced",108,"1 cup, shredded",0
01021,"CHEESE,GJETOST",13.44,466,9.65,29.51,4.75,42.65,0,,400,0.52,70,444,1409,600,1.14,0.08,0.04,14.5,0,0.315,1.382,0.813,3.351,0.271,5,0,5,5,,2.42,1113,334,334,,,,,,,,19.16,7.879,0.938,94,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01022,"CHEESE,GOUDA",41.46,356,24.94,27.44,3.94,2.22,0,2.220000029,700,0.24,29,546,121,819,3.9,0.036,0.011,14.5,0,0.03,0.334,0.063,0.34,0.08,21,0,21,21,15,1.54,563,165,164,0,10,0,0,0,0.24,2.3,17.614,7.747,0.657,114,28.35,1 oz,198,"1 package, (7 oz)",0
01023,"CHEESE,GRUYERE",33.19,413,29.81,32.34,4.3,0.36,0,0.360000014,1011,0.17,36,605,81,336,3.9,0.032,0.017,14.5,0,0.06,0.279,0.106,0.562,0.081,10,0,10,10,15,1.6,948,271,268,0,33,0,0,0,0.28,2.7,18.913,10.043,1.733,110,132,"1 cup, diced",108,"1 cup, shredded",0
01024,"CHEESE,LIMBURGER",48.42,327,20.05,27.25,3.79,0.49,0,0.49000001,497,0.13,21,393,128,800,2.1,0.021,0.038,14.5,0,0.08,0.503,0.158,1.177,0.086,58,0,58,58,15,1.04,1155,340,339,0,15,0,0,0,0.23,2.3,16.746,8.606,0.495,90,134,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01025,"CHEESE,MONTEREY",41.01,373,24.48,30.28,3.55,0.68,0,0.5,746,0.72,27,444,81,536,3,0.032,0.011,14.5,0,0.015,0.39,0.093,0.21,0.079,18,0,18,18,15,0.83,769,198,192,0,78,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,19.066,8.751,0.899,89,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01026,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,WHL MILK",50.01,300,22.17,22.35,3.28,2.19,0,1.029999971,505,0.44,20,354,76,627,2.92,0.011,0.03,17,0,0.03,0.283,0.104,0.141,0.037,7,0,7,7,15,2.28,676,179,174,0,57,0,0,0,0.19,2.3,13.152,6.573,0.765,79,112,"1 cup, shredded",28,1 oz,0
01027,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,WHL MILK,LO MOIST",48.38,318,21.6,24.64,2.91,2.47,0,1.00999999,575,0.2,21,412,75,415,2.46,0.022,0.009,16.1,0,0.016,0.27,0.094,0.071,0.062,8,0,8,8,15,0.73,745,197,192,0,63,0,0,0,0.21,2.5,15.561,7.027,0.778,89,28.35,1 oz,18,1 cubic inch,0
01028,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,PART SKIM MILK",53.78,254,24.26,15.92,3.27,2.77,0,1.129999995,782,0.22,23,463,84,619,2.76,0.025,0.01,14.4,0,0.018,0.303,0.105,0.079,0.07,9,0,9,9,15,0.82,481,127,124,0,41,0,0,0,0.14,1.6,10.114,4.51,0.472,64,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01029,"CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,PART SKIM MILK,LO MOIST",46.46,302,25.96,20.03,3.72,3.83,0,0.600000024,731,0.25,26,524,95,528,3.13,0.027,0.011,16.3,0,0.101,0.329,0.119,0.09,0.079,10,0,10,10,14,2.31,517,137,133,0,44,0,0,0,0.37,1.3,12.67,5.73,0.626,54,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01030,"CHEESE,MUENSTER",41.77,368,23.41,30.04,3.66,1.12,0,1.120000005,717,0.41,27,468,134,628,2.81,0.031,0.008,14.5,0,0.013,0.32,0.103,0.19,0.056,12,0,12,12,15,1.47,1012,298,297,0,13,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,19.113,8.711,0.661,96,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01031,"CHEESE,NEUFCHATEL",63.11,253,9.15,22.78,1.37,3.59,0,3.190000057,117,0.13,10,138,152,334,0.82,0.027,0.011,3,0,0.022,0.155,0.21,0.575,0.041,14,0,14,14,,0.3,841,241,239,0,27,0,0,,0.4,1.7,12.79,5.784,0.97,74,28.35,1 oz,85,"1 package, (3 oz)",0
01032,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,GRATED",20.84,431,38.46,28.61,8.03,4.06,0,0.899999976,1109,0.9,38,729,125,1529,3.87,0.238,0.085,17.7,0,0.029,0.486,0.114,0.325,0.049,10,0,10,10,15,2.26,442,120,117,0,31,0,0,0,0.26,1.9,17.301,8.375,1.173,88,100,1 cup,5,1 tbsp,0
01033,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,HARD",29.16,392,35.75,25.83,6.04,3.22,0,0.800000012,1184,0.82,44,694,92,1602,2.75,0.032,0.02,22.5,0,0.039,0.332,0.271,0.453,0.091,7,0,7,7,15,1.2,399,108,106,0,28,0,0,0,0.23,1.7,16.41,7.515,0.569,68,28.35,1 oz,10,1 cubic inch,0
01034,"CHEESE,PORT DE SALUT",45.45,352,23.78,28.2,2,0.57,0,0.569999993,650,0.43,24,360,136,534,2.6,0.022,0.011,14.5,0,0.014,0.24,0.06,0.21,0.053,18,0,18,18,15,1.5,1092,315,313,0,29,0,0,0,0.24,2.4,16.691,9.338,0.729,123,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01035,"CHEESE,PROVOLONE",40.95,351,25.58,26.62,4.71,2.14,0,0.560000002,756,0.52,28,496,138,876,3.23,0.026,0.01,14.5,0,0.019,0.321,0.156,0.476,0.073,10,0,10,10,15,1.46,880,236,230,0,68,0,0,0,0.23,2.2,17.078,7.393,0.769,69,132,"1 cup, diced",28,1 oz,0
01036,"CHEESE,RICOTTA,WHOLE MILK",71.7,174,11.26,12.98,1.02,3.04,0,0.270000011,207,0.38,11,158,105,84,1.16,0.021,0.006,14.5,0,0.013,0.195,0.104,0.213,0.043,12,0,12,12,18,0.34,445,120,117,0,33,0,0,0,0.11,1.1,8.295,3.627,0.385,51,246,1 cup,124,.5 cup,0
01037,"CHEESE,RICOTTA,PART SKIM MILK",74.41,138,11.39,7.91,1.15,5.14,0,0.310000002,272,0.44,15,183,125,125,1.34,0.034,0.01,16.7,0,0.021,0.185,0.078,0.242,0.02,13,0,13,13,18,0.29,384,107,105,0,20,0,0,0,0.07,0.7,4.927,2.314,0.26,31,246,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01038,"CHEESE,ROMANO",30.91,387,31.8,26.94,6.72,3.63,0,0.730000019,1064,0.77,41,760,86,1200,2.58,0.03,0.02,14.5,0,0.037,0.37,0.077,0.424,0.085,7,0,7,7,15,1.12,415,96,90,0,69,0,0,0,0.23,2.2,17.115,7.838,0.593,104,28.35,1 oz,142,"5 package, (5 oz)",0
01039,"CHEESE,ROQUEFORT",39.38,369,21.54,30.64,6.44,2,0,,662,0.56,30,392,91,1809,2.08,0.034,0.03,14.5,0,0.04,0.586,0.734,1.731,0.124,49,0,49,49,,0.64,1047,294,290,,,,,,,,19.263,8.474,1.32,90,28.35,1 oz,85,"1 package, (3 oz)",0
01040,"CHEESE,SWISS",37.12,380,26.93,27.8,2.77,5.38,0,1.320000052,791,0.2,38,567,77,192,4.36,0.043,0.005,18.2,0,0.063,0.296,0.092,0.429,0.083,6,0,6,6,16,3.34,830,220,214,0,70,0,0,0,0.38,2.5,17.779,7.274,0.972,92,132,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01041,"CHEESE,TILSIT",42.86,340,24.41,25.98,4.87,1.88,0,,700,0.23,13,500,65,753,3.5,0.026,0.013,14.5,0,0.061,0.359,0.205,0.346,0.065,20,0,20,20,,2.1,1045,249,236,,,,,,,,16.775,7.136,0.721,102,28.35,1 oz,170,"1 package, (6 oz)",0
01042,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4",39.16,375,22.15,31.25,5.84,1.6,0,0.50999999,552,0.19,27,513,169,1489,2.84,0.016,0.008,14.4,0,0.027,0.353,0.069,0.482,0.071,8,0,8,8,36,0.7,961,254,247,0,82,0,0,0,0.27,2.7,19.694,8.951,0.99,94,140,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01043,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,PIMENTO",39.08,375,22.13,31.2,5.84,1.73,0.100000001,0.629999995,614,0.42,22,744,162,1428,2.98,0.033,0.016,14.5,2.3,0.027,0.354,0.078,0.485,0.071,8,0,8,8,36,0.7,1045,248,235,12,151,0,0,20,0.29,2.9,19.663,8.937,0.988,94,140,"1 cup, diced",244,"1 cup, melted",0
01044,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,SWISS,W/DI NA PO4",42.31,334,24.73,25.01,5.85,2.1,0,1.230000019,772,0.61,29,762,216,1370,3.61,0.027,0.014,15.9,0,0.014,0.276,0.038,0.26,0.036,6,0,6,6,36,1.23,746,198,192,0,63,0,0,0,0.34,2.2,16.045,7.046,0.622,85,140,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01045,"CHEESE FD,COLD PK,AMERICAN",43.12,331,19.66,24.46,4.44,8.32,0,,497,0.84,30,400,363,966,3.01,0.03,0.01,16.2,0,0.03,0.446,0.074,0.977,0.141,5,0,5,5,,1.28,705,159,148,,,,,,,,15.355,7.165,0.719,64,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01046,"CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4",43.21,330,18.4,25.18,5.38,7.83,0,7.429999828,570,0.57,31,439,291,1265,3.19,0.085,0.073,16.1,0,0.068,0.517,0.17,0.974,0.073,7,0,7,7,36,1.26,761,201,196,0,65,0,0,0,0.22,3.4,14.895,7.214,1.108,80,113,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01047,"CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,SWISS",43.67,323,21.92,24.14,5.77,4.5,0,,723,0.6,28,526,284,1552,3.55,0.03,0.01,16.1,0,0.014,0.4,0.104,0.5,0.035,6,0,6,6,,2.3,856,237,233,,,,,,,,15.487,6.801,0.6,82,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01048,"CHEESE SPRD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4",47.65,290,16.41,21.23,5.98,8.73,0,7.320000172,562,0.33,29,712,242,1345,2.59,0.033,0.02,11.3,0,0.048,0.431,0.131,0.686,0.117,7,0,7,7,36,0.4,653,173,168,0,55,0,0,0,0.19,1.8,13.327,6.219,0.624,55,140,"1 cup, diced",244,1 cup,0
01049,"CREAM,FLUID,HALF AND HALF",80.57,130,2.96,11.5,0.67,4.3,0,0.159999996,105,0.07,10,95,130,41,0.51,0.01,0.001,1.8,0.9,0.035,0.149,0.078,0.289,0.039,3,0,3,3,19,0.33,354,97,95,0,22,0,0,0,0.33,1.3,7.158,3.321,0.427,37,242,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01050,"CREAM,FLUID,LT (COFFEE CRM OR TABLE CRM)",73.75,195,2.7,19.31,0.58,3.66,0,0.140000001,96,0.04,9,80,122,40,0.27,0.008,0.001,0.6,0.8,0.032,0.148,0.057,0.276,0.032,2,0,2,2,17,0.22,656,181,178,0,37,0,0,0,0.55,1.7,12.02,5.577,0.717,66,240,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01052,"CREAM,FLUID,LT WHIPPING",63.5,292,2.17,30.91,0.46,2.96,0,0.109999999,69,0.03,7,61,97,34,0.25,0.007,0.001,0.5,0.6,0.024,0.125,0.042,0.259,0.028,4,0,4,4,17,0.2,1013,279,274,0,60,0,0,0,0.88,2.7,19.337,9.093,0.884,111,120,"1 cup, whipped",239,"1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped)",0
01053,"CREAM,FLUID,HVY WHIPPING",57.71,345,2.05,37,0.45,2.79,0,0.109999999,65,0.03,7,62,75,38,0.23,0.006,0.001,0.5,0.6,0.022,0.11,0.039,0.255,0.026,4,0,4,4,17,0.18,1470,411,405,0,72,0,0,0,1.06,3.2,23.032,10.686,1.374,137,119.5,"1 cup, whipped",238,"1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped)",0
01054,"CREAM,WHIPPED,CRM TOPPING,PRESSURIZED",61.33,257,3.2,22.22,0.76,12.49,0,8,101,0.05,11,89,147,130,0.37,0.01,0.001,1.4,0,0.037,0.065,0.07,0.305,0.041,3,0,3,3,17,0.29,685,188,184,0,43,0,0,0,0.64,1.9,13.831,6.418,0.825,76,60,1 cup,3,1 tbsp,0
01055,"CREAM,SOUR,RED FAT,CULTURED",80.14,135,2.94,12,0.66,4.26,0,0.159999996,104,0.07,10,95,129,41,0.5,0.016,0.003,2.1,0.9,0.035,0.149,0.067,0.363,0.016,11,0,11,11,19,0.3,372,102,100,0,23,0,0,0,0.34,0.6,7.47,3.466,0.446,39,242,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01056,"CREAM,SOUR,CULTURED",74.46,193,2.07,19.73,0.85,2.88,0,3.5,110,0.17,10,115,141,80,0.38,0.019,0.011,2.6,0.9,0.036,0.172,0.109,0.336,0.057,7,0,7,7,19,0.28,576,162,160,0,26,0,0,0,0.44,1.8,11.507,5.068,0.84,52,230,1 cup,12,1 tbsp,0
01057,EGGNOG,74.37,135,3.81,7.48,0.8,13.54,0,8.409999847,130,0.2,19,109,165,54,0.46,0.013,0.005,4.2,1.5,0.034,0.19,0.105,0.417,0.05,1,0,1,1,52,0.45,161,46,45,0,6,1,0,54,0.2,0.2,4.443,2.233,0.339,59,254,1 cup,32,1 fl oz,0
01058,"SOUR DRSNG,NON-BUTTERFAT,CULTURED,FILLED CREAM-TYPE",74.79,178,3.25,16.57,0.71,4.68,0,4.679999828,113,0.03,10,87,162,48,0.37,0.01,0.002,2.3,0.9,0.038,0.163,0.074,0.398,0.017,12,0,12,12,15,0.33,10,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,1.34,4.1,13.272,1.958,0.468,5,235,1 cup,12,1 tbsp,0
01059,"MILK,FILLED,FLUID,W/BLEND OF HYDR VEG OILS",87.67,63,3.33,3.46,0.8,4.74,0,,128,0.05,13,97,139,57,0.36,0.01,0.002,2,0.9,0.03,0.123,0.087,0.301,0.04,5,0,5,5,,0.34,7,2,2,,,,,,,,0.768,1.783,0.75,2,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01060,"MILK,FILLED,FLUID,W/LAURIC ACID OIL",87.73,63,3.33,3.4,0.8,4.74,0,4.739999771,128,0.05,13,97,139,57,0.36,0.01,0.002,2,0.9,0.03,0.123,0.087,0.301,0.04,5,0,5,5,15,0.34,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0.13,0.8,3.101,0.1,0.01,2,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01067,"CREAM SUB,LIQ,W/HYDR VEG OIL&SOY PROT",77.27,136,1,9.97,0.38,11.38,0,11.38000011,9,0.03,0,64,191,79,0.02,0,0,1.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,15,1,0,0,9,0,0,0,0.81,2.5,1.937,7.551,0.027,0,240,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01068,"CREAM SUB,LIQ,W/LAURIC ACID OIL&NA CASEINATE",77.27,136,1,9.97,0.38,11.38,0,,9,0.03,0,64,191,79,0.02,0.025,0.04,1.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,89,4,0,,,,,,,,9.304,0.106,0.003,0,15,"1 container, individual",120,.5 cup,0
01069,"CREAM SUBSTITUTE,POWDERED",2.21,545,4.79,35.48,2.64,54.88,0,54.88000107,22,1.15,4,422,812,181,0.51,0.115,0.22,0.6,0,0,0.165,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,33,2,0,0,20,0,0,0,0.59,8.8,32.525,0.968,0.014,0,94,1 cup,2,1 tsp,0
01070,"DESSERT TOPPING,POWDERED",1.47,577,4.9,39.92,1.17,52.54,0,52.54000092,17,0.03,7,74,166,122,0.08,0.118,0.225,0.6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,180,9,0,0,108,0,0,0,1.52,9.9,36.723,0.6,0.447,0,42.5,1.5 oz,1,"1 portion, amount to make 1 tbsp",0
01071,"DESSERT TOPPING,PDR,1.5 OZ PREP W/1/2 CUP MILK",66.65,188,3.6,12.41,0.81,16.53,0,16.53000069,90,0.04,10,86,151,66,0.27,0.012,0.005,4.8,0.7,0.027,0.117,0.06,0.226,0.03,4,0,4,4,11,0.26,122,23,21,0,32,0,0,0,0.44,2.7,10.684,0.843,0.201,10,80,1 cup,4,1 tbsp,0
01072,"DESSERT TOPPING,PRESSURIZED",60.37,264,0.98,22.3,0.28,16.07,0,16.06999969,5,0.02,1,18,19,62,0.01,0.024,0.045,1.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,78,4,0,0,47,0,0,0,0.85,5.5,18.912,1.927,0.241,0,70,1 cup,4,1 tbsp,0
01073,"DESSERT TOPPING,SEMI SOLID,FRZ",50.21,318,1.25,25.31,0.18,23.05,0,23.04999924,6,0.12,2,8,18,25,0.03,0.03,0.058,2.1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,143,7,0,0,86,0,0,0,0.96,6.3,21.783,1.616,0.523,0,75,1 cup,4,1 tbsp,0
01074,"SOUR CRM,IMITN,CULTURED",71.15,208,2.4,19.52,0.3,6.63,0,6.630000114,3,0.39,6,45,161,102,1.18,0.058,0.11,2.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.74,4.8,17.791,0.588,0.056,0,230,1 cup,28,1 oz,0
01075,"MILK SUBSTITUTES,FLUID W/HYDR VEG OILS",88.18,61,1.75,3.41,0.5,6.16,0,6.159999847,33,0.39,6,74,114,78,1.18,0.051,0.097,1.9,0,0.012,0.088,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.28,0.8,0.767,1.998,0.488,0,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01076,"MILK SUBSTITUTES,FLUID,W/LAURIC ACID OIL",88.18,61,1.75,3.41,0.5,6.16,0,,33,0.39,6,74,114,78,1.18,0.051,0.097,1.9,0,0.012,0.088,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,,0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,3.037,0.176,0.008,0,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01077,"MILK,WHL,3.25% MILKFAT",88.32,60,3.22,3.25,0.69,4.52,0,5.260000229,113,0.03,10,91,143,40,0.4,0.011,0.003,3.7,0,0.044,0.183,0.107,0.362,0.036,5,0,5,5,14,0.44,102,28,28,0,5,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,1.865,0.812,0.195,10,244,1 cup,15,1 tbsp,0
01078,"MILK,PRODUCER,FLUID,3.7% MILKFAT",87.69,64,3.28,3.66,0.72,4.65,0,,119,0.05,13,93,151,49,0.38,0.01,0.004,2,1.5,0.038,0.161,0.084,0.313,0.042,5,0,5,5,,0.36,138,33,31,,,,,,,,2.278,1.057,0.136,14,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01079,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2%MILKFAT,W/ADDED VIT A",89.33,50,3.3,1.97,0.71,4.68,0,5.059999943,117,0.03,11,94,150,41,0.43,0.012,0.003,2.5,0.2,0.039,0.185,0.092,0.356,0.038,5,0,5,5,16,0.46,189,55,55,0,3,0,0,0,0.03,0.2,1.257,0.56,0.073,8,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01080,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A",88.86,51,3.48,1.92,0.77,4.97,0,,128,0.05,14,100,162,52,0.4,0.008,0.002,2.3,1,0.04,0.173,0.09,0.336,0.045,5,0,5,5,,0.38,204,56,55,,,,,,,,1.195,0.555,0.071,8,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01081,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A",87.71,56,3.95,1.98,0.87,5.49,0,5.260000229,143,0.06,16,112,182,59,0.45,0.008,0.002,2.6,1.1,0.045,0.194,0.101,0.376,0.051,6,0,6,6,,0.43,5,0,,0,3,0,0,0,0.04,0.1,1.232,0.572,0.074,8,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01082,"MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,W/ VIT A",89.92,42,3.37,0.97,0.75,4.99,0,5.199999809,119,0.03,11,95,150,44,0.42,0.01,0.003,3.3,0,0.02,0.185,0.093,0.361,0.037,5,0,5,5,18,0.44,196,58,58,0,2,0,0,0,0.01,0.1,0.633,0.277,0.035,5,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01083,"MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A",89.81,43,3.48,0.97,0.77,4.97,0,,128,0.05,14,100,162,52,0.4,0.01,0.002,2.3,1,0.04,0.173,0.09,0.336,0.045,5,0,5,5,,0.38,204,59,58,,,,,,,,0.604,0.28,0.036,4,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01084,"MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A",88.74,48,3.93,1.17,0.86,5.52,0,,142,0.06,16,111,180,58,0.45,0.01,0.002,2.5,1.2,0.045,0.192,0.1,0.373,0.05,6,0,6,6,,0.43,203,61,61,,,,,,,,0.728,0.338,0.043,4,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01085,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,W/ VIT A (FAT FREE OR SKIM)",90.84,34,3.37,0.08,0.75,4.96,0,5.090000153,125,0.03,11,101,156,42,0.42,0.013,0.003,3.1,0,0.045,0.182,0.094,0.357,0.037,5,0,5,5,16,0.53,204,61,61,0,0,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.051,0.021,0.003,2,245,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01086,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A (FAT FREE/SKIM)",90.38,37,3.57,0.25,0.78,5.02,0,5.019999981,129,0.05,15,104,171,53,0.41,0.011,0.002,2.2,1,0.041,0.175,0.091,0.339,0.046,5,0,5,5,16,0.39,203,61,61,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.162,0.065,0.009,2,245,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01087,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A (FAT FREE/SKIM)",89.36,41,3.96,0.25,0.87,5.56,0,,143,0.06,16,112,182,59,0.45,0.011,0.002,2.4,1.1,0.045,0.194,0.101,0.376,0.05,6,0,6,6,,0.43,203,61,61,,,,,,,,0.162,0.065,0.009,2,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01088,"MILK,BTTRMLK,FLUID,CULTURED,LOWFAT",90.13,40,3.31,0.88,0.89,4.79,0,4.789999962,116,0.05,11,89,151,105,0.42,0.011,0.002,2,1,0.034,0.154,0.058,0.275,0.034,5,0,5,5,16,0.22,26,7,7,0,1,0,0,0,0.05,0.1,0.548,0.254,0.033,4,245,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01089,"MILK,LOW SODIUM,FLUID",88.2,61,3.1,3.46,0.78,4.46,0,4.460000038,101,0.05,5,86,253,3,0.38,0.01,0.004,2,0.9,0.02,0.105,0.043,0.304,0.034,5,0,5,5,16,0.36,103,28,28,0,6,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,2.154,0.999,0.128,14,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01090,"MILK,DRY,WHOLE",2.47,496,26.32,26.71,6.08,38.42,0,38.41999817,912,0.47,85,776,1330,371,3.34,0.08,0.04,16.3,8.6,0.283,1.205,0.646,2.271,0.302,37,0,37,37,119,3.25,915,257,253,0,43,0,0,0,0.48,1.8,16.742,7.924,0.665,97,128,1 cup,32,.25 cup,0
01091,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,REG,WO/ VIT A",3.16,362,36.16,0.77,7.93,51.98,0,51.97999954,1257,0.32,110,968,1794,535,4.08,0.041,0.02,27.3,6.8,0.415,1.55,0.951,3.568,0.361,50,0,50,50,169,4.03,22,6,6,0,1,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.499,0.201,0.03,20,120,1 cup,30,.25 cup,0
01092,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,INST,W/ VIT A",3.96,358,35.1,0.72,8.03,52.19,0,52.18999863,1231,0.31,117,985,1705,549,4.41,0.041,0.02,27.3,5.6,0.413,1.744,0.891,3.235,0.345,50,0,50,50,168,3.99,2365,709,709,0,1,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.467,0.187,0.028,18,68,1 cup,91,"1 envelope, (1-1/3 cup)",0
01093,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,CA RED",4.9,354,35.5,0.2,7.6,51.8,0,,280,0.32,60,1011,680,2280,4.03,0.016,0.008,27.3,6.7,0.163,1.642,0.665,3.312,0.298,50,0,50,50,,3.98,8,2,1,,,,,,,,0.124,0.058,0.007,2,28.35,1 oz,113,.25 lb,0
01094,"MILK,BUTTERMILK,DRIED",2.97,387,34.3,5.78,7.95,49,0,49,1184,0.3,110,933,1592,517,4.02,0.111,0.023,20.3,5.7,0.392,1.579,0.876,3.17,0.338,47,0,47,47,119,3.82,175,49,48,0,9,0,0,0,0.1,0.4,3.598,1.669,0.215,69,120,1 cup,6,1 tbsp,0
01095,"MILK,CND,COND,SWTND",27.16,321,7.91,8.7,1.83,54.4,0,54.40000153,284,0.19,26,253,371,127,0.94,0.015,0.006,14.8,2.6,0.09,0.416,0.21,0.75,0.051,11,0,11,11,89,0.44,267,74,73,0,14,0,0,0,0.16,0.6,5.486,2.427,0.337,34,306,1 cup,38,1 fl oz,0
01096,"MILK,CND,EVAP,WO/ VIT A",74.04,134,6.81,7.56,1.55,10.04,0,10.03999996,261,0.19,24,203,303,106,0.77,0.016,0.006,2.3,1.9,0.047,0.316,0.194,0.638,0.05,8,0,8,8,32,0.16,233,65,64,0,12,0,0,0,0.14,0.5,4.591,2.335,0.245,29,252,1 cup,32,1 fl oz,0
01097,"MILK,CND,EVAP,NONFAT",79.4,78,7.55,0.2,1.5,11.35,0,11.35000038,290,0.29,27,195,332,115,0.9,0.016,0.006,2.5,1.2,0.045,0.309,0.174,0.738,0.055,9,0,9,9,25,0.24,394,118,118,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.121,0.062,0.006,4,256,1 cup,32,1 fl oz,0
01102,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,",82.3,83,3.17,3.39,0.8,10.34,0.800000012,9.539999962,112,0.24,13,101,167,60,0.41,0.065,0.077,1.9,0.9,0.037,0.162,0.125,0.295,0.04,5,0,5,5,17,0.33,95,26,26,0,5,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,2.104,0.99,0.124,12,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01103,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,RED FAT",82.17,76,2.99,1.9,0.81,12.13,0.699999988,9.550000191,109,0.24,14,102,169,66,0.39,0.075,0.062,3.4,0,0.045,0.183,0.164,0.539,0.024,2,0,2,2,17,0.33,227,64,63,0,11,0,0,0,0.04,0.2,1.177,0.455,0.089,8,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01104,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,LOWFAT",84.5,63,3.24,1,0.82,10.44,0.5,9.93999958,115,0.24,13,103,170,61,0.41,0.065,0.077,1.9,0.9,0.038,0.166,0.127,0.302,0.041,5,0,5,5,17,0.34,196,58,58,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.616,0.3,0.035,3,250,1 cup,1000,1 quart,0
01105,"MILK,CHOC BEV,HOT COCOA,HOMEMADE",82.57,77,3.52,2.33,0.65,10.63,1,9.670000076,105,0.48,23,105,197,44,0.63,0.103,0.013,2.7,0.2,0.039,0.182,0.133,0.328,0.04,5,0,5,5,,0.42,175,51,51,0,3,0,0,0,0.03,0.2,1.431,0.677,0.034,8,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01106,"MILK,GOAT,FLUID",87.03,69,3.56,4.14,0.82,4.45,0,4.449999809,134,0.05,14,111,204,50,0.3,0.046,0.018,1.4,1.3,0.048,0.138,0.277,0.31,0.046,1,0,1,1,16,0.07,198,57,56,0,7,0,0,0,0.07,0.3,2.667,1.109,0.149,11,244,1 cup,30,1 fl oz,0
01107,"MILK,HUMAN,MATURE,FLUID",87.5,70,1.03,4.38,0.2,6.89,0,6.889999866,32,0.03,3,14,51,17,0.17,0.052,0.026,1.8,5,0.014,0.036,0.177,0.223,0.011,5,0,5,5,16,0.05,212,61,60,0,7,0,0,0,0.08,0.3,2.009,1.658,0.497,14,246,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01108,"MILK,INDIAN BUFFALO,FLUID",83.39,97,3.75,6.89,0.79,5.18,0,,169,0.12,31,117,178,52,0.22,0.046,0.018,,2.3,0.052,0.135,0.091,0.192,0.023,6,0,6,6,,0.36,178,53,53,,,,,,,,4.597,1.787,0.146,19,244,1 cup,976,1 quart,0
01109,"MILK,SHEEP,FLUID",80.7,108,5.98,7,0.96,5.36,0,,193,0.1,18,158,137,44,0.54,0.046,0.018,1.7,4.2,0.065,0.355,0.417,0.407,0.06,7,0,7,7,,0.71,147,44,44,,,,,,,,4.603,1.724,0.308,27,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01110,"MILK SHAKES,THICK CHOC",72.2,119,3.05,2.7,0.9,21.15,0.300000012,20.85000038,132,0.31,16,126,224,111,0.48,0.065,0.039,1.9,0,0.047,0.222,0.124,0.363,0.025,5,0,5,5,,0.32,67,18,18,0,4,0,0,0,0.05,0.2,1.681,0.78,0.1,11,28.35,1 fl oz,300,"1 container, (10.6 oz)",0
01111,"MILK SHAKES,THICK VANILLA",74.45,112,3.86,3.03,0.91,17.75,0,17.75,146,0.1,12,115,183,95,0.39,0.051,0.014,2.3,0,0.03,0.195,0.146,0.368,0.042,7,0,7,7,,0.52,91,25,25,0,5,0,0,0,0.05,0.2,1.886,0.875,0.113,12,28.35,1 fl oz,313,"1 container, (11 oz)",0
01112,"WHEY,ACID,FLUID",93.42,24,0.76,0.09,0.61,5.12,0,5.119999886,103,0.08,10,78,143,48,0.43,0.003,0.002,1.8,0.1,0.042,0.14,0.079,0.381,0.042,2,0,2,2,16,0.18,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.057,0.025,0.004,1,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01113,"WHEY,ACID,DRIED",3.51,339,11.73,0.54,10.77,73.45,0,73.44999695,2054,1.24,199,1349,2289,968,6.31,0.05,0.015,27.3,0.9,0.622,2.06,1.16,5.632,0.62,33,0,33,33,225,2.5,59,17,17,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0.342,0.149,0.021,3,57,1 cup,3,1 tbsp,0
01114,"WHEY,SWEET,FLUID",93.12,27,0.85,0.36,0.53,5.14,0,5.139999866,47,0.06,8,46,161,54,0.13,0.004,0.001,1.9,0.1,0.036,0.158,0.074,0.383,0.031,1,0,1,1,16,0.28,12,3,3,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0.23,0.1,0.011,2,246,1 cup,984,1 quart,0
01115,"WHEY,SWEET,DRIED",3.19,353,12.93,1.07,8.35,74.46,0,74.45999908,796,0.88,176,932,2080,1079,1.97,0.07,0.009,27.2,1.5,0.519,2.208,1.258,5.62,0.584,12,0,12,12,225,2.37,30,8,8,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.684,0.297,0.034,6,145,1 cup,8,1 tbsp,0
01116,"YOGURT,PLN,WHL MILK,8 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",87.9,61,3.47,3.25,0.72,4.66,0,4.659999847,121,0.05,12,95,155,46,0.59,0.009,0.004,2.2,0.5,0.029,0.142,0.075,0.389,0.032,7,0,7,7,15,0.37,99,27,27,0,5,0,0,0,0.06,0.2,2.096,0.893,0.092,13,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01117,"YOGURT,PLN,LOFAT,12 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",85.07,63,5.25,1.55,1.09,7.04,0,7.039999962,183,0.08,17,144,234,70,0.89,0.013,0.004,3.3,0.8,0.044,0.214,0.114,0.591,0.049,11,0,11,11,15,0.56,51,14,14,0,2,0,0,0,0.03,0.2,1,0.426,0.044,6,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01118,"YOGURT,PLN,SKIM MILK,13 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",85.23,56,5.73,0.18,1.18,7.68,0,7.679999828,199,0.09,19,157,255,77,0.97,0.015,0.005,3.6,0.9,0.048,0.234,0.124,0.641,0.053,12,0,12,12,15,0.61,7,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.2,0.116,0.049,0.005,2,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01119,"YOGURT,VANILLA,LOFAT,11 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",79,85,4.93,1.25,1.02,13.8,0,13.80000019,171,0.07,16,135,219,66,0.83,0.013,0.004,4.9,0.8,0.042,0.201,0.107,0.552,0.045,11,0,11,11,15,0.53,43,12,12,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.806,0.343,0.036,5,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",227,"1 container, (8 oz)",0
01120,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,9 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",75.3,99,3.98,1.15,0.93,18.64,0,18.63999939,138,0.06,13,109,177,53,0.67,0.079,0.064,2.8,0.6,0.034,0.162,0.086,0.446,0.037,9,0,9,9,15,0.43,40,11,11,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.742,0.316,0.033,5,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",125,"1 container, (4.4 oz)",0
01121,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,10 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",74.48,102,4.37,1.08,1.02,19.05,0,19.04999924,152,0.07,15,119,195,58,0.74,0.08,0.065,3.1,0.7,0.037,0.178,0.095,0.489,0.04,9,0,9,9,14,0.47,36,10,10,0,2,0,0,0,0.02,0.1,0.697,0.297,0.031,4,245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",170,"1 container, (6 oz)",0
01122,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,11 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ",74.1,105,4.86,1.41,1.03,18.6,0,,169,0.07,16,133,216,65,0.82,0.08,0.065,3.1,0.7,0.041,0.198,0.105,0.544,0.045,10,0,10,10,,0.52,60,,,,,,,,,,0.909,0.387,0.04,6,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",113,".5 container, (4 oz)",0
01123,"EGG,WHOLE,RAW,FRESH",75.84,143,12.58,9.94,0.86,0.77,0,0.769999981,53,1.83,12,191,134,140,1.11,0.102,0.038,31.7,0,0.069,0.478,0.07,1.438,0.143,47,0,47,47,251,1.29,487,140,139,0,10,9,0,331,0.97,0.3,3.099,3.81,1.364,423,243,"1 cup, (4.86 large eggs)",56,1 extra large,12
01124,"EGG,WHITE,RAW,FRESH",87.57,48,10.9,0.17,0.63,0.73,0,0.709999979,7,0.08,11,15,163,166,0.03,0.023,0.011,20,0,0.004,0.439,0.105,0.19,0.005,4,0,4,4,1,0.09,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,243,1 cup,33,1 large,0
01125,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRSH",52.31,317,15.86,26.54,1.71,3.59,0,0.560000002,129,2.73,5,390,109,48,2.3,0.077,0.055,56,0,0.176,0.528,0.024,2.99,0.35,146,0,146,146,682,1.95,1442,381,371,38,88,33,0,1094,2.58,0.7,9.551,11.738,4.204,1234,243,1 cup,17,1 large,0
01126,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FROZEN",56.2,303,15.5,25.6,1.55,1.15,0,0.50999999,138,3.34,9,417,118,67,2.88,0.024,0.062,41.8,0,0.155,0.52,0.045,3.53,0.345,116,0,116,116,682,1.82,1609,433,423,36,85,32,0,1055,2.49,0.7,7.82,9.747,3.628,1075,227,.5 lb,,,0
01127,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRZ,SUGARED",51.25,307,13.8,22.75,1.4,10.8,0,,123,3.14,10,384,103,67,2.81,0.012,0.059,37.7,0,0.135,0.53,0.023,3.2,0.284,139,0,139,139,,1.77,1315,395,395,,,,,,,,6.97,8.614,3.244,959,227,.5 lb,,,0
01128,"EGG,WHL,CKD,FRIED",69.13,196,13.63,15.31,1.05,0.88,0,0.829999983,59,1.98,13,208,147,204,1.2,0.111,0.041,34.2,0,0.075,0.518,0.077,1.558,0.155,51,0,51,51,273,1.39,729,198,193,0,46,10,0,358,1.22,5.6,4.294,6.346,2.66,457,46,1 large,,,0
01129,"EGG,WHL,CKD,HARD-BOILED",74.62,155,12.58,10.61,1.08,1.12,0,1.120000005,50,1.19,10,172,126,124,1.05,0.013,0.026,30.8,0,0.066,0.513,0.064,1.398,0.121,44,0,44,44,225,1.11,586,169,168,0,11,10,0,353,1.03,0.3,3.267,4.077,1.414,424,136,"1 cup, chopped",8,1 tbsp,12
01130,"EGG,WHOLE,COOKED,OMELET",75.87,157,10.59,12.03,0.84,0.68,0,0.649999976,47,1.55,10,162,114,161,0.93,0.088,0.032,26.7,0,0.058,0.404,0.06,1.21,0.121,39,0,39,39,212,1.09,572,155,152,0,36,8,0,279,1.22,4.5,3.296,4.971,2.252,356,15.2,1 tbsp,61,1 large,0
01131,"EGG,WHL,CKD,POACHED",75.54,142,12.53,9.9,1.26,0.76,0,0.769999981,53,1.83,12,190,133,294,1.1,0.102,0.039,31.6,0,0.055,0.405,0.059,1.433,0.121,35,0,35,35,200,1.28,485,139,138,0,10,9,0,330,0.96,0.3,3.087,3.795,1.359,422,50,1 large,,,0
01132,"EGG,WHL,CKD,SCRMBLD",73.15,167,11.09,12.21,1.36,2.2,0,1.730000019,71,1.2,12,170,138,280,1,0.014,0.022,22.5,0.2,0.052,0.437,0.079,1.007,0.118,30,0,30,30,190,0.77,526,143,140,0,33,7,0,245,1.09,4,3.679,4.768,2.148,352,220,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01133,"EGG,WHOLE,DRIED",3.1,594,47.35,40.95,3.65,4.95,0,3.079999924,231,6.79,42,831,493,523,5.28,0.196,0.125,119.6,0,0.195,1.54,0.305,5.905,0.388,171,0,171,171,1007,3.95,997,275,270,0,41,36,0,1329,3.88,1.2,12.727,15.337,5.804,1715,85,"1 cup, sifted",5,1 tbsp,0
01134,"EGG,WHL,DRIED,STABILIZED,GLUCOSE RED",1.87,615,48.17,43.95,3.63,2.38,0,,222,8.28,49,715,515,548,5.71,0.27,0.15,121.1,0,0.325,1.232,0.259,6.71,0.42,193,0,193,193,,10.51,2050,616,616,,,,,,,,13.198,17.564,5.713,2017,85,"1 cup, sifted",5,1 tbsp,0
01135,"EGG,WHITE,DRIED,FLAKES,GLUCOSE RED",14.62,351,76.92,0.04,4.25,4.17,0,4.170000076,83,0.23,67,83,1042,1156,0.15,0.23,0.07,116.8,0,0.035,2.162,0.675,1.829,0.023,89,0,89,89,,0.49,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,227,.5 lb,,,0
01136,"EGG,WHITE,DRIED,PDR,GLUCOSE RED",8.54,376,82.4,0.04,4.55,4.47,0,4.46999979,89,0.24,72,89,1116,1238,0.16,0.17,0.05,125.1,0,0.037,2.316,0.723,1.958,0.024,96,0,96,96,8,0.53,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,107,"1 cup, sifted",7,1 tbsp,0
01137,"EGG,YOLK,DRIED",2.95,666,34.25,55.8,3.4,3.6,0,3.599999905,284,5.42,13,920,244,135,4.93,0.012,0.119,86.8,0,0.29,1.88,0.095,7.765,0.66,244,0,244,244,1388,5.33,1751,417,395,79,186,70,0,2299,5.42,1.5,17.154,21.129,7.895,2335,67,"1 cup, sifted",4,1 tbsp,0
01138,"EGG,DUCK,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW",70.83,185,12.81,13.77,1.14,1.45,0,0.930000007,64,3.85,17,220,222,146,1.41,0.062,0.038,36.4,0,0.156,0.404,0.2,1.862,0.25,80,0,80,80,263,5.4,674,194,192,0,14,12,0,459,1.34,0.4,3.681,6.525,1.223,884,70,1 egg,,,12
01139,"EGG,GOOSE,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW",70.43,185,13.87,13.27,1.08,1.35,0,0.939999998,60,3.64,16,208,210,138,1.33,0.062,0.038,36.9,0,0.147,0.382,0.189,1.759,0.236,76,0,76,76,263,5.1,650,187,185,0,13,12,0,442,1.29,0.4,3.595,5.747,1.672,852,144,1 egg,,,13
01140,"EGG,QUAIL,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW",74.35,158,13.05,11.09,1.1,0.41,0,0.409999996,64,3.65,13,226,132,141,1.47,0.062,0.038,32,0,0.13,0.79,0.15,1.761,0.15,66,0,66,66,263,1.58,543,156,155,0,11,10,0,369,1.08,0.3,3.557,4.324,1.324,844,9,1 egg,,,8
01141,"EGG,TURKEY,WHL,FRSH,RAW",72.5,171,13.68,11.88,0.79,1.15,0,,99,4.1,13,170,142,151,1.58,0.062,0.038,34.3,0,0.11,0.47,0.024,1.889,0.131,71,0,71,71,,1.69,554,166,166,,,,,,,,3.632,4.571,1.658,933,79,1 egg,,,12
01142,"EGG SUBSTITUTE,FROZEN",73.1,160,11.29,11.11,1.3,3.2,0,3.200000048,73,1.98,15,72,213,199,0.98,0.022,0.006,41.3,0.5,0.12,0.386,0.14,1.66,0.133,16,0,16,16,2,0.34,225,11,0,0,135,0,0,0,1.59,0.2,1.93,2.435,6.241,2,240,1 cup,60,.25 cup,0
01143,"EGG SUBSTITUTE,LIQUID",82.75,84,12,3.31,1.3,0.64,0,0.639999986,53,2.1,9,121,330,177,1.3,0.023,0.007,24.9,0,0.11,0.3,0.11,2.7,0.003,15,0,15,15,2,0.3,360,18,0,0,216,0,0,0,0.27,0.8,0.659,0.896,1.603,1,251,1 cup,16,1 tbsp,0
01144,"EGG SUBSTITUTE,POWDER",3.86,444,55.5,13,5.84,21.8,0,21.79999924,326,3.16,65,478,744,800,1.82,0.207,0.08,127.7,0.8,0.226,1.76,0.577,3.384,0.143,125,0,125,125,118,3.52,1230,369,369,0,0,0,0,0,1.26,0.4,3.766,5.341,1.683,572,9.9,.35 oz,20,.7 oz,0
01145,"BUTTER,WITHOUT SALT",17.94,717,0.85,81.11,0.04,0.06,0,0.059999999,24,0.02,2,24,24,11,0.09,0.016,0.004,1,0,0.005,0.034,0.042,0.11,0.003,3,0,3,3,19,0.17,2499,684,671,0,158,0,0,0,2.32,7,51.368,21.021,3.043,215,227,1 cup,14,1 tbsp,0
01146,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,SHREDDED",25,415,37.86,27.34,6.39,3.41,0,,1253,0.87,51,735,97,1696,3.19,0.037,0.023,23.9,0,0.041,0.352,0.287,0.527,0.105,8,0,8,8,,1.4,639,122,108,,,,,,,,17.37,8.734,0.661,72,5,1 tbsp,,,0
01147,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4",39.16,375,22.15,31.25,5.84,1.6,0,0.50999999,616,0.39,22,444,162,650,2.99,0.03,0.015,14.4,0,0.027,0.353,0.069,0.482,0.071,8,0,8,8,,0.7,961,254,247,0,82,0,0,0,0.27,2.7,19.694,8.951,0.99,94,28.35,1 oz,18,1 cubic inch,0
01148,"CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,SWISS,WO/DI NA PO4",42.31,334,24.73,25.01,5.85,2.1,0,,772,0.61,29,540,216,681,3.61,0.027,0.014,15.9,0,0.014,0.276,0.038,0.26,0.036,6,0,6,6,,1.23,808,225,221,,,,,,,,16.045,7.046,0.622,85,28.35,1 oz,18,1 cubic inch,0
01149,"CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4",43.15,328,19.61,24.6,5.35,7.29,0,7.429999828,574,0.84,31,754,279,1596,2.99,0.03,0.01,16,0,0.029,0.442,0.14,0.558,0.141,7,0,7,7,,1.12,762,201,196,,65,,,,0.22,,15.443,7.206,0.723,64,28.35,1 oz,227,"1 package, (8 oz)",0
01150,"CHEESE SPRD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4",47.65,290,16.41,21.23,5.98,8.73,0,,562,0.33,29,875,242,1625,2.59,0.033,0.02,11.3,0,0.048,0.431,0.131,0.686,0.117,7,0,7,7,,0.4,788,,,,,,,,,,13.327,6.219,0.624,55,28.35,1 oz,142,"1 jar, (5 oz)",0
01151,"MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,WO/ VIT A (FAT FREE OR SKIM)",90.8,35,3.41,0.18,0.76,4.85,0,5.090000153,123,0.04,11,101,166,52,0.4,0.011,0.002,2.1,1,0.036,0.14,0.088,0.329,0.04,5,0,5,5,,0.38,7,2,2,,,,,,0.04,,0.117,0.047,0.007,2,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01152,"MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL,WO/ VIT A",87.71,56,3.95,1.98,0.87,5.49,0,,143,0.06,15,112,182,59,0.41,0.011,0.002,2.6,1.1,0.045,0.194,0.101,0.339,0.046,5,0,5,5,,0.39,75,17,16,,,,,,,,1.232,0.065,0.009,8,245,1 cup,980,1 quart,0
01153,"MILK,CND,EVAP,W/ VIT A",74.04,134,6.81,7.56,1.55,10.04,0,,261,0.19,24,203,303,106,0.77,0.016,0.006,2.3,1.9,0.047,0.316,0.194,0.638,0.05,8,0,8,8,,0.16,397,,,,,,,,,,4.591,2.335,0.245,29,31.5,1 fl oz,126,.5 cup,0
01154,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,REG,W/ VIT A",3.16,362,36.16,0.77,7.93,51.98,0,51.97999954,1257,0.32,110,968,1794,535,4.08,0.041,0.02,27.3,6.8,0.415,1.55,0.951,3.568,0.361,50,0,50,50,169,4.03,2179,653,653,0,1,0,0,0,0,0.1,0.499,0.2,0.03,20,120,1 cup,30,.25 cup,0
01155,"MILK,DRY,NONFAT,INST,WO/ VIT A",3.96,358,35.1,0.72,8.03,52.19,0,52.18999863,1231,0.31,117,985,1705,549,4.41,0.041,0.02,27.3,5.6,0.413,1.744,0.891,3.23,0.345,50,0,50,50,,3.99,15,4,4,0,1,0,0,0,0.01,0,0.47,0.19,0.03,18,68,1 cup,91,"1 envelope, (1-1/3 cup)",0
01156,"CHEESE,GOAT,HARD TYPE",29.01,452,30.52,35.59,3.72,2.17,0,2.170000076,895,1.88,54,729,48,346,1.59,0.627,0.252,5.5,0,0.14,1.19,2.4,0.41,0.08,4,0,4,4,15,0.12,1745,486,478,0,91,0,0,0,0.31,3,24.609,8.117,0.845,105,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01157,"CHEESE,GOAT,SEMISOFT TYPE",45.52,364,21.58,29.84,2.94,2.54,0,2.539999962,298,1.62,29,375,158,515,0.66,0.564,0.093,3.8,0,0.072,0.676,1.148,0.19,0.06,2,0,2,2,15,0.22,1464,407,401,0,77,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,20.639,6.808,0.709,79,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01159,"CHEESE,GOAT,SOFT TYPE",60.75,268,18.52,21.08,1.58,0.89,0,0.889999986,140,1.9,16,256,26,368,0.92,0.732,0.1,2.8,0,0.07,0.38,0.43,0.68,0.25,12,0,12,12,15,0.19,1033,288,283,0,54,0,0,0,0.18,1.8,14.575,4.807,0.501,46,28.35,1 oz,,,0
01160,"EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRZ,SALTED",50.8,274,14,23,10.6,1.6,0,,114,3.75,10,431,117,3780,2.84,0.109,0.062,37.7,0,0.13,0.43,0.04,3.23,0.261,107,0,107,107,,2.52,1190,357,357,,,,,,,,7.028,8.849,3.15,955,227,.5 lb,,,0
01161,"CHEESE SUB,MOZZARELLA",47.36,248,11.47,12.22,5.27,23.67,0,23.67000008,610,0.4,41,583,455,685,1.92,0.11,0.028,19.2,0.1,0.026,0.444,0.317,0.083,0.051,11,0,11,11,14,0.81,1457,437,437,0,0,0,0,0,0.11,1,3.711,6.243,1.738,0,113,"1 cup, shredded",28,1 oz,0
01163,CHEESE FONDUE,61.61,229,14.23,13.47,1.85,3.77,0,,476,0.39,23,306,105,132,1.96,0.026,0.099,9,0,0.027,0.196,0.19,0.233,0.055,8,4,4,11,,0.83,414,109,107,,,,,,,,8.721,3.563,0.484,45,215,1 cup,108,.5 cup,0
01164,"CHEESE SAU,PREP FROM RECIPE",66.86,197,10.33,14.92,2.41,5.48,0.100000001,,311,0.35,19,229,142,493,1.26,0.019,0.04,6.6,0.6,0.044,0.243,0.204,0.233,0.045,10,2,8,11,,0.35,606,166,163,,,,,,,,8.034,4.735,1.397,38,243,1 cup,30,2 tbsp,0
01165,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO ANEJO",38.06,373,21.44,29.98,5.89,4.63,0,4.630000114,680,0.47,28,444,87,1131,2.94,0.008,0.037,14.5,0,0.02,0.209,0.032,0.252,0.047,1,0,1,1,15,1.38,187,54,54,0,4,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,19.033,8.528,0.901,105,132,"1 cup, crumbled",28,1 oz,0
01166,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO ASADERO",42.16,356,22.6,28.26,4.11,2.87,0,2.869999886,661,0.51,26,443,86,655,3.02,0.026,0.036,14.5,0,0.021,0.223,0.181,0.231,0.053,8,0,8,8,15,1,190,55,55,0,4,0,0,0,0.24,2.4,17.939,8.038,0.85,105,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01167,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO CHIHUAHUA",39.13,374,21.56,29.68,4.06,5.56,0,5.559999943,651,0.47,23,442,52,617,3.5,0.024,0.071,14.5,0,0.018,0.225,0.15,0.279,0.055,2,0,2,2,15,1.03,193,56,56,0,4,0,0,0,0.26,2.5,18.843,8.443,0.892,105,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01168,"CHEESE,LOFAT,CHEDDAR OR COLBY",63.1,173,24.35,7,3.64,1.91,0,0.519999981,415,0.42,16,484,66,612,1.82,0.021,0.006,14.5,0,0.012,0.221,0.051,0.183,0.045,11,0,11,11,15,0.49,207,60,60,0,4,0,0,0,0.06,0.6,4.342,2.082,0.222,21,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01169,"CHEESE,LOW-SODIUM,CHEDDAR OR COLBY",38.98,398,24.35,32.62,2.13,1.91,0,0.49000001,703,0.72,27,484,112,21,3.09,0.036,0.011,14.5,0,0.021,0.375,0.086,0.311,0.076,18,0,18,18,15,0.83,996,264,257,0,84,0,0,0,0.28,2.7,20.768,9.189,0.972,100,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01178,"SOUR CREAM,REDUCED FAT",71,181,7,14.1,0.9,7,0,0.300000012,141,0.06,11,85,211,70,0.27,0.01,,4.1,0.9,0.04,0.24,0.07,,0.02,11,0,11,11,19,0.3,436,119,117,0,27,0,0,0,0.4,0.7,8.7,4.1,0.5,35,,,,,0
01179,"SOUR CREAM,LIGHT",78.1,136,3.5,10.6,0.7,7.1,0,0.219999999,141,0.07,10,71,212,71,0.5,0.016,,3.1,0.9,0.04,0.12,0.07,,0.02,11,0,11,11,19,0.42,328,90,88,0,21,0,0,0,0.3,0.5,6.6,3.1,0.4,35,,,,,0
01180,"SOUR CREAM,FAT FREE",80.6,74,3.1,0,0.7,15.6,0,0.389999986,125,0,10,95,129,141,0.5,0.016,,5.3,0,0.04,0.15,0.07,,0.02,11,0,11,11,19,0.3,255,73,72,0,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,9,,,,,0
01182,"USDA COMMODITY,CHS,CHEDDAR,RED FAT",48.2,282,27.2,18.3,4.3,2,0,0.579999983,905,0.13,35,583,93,725,4.3,0.021,,15.5,0,0.03,0.3,0.06,,0.084,20,0,20,20,15,1.66,633,150,142,0,95,0,0,0,0.16,1.5,11.6,5.02,0.75,56,,,,,0
01184,"YOGURT,VAN OR LEM FLAV,NONFAT MILK,SWTND W/LOW-CALORIE SWTNR",87.43,47,3.86,0.18,1,7.5,0,7.5,143,0.12,13,109,177,59,0.67,0.079,,3.1,1.1,0.034,0.162,0.086,,0.037,8,0,8,8,15,0.43,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.116,0.049,0.005,2,,,,,0
01185,"PARMESAN CHS TOPPING,FAT FREE",8.6,370,40,5,6.4,40,0,1.5,800,5,40,700,600,1150,3,0.02,,43.3,0,0.05,0.05,0.2,,0.1,25,0,25,25,15,1.1,151,40,39,0,13,0,0,0,0.04,0.4,3.11,1.446,0.186,20,,,,,0
01186,"CHEESE,CREAM,FAT FREE",71.87,105,15.69,1,3.77,7.66,0,5.480000019,351,0.19,22,523,278,702,1.5,0.036,0.017,4.9,0,0.04,0.265,0.23,0.84,0.05,35,0,35,35,65,0.95,53,11,10,0,11,0,0,0,0.02,0.2,0.644,0.25,0.057,12,,,,,0
01187,"YOGURT,CHOC,NONFAT MILK",71.57,108,3.53,0,1.37,23.53,1.200000048,14.97000027,88,0.42,40,166,339,135,1.13,0.209,,7,0,0.047,0.215,0.223,,0.047,12,0,12,12,15,0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,,,,,0
01188,KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ PAST PROCESS CHS SAU,51.5,276,12,21,5.8,9.2,0.300000012,6.699999809,359,0.19,,806,240,1638,1.64,,,,0.4,,0.24,,,,,,,,,,649,,,,,,,,,,13.1,,,75,33,2 tbsp,,,0
01189,KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ LT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT,51.5,215,16.3,9.5,6.4,16.2,0.200000003,8.199999809,418,0.16,,943,297,1705,2.36,,,,0.4,,0.33,,,,,,,,,,628,,,,,,,,,,6.4,,,35,35,2 tbsp,,,0
01190,KRAFT FREE SINGLES AMERICAN NONFAT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT,58,148,22.7,1,6.1,11.7,0.200000003,6.699999809,712,0.05,,923,236,1298,2.5,,,,0.2,,0.28,,,,,,,,,,2166,,,,,,,,,,0.7,,,16,21,1 slice,,,0
01191,KRAFT VELVEETA PAST PROCESS CHS SPRD,45.8,303,16.3,22,6,9.8,0,8.100000381,466,0.18,,863,335,1499,1.84,,,,0.2,,0.35,,,,,,,,,,1107,,,,,,,,,,14.4,,,80,28,1 oz,,,0
01192,KRAFT VELVEETA LT RED FAT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT,51.3,222,19.6,10.6,6.6,11.8,0,8.5,574,0.14,,1024,345,1586,2.49,,,,0.1,,0.65,,,,,,,,,,982,,,,,,,,,,7.1,,,42,28,1 oz,,,0
01193,KRAFT BREAKSTONE'S RED FAT SOUR CRM,76.2,152,4.5,12,0.8,6.5,0.100000001,6.400000095,161,0.06,,110,210,59,,,,,1.1,,,,,,,,,,,,1053,,,,,,,,,,7.6,,,50,31,2 tbsp,,,0
01194,KRAFT BREAKSTONE'S FREE FAT FREE SOUR CRM,77.7,91,4.7,1.3,1.2,15.1,0,7.199999809,141,0.05,,116,219,72,,,,,1.2,,,,,,,,,,,,679,,,,,,,,,,0.8,,,9,32,2 tbsp,,,0
01195,KRAFT BREYERS LOWFAT STRAWBERRY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT),76.5,96,3.8,0.8,0.7,18.2,0.200000003,17.39999962,125,0.1,,89,192,52,,,,,0,,0.19,,,,,,,,,0.53,34,,,,,,,,,,0.5,,,9,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",,,0
01196,KRAFT BREYERS LT N' LVLY LOWFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT),73.3,108,3.2,0.8,0.6,21.9,0.200000003,19.60000038,91,0.11,,67,151,45,,,,,0,,0.14,,,,,,,,,0.46,30,,,,,,,,,,0.5,,,9,125,"1 container, (4.4 oz)",,,0
01197,KRAFT BREYERS SMOTH&CRMY LOWFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT),74.8,102,3.8,0.9,0.7,19.9,0.300000012,17.20000076,108,0.13,,78,177,55,,,,,0,,0.18,,,,,,,,,0.52,31,,,,,,,,,,0.5,,,9,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",,,0
01198,KRAFT BREYERS LT NONFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (W/ASPRT&FRUCT SW'T),86,55,3.4,0.2,0.6,9.9,0,7.699999809,95,0.11,,68,146,45,,,,,0.6,,0.14,,,,,,,,,0.41,4,,,,,,,,,,0.1,,,5,227,"1 container, (8 oz)",,,0
01199,"CREAM,HALF & HALF,FAT FREE",86,59,2.6,1.4,1,9,0,5,96,0,16,151,206,144,0.81,0.016,0.002,2.9,0.7,0.056,0.237,0.124,0.459,0.062,4,0,4,4,15,0.52,43,12,12,0,3,0,0,0,0.04,0.2,0.841,0.384,0.052,5,,,,,0
01200,REDDI WIP FAT FREE WHIPPED TOPPING,66.44,149,3,5,0.56,25,0.400000006,16,108,0.03,8,68,108,72,0.31,0.019,,3,0,0.148,0.619,0.364,,0.123,17,0,17,17,0,1.48,175,49,48,0,9,0,0,0,0.09,0.3,2.869,1.25,0.299,16,,,,,0
01202,"MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,RED FAT,W/ ADDED CA",82.17,78,2.99,1.9,0.81,12.13,0.699999988,9.550000191,194,0.24,14,76,123,66,0.39,0.075,0.062,3.4,0,0.045,0.565,0.164,0.539,0.024,2,0,2,2,,0.33,227,64,63,0,11,0,0,0,0.04,0.2,1.177,0.455,0.089,8,250,1 cup,31,1 fl oz,0
01203,"YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,W/LO CAL SWEETENER",74.1,105,4.86,1.41,1.03,18.6,0,2.900000095,152,0.07,16,133,194,58,0.82,0.08,0.065,3.1,0.7,0.041,0.18,0.105,0.544,0.045,10,0,10,10,15,0.52,441,131,131,0,4,0,0,0,0.06,1.2,0.909,0.387,0.04,6,227,"1 8 oz container, (8 oz)",245,"1 cup, (8 fl oz)",0
01204,"CHEESE,PARMESAN,DRY GRATED,RED FAT",50.6,265,20,20,8.03,1.37,0,0,1109,0.9,38,729,125,1529,3.87,0.238,0.085,17.7,0,0.029,0.486,0.114,0.325,0.049,10,0,10,10,21,2.26,605,160,156,0,51,0,0,0,0.17,1.7,13.317,6.098,0.462,88,100,1 cup,5,1 tbsp,0
01205,"CREAM SUB,FLAV,LIQ",50.06,251,0.69,13.5,0.55,35.07,1.100000024,33.04000092,6,0.59,19,28,96,80,0.25,0.142,0.142,0.7,0,0.004,0.024,0.091,0.01,0.004,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1.58,3.3,2.635,4.002,6.269,0,,,,,0
01206,"CREAM SUB,FLAV,POWDERED",1.52,495,0,21.47,0.79,75.42,1.200000048,58.00999832,5,0.63,17,28,90,196,0.23,0.135,0.14,1.3,0,0.004,0.027,0.084,0.009,0.004,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0.41,9.1,19.446,0.618,0.229,0,,,,,0
01208,"CHEESE,PROVOLONE,RED FAT",50.6,274,24.7,17.6,3.6,3.5,0,0.550000012,756,0.52,28,496,138,876,3.23,0.026,0.01,14.5,0,0.019,0.321,0.156,0.476,0.073,10,0,10,10,13,1.46,532,141,137,0,45,0,0,0,0.15,1.5,11.3,4.89,0.51,55,132,"1 cup, diced",113,"1 cup, shredded",0
01209,"CHEESE,MEXICAN,BLEND,RED FAT",48.2,282,24.69,19.4,4.3,3.41,0,0.560000002,1146,0.13,35,583,93,776,4.3,0.021,,15.5,0,0.03,0.3,0.06,,0.084,20,0,20,20,14,1.66,586,155,151,0,50,0,0,0,0.17,1.6,11.58,5.02,0.75,62,,,,,0
01210,"EGG MIX,USDA CMDTY",2.78,549,35.6,34.5,3.15,23.97,,2.460000038,171,3.23,11,451,373,576,2.76,0.149,0.056,118,,0.19,1.277,0.267,6.5,0.207,138,0,138,138,602,2.9,398,117,116,0,0,13,0,,2.04,0.7,10.305,13.745,7.555,1110,,,,,0
02001,"ALLSPICE,GROUND",8.46,263,6.09,8.69,4.65,72.12,21.60000038,,661,7.06,135,113,1044,77,1.01,0.553,2.943,2.7,39.2,0.101,0.063,2.86,,0.21,36,0,36,36,,0,540,27,0,,,,,,,,2.55,0.66,2.36,0,6,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0
02002,ANISE SEED,9.54,337,17.6,15.9,6.95,50.02,14.60000038,,646,36.96,170,440,1441,16,5.3,0.91,2.3,5,21,0.34,0.29,3.06,0.797,0.65,10,0,10,10,,0,311,16,0,,,,,,,,0.586,9.78,3.15,0,6.7,"1 tbsp, whole",2,"1 tsp, whole",0
02003,"SPICES,BASIL,DRIED",6.43,251,14.37,3.98,14.27,60.96,40.5,1.710000038,2113,42,422,490,3433,34,5.82,1.367,3.167,2.8,61.2,0.148,0.316,6.948,,2.32,274,0,274,274,55,0,9375,469,0,0,5584,81,393,1150,7.48,1714.5,0.24,0.453,2.168,0,0.7,"1 tsp, leaves",2,"1 tbsp, leaves",0
02004,"SPICES,BAY LEAF",5.44,313,7.61,8.36,3.62,74.97,26.29999924,,834,43,120,113,529,23,3.7,0.416,8.167,2.8,46.5,0.009,0.421,2.005,,1.74,180,0,180,180,,0,6185,309,0,,,,,,,,2.28,1.64,2.29,0,1.8,"1 tbsp, crumbled",1,"1 tsp, crumbled",0
02005,CARAWAY SEED,9.87,333,19.77,14.59,5.87,49.9,38,0.639999986,689,16.23,258,568,1351,17,5.5,0.91,1.3,12.1,21,0.383,0.379,3.606,,0.36,10,0,10,10,25,0,363,18,0,0,189,58,6,205,2.5,0,0.62,7.125,3.272,0,6.7,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0
02006,"SPICES,CARDAMOM",8.28,311,10.76,6.7,5.78,68.47,28,,383,13.97,229,178,1119,18,7.47,0.383,28,,21,0.198,0.182,1.102,,0.23,,,,,,0,0,0,0,,,,,,,,0.68,0.87,0.43,0,5.8,"1 tbsp, ground",2,"1 tsp, ground",0
02007,CELERY SEED,6.04,392,18.07,25.27,9.27,41.35,11.80000019,0.670000017,1767,44.9,440,547,1400,160,6.93,1.37,7.567,12.1,17.1,0.34,0.29,3.06,,0.89,10,0,10,10,25,0,52,3,0,0,31,0,0,0,1.07,0,2.19,15.93,3.72,0,6.5,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0
02008,"CHERVIL,DRIED",7.2,237,23.2,3.9,16.6,49.1,11.30000019,,1346,31.95,130,450,4740,83,8.8,0.44,2.1,29.3,50,0.38,0.68,5.4,,0.93,274,0,274,274,,0,5850,293,0,,,,,,,,0.169,1.399,1.8,0,1.9,1 tbsp,1,1 tsp,0
02009,CHILI POWDER,7.79,314,12.26,16.76,8.53,54.66,34.20000076,7.190000057,278,14.25,170,303,1916,1010,2.7,0.429,2.165,6,64.1,0.349,0.794,7.893,,3.67,100,0,100,100,66,0,29650,1483,0,2090,15000,3490,21,310,29.05,105.7,2.953,3.574,7.458,0,7.5,1 tbsp,3,1 tsp,0
02010,"CINNAMON,GROUND",10.58,247,3.99,1.24,3.6,80.59,53.09999847,2.170000076,1002,8.32,60,64,431,10,1.83,0.339,17.466,3.1,3.8,0.022,0.041,1.332,0.358,0.158,6,0,6,6,11,0,295,15,0,1,112,129,15,222,2.32,31.2,0.345,0.246,0.068,0,7.85,1 tbsp,3,1 tsp,0
02011,"CLOVES,GROUND",6.86,323,5.98,20.07,5.88,61.21,34.20000076,2.380000114,646,8.68,264,105,1102,243,1.09,0.347,30.033,5.9,80.8,0.115,0.267,1.458,,0.59,93,0,93,93,37,0,530,27,0,0,84,468,0,0,8.52,141.8,5.438,1.471,7.088,0,6.6,1 tbsp,2,1 tsp,0

1 NDB_No Shrt_Desc Water Energ_Kcal Protein Lipid_Tot Ash Carbohydrt Fiber_TD Sugar_Tot Calcium Iron Magnesium Phosphorus Potassium Sodium ZInc Copper Manganese Selenium Vit_C Thiamin Ribolfavin Niacin Panto_Acid Vit_B6 Folate_Tot Folic_Acid Food_Folate Folate_DFE Choline_Tot Vit_B12 Vit_A_IU Vit_A_RAE Retinol Alpha_Carot Beta_Carot Beta_Crypt Lycopene Lut+Zea Vit_E Vit_K FA_SAt FA_Mono FA_Poly Cholestrl GmWt_1 GmWt_Desc1 GmWt_2 GmWt_Desc2 Refuse_Pct
2 01001 BUTTER,WITH SALT 15.87 717 0.85 81.11 2.11 0.06 0 0.059999999 24 0.02 2 24 24 576 0.09 0 0 1 0 0.005 0.034 0.042 0.11 0.003 3 0 3 3 19 0.17 2499 684 671 0 158 0 0 0 2.32 7 51.368 21.021 3.043 215 227 1 cup 14 1 tbsp 0
3 01002 BUTTER,WHIPPED,WITH SALT 15.87 717 0.85 81.11 2.11 0.06 0 0.059999999 24 0.16 2 23 26 827 0.05 0.016 0.004 1 0 0.005 0.034 0.042 0.11 0.003 3 0 3 3 19 0.13 2499 684 671 0 158 0 0 0 2.32 7 50.489 23.426 3.012 219 151 1 cup 9 1 tbsp 0
4 01003 BUTTER OIL,ANHYDROUS 0.24 876 0.28 99.48 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 5 2 0.01 0.001 0 0 0 0.001 0.005 0.003 0.01 0.001 0 0 0 0 22 0.01 3069 840 824 0 193 0 0 0 2.8 8.6 61.924 28.732 3.694 256 205 1 cup 13 1 tbsp 0
5 01004 CHEESE,BLUE 42.41 353 21.4 28.74 5.11 2.34 0 0.5 528 0.31 23 387 256 1395 2.66 0.04 0.009 14.5 0 0.029 0.382 1.016 1.729 0.166 36 0 36 36 15 1.22 763 198 192 0 74 0 0 0 0.25 2.4 18.669 7.778 0.8 75 28.35 1 oz 17 1 cubic inch 0
6 01005 CHEESE,BRICK 41.11 371 23.24 29.68 3.18 2.79 0 0.50999999 674 0.43 24 451 136 560 2.6 0.024 0.012 14.5 0 0.014 0.351 0.118 0.288 0.065 20 0 20 20 15 1.26 1080 292 286 0 76 0 0 0 0.26 2.5 18.764 8.598 0.784 94 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
7 01006 CHEESE,BRIE 48.42 334 20.75 27.68 2.7 0.45 0 0.449999988 184 0.5 20 188 152 629 2.38 0.019 0.034 14.5 0 0.07 0.52 0.38 0.69 0.235 65 0 65 65 15 1.65 592 174 173 0 9 0 0 0 0.24 2.3 17.41 8.013 0.826 100 240 1 cup, melted 144 1 cup, sliced 0
8 01007 CHEESE,CAMEMBERT 51.8 300 19.8 24.26 3.68 0.46 0 0.460000008 388 0.33 20 347 187 842 2.38 0.021 0.038 14.5 0 0.028 0.488 0.63 1.364 0.227 62 0 62 62 15 1.3 820 241 240 0 12 0 0 0 0.21 2 15.259 7.023 0.724 72 246 1 cup 28 1 oz 0
9 01008 CHEESE,CARAWAY 39.28 376 25.18 29.2 3.28 3.06 0 673 0.64 22 490 93 690 2.94 0.024 0.021 14.5 0 0.031 0.45 0.18 0.19 0.074 18 0 18 18 0.27 1054 271 262 18.584 8.275 0.83 93 28.35 1 oz 0
10 01009 CHEESE,CHEDDAR 36.75 403 24.9 33.14 3.93 1.28 0 0.519999981 721 0.68 28 512 98 621 3.11 0.031 0.01 13.9 0 0.027 0.375 0.08 0.413 0.074 18 0 18 18 16 0.83 1002 265 258 0 85 0 0 0 0.29 2.8 21.092 9.391 0.942 105 132 1 cup, diced 244 1 cup, melted 0
11 01010 CHEESE,CHESHIRE 37.65 387 23.37 30.6 3.6 4.78 0 643 0.21 21 464 95 700 2.79 0.042 0.012 14.5 0 0.046 0.293 0.08 0.413 0.074 18 0 18 18 0.83 985 233 220 19.475 8.671 0.87 103 28.35 1 oz 0
12 01011 CHEESE,COLBY 38.2 394 23.76 32.11 3.36 2.57 0 0.519999981 685 0.76 26 457 127 604 3.07 0.042 0.012 14.5 0 0.015 0.375 0.093 0.21 0.079 18 0 18 18 15 0.83 994 264 257 0 82 0 0 0 0.28 2.7 20.218 9.28 0.953 95 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
13 01012 CHEESE,COTTAGE,CRMD,LRG OR SML CURD 79.79 98 11.12 4.3 1.41 3.38 0 2.670000076 83 0.07 8 159 104 364 0.4 0.029 0.002 9.7 0 0.027 0.163 0.099 0.557 0.046 12 0 12 12 18 0.43 140 37 36 0 12 0 0 0 0.08 0 1.718 0.778 0.123 17 113 4 oz 210 1 cup, large curd (not packed) 0
14 01013 CHEESE,COTTAGE,CRMD,W/FRUIT 79.64 97 10.69 3.85 1.2 4.61 0.200000003 2.380000114 53 0.16 7 113 90 344 0.33 0.04 0.003 7.7 1.4 0.033 0.142 0.15 0.181 0.068 11 0 11 11 18 0.53 146 38 37 0 14 0 0 0 0.04 0.4 2.311 1.036 0.124 13 226 1 cup, (not packed) 113 4 oz 0
15 01014 CHEESE,COTTAGE,NONFAT,UNCRMD,DRY,LRG OR SML CURD 81.01 72 10.34 0.29 1.71 6.66 0 1.850000024 86 0.15 11 190 137 330 0.47 0.03 0.022 9.4 0 0.023 0.226 0.144 0.446 0.016 9 0 9 9 18 0.46 8 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.169 0.079 0.003 7 145 1 cup, (not packed) 113 4 oz 0
16 01015 CHEESE,COTTAGE,LOWFAT,2% MILKFAT 80.69 86 11.83 2.45 1.36 3.66 0 3.670000076 91 0.15 7 163 84 330 0.41 0.03 0.007 9.9 0 0.041 0.198 0.108 0.253 0.022 10 0 10 10 16 0.45 74 20 19 0 6 0 0 0 0.04 0 0.979 0.443 0.07 10 226 1 cup, (not packed) 113 4 oz 0
17 01016 CHEESE,COTTAGE,LOWFAT,1% MILKFAT 82.48 72 12.39 1.02 1.39 2.72 0 2.720000029 61 0.14 5 134 86 406 0.38 0.028 0.003 9 0 0.021 0.165 0.128 0.215 0.068 12 0 12 12 18 0.63 41 11 11 0 3 0 0 0 0.01 0.1 0.645 0.291 0.031 4 226 1 cup, (not packed) 113 4 oz 0
18 01017 CHEESE,CREAM 54.44 342 5.93 34.24 1.32 4.07 0 3.210000038 98 0.38 9 106 138 321 0.51 0.019 0.011 2.4 0 0.02 0.125 0.145 0.57 0.035 11 0 11 11 27 0.25 1265 362 359 0 41 0 0 0 0.65 3.4 19.292 8.62 1.437 110 232 1 cup 14 1 tbsp 0
19 01018 CHEESE,EDAM 41.56 357 24.99 27.8 4.22 1.43 0 1.429999948 731 0.44 30 536 188 965 3.75 0.036 0.011 14.5 0 0.037 0.389 0.082 0.281 0.076 16 0 16 16 15 1.54 825 243 242 0 11 0 0 0 0.24 2.3 17.572 8.125 0.665 89 28.35 1 oz 198 1 package, (7 oz) 0
20 01019 CHEESE,FETA 55.22 264 14.21 21.28 5.2 4.09 0 4.090000153 493 0.65 19 337 62 1116 2.88 0.032 0.028 15 0 0.154 0.844 0.991 0.967 0.424 32 0 32 32 15 1.69 422 125 125 0 3 0 0 0 0.18 1.8 14.946 4.623 0.591 89 150 1 cup, crumbled 28 1 oz 0
21 01020 CHEESE,FONTINA 37.92 389 25.6 31.14 3.79 1.55 0 1.549999952 550 0.23 14 346 64 800 3.5 0.025 0.014 14.5 0 0.021 0.204 0.15 0.429 0.083 6 0 6 6 15 1.68 913 261 258 0 32 0 0 0 0.27 2.6 19.196 8.687 1.654 116 132 1 cup, diced 108 1 cup, shredded 0
22 01021 CHEESE,GJETOST 13.44 466 9.65 29.51 4.75 42.65 0 400 0.52 70 444 1409 600 1.14 0.08 0.04 14.5 0 0.315 1.382 0.813 3.351 0.271 5 0 5 5 2.42 1113 334 334 19.16 7.879 0.938 94 28.35 1 oz 227 1 package, (8 oz) 0
23 01022 CHEESE,GOUDA 41.46 356 24.94 27.44 3.94 2.22 0 2.220000029 700 0.24 29 546 121 819 3.9 0.036 0.011 14.5 0 0.03 0.334 0.063 0.34 0.08 21 0 21 21 15 1.54 563 165 164 0 10 0 0 0 0.24 2.3 17.614 7.747 0.657 114 28.35 1 oz 198 1 package, (7 oz) 0
24 01023 CHEESE,GRUYERE 33.19 413 29.81 32.34 4.3 0.36 0 0.360000014 1011 0.17 36 605 81 336 3.9 0.032 0.017 14.5 0 0.06 0.279 0.106 0.562 0.081 10 0 10 10 15 1.6 948 271 268 0 33 0 0 0 0.28 2.7 18.913 10.043 1.733 110 132 1 cup, diced 108 1 cup, shredded 0
25 01024 CHEESE,LIMBURGER 48.42 327 20.05 27.25 3.79 0.49 0 0.49000001 497 0.13 21 393 128 800 2.1 0.021 0.038 14.5 0 0.08 0.503 0.158 1.177 0.086 58 0 58 58 15 1.04 1155 340 339 0 15 0 0 0 0.23 2.3 16.746 8.606 0.495 90 134 1 cup 28 1 oz 0
26 01025 CHEESE,MONTEREY 41.01 373 24.48 30.28 3.55 0.68 0 0.5 746 0.72 27 444 81 536 3 0.032 0.011 14.5 0 0.015 0.39 0.093 0.21 0.079 18 0 18 18 15 0.83 769 198 192 0 78 0 0 0 0.26 2.5 19.066 8.751 0.899 89 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
27 01026 CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,WHL MILK 50.01 300 22.17 22.35 3.28 2.19 0 1.029999971 505 0.44 20 354 76 627 2.92 0.011 0.03 17 0 0.03 0.283 0.104 0.141 0.037 7 0 7 7 15 2.28 676 179 174 0 57 0 0 0 0.19 2.3 13.152 6.573 0.765 79 112 1 cup, shredded 28 1 oz 0
28 01027 CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,WHL MILK,LO MOIST 48.38 318 21.6 24.64 2.91 2.47 0 1.00999999 575 0.2 21 412 75 415 2.46 0.022 0.009 16.1 0 0.016 0.27 0.094 0.071 0.062 8 0 8 8 15 0.73 745 197 192 0 63 0 0 0 0.21 2.5 15.561 7.027 0.778 89 28.35 1 oz 18 1 cubic inch 0
29 01028 CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,PART SKIM MILK 53.78 254 24.26 15.92 3.27 2.77 0 1.129999995 782 0.22 23 463 84 619 2.76 0.025 0.01 14.4 0 0.018 0.303 0.105 0.079 0.07 9 0 9 9 15 0.82 481 127 124 0 41 0 0 0 0.14 1.6 10.114 4.51 0.472 64 28.35 1 oz 0
30 01029 CHEESE,MOZZARELLA,PART SKIM MILK,LO MOIST 46.46 302 25.96 20.03 3.72 3.83 0 0.600000024 731 0.25 26 524 95 528 3.13 0.027 0.011 16.3 0 0.101 0.329 0.119 0.09 0.079 10 0 10 10 14 2.31 517 137 133 0 44 0 0 0 0.37 1.3 12.67 5.73 0.626 54 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
31 01030 CHEESE,MUENSTER 41.77 368 23.41 30.04 3.66 1.12 0 1.120000005 717 0.41 27 468 134 628 2.81 0.031 0.008 14.5 0 0.013 0.32 0.103 0.19 0.056 12 0 12 12 15 1.47 1012 298 297 0 13 0 0 0 0.26 2.5 19.113 8.711 0.661 96 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
32 01031 CHEESE,NEUFCHATEL 63.11 253 9.15 22.78 1.37 3.59 0 3.190000057 117 0.13 10 138 152 334 0.82 0.027 0.011 3 0 0.022 0.155 0.21 0.575 0.041 14 0 14 14 0.3 841 241 239 0 27 0 0 0.4 1.7 12.79 5.784 0.97 74 28.35 1 oz 85 1 package, (3 oz) 0
33 01032 CHEESE,PARMESAN,GRATED 20.84 431 38.46 28.61 8.03 4.06 0 0.899999976 1109 0.9 38 729 125 1529 3.87 0.238 0.085 17.7 0 0.029 0.486 0.114 0.325 0.049 10 0 10 10 15 2.26 442 120 117 0 31 0 0 0 0.26 1.9 17.301 8.375 1.173 88 100 1 cup 5 1 tbsp 0
34 01033 CHEESE,PARMESAN,HARD 29.16 392 35.75 25.83 6.04 3.22 0 0.800000012 1184 0.82 44 694 92 1602 2.75 0.032 0.02 22.5 0 0.039 0.332 0.271 0.453 0.091 7 0 7 7 15 1.2 399 108 106 0 28 0 0 0 0.23 1.7 16.41 7.515 0.569 68 28.35 1 oz 10 1 cubic inch 0
35 01034 CHEESE,PORT DE SALUT 45.45 352 23.78 28.2 2 0.57 0 0.569999993 650 0.43 24 360 136 534 2.6 0.022 0.011 14.5 0 0.014 0.24 0.06 0.21 0.053 18 0 18 18 15 1.5 1092 315 313 0 29 0 0 0 0.24 2.4 16.691 9.338 0.729 123 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
36 01035 CHEESE,PROVOLONE 40.95 351 25.58 26.62 4.71 2.14 0 0.560000002 756 0.52 28 496 138 876 3.23 0.026 0.01 14.5 0 0.019 0.321 0.156 0.476 0.073 10 0 10 10 15 1.46 880 236 230 0 68 0 0 0 0.23 2.2 17.078 7.393 0.769 69 132 1 cup, diced 28 1 oz 0
37 01036 CHEESE,RICOTTA,WHOLE MILK 71.7 174 11.26 12.98 1.02 3.04 0 0.270000011 207 0.38 11 158 105 84 1.16 0.021 0.006 14.5 0 0.013 0.195 0.104 0.213 0.043 12 0 12 12 18 0.34 445 120 117 0 33 0 0 0 0.11 1.1 8.295 3.627 0.385 51 246 1 cup 124 .5 cup 0
38 01037 CHEESE,RICOTTA,PART SKIM MILK 74.41 138 11.39 7.91 1.15 5.14 0 0.310000002 272 0.44 15 183 125 125 1.34 0.034 0.01 16.7 0 0.021 0.185 0.078 0.242 0.02 13 0 13 13 18 0.29 384 107 105 0 20 0 0 0 0.07 0.7 4.927 2.314 0.26 31 246 1 cup 28 1 oz 0
39 01038 CHEESE,ROMANO 30.91 387 31.8 26.94 6.72 3.63 0 0.730000019 1064 0.77 41 760 86 1200 2.58 0.03 0.02 14.5 0 0.037 0.37 0.077 0.424 0.085 7 0 7 7 15 1.12 415 96 90 0 69 0 0 0 0.23 2.2 17.115 7.838 0.593 104 28.35 1 oz 142 5 package, (5 oz) 0
40 01039 CHEESE,ROQUEFORT 39.38 369 21.54 30.64 6.44 2 0 662 0.56 30 392 91 1809 2.08 0.034 0.03 14.5 0 0.04 0.586 0.734 1.731 0.124 49 0 49 49 0.64 1047 294 290 19.263 8.474 1.32 90 28.35 1 oz 85 1 package, (3 oz) 0
41 01040 CHEESE,SWISS 37.12 380 26.93 27.8 2.77 5.38 0 1.320000052 791 0.2 38 567 77 192 4.36 0.043 0.005 18.2 0 0.063 0.296 0.092 0.429 0.083 6 0 6 6 16 3.34 830 220 214 0 70 0 0 0 0.38 2.5 17.779 7.274 0.972 92 132 1 cup, diced 244 1 cup, melted 0
42 01041 CHEESE,TILSIT 42.86 340 24.41 25.98 4.87 1.88 0 700 0.23 13 500 65 753 3.5 0.026 0.013 14.5 0 0.061 0.359 0.205 0.346 0.065 20 0 20 20 2.1 1045 249 236 16.775 7.136 0.721 102 28.35 1 oz 170 1 package, (6 oz) 0
43 01042 CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4 39.16 375 22.15 31.25 5.84 1.6 0 0.50999999 552 0.19 27 513 169 1489 2.84 0.016 0.008 14.4 0 0.027 0.353 0.069 0.482 0.071 8 0 8 8 36 0.7 961 254 247 0 82 0 0 0 0.27 2.7 19.694 8.951 0.99 94 140 1 cup, diced 244 1 cup, melted 0
44 01043 CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,PIMENTO 39.08 375 22.13 31.2 5.84 1.73 0.100000001 0.629999995 614 0.42 22 744 162 1428 2.98 0.033 0.016 14.5 2.3 0.027 0.354 0.078 0.485 0.071 8 0 8 8 36 0.7 1045 248 235 12 151 0 0 20 0.29 2.9 19.663 8.937 0.988 94 140 1 cup, diced 244 1 cup, melted 0
45 01044 CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,SWISS,W/DI NA PO4 42.31 334 24.73 25.01 5.85 2.1 0 1.230000019 772 0.61 29 762 216 1370 3.61 0.027 0.014 15.9 0 0.014 0.276 0.038 0.26 0.036 6 0 6 6 36 1.23 746 198 192 0 63 0 0 0 0.34 2.2 16.045 7.046 0.622 85 140 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
46 01045 CHEESE FD,COLD PK,AMERICAN 43.12 331 19.66 24.46 4.44 8.32 0 497 0.84 30 400 363 966 3.01 0.03 0.01 16.2 0 0.03 0.446 0.074 0.977 0.141 5 0 5 5 1.28 705 159 148 15.355 7.165 0.719 64 28.35 1 oz 227 1 package, (8 oz) 0
47 01046 CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4 43.21 330 18.4 25.18 5.38 7.83 0 7.429999828 570 0.57 31 439 291 1265 3.19 0.085 0.073 16.1 0 0.068 0.517 0.17 0.974 0.073 7 0 7 7 36 1.26 761 201 196 0 65 0 0 0 0.22 3.4 14.895 7.214 1.108 80 113 1 cup 28 1 oz 0
48 01047 CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,SWISS 43.67 323 21.92 24.14 5.77 4.5 0 723 0.6 28 526 284 1552 3.55 0.03 0.01 16.1 0 0.014 0.4 0.104 0.5 0.035 6 0 6 6 2.3 856 237 233 15.487 6.801 0.6 82 28.35 1 oz 227 1 package, (8 oz) 0
49 01048 CHEESE SPRD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4 47.65 290 16.41 21.23 5.98 8.73 0 7.320000172 562 0.33 29 712 242 1345 2.59 0.033 0.02 11.3 0 0.048 0.431 0.131 0.686 0.117 7 0 7 7 36 0.4 653 173 168 0 55 0 0 0 0.19 1.8 13.327 6.219 0.624 55 140 1 cup, diced 244 1 cup 0
50 01049 CREAM,FLUID,HALF AND HALF 80.57 130 2.96 11.5 0.67 4.3 0 0.159999996 105 0.07 10 95 130 41 0.51 0.01 0.001 1.8 0.9 0.035 0.149 0.078 0.289 0.039 3 0 3 3 19 0.33 354 97 95 0 22 0 0 0 0.33 1.3 7.158 3.321 0.427 37 242 1 cup 15 1 tbsp 0
51 01050 CREAM,FLUID,LT (COFFEE CRM OR TABLE CRM) 73.75 195 2.7 19.31 0.58 3.66 0 0.140000001 96 0.04 9 80 122 40 0.27 0.008 0.001 0.6 0.8 0.032 0.148 0.057 0.276 0.032 2 0 2 2 17 0.22 656 181 178 0 37 0 0 0 0.55 1.7 12.02 5.577 0.717 66 240 1 cup 15 1 tbsp 0
52 01052 CREAM,FLUID,LT WHIPPING 63.5 292 2.17 30.91 0.46 2.96 0 0.109999999 69 0.03 7 61 97 34 0.25 0.007 0.001 0.5 0.6 0.024 0.125 0.042 0.259 0.028 4 0 4 4 17 0.2 1013 279 274 0 60 0 0 0 0.88 2.7 19.337 9.093 0.884 111 120 1 cup, whipped 239 1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped) 0
53 01053 CREAM,FLUID,HVY WHIPPING 57.71 345 2.05 37 0.45 2.79 0 0.109999999 65 0.03 7 62 75 38 0.23 0.006 0.001 0.5 0.6 0.022 0.11 0.039 0.255 0.026 4 0 4 4 17 0.18 1470 411 405 0 72 0 0 0 1.06 3.2 23.032 10.686 1.374 137 119.5 1 cup, whipped 238 1 cup, fluid (yields 2 cups whipped) 0
54 01054 CREAM,WHIPPED,CRM TOPPING,PRESSURIZED 61.33 257 3.2 22.22 0.76 12.49 0 8 101 0.05 11 89 147 130 0.37 0.01 0.001 1.4 0 0.037 0.065 0.07 0.305 0.041 3 0 3 3 17 0.29 685 188 184 0 43 0 0 0 0.64 1.9 13.831 6.418 0.825 76 60 1 cup 3 1 tbsp 0
55 01055 CREAM,SOUR,RED FAT,CULTURED 80.14 135 2.94 12 0.66 4.26 0 0.159999996 104 0.07 10 95 129 41 0.5 0.016 0.003 2.1 0.9 0.035 0.149 0.067 0.363 0.016 11 0 11 11 19 0.3 372 102 100 0 23 0 0 0 0.34 0.6 7.47 3.466 0.446 39 242 1 cup 15 1 tbsp 0
56 01056 CREAM,SOUR,CULTURED 74.46 193 2.07 19.73 0.85 2.88 0 3.5 110 0.17 10 115 141 80 0.38 0.019 0.011 2.6 0.9 0.036 0.172 0.109 0.336 0.057 7 0 7 7 19 0.28 576 162 160 0 26 0 0 0 0.44 1.8 11.507 5.068 0.84 52 230 1 cup 12 1 tbsp 0
57 01057 EGGNOG 74.37 135 3.81 7.48 0.8 13.54 0 8.409999847 130 0.2 19 109 165 54 0.46 0.013 0.005 4.2 1.5 0.034 0.19 0.105 0.417 0.05 1 0 1 1 52 0.45 161 46 45 0 6 1 0 54 0.2 0.2 4.443 2.233 0.339 59 254 1 cup 32 1 fl oz 0
58 01058 SOUR DRSNG,NON-BUTTERFAT,CULTURED,FILLED CREAM-TYPE 74.79 178 3.25 16.57 0.71 4.68 0 4.679999828 113 0.03 10 87 162 48 0.37 0.01 0.002 2.3 0.9 0.038 0.163 0.074 0.398 0.017 12 0 12 12 15 0.33 10 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 1.34 4.1 13.272 1.958 0.468 5 235 1 cup 12 1 tbsp 0
59 01059 MILK,FILLED,FLUID,W/BLEND OF HYDR VEG OILS 87.67 63 3.33 3.46 0.8 4.74 0 128 0.05 13 97 139 57 0.36 0.01 0.002 2 0.9 0.03 0.123 0.087 0.301 0.04 5 0 5 5 0.34 7 2 2 0.768 1.783 0.75 2 244 1 cup 976 1 quart 0
60 01060 MILK,FILLED,FLUID,W/LAURIC ACID OIL 87.73 63 3.33 3.4 0.8 4.74 0 4.739999771 128 0.05 13 97 139 57 0.36 0.01 0.002 2 0.9 0.03 0.123 0.087 0.301 0.04 5 0 5 5 15 0.34 7 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0.13 0.8 3.101 0.1 0.01 2 244 1 cup 30 1 fl oz 0
61 01067 CREAM SUB,LIQ,W/HYDR VEG OIL&SOY PROT 77.27 136 1 9.97 0.38 11.38 0 11.38000011 9 0.03 0 64 191 79 0.02 0 0 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 1 0 0 9 0 0 0 0.81 2.5 1.937 7.551 0.027 0 240 1 cup 30 1 fl oz 0
62 01068 CREAM SUB,LIQ,W/LAURIC ACID OIL&NA CASEINATE 77.27 136 1 9.97 0.38 11.38 0 9 0.03 0 64 191 79 0.02 0.025 0.04 1.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 4 0 9.304 0.106 0.003 0 15 1 container, individual 120 .5 cup 0
63 01069 CREAM SUBSTITUTE,POWDERED 2.21 545 4.79 35.48 2.64 54.88 0 54.88000107 22 1.15 4 422 812 181 0.51 0.115 0.22 0.6 0 0 0.165 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 33 2 0 0 20 0 0 0 0.59 8.8 32.525 0.968 0.014 0 94 1 cup 2 1 tsp 0
64 01070 DESSERT TOPPING,POWDERED 1.47 577 4.9 39.92 1.17 52.54 0 52.54000092 17 0.03 7 74 166 122 0.08 0.118 0.225 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 9 0 0 108 0 0 0 1.52 9.9 36.723 0.6 0.447 0 42.5 1.5 oz 1 1 portion, amount to make 1 tbsp 0
65 01071 DESSERT TOPPING,PDR,1.5 OZ PREP W/1/2 CUP MILK 66.65 188 3.6 12.41 0.81 16.53 0 16.53000069 90 0.04 10 86 151 66 0.27 0.012 0.005 4.8 0.7 0.027 0.117 0.06 0.226 0.03 4 0 4 4 11 0.26 122 23 21 0 32 0 0 0 0.44 2.7 10.684 0.843 0.201 10 80 1 cup 4 1 tbsp 0
66 01072 DESSERT TOPPING,PRESSURIZED 60.37 264 0.98 22.3 0.28 16.07 0 16.06999969 5 0.02 1 18 19 62 0.01 0.024 0.045 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 4 0 0 47 0 0 0 0.85 5.5 18.912 1.927 0.241 0 70 1 cup 4 1 tbsp 0
67 01073 DESSERT TOPPING,SEMI SOLID,FRZ 50.21 318 1.25 25.31 0.18 23.05 0 23.04999924 6 0.12 2 8 18 25 0.03 0.03 0.058 2.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 143 7 0 0 86 0 0 0 0.96 6.3 21.783 1.616 0.523 0 75 1 cup 4 1 tbsp 0
68 01074 SOUR CRM,IMITN,CULTURED 71.15 208 2.4 19.52 0.3 6.63 0 6.630000114 3 0.39 6 45 161 102 1.18 0.058 0.11 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.74 4.8 17.791 0.588 0.056 0 230 1 cup 28 1 oz 0
69 01075 MILK SUBSTITUTES,FLUID W/HYDR VEG OILS 88.18 61 1.75 3.41 0.5 6.16 0 6.159999847 33 0.39 6 74 114 78 1.18 0.051 0.097 1.9 0 0.012 0.088 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.28 0.8 0.767 1.998 0.488 0 244 1 cup 30 1 fl oz 0
70 01076 MILK SUBSTITUTES,FLUID,W/LAURIC ACID OIL 88.18 61 1.75 3.41 0.5 6.16 0 33 0.39 6 74 114 78 1.18 0.051 0.097 1.9 0 0.012 0.088 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.037 0.176 0.008 0 244 1 cup 976 1 quart 0
71 01077 MILK,WHL,3.25% MILKFAT 88.32 60 3.22 3.25 0.69 4.52 0 5.260000229 113 0.03 10 91 143 40 0.4 0.011 0.003 3.7 0 0.044 0.183 0.107 0.362 0.036 5 0 5 5 14 0.44 102 28 28 0 5 0 0 0 0.06 0.2 1.865 0.812 0.195 10 244 1 cup 15 1 tbsp 0
72 01078 MILK,PRODUCER,FLUID,3.7% MILKFAT 87.69 64 3.28 3.66 0.72 4.65 0 119 0.05 13 93 151 49 0.38 0.01 0.004 2 1.5 0.038 0.161 0.084 0.313 0.042 5 0 5 5 0.36 138 33 31 2.278 1.057 0.136 14 244 1 cup 976 1 quart 0
73 01079 MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2%MILKFAT,W/ADDED VIT A 89.33 50 3.3 1.97 0.71 4.68 0 5.059999943 117 0.03 11 94 150 41 0.43 0.012 0.003 2.5 0.2 0.039 0.185 0.092 0.356 0.038 5 0 5 5 16 0.46 189 55 55 0 3 0 0 0 0.03 0.2 1.257 0.56 0.073 8 244 1 cup 30 1 fl oz 0
74 01080 MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A 88.86 51 3.48 1.92 0.77 4.97 0 128 0.05 14 100 162 52 0.4 0.008 0.002 2.3 1 0.04 0.173 0.09 0.336 0.045 5 0 5 5 0.38 204 56 55 1.195 0.555 0.071 8 245 1 cup 980 1 quart 0
75 01081 MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A 87.71 56 3.95 1.98 0.87 5.49 0 5.260000229 143 0.06 16 112 182 59 0.45 0.008 0.002 2.6 1.1 0.045 0.194 0.101 0.376 0.051 6 0 6 6 0.43 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 0.04 0.1 1.232 0.572 0.074 8 246 1 cup 984 1 quart 0
76 01082 MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,W/ VIT A 89.92 42 3.37 0.97 0.75 4.99 0 5.199999809 119 0.03 11 95 150 44 0.42 0.01 0.003 3.3 0 0.02 0.185 0.093 0.361 0.037 5 0 5 5 18 0.44 196 58 58 0 2 0 0 0 0.01 0.1 0.633 0.277 0.035 5 244 1 cup 30 1 fl oz 0
77 01083 MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A 89.81 43 3.48 0.97 0.77 4.97 0 128 0.05 14 100 162 52 0.4 0.01 0.002 2.3 1 0.04 0.173 0.09 0.336 0.045 5 0 5 5 0.38 204 59 58 0.604 0.28 0.036 4 245 1 cup 980 1 quart 0
78 01084 MILK,LOWFAT,FLUID,1% MILKFAT,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A 88.74 48 3.93 1.17 0.86 5.52 0 142 0.06 16 111 180 58 0.45 0.01 0.002 2.5 1.2 0.045 0.192 0.1 0.373 0.05 6 0 6 6 0.43 203 61 61 0.728 0.338 0.043 4 246 1 cup 984 1 quart 0
79 01085 MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,W/ VIT A (FAT FREE OR SKIM) 90.84 34 3.37 0.08 0.75 4.96 0 5.090000153 125 0.03 11 101 156 42 0.42 0.013 0.003 3.1 0 0.045 0.182 0.094 0.357 0.037 5 0 5 5 16 0.53 204 61 61 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.051 0.021 0.003 2 245 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
80 01086 MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL&VIT A (FAT FREE/SKIM) 90.38 37 3.57 0.25 0.78 5.02 0 5.019999981 129 0.05 15 104 171 53 0.41 0.011 0.002 2.2 1 0.041 0.175 0.091 0.339 0.046 5 0 5 5 16 0.39 203 61 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.162 0.065 0.009 2 245 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
81 01087 MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,PROT FORT,W/ VIT A (FAT FREE/SKIM) 89.36 41 3.96 0.25 0.87 5.56 0 143 0.06 16 112 182 59 0.45 0.011 0.002 2.4 1.1 0.045 0.194 0.101 0.376 0.05 6 0 6 6 0.43 203 61 61 0.162 0.065 0.009 2 246 1 cup 984 1 quart 0
82 01088 MILK,BTTRMLK,FLUID,CULTURED,LOWFAT 90.13 40 3.31 0.88 0.89 4.79 0 4.789999962 116 0.05 11 89 151 105 0.42 0.011 0.002 2 1 0.034 0.154 0.058 0.275 0.034 5 0 5 5 16 0.22 26 7 7 0 1 0 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.548 0.254 0.033 4 245 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
83 01089 MILK,LOW SODIUM,FLUID 88.2 61 3.1 3.46 0.78 4.46 0 4.460000038 101 0.05 5 86 253 3 0.38 0.01 0.004 2 0.9 0.02 0.105 0.043 0.304 0.034 5 0 5 5 16 0.36 103 28 28 0 6 0 0 0 0.06 0.2 2.154 0.999 0.128 14 244 1 cup 30 1 fl oz 0
84 01090 MILK,DRY,WHOLE 2.47 496 26.32 26.71 6.08 38.42 0 38.41999817 912 0.47 85 776 1330 371 3.34 0.08 0.04 16.3 8.6 0.283 1.205 0.646 2.271 0.302 37 0 37 37 119 3.25 915 257 253 0 43 0 0 0 0.48 1.8 16.742 7.924 0.665 97 128 1 cup 32 .25 cup 0
85 01091 MILK,DRY,NONFAT,REG,WO/ VIT A 3.16 362 36.16 0.77 7.93 51.98 0 51.97999954 1257 0.32 110 968 1794 535 4.08 0.041 0.02 27.3 6.8 0.415 1.55 0.951 3.568 0.361 50 0 50 50 169 4.03 22 6 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.499 0.201 0.03 20 120 1 cup 30 .25 cup 0
86 01092 MILK,DRY,NONFAT,INST,W/ VIT A 3.96 358 35.1 0.72 8.03 52.19 0 52.18999863 1231 0.31 117 985 1705 549 4.41 0.041 0.02 27.3 5.6 0.413 1.744 0.891 3.235 0.345 50 0 50 50 168 3.99 2365 709 709 0 1 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.467 0.187 0.028 18 68 1 cup 91 1 envelope, (1-1/3 cup) 0
87 01093 MILK,DRY,NONFAT,CA RED 4.9 354 35.5 0.2 7.6 51.8 0 280 0.32 60 1011 680 2280 4.03 0.016 0.008 27.3 6.7 0.163 1.642 0.665 3.312 0.298 50 0 50 50 3.98 8 2 1 0.124 0.058 0.007 2 28.35 1 oz 113 .25 lb 0
88 01094 MILK,BUTTERMILK,DRIED 2.97 387 34.3 5.78 7.95 49 0 49 1184 0.3 110 933 1592 517 4.02 0.111 0.023 20.3 5.7 0.392 1.579 0.876 3.17 0.338 47 0 47 47 119 3.82 175 49 48 0 9 0 0 0 0.1 0.4 3.598 1.669 0.215 69 120 1 cup 6 1 tbsp 0
89 01095 MILK,CND,COND,SWTND 27.16 321 7.91 8.7 1.83 54.4 0 54.40000153 284 0.19 26 253 371 127 0.94 0.015 0.006 14.8 2.6 0.09 0.416 0.21 0.75 0.051 11 0 11 11 89 0.44 267 74 73 0 14 0 0 0 0.16 0.6 5.486 2.427 0.337 34 306 1 cup 38 1 fl oz 0
90 01096 MILK,CND,EVAP,WO/ VIT A 74.04 134 6.81 7.56 1.55 10.04 0 10.03999996 261 0.19 24 203 303 106 0.77 0.016 0.006 2.3 1.9 0.047 0.316 0.194 0.638 0.05 8 0 8 8 32 0.16 233 65 64 0 12 0 0 0 0.14 0.5 4.591 2.335 0.245 29 252 1 cup 32 1 fl oz 0
91 01097 MILK,CND,EVAP,NONFAT 79.4 78 7.55 0.2 1.5 11.35 0 11.35000038 290 0.29 27 195 332 115 0.9 0.016 0.006 2.5 1.2 0.045 0.309 0.174 0.738 0.055 9 0 9 9 25 0.24 394 118 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.121 0.062 0.006 4 256 1 cup 32 1 fl oz 0
92 01102 MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM, 82.3 83 3.17 3.39 0.8 10.34 0.800000012 9.539999962 112 0.24 13 101 167 60 0.41 0.065 0.077 1.9 0.9 0.037 0.162 0.125 0.295 0.04 5 0 5 5 17 0.33 95 26 26 0 5 0 0 0 0.06 0.2 2.104 0.99 0.124 12 250 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
93 01103 MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,RED FAT 82.17 76 2.99 1.9 0.81 12.13 0.699999988 9.550000191 109 0.24 14 102 169 66 0.39 0.075 0.062 3.4 0 0.045 0.183 0.164 0.539 0.024 2 0 2 2 17 0.33 227 64 63 0 11 0 0 0 0.04 0.2 1.177 0.455 0.089 8 250 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
94 01104 MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,LOWFAT 84.5 63 3.24 1 0.82 10.44 0.5 9.93999958 115 0.24 13 103 170 61 0.41 0.065 0.077 1.9 0.9 0.038 0.166 0.127 0.302 0.041 5 0 5 5 17 0.34 196 58 58 0 2 0 0 0 0.02 0.1 0.616 0.3 0.035 3 250 1 cup 1000 1 quart 0
95 01105 MILK,CHOC BEV,HOT COCOA,HOMEMADE 82.57 77 3.52 2.33 0.65 10.63 1 9.670000076 105 0.48 23 105 197 44 0.63 0.103 0.013 2.7 0.2 0.039 0.182 0.133 0.328 0.04 5 0 5 5 0.42 175 51 51 0 3 0 0 0 0.03 0.2 1.431 0.677 0.034 8 250 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
96 01106 MILK,GOAT,FLUID 87.03 69 3.56 4.14 0.82 4.45 0 4.449999809 134 0.05 14 111 204 50 0.3 0.046 0.018 1.4 1.3 0.048 0.138 0.277 0.31 0.046 1 0 1 1 16 0.07 198 57 56 0 7 0 0 0 0.07 0.3 2.667 1.109 0.149 11 244 1 cup 30 1 fl oz 0
97 01107 MILK,HUMAN,MATURE,FLUID 87.5 70 1.03 4.38 0.2 6.89 0 6.889999866 32 0.03 3 14 51 17 0.17 0.052 0.026 1.8 5 0.014 0.036 0.177 0.223 0.011 5 0 5 5 16 0.05 212 61 60 0 7 0 0 0 0.08 0.3 2.009 1.658 0.497 14 246 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
98 01108 MILK,INDIAN BUFFALO,FLUID 83.39 97 3.75 6.89 0.79 5.18 0 169 0.12 31 117 178 52 0.22 0.046 0.018 2.3 0.052 0.135 0.091 0.192 0.023 6 0 6 6 0.36 178 53 53 4.597 1.787 0.146 19 244 1 cup 976 1 quart 0
99 01109 MILK,SHEEP,FLUID 80.7 108 5.98 7 0.96 5.36 0 193 0.1 18 158 137 44 0.54 0.046 0.018 1.7 4.2 0.065 0.355 0.417 0.407 0.06 7 0 7 7 0.71 147 44 44 4.603 1.724 0.308 27 245 1 cup 980 1 quart 0
100 01110 MILK SHAKES,THICK CHOC 72.2 119 3.05 2.7 0.9 21.15 0.300000012 20.85000038 132 0.31 16 126 224 111 0.48 0.065 0.039 1.9 0 0.047 0.222 0.124 0.363 0.025 5 0 5 5 0.32 67 18 18 0 4 0 0 0 0.05 0.2 1.681 0.78 0.1 11 28.35 1 fl oz 300 1 container, (10.6 oz) 0
101 01111 MILK SHAKES,THICK VANILLA 74.45 112 3.86 3.03 0.91 17.75 0 17.75 146 0.1 12 115 183 95 0.39 0.051 0.014 2.3 0 0.03 0.195 0.146 0.368 0.042 7 0 7 7 0.52 91 25 25 0 5 0 0 0 0.05 0.2 1.886 0.875 0.113 12 28.35 1 fl oz 313 1 container, (11 oz) 0
102 01112 WHEY,ACID,FLUID 93.42 24 0.76 0.09 0.61 5.12 0 5.119999886 103 0.08 10 78 143 48 0.43 0.003 0.002 1.8 0.1 0.042 0.14 0.079 0.381 0.042 2 0 2 2 16 0.18 7 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.057 0.025 0.004 1 246 1 cup 984 1 quart 0
103 01113 WHEY,ACID,DRIED 3.51 339 11.73 0.54 10.77 73.45 0 73.44999695 2054 1.24 199 1349 2289 968 6.31 0.05 0.015 27.3 0.9 0.622 2.06 1.16 5.632 0.62 33 0 33 33 225 2.5 59 17 17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.342 0.149 0.021 3 57 1 cup 3 1 tbsp 0
104 01114 WHEY,SWEET,FLUID 93.12 27 0.85 0.36 0.53 5.14 0 5.139999866 47 0.06 8 46 161 54 0.13 0.004 0.001 1.9 0.1 0.036 0.158 0.074 0.383 0.031 1 0 1 1 16 0.28 12 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.23 0.1 0.011 2 246 1 cup 984 1 quart 0
105 01115 WHEY,SWEET,DRIED 3.19 353 12.93 1.07 8.35 74.46 0 74.45999908 796 0.88 176 932 2080 1079 1.97 0.07 0.009 27.2 1.5 0.519 2.208 1.258 5.62 0.584 12 0 12 12 225 2.37 30 8 8 0 2 0 0 0 0.02 0.1 0.684 0.297 0.034 6 145 1 cup 8 1 tbsp 0
106 01116 YOGURT,PLN,WHL MILK,8 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ 87.9 61 3.47 3.25 0.72 4.66 0 4.659999847 121 0.05 12 95 155 46 0.59 0.009 0.004 2.2 0.5 0.029 0.142 0.075 0.389 0.032 7 0 7 7 15 0.37 99 27 27 0 5 0 0 0 0.06 0.2 2.096 0.893 0.092 13 245 1 cup, (8 fl oz) 227 1 container, (8 oz) 0
107 01117 YOGURT,PLN,LOFAT,12 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ 85.07 63 5.25 1.55 1.09 7.04 0 7.039999962 183 0.08 17 144 234 70 0.89 0.013 0.004 3.3 0.8 0.044 0.214 0.114 0.591 0.049 11 0 11 11 15 0.56 51 14 14 0 2 0 0 0 0.03 0.2 1 0.426 0.044 6 245 1 cup, (8 fl oz) 227 1 container, (8 oz) 0
108 01118 YOGURT,PLN,SKIM MILK,13 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ 85.23 56 5.73 0.18 1.18 7.68 0 7.679999828 199 0.09 19 157 255 77 0.97 0.015 0.005 3.6 0.9 0.048 0.234 0.124 0.641 0.053 12 0 12 12 15 0.61 7 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.116 0.049 0.005 2 245 1 cup, (8 fl oz) 227 1 container, (8 oz) 0
109 01119 YOGURT,VANILLA,LOFAT,11 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ 79 85 4.93 1.25 1.02 13.8 0 13.80000019 171 0.07 16 135 219 66 0.83 0.013 0.004 4.9 0.8 0.042 0.201 0.107 0.552 0.045 11 0 11 11 15 0.53 43 12 12 0 2 0 0 0 0.02 0.1 0.806 0.343 0.036 5 245 1 cup, (8 fl oz) 227 1 container, (8 oz) 0
110 01120 YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,9 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ 75.3 99 3.98 1.15 0.93 18.64 0 18.63999939 138 0.06 13 109 177 53 0.67 0.079 0.064 2.8 0.6 0.034 0.162 0.086 0.446 0.037 9 0 9 9 15 0.43 40 11 11 0 2 0 0 0 0.02 0.1 0.742 0.316 0.033 5 245 1 cup, (8 fl oz) 125 1 container, (4.4 oz) 0
111 01121 YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,10 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ 74.48 102 4.37 1.08 1.02 19.05 0 19.04999924 152 0.07 15 119 195 58 0.74 0.08 0.065 3.1 0.7 0.037 0.178 0.095 0.489 0.04 9 0 9 9 14 0.47 36 10 10 0 2 0 0 0 0.02 0.1 0.697 0.297 0.031 4 245 1 cup, (8 fl oz) 170 1 container, (6 oz) 0
112 01122 YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,11 GRAMS PROT PER 8 OZ 74.1 105 4.86 1.41 1.03 18.6 0 169 0.07 16 133 216 65 0.82 0.08 0.065 3.1 0.7 0.041 0.198 0.105 0.544 0.045 10 0 10 10 0.52 60 0.909 0.387 0.04 6 227 1 container, (8 oz) 113 .5 container, (4 oz) 0
113 01123 EGG,WHOLE,RAW,FRESH 75.84 143 12.58 9.94 0.86 0.77 0 0.769999981 53 1.83 12 191 134 140 1.11 0.102 0.038 31.7 0 0.069 0.478 0.07 1.438 0.143 47 0 47 47 251 1.29 487 140 139 0 10 9 0 331 0.97 0.3 3.099 3.81 1.364 423 243 1 cup, (4.86 large eggs) 56 1 extra large 12
114 01124 EGG,WHITE,RAW,FRESH 87.57 48 10.9 0.17 0.63 0.73 0 0.709999979 7 0.08 11 15 163 166 0.03 0.023 0.011 20 0 0.004 0.439 0.105 0.19 0.005 4 0 4 4 1 0.09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 1 cup 33 1 large 0
115 01125 EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRSH 52.31 317 15.86 26.54 1.71 3.59 0 0.560000002 129 2.73 5 390 109 48 2.3 0.077 0.055 56 0 0.176 0.528 0.024 2.99 0.35 146 0 146 146 682 1.95 1442 381 371 38 88 33 0 1094 2.58 0.7 9.551 11.738 4.204 1234 243 1 cup 17 1 large 0
116 01126 EGG,YOLK,RAW,FROZEN 56.2 303 15.5 25.6 1.55 1.15 0 0.50999999 138 3.34 9 417 118 67 2.88 0.024 0.062 41.8 0 0.155 0.52 0.045 3.53 0.345 116 0 116 116 682 1.82 1609 433 423 36 85 32 0 1055 2.49 0.7 7.82 9.747 3.628 1075 227 .5 lb 0
117 01127 EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRZ,SUGARED 51.25 307 13.8 22.75 1.4 10.8 0 123 3.14 10 384 103 67 2.81 0.012 0.059 37.7 0 0.135 0.53 0.023 3.2 0.284 139 0 139 139 1.77 1315 395 395 6.97 8.614 3.244 959 227 .5 lb 0
118 01128 EGG,WHL,CKD,FRIED 69.13 196 13.63 15.31 1.05 0.88 0 0.829999983 59 1.98 13 208 147 204 1.2 0.111 0.041 34.2 0 0.075 0.518 0.077 1.558 0.155 51 0 51 51 273 1.39 729 198 193 0 46 10 0 358 1.22 5.6 4.294 6.346 2.66 457 46 1 large 0
119 01129 EGG,WHL,CKD,HARD-BOILED 74.62 155 12.58 10.61 1.08 1.12 0 1.120000005 50 1.19 10 172 126 124 1.05 0.013 0.026 30.8 0 0.066 0.513 0.064 1.398 0.121 44 0 44 44 225 1.11 586 169 168 0 11 10 0 353 1.03 0.3 3.267 4.077 1.414 424 136 1 cup, chopped 8 1 tbsp 12
120 01130 EGG,WHOLE,COOKED,OMELET 75.87 157 10.59 12.03 0.84 0.68 0 0.649999976 47 1.55 10 162 114 161 0.93 0.088 0.032 26.7 0 0.058 0.404 0.06 1.21 0.121 39 0 39 39 212 1.09 572 155 152 0 36 8 0 279 1.22 4.5 3.296 4.971 2.252 356 15.2 1 tbsp 61 1 large 0
121 01131 EGG,WHL,CKD,POACHED 75.54 142 12.53 9.9 1.26 0.76 0 0.769999981 53 1.83 12 190 133 294 1.1 0.102 0.039 31.6 0 0.055 0.405 0.059 1.433 0.121 35 0 35 35 200 1.28 485 139 138 0 10 9 0 330 0.96 0.3 3.087 3.795 1.359 422 50 1 large 0
122 01132 EGG,WHL,CKD,SCRMBLD 73.15 167 11.09 12.21 1.36 2.2 0 1.730000019 71 1.2 12 170 138 280 1 0.014 0.022 22.5 0.2 0.052 0.437 0.079 1.007 0.118 30 0 30 30 190 0.77 526 143 140 0 33 7 0 245 1.09 4 3.679 4.768 2.148 352 220 1 cup 14 1 tbsp 0
123 01133 EGG,WHOLE,DRIED 3.1 594 47.35 40.95 3.65 4.95 0 3.079999924 231 6.79 42 831 493 523 5.28 0.196 0.125 119.6 0 0.195 1.54 0.305 5.905 0.388 171 0 171 171 1007 3.95 997 275 270 0 41 36 0 1329 3.88 1.2 12.727 15.337 5.804 1715 85 1 cup, sifted 5 1 tbsp 0
124 01134 EGG,WHL,DRIED,STABILIZED,GLUCOSE RED 1.87 615 48.17 43.95 3.63 2.38 0 222 8.28 49 715 515 548 5.71 0.27 0.15 121.1 0 0.325 1.232 0.259 6.71 0.42 193 0 193 193 10.51 2050 616 616 13.198 17.564 5.713 2017 85 1 cup, sifted 5 1 tbsp 0
125 01135 EGG,WHITE,DRIED,FLAKES,GLUCOSE RED 14.62 351 76.92 0.04 4.25 4.17 0 4.170000076 83 0.23 67 83 1042 1156 0.15 0.23 0.07 116.8 0 0.035 2.162 0.675 1.829 0.023 89 0 89 89 0.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 227 .5 lb 0
126 01136 EGG,WHITE,DRIED,PDR,GLUCOSE RED 8.54 376 82.4 0.04 4.55 4.47 0 4.46999979 89 0.24 72 89 1116 1238 0.16 0.17 0.05 125.1 0 0.037 2.316 0.723 1.958 0.024 96 0 96 96 8 0.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 1 cup, sifted 7 1 tbsp 0
127 01137 EGG,YOLK,DRIED 2.95 666 34.25 55.8 3.4 3.6 0 3.599999905 284 5.42 13 920 244 135 4.93 0.012 0.119 86.8 0 0.29 1.88 0.095 7.765 0.66 244 0 244 244 1388 5.33 1751 417 395 79 186 70 0 2299 5.42 1.5 17.154 21.129 7.895 2335 67 1 cup, sifted 4 1 tbsp 0
128 01138 EGG,DUCK,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW 70.83 185 12.81 13.77 1.14 1.45 0 0.930000007 64 3.85 17 220 222 146 1.41 0.062 0.038 36.4 0 0.156 0.404 0.2 1.862 0.25 80 0 80 80 263 5.4 674 194 192 0 14 12 0 459 1.34 0.4 3.681 6.525 1.223 884 70 1 egg 12
129 01139 EGG,GOOSE,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW 70.43 185 13.87 13.27 1.08 1.35 0 0.939999998 60 3.64 16 208 210 138 1.33 0.062 0.038 36.9 0 0.147 0.382 0.189 1.759 0.236 76 0 76 76 263 5.1 650 187 185 0 13 12 0 442 1.29 0.4 3.595 5.747 1.672 852 144 1 egg 13
130 01140 EGG,QUAIL,WHOLE,FRESH,RAW 74.35 158 13.05 11.09 1.1 0.41 0 0.409999996 64 3.65 13 226 132 141 1.47 0.062 0.038 32 0 0.13 0.79 0.15 1.761 0.15 66 0 66 66 263 1.58 543 156 155 0 11 10 0 369 1.08 0.3 3.557 4.324 1.324 844 9 1 egg 8
131 01141 EGG,TURKEY,WHL,FRSH,RAW 72.5 171 13.68 11.88 0.79 1.15 0 99 4.1 13 170 142 151 1.58 0.062 0.038 34.3 0 0.11 0.47 0.024 1.889 0.131 71 0 71 71 1.69 554 166 166 3.632 4.571 1.658 933 79 1 egg 12
132 01142 EGG SUBSTITUTE,FROZEN 73.1 160 11.29 11.11 1.3 3.2 0 3.200000048 73 1.98 15 72 213 199 0.98 0.022 0.006 41.3 0.5 0.12 0.386 0.14 1.66 0.133 16 0 16 16 2 0.34 225 11 0 0 135 0 0 0 1.59 0.2 1.93 2.435 6.241 2 240 1 cup 60 .25 cup 0
133 01143 EGG SUBSTITUTE,LIQUID 82.75 84 12 3.31 1.3 0.64 0 0.639999986 53 2.1 9 121 330 177 1.3 0.023 0.007 24.9 0 0.11 0.3 0.11 2.7 0.003 15 0 15 15 2 0.3 360 18 0 0 216 0 0 0 0.27 0.8 0.659 0.896 1.603 1 251 1 cup 16 1 tbsp 0
134 01144 EGG SUBSTITUTE,POWDER 3.86 444 55.5 13 5.84 21.8 0 21.79999924 326 3.16 65 478 744 800 1.82 0.207 0.08 127.7 0.8 0.226 1.76 0.577 3.384 0.143 125 0 125 125 118 3.52 1230 369 369 0 0 0 0 0 1.26 0.4 3.766 5.341 1.683 572 9.9 .35 oz 20 .7 oz 0
135 01145 BUTTER,WITHOUT SALT 17.94 717 0.85 81.11 0.04 0.06 0 0.059999999 24 0.02 2 24 24 11 0.09 0.016 0.004 1 0 0.005 0.034 0.042 0.11 0.003 3 0 3 3 19 0.17 2499 684 671 0 158 0 0 0 2.32 7 51.368 21.021 3.043 215 227 1 cup 14 1 tbsp 0
136 01146 CHEESE,PARMESAN,SHREDDED 25 415 37.86 27.34 6.39 3.41 0 1253 0.87 51 735 97 1696 3.19 0.037 0.023 23.9 0 0.041 0.352 0.287 0.527 0.105 8 0 8 8 1.4 639 122 108 17.37 8.734 0.661 72 5 1 tbsp 0
137 01147 CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,WO/DI NA PO4 39.16 375 22.15 31.25 5.84 1.6 0 0.50999999 616 0.39 22 444 162 650 2.99 0.03 0.015 14.4 0 0.027 0.353 0.069 0.482 0.071 8 0 8 8 0.7 961 254 247 0 82 0 0 0 0.27 2.7 19.694 8.951 0.99 94 28.35 1 oz 18 1 cubic inch 0
138 01148 CHEESE,PAST PROCESS,SWISS,WO/DI NA PO4 42.31 334 24.73 25.01 5.85 2.1 0 772 0.61 29 540 216 681 3.61 0.027 0.014 15.9 0 0.014 0.276 0.038 0.26 0.036 6 0 6 6 1.23 808 225 221 16.045 7.046 0.622 85 28.35 1 oz 18 1 cubic inch 0
139 01149 CHEESE FD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4 43.15 328 19.61 24.6 5.35 7.29 0 7.429999828 574 0.84 31 754 279 1596 2.99 0.03 0.01 16 0 0.029 0.442 0.14 0.558 0.141 7 0 7 7 1.12 762 201 196 65 0.22 15.443 7.206 0.723 64 28.35 1 oz 227 1 package, (8 oz) 0
140 01150 CHEESE SPRD,PAST PROCESS,AMERICAN,W/DI NA PO4 47.65 290 16.41 21.23 5.98 8.73 0 562 0.33 29 875 242 1625 2.59 0.033 0.02 11.3 0 0.048 0.431 0.131 0.686 0.117 7 0 7 7 0.4 788 13.327 6.219 0.624 55 28.35 1 oz 142 1 jar, (5 oz) 0
141 01151 MILK,NONFAT,FLUID,WO/ VIT A (FAT FREE OR SKIM) 90.8 35 3.41 0.18 0.76 4.85 0 5.090000153 123 0.04 11 101 166 52 0.4 0.011 0.002 2.1 1 0.036 0.14 0.088 0.329 0.04 5 0 5 5 0.38 7 2 2 0.04 0.117 0.047 0.007 2 245 1 cup 980 1 quart 0
142 01152 MILK,RED FAT,FLUID,2% MILKFAT,W/ NONFAT MILK SOL,WO/ VIT A 87.71 56 3.95 1.98 0.87 5.49 0 143 0.06 15 112 182 59 0.41 0.011 0.002 2.6 1.1 0.045 0.194 0.101 0.339 0.046 5 0 5 5 0.39 75 17 16 1.232 0.065 0.009 8 245 1 cup 980 1 quart 0
143 01153 MILK,CND,EVAP,W/ VIT A 74.04 134 6.81 7.56 1.55 10.04 0 261 0.19 24 203 303 106 0.77 0.016 0.006 2.3 1.9 0.047 0.316 0.194 0.638 0.05 8 0 8 8 0.16 397 4.591 2.335 0.245 29 31.5 1 fl oz 126 .5 cup 0
144 01154 MILK,DRY,NONFAT,REG,W/ VIT A 3.16 362 36.16 0.77 7.93 51.98 0 51.97999954 1257 0.32 110 968 1794 535 4.08 0.041 0.02 27.3 6.8 0.415 1.55 0.951 3.568 0.361 50 0 50 50 169 4.03 2179 653 653 0 1 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.499 0.2 0.03 20 120 1 cup 30 .25 cup 0
145 01155 MILK,DRY,NONFAT,INST,WO/ VIT A 3.96 358 35.1 0.72 8.03 52.19 0 52.18999863 1231 0.31 117 985 1705 549 4.41 0.041 0.02 27.3 5.6 0.413 1.744 0.891 3.23 0.345 50 0 50 50 3.99 15 4 4 0 1 0 0 0 0.01 0 0.47 0.19 0.03 18 68 1 cup 91 1 envelope, (1-1/3 cup) 0
146 01156 CHEESE,GOAT,HARD TYPE 29.01 452 30.52 35.59 3.72 2.17 0 2.170000076 895 1.88 54 729 48 346 1.59 0.627 0.252 5.5 0 0.14 1.19 2.4 0.41 0.08 4 0 4 4 15 0.12 1745 486 478 0 91 0 0 0 0.31 3 24.609 8.117 0.845 105 28.35 1 oz 0
147 01157 CHEESE,GOAT,SEMISOFT TYPE 45.52 364 21.58 29.84 2.94 2.54 0 2.539999962 298 1.62 29 375 158 515 0.66 0.564 0.093 3.8 0 0.072 0.676 1.148 0.19 0.06 2 0 2 2 15 0.22 1464 407 401 0 77 0 0 0 0.26 2.5 20.639 6.808 0.709 79 28.35 1 oz 0
148 01159 CHEESE,GOAT,SOFT TYPE 60.75 268 18.52 21.08 1.58 0.89 0 0.889999986 140 1.9 16 256 26 368 0.92 0.732 0.1 2.8 0 0.07 0.38 0.43 0.68 0.25 12 0 12 12 15 0.19 1033 288 283 0 54 0 0 0 0.18 1.8 14.575 4.807 0.501 46 28.35 1 oz 0
149 01160 EGG,YOLK,RAW,FRZ,SALTED 50.8 274 14 23 10.6 1.6 0 114 3.75 10 431 117 3780 2.84 0.109 0.062 37.7 0 0.13 0.43 0.04 3.23 0.261 107 0 107 107 2.52 1190 357 357 7.028 8.849 3.15 955 227 .5 lb 0
150 01161 CHEESE SUB,MOZZARELLA 47.36 248 11.47 12.22 5.27 23.67 0 23.67000008 610 0.4 41 583 455 685 1.92 0.11 0.028 19.2 0.1 0.026 0.444 0.317 0.083 0.051 11 0 11 11 14 0.81 1457 437 437 0 0 0 0 0 0.11 1 3.711 6.243 1.738 0 113 1 cup, shredded 28 1 oz 0
151 01163 CHEESE FONDUE 61.61 229 14.23 13.47 1.85 3.77 0 476 0.39 23 306 105 132 1.96 0.026 0.099 9 0 0.027 0.196 0.19 0.233 0.055 8 4 4 11 0.83 414 109 107 8.721 3.563 0.484 45 215 1 cup 108 .5 cup 0
152 01164 CHEESE SAU,PREP FROM RECIPE 66.86 197 10.33 14.92 2.41 5.48 0.100000001 311 0.35 19 229 142 493 1.26 0.019 0.04 6.6 0.6 0.044 0.243 0.204 0.233 0.045 10 2 8 11 0.35 606 166 163 8.034 4.735 1.397 38 243 1 cup 30 2 tbsp 0
153 01165 CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO ANEJO 38.06 373 21.44 29.98 5.89 4.63 0 4.630000114 680 0.47 28 444 87 1131 2.94 0.008 0.037 14.5 0 0.02 0.209 0.032 0.252 0.047 1 0 1 1 15 1.38 187 54 54 0 4 0 0 0 0.26 2.5 19.033 8.528 0.901 105 132 1 cup, crumbled 28 1 oz 0
154 01166 CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO ASADERO 42.16 356 22.6 28.26 4.11 2.87 0 2.869999886 661 0.51 26 443 86 655 3.02 0.026 0.036 14.5 0 0.021 0.223 0.181 0.231 0.053 8 0 8 8 15 1 190 55 55 0 4 0 0 0 0.24 2.4 17.939 8.038 0.85 105 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
155 01167 CHEESE,MEXICAN,QUESO CHIHUAHUA 39.13 374 21.56 29.68 4.06 5.56 0 5.559999943 651 0.47 23 442 52 617 3.5 0.024 0.071 14.5 0 0.018 0.225 0.15 0.279 0.055 2 0 2 2 15 1.03 193 56 56 0 4 0 0 0 0.26 2.5 18.843 8.443 0.892 105 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
156 01168 CHEESE,LOFAT,CHEDDAR OR COLBY 63.1 173 24.35 7 3.64 1.91 0 0.519999981 415 0.42 16 484 66 612 1.82 0.021 0.006 14.5 0 0.012 0.221 0.051 0.183 0.045 11 0 11 11 15 0.49 207 60 60 0 4 0 0 0 0.06 0.6 4.342 2.082 0.222 21 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
157 01169 CHEESE,LOW-SODIUM,CHEDDAR OR COLBY 38.98 398 24.35 32.62 2.13 1.91 0 0.49000001 703 0.72 27 484 112 21 3.09 0.036 0.011 14.5 0 0.021 0.375 0.086 0.311 0.076 18 0 18 18 15 0.83 996 264 257 0 84 0 0 0 0.28 2.7 20.768 9.189 0.972 100 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
158 01171 EGG,WHOLE,RAW,FROZEN 75.85 148 11.95 10.2 0.95 1.05 0 59 1.85 11 202 130 133 1.38 0.053 0.034 30.8 0 0.06 0.46 0.075 1.48 0.162 73 0 73 73 1.07 525 158 158 3.147 3.886 1.412 432 0
159 01172 EGG,WHITE,RAW,FROZEN 88.55 47 9.8 0 0.6 1.05 0 7 0.05 10 13 136 158 0.02 0.012 0.007 17.6 0 0.005 0.4 0.1 0.155 0.004 3 0 3 3 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
160 01173 EGG,WHITE,DRIED 5.8 382 81.1 0 5.3 7.8 0 5.400000095 62 0.15 88 111 1125 1280 0.1 0.114 0.007 125.1 0 0.005 2.53 0.865 0.775 0.036 18 0 18 18 0.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
161 01178 SOUR CREAM,REDUCED FAT 71 181 7 14.1 0.9 7 0 0.300000012 141 0.06 11 85 211 70 0.27 0.01 4.1 0.9 0.04 0.24 0.07 0.02 11 0 11 11 19 0.3 436 119 117 0 27 0 0 0 0.4 0.7 8.7 4.1 0.5 35 0
162 01179 SOUR CREAM,LIGHT 78.1 136 3.5 10.6 0.7 7.1 0 0.219999999 141 0.07 10 71 212 71 0.5 0.016 3.1 0.9 0.04 0.12 0.07 0.02 11 0 11 11 19 0.42 328 90 88 0 21 0 0 0 0.3 0.5 6.6 3.1 0.4 35 0
163 01180 SOUR CREAM,FAT FREE 80.6 74 3.1 0 0.7 15.6 0 0.389999986 125 0 10 95 129 141 0.5 0.016 5.3 0 0.04 0.15 0.07 0.02 11 0 11 11 19 0.3 255 73 72 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0
164 01182 USDA COMMODITY,CHS,CHEDDAR,RED FAT 48.2 282 27.2 18.3 4.3 2 0 0.579999983 905 0.13 35 583 93 725 4.3 0.021 15.5 0 0.03 0.3 0.06 0.084 20 0 20 20 15 1.66 633 150 142 0 95 0 0 0 0.16 1.5 11.6 5.02 0.75 56 0
165 01184 YOGURT,VAN OR LEM FLAV,NONFAT MILK,SWTND W/LOW-CALORIE SWTNR 87.43 47 3.86 0.18 1 7.5 0 7.5 143 0.12 13 109 177 59 0.67 0.079 3.1 1.1 0.034 0.162 0.086 0.037 8 0 8 8 15 0.43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.116 0.049 0.005 2 0
166 01185 PARMESAN CHS TOPPING,FAT FREE 8.6 370 40 5 6.4 40 0 1.5 800 5 40 700 600 1150 3 0.02 43.3 0 0.05 0.05 0.2 0.1 25 0 25 25 15 1.1 151 40 39 0 13 0 0 0 0.04 0.4 3.11 1.446 0.186 20 0
167 01186 CHEESE,CREAM,FAT FREE 71.87 105 15.69 1 3.77 7.66 0 5.480000019 351 0.19 22 523 278 702 1.5 0.036 0.017 4.9 0 0.04 0.265 0.23 0.84 0.05 35 0 35 35 65 0.95 53 11 10 0 11 0 0 0 0.02 0.2 0.644 0.25 0.057 12 0
168 01187 YOGURT,CHOC,NONFAT MILK 71.57 108 3.53 0 1.37 23.53 1.200000048 14.97000027 88 0.42 40 166 339 135 1.13 0.209 7 0 0.047 0.215 0.223 0.047 12 0 12 12 15 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
169 01188 KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ PAST PROCESS CHS SAU 51.5 276 12 21 5.8 9.2 0.300000012 6.699999809 359 0.19 806 240 1638 1.64 0.4 0.24 649 13.1 75 33 2 tbsp 0
170 01189 KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ LT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT 51.5 215 16.3 9.5 6.4 16.2 0.200000003 8.199999809 418 0.16 943 297 1705 2.36 0.4 0.33 628 6.4 35 35 2 tbsp 0
171 01190 KRAFT FREE SINGLES AMERICAN NONFAT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT 58 148 22.7 1 6.1 11.7 0.200000003 6.699999809 712 0.05 923 236 1298 2.5 0.2 0.28 2166 0.7 16 21 1 slice 0
172 01191 KRAFT VELVEETA PAST PROCESS CHS SPRD 45.8 303 16.3 22 6 9.8 0 8.100000381 466 0.18 863 335 1499 1.84 0.2 0.35 1107 14.4 80 28 1 oz 0
173 01192 KRAFT VELVEETA LT RED FAT PAST PROCESS CHS PRODUCT 51.3 222 19.6 10.6 6.6 11.8 0 8.5 574 0.14 1024 345 1586 2.49 0.1 0.65 982 7.1 42 28 1 oz 0
174 01193 KRAFT BREAKSTONE'S RED FAT SOUR CRM 76.2 152 4.5 12 0.8 6.5 0.100000001 6.400000095 161 0.06 110 210 59 1.1 1053 7.6 50 31 2 tbsp 0
175 01194 KRAFT BREAKSTONE'S FREE FAT FREE SOUR CRM 77.7 91 4.7 1.3 1.2 15.1 0 7.199999809 141 0.05 116 219 72 1.2 679 0.8 9 32 2 tbsp 0
176 01195 KRAFT BREYERS LOWFAT STRAWBERRY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT) 76.5 96 3.8 0.8 0.7 18.2 0.200000003 17.39999962 125 0.1 89 192 52 0 0.19 0.53 34 0.5 9 227 1 container, (8 oz) 0
177 01196 KRAFT BREYERS LT N' LVLY LOWFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT) 73.3 108 3.2 0.8 0.6 21.9 0.200000003 19.60000038 91 0.11 67 151 45 0 0.14 0.46 30 0.5 9 125 1 container, (4.4 oz) 0
178 01197 KRAFT BREYERS SMOTH&CRMY LOWFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (1% MILKFAT) 74.8 102 3.8 0.9 0.7 19.9 0.300000012 17.20000076 108 0.13 78 177 55 0 0.18 0.52 31 0.5 9 227 1 container, (8 oz) 0
179 01198 KRAFT BREYERS LT NONFAT STR'BERY YOGURT (W/ASPRT&FRUCT SW'T) 86 55 3.4 0.2 0.6 9.9 0 7.699999809 95 0.11 68 146 45 0.6 0.14 0.41 4 0.1 5 227 1 container, (8 oz) 0
180 01199 CREAM,HALF & HALF,FAT FREE 86 59 2.6 1.4 1 9 0 5 96 0 16 151 206 144 0.81 0.016 0.002 2.9 0.7 0.056 0.237 0.124 0.459 0.062 4 0 4 4 15 0.52 43 12 12 0 3 0 0 0 0.04 0.2 0.841 0.384 0.052 5 0
181 01200 REDDI WIP FAT FREE WHIPPED TOPPING 66.44 149 3 5 0.56 25 0.400000006 16 108 0.03 8 68 108 72 0.31 0.019 3 0 0.148 0.619 0.364 0.123 17 0 17 17 0 1.48 175 49 48 0 9 0 0 0 0.09 0.3 2.869 1.25 0.299 16 0
182 01202 MILK,CHOC,FLUID,COMM,RED FAT,W/ ADDED CA 82.17 78 2.99 1.9 0.81 12.13 0.699999988 9.550000191 194 0.24 14 76 123 66 0.39 0.075 0.062 3.4 0 0.045 0.565 0.164 0.539 0.024 2 0 2 2 0.33 227 64 63 0 11 0 0 0 0.04 0.2 1.177 0.455 0.089 8 250 1 cup 31 1 fl oz 0
183 01203 YOGURT,FRUIT,LOFAT,W/LO CAL SWEETENER 74.1 105 4.86 1.41 1.03 18.6 0 2.900000095 152 0.07 16 133 194 58 0.82 0.08 0.065 3.1 0.7 0.041 0.18 0.105 0.544 0.045 10 0 10 10 15 0.52 441 131 131 0 4 0 0 0 0.06 1.2 0.909 0.387 0.04 6 227 1 8 oz container, (8 oz) 245 1 cup, (8 fl oz) 0
184 01204 CHEESE,PARMESAN,DRY GRATED,RED FAT 50.6 265 20 20 8.03 1.37 0 0 1109 0.9 38 729 125 1529 3.87 0.238 0.085 17.7 0 0.029 0.486 0.114 0.325 0.049 10 0 10 10 21 2.26 605 160 156 0 51 0 0 0 0.17 1.7 13.317 6.098 0.462 88 100 1 cup 5 1 tbsp 0
185 01205 CREAM SUB,FLAV,LIQ 50.06 251 0.69 13.5 0.55 35.07 1.100000024 33.04000092 6 0.59 19 28 96 80 0.25 0.142 0.142 0.7 0 0.004 0.024 0.091 0.01 0.004 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1.58 3.3 2.635 4.002 6.269 0 0
186 01206 CREAM SUB,FLAV,POWDERED 1.52 495 0 21.47 0.79 75.42 1.200000048 58.00999832 5 0.63 17 28 90 196 0.23 0.135 0.14 1.3 0 0.004 0.027 0.084 0.009 0.004 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.41 9.1 19.446 0.618 0.229 0 0
187 01208 CHEESE,PROVOLONE,RED FAT 50.6 274 24.7 17.6 3.6 3.5 0 0.550000012 756 0.52 28 496 138 876 3.23 0.026 0.01 14.5 0 0.019 0.321 0.156 0.476 0.073 10 0 10 10 13 1.46 532 141 137 0 45 0 0 0 0.15 1.5 11.3 4.89 0.51 55 132 1 cup, diced 113 1 cup, shredded 0
188 01209 CHEESE,MEXICAN,BLEND,RED FAT 48.2 282 24.69 19.4 4.3 3.41 0 0.560000002 1146 0.13 35 583 93 776 4.3 0.021 15.5 0 0.03 0.3 0.06 0.084 20 0 20 20 14 1.66 586 155 151 0 50 0 0 0 0.17 1.6 11.58 5.02 0.75 62 0
189 01210 EGG MIX,USDA CMDTY 2.78 549 35.6 34.5 3.15 23.97 2.460000038 171 3.23 11 451 373 576 2.76 0.149 0.056 118 0.19 1.277 0.267 6.5 0.207 138 0 138 138 602 2.9 398 117 116 0 0 13 0 2.04 0.7 10.305 13.745 7.555 1110 0
190 02001 ALLSPICE,GROUND 8.46 263 6.09 8.69 4.65 72.12 21.60000038 661 7.06 135 113 1044 77 1.01 0.553 2.943 2.7 39.2 0.101 0.063 2.86 0.21 36 0 36 36 0 540 27 0 2.55 0.66 2.36 0 6 1 tbsp 2 1 tsp 0
191 02002 ANISE SEED 9.54 337 17.6 15.9 6.95 50.02 14.60000038 646 36.96 170 440 1441 16 5.3 0.91 2.3 5 21 0.34 0.29 3.06 0.797 0.65 10 0 10 10 0 311 16 0 0.586 9.78 3.15 0 6.7 1 tbsp, whole 2 1 tsp, whole 0
192 02003 SPICES,BASIL,DRIED 6.43 251 14.37 3.98 14.27 60.96 40.5 1.710000038 2113 42 422 490 3433 34 5.82 1.367 3.167 2.8 61.2 0.148 0.316 6.948 2.32 274 0 274 274 55 0 9375 469 0 0 5584 81 393 1150 7.48 1714.5 0.24 0.453 2.168 0 0.7 1 tsp, leaves 2 1 tbsp, leaves 0
193 02004 SPICES,BAY LEAF 5.44 313 7.61 8.36 3.62 74.97 26.29999924 834 43 120 113 529 23 3.7 0.416 8.167 2.8 46.5 0.009 0.421 2.005 1.74 180 0 180 180 0 6185 309 0 2.28 1.64 2.29 0 1.8 1 tbsp, crumbled 1 1 tsp, crumbled 0
194 02005 CARAWAY SEED 9.87 333 19.77 14.59 5.87 49.9 38 0.639999986 689 16.23 258 568 1351 17 5.5 0.91 1.3 12.1 21 0.383 0.379 3.606 0.36 10 0 10 10 25 0 363 18 0 0 189 58 6 205 2.5 0 0.62 7.125 3.272 0 6.7 1 tbsp 2 1 tsp 0
195 02006 SPICES,CARDAMOM 8.28 311 10.76 6.7 5.78 68.47 28 383 13.97 229 178 1119 18 7.47 0.383 28 21 0.198 0.182 1.102 0.23 0 0 0 0 0.68 0.87 0.43 0 5.8 1 tbsp, ground 2 1 tsp, ground 0
196 02007 CELERY SEED 6.04 392 18.07 25.27 9.27 41.35 11.80000019 0.670000017 1767 44.9 440 547 1400 160 6.93 1.37 7.567 12.1 17.1 0.34 0.29 3.06 0.89 10 0 10 10 25 0 52 3 0 0 31 0 0 0 1.07 0 2.19 15.93 3.72 0 6.5 1 tbsp 2 1 tsp 0
197 02008 CHERVIL,DRIED 7.2 237 23.2 3.9 16.6 49.1 11.30000019 1346 31.95 130 450 4740 83 8.8 0.44 2.1 29.3 50 0.38 0.68 5.4 0.93 274 0 274 274 0 5850 293 0 0.169 1.399 1.8 0 1.9 1 tbsp 1 1 tsp 0
198 02009 CHILI POWDER 7.79 314 12.26 16.76 8.53 54.66 34.20000076 7.190000057 278 14.25 170 303 1916 1010 2.7 0.429 2.165 6 64.1 0.349 0.794 7.893 3.67 100 0 100 100 66 0 29650 1483 0 2090 15000 3490 21 310 29.05 105.7 2.953 3.574 7.458 0 7.5 1 tbsp 3 1 tsp 0
199 02010 CINNAMON,GROUND 10.58 247 3.99 1.24 3.6 80.59 53.09999847 2.170000076 1002 8.32 60 64 431 10 1.83 0.339 17.466 3.1 3.8 0.022 0.041 1.332 0.358 0.158 6 0 6 6 11 0 295 15 0 1 112 129 15 222 2.32 31.2 0.345 0.246 0.068 0 7.85 1 tbsp 3 1 tsp 0
200 02011 CLOVES,GROUND 6.86 323 5.98 20.07 5.88 61.21 34.20000076 2.380000114 646 8.68 264 105 1102 243 1.09 0.347 30.033 5.9 80.8 0.115 0.267 1.458 0.59 93 0 93 93 37 0 530 27 0 0 84 468 0 0 8.52 141.8 5.438 1.471 7.088 0 6.6 1 tbsp 2 1 tsp 0

View File

@ -1,233 +1,233 @@
name Directed by Performances - Actor Performances - Character Estimated budget - Currency Estimated budget - Amount Genres Initial release date Languages
Wayne's World Penelope Spheeris Mike Myers Wayne Campbell US$ 20000000 Comedy 2/14/1992 English Language
Dana Carvey Garth Algar Satire
Rob Lowe Buddy film
Tia Carrere
Lara Flynn Boyle Stacy
Chris Farley
Ed O'Neill
Robert Patrick
Alice Cooper
Wayne's World 2 Stephen Surjik Mike Myers Wayne Campbell Comedy 12/10/1993 English Language
Dana Carvey Garth Algar Buddy film
Christopher Walken
Tia Carrere
Chris Farley
Ted McGinley
Olivia d'Abo
Kevin Pollak
Ed O'Neill
Kim Basinger
Heather Locklear
Austin Powers: Goldmember Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 7/26/2002 English Language
Beyoncé Foxxy Cleopatra Time travel
Seth Green Scott Evil Comedy
Michael York
Robert Wagner
Michael Caine
Verne Troyer
Gwyneth Paltrow Dixie Normous
Fred Savage
Aaron Himelstein
Mindy Sterling
Josh Zuckerman
Greg Grunberg
Tommy 'Tiny' Lister
Rob Lowe
Masi Oka
Nikki Schieler Ziering
Britney Spears
Tom Cruise Him/Herself
John Travolta
Danny DeVito
Katie Couric Prison Guard
Steven Spielberg
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 5/2/1997 English Language
Elizabeth Hurley Time travel
Michael York Comedy
Mimi Rogers
Robert Wagner
Patrick Bristow
Fabiana Udenio
Elya Baskin
Paul Dillon
Lois Chiles
Christian Slater
Brian George
Cynthia Lamontagne
Cindy Margolis Fembot
Mindy Sterling
Joe Son
So I Married an Axe Murderer Thomas Schlamme Mike Myers Comedy 7/30/1993 English Language
Nancy Travis
Anthony LaPaglia
Amanda Plummer
Brenda Fricker
Michael G. Hagerty
Luenell Police Records Officer
Debi Mazar
Matt Doherty
Steven Wright
Charles Grodin
Patrick Bristow
Phil Hartman
Cintra Wilson
Michael Richards
Sheila Kelley
Alan Arkin
M. C. Brennan
Holly Lewis
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 6/11/1999 English Language
Heather Graham Comedy German Language
Robert Wagner Time travel
Rob Lowe
Michael York
Verne Troyer
David Koechner
Muse Watson
Michael G. Hagerty
Kristen Johnston
Mindy Sterling
Gia Carides
Will Ferrell
Bree Turner
Scott Cooper
Shrek 2 Andrew Adamson John Lithgow Lord Farquaad US$ 125000000 Comedy 5/19/2004 English Language
Kelly Asbury Mike Myers Shrek Computer animation
Conrad Vernon Eddie Murphy Donkey Fantasy
Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona
Julie Andrews Queen
Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots
John Cleese King
Rupert Everett Prince Charming
Jennifer Saunders Fairy Godmother
Aron Warner Wolf
Kelly Asbury Page
Cody Cameron Pinocchio
Conrad Vernon Gingerbread Man
Christopher Knights Blind Mouse
Mark Moseley Mirror
Inglourious Basterds Quentin Tarantino Brad Pitt Lt. Aldo Raine US$ 70000000 War 8/21/2009 English Language
Mike Myers General Ed French Adventure German Language
Diane Kruger Bridget von Hammersmark Action French Language
Daniel Brühl Frederick Zoller Black comedy Italian Language
Til Schweiger Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
B. J. Novak PFC Utivich
Michael Fassbender Lt. Archie Hicox
Julie Dreyfus Francesca Mondino
Maggie Cheung Madame Mimieux
Rod Taylor Winston Churchhill
Gedeon Burkhard
Christian Berkel Eric the Barkeeper
Samuel L. Jackson
Samm Levine PFC Hirschberg
Cloris Leachman Mrs. Himmelstein
Christoph Waltz Colonel Hans Landa
Ludger Pistor
Omar Doom PFC Omar Ulmer
Jana Pallaske
Enzo G. Castellari
Jacky Ido
Eli Roth
Mélanie Laurent
54 Mark Christopher Ryan Phillippe Shane O'Shea US$ 18000000 LGBT 8/28/1998 English Language
Salma Hayek Anita Randazzo Drama
Neve Campbell Julie Black
Mike Myers Steve Rubell
Sela Ward Billie Auster
Breckin Meyer Greg Randazzo
Sherry Stringfield Viv
Ellen Albertini Dow Disco Dottie
Cameron Mathison Atlanta
Noam Jenkins Romeo
Jay Goede Buck
Patrick Taylor Tarzan
Heather Matarazzo Grace O'Shea
Heidi Klum VIP Patron
Mark Ruffalo
Lauren Hutton
Skipp Sudduth
Michael York
Shrek the Third Raman Hui Mike Myers Shrek Comedy 5/18/2007 English Language
Chris Miller Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Computer animation
Raman Hui Eddie Murphy Fantasy
Antonio Banderas
Julie Andrews
John Cleese
Rupert Everett
Justin Timberlake Artie
Regis Philbin
Seth Rogen Ship Captain
Eric Idle
Cheri Oteri
Edison Chen
View from the Top Bruno Barreto Gwyneth Paltrow Donna Jensen Romantic comedy 3/21/2003 English Language
Christina Applegate Comedy
Mark Ruffalo
Candice Bergen
Joshua Malina
Kelly Preston
Mike Myers
Rob Lowe
Marc Blucas
Pete's Meteor Brenda Fricker Drama 1998
Mike Myers
The Cat in the Hat Bo Welch Mike Myers The Cat in the Hat US$ 109000000 Musical 11/21/2003 English Language
Alec Baldwin Larry Quinn Fantasy
Kelly Preston Joan Walden
Dakota Fanning Sally Walden
Spencer Breslin Conrad Walden
Amy Hill
Sean Hayes The Fish
Shrek Andrew Adamson Mike Myers Shrek US$ 60000000 Parody 5/18/2001 English Language
Vicky Jenson Eddie Murphy Donkey Computer animation
Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Comedy
John Lithgow Lord Farquaad Fantasy
Chris Farley
Conrad Vernon
Vincent Cassel
Val Bettin
Christopher Knights
The Thin Pink Line Joe Dietl Laura Kightlinger Satire 1998 English Language
Michael Irpino Janeane Garofalo Joyce Wintergarden-Dingle Indie
Margaret Cho Comedy
Jennifer Aniston Clove
David Schwimmer
Mike Myers
Will Ferrell
Shrek the Halls Gary Trousdale Eddie Murphy Animation 11/28/2007 English Language
Antonio Banderas Fantasy
Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Short film
Mike Myers Adventure
Aron Warner Comedy
Conrad Vernon
Christopher Knights
Marissa Jaret Winokur
Shrek Ever After Mike Mitchell Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Comedy 5/21/2010 English Language
Mike Mitchell Eric Idle Merlin Computer animation
Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots Fantasy
Eddie Murphy Donkey
Justin Timberlake Arthur Pendragon
Julie Andrews Queen Lillian
Mike Myers Shrek
Paul McCartney Rumpelstiltskin
Larry King Doris the Ugly Stepsister
The Love Guru Mike Myers Maurice Pitka US$ 62000000 Comedy 6/20/2008 English Language
Jessica Alba Jane Bullard
Justin Timberlake Jacques Grande
Romany Malco Darren Roanoke
Jessica Simpson
Ben Kingsley
Verne Troyer
Shrek Goes Fourth Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Computer animation
Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots
Eddie Murphy Donkey
Mike Myers Shrek
View from the top Bruno Barreto Gwyneth Paltrow Romantic comedy 3/21/2003 English Language
Mike Myers
Rob Lowe
Christina Applegate
Kelly Preston
Candice Bergen
Mark Ruffalo
Joshua Malina
name Directed by Performances - Actor Performances - Character Estimated budget - Currency Estimated budget - Amount Genres Initial release date Languages
Wayne's World Penelope Spheeris Mike Myers Wayne Campbell US$ 20000000 Comedy 2/14/1992 English Language
Dana Carvey Garth Algar Satire
Rob Lowe Buddy film
Tia Carrere
Lara Flynn Boyle Stacy
Chris Farley
Ed O'Neill
Robert Patrick
Alice Cooper
Wayne's World 2 Stephen Surjik Mike Myers Wayne Campbell Comedy 12/10/1993 English Language
Dana Carvey Garth Algar Buddy film
Christopher Walken
Tia Carrere
Chris Farley
Ted McGinley
Olivia d'Abo
Kevin Pollak
Ed O'Neill
Kim Basinger
Heather Locklear
Austin Powers: Goldmember Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 7/26/2002 English Language
Beyoncé Foxxy Cleopatra Time travel
Seth Green Scott Evil Comedy
Michael York
Robert Wagner
Michael Caine
Verne Troyer
Gwyneth Paltrow Dixie Normous
Fred Savage
Aaron Himelstein
Mindy Sterling
Josh Zuckerman
Greg Grunberg
Tommy 'Tiny' Lister
Rob Lowe
Masi Oka
Nikki Schieler Ziering
Britney Spears
Tom Cruise Him/Herself
John Travolta
Danny DeVito
Katie Couric Prison Guard
Steven Spielberg
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 5/2/1997 English Language
Elizabeth Hurley Time travel
Michael York Comedy
Mimi Rogers
Robert Wagner
Patrick Bristow
Fabiana Udenio
Elya Baskin
Paul Dillon
Lois Chiles
Christian Slater
Brian George
Cynthia Lamontagne
Cindy Margolis Fembot
Mindy Sterling
Joe Son
So I Married an Axe Murderer Thomas Schlamme Mike Myers Comedy 7/30/1993 English Language
Nancy Travis
Anthony LaPaglia
Amanda Plummer
Brenda Fricker
Michael G. Hagerty
Luenell Police Records Officer
Debi Mazar
Matt Doherty
Steven Wright
Charles Grodin
Patrick Bristow
Phil Hartman
Cintra Wilson
Michael Richards
Sheila Kelley
Alan Arkin
M. C. Brennan
Holly Lewis
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 6/11/1999 English Language
Heather Graham Comedy German Language
Robert Wagner Time travel
Rob Lowe
Michael York
Verne Troyer
David Koechner
Muse Watson
Michael G. Hagerty
Kristen Johnston
Mindy Sterling
Gia Carides
Will Ferrell
Bree Turner
Scott Cooper
Shrek 2 Andrew Adamson John Lithgow Lord Farquaad US$ 125000000 Comedy 5/19/2004 English Language
Kelly Asbury Mike Myers Shrek Computer animation
Conrad Vernon Eddie Murphy Donkey Fantasy
Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona
Julie Andrews Queen
Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots
John Cleese King
Rupert Everett Prince Charming
Jennifer Saunders Fairy Godmother
Aron Warner Wolf
Kelly Asbury Page
Cody Cameron Pinocchio
Conrad Vernon Gingerbread Man
Christopher Knights Blind Mouse
Mark Moseley Mirror
Inglourious Basterds Quentin Tarantino Brad Pitt Lt. Aldo Raine US$ 70000000 War 8/21/2009 English Language
Mike Myers General Ed French Adventure German Language
Diane Kruger Bridget von Hammersmark Action French Language
Daniel Brühl Frederick Zoller Black comedy Italian Language
Til Schweiger Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
B. J. Novak PFC Utivich
Michael Fassbender Lt. Archie Hicox
Julie Dreyfus Francesca Mondino
Maggie Cheung Madame Mimieux
Rod Taylor Winston Churchhill
Gedeon Burkhard
Christian Berkel Eric the Barkeeper
Samuel L. Jackson
Samm Levine PFC Hirschberg
Cloris Leachman Mrs. Himmelstein
Christoph Waltz Colonel Hans Landa
Ludger Pistor
Omar Doom PFC Omar Ulmer
Jana Pallaske
Enzo G. Castellari
Jacky Ido
Eli Roth
Mélanie Laurent
54 Mark Christopher Ryan Phillippe Shane O'Shea US$ 18000000 LGBT 8/28/1998 English Language
Salma Hayek Anita Randazzo Drama
Neve Campbell Julie Black
Mike Myers Steve Rubell
Sela Ward Billie Auster
Breckin Meyer Greg Randazzo
Sherry Stringfield Viv
Ellen Albertini Dow Disco Dottie
Cameron Mathison Atlanta
Noam Jenkins Romeo
Jay Goede Buck
Patrick Taylor Tarzan
Heather Matarazzo Grace O'Shea
Heidi Klum VIP Patron
Mark Ruffalo
Lauren Hutton
Skipp Sudduth
Michael York
Shrek the Third Raman Hui Mike Myers Shrek Comedy 5/18/2007 English Language
Chris Miller Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Computer animation
Raman Hui Eddie Murphy Fantasy
Antonio Banderas
Julie Andrews
John Cleese
Rupert Everett
Justin Timberlake Artie
Regis Philbin
Seth Rogen Ship Captain
Eric Idle
Cheri Oteri
Edison Chen
View from the Top Bruno Barreto Gwyneth Paltrow Donna Jensen Romantic comedy 3/21/2003 English Language
Christina Applegate Comedy
Mark Ruffalo
Candice Bergen
Joshua Malina
Kelly Preston
Mike Myers
Rob Lowe
Marc Blucas
Pete's Meteor Brenda Fricker Drama 1998
Mike Myers
The Cat in the Hat Bo Welch Mike Myers The Cat in the Hat US$ 109000000 Musical 11/21/2003 English Language
Alec Baldwin Larry Quinn Fantasy
Kelly Preston Joan Walden
Dakota Fanning Sally Walden
Spencer Breslin Conrad Walden
Amy Hill
Sean Hayes The Fish
Shrek Andrew Adamson Mike Myers Shrek US$ 60000000 Parody 5/18/2001 English Language
Vicky Jenson Eddie Murphy Donkey Computer animation
Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Comedy
John Lithgow Lord Farquaad Fantasy
Chris Farley
Conrad Vernon
Vincent Cassel
Val Bettin
Christopher Knights
The Thin Pink Line Joe Dietl Laura Kightlinger Satire 1998 English Language
Michael Irpino Janeane Garofalo Joyce Wintergarden-Dingle Indie
Margaret Cho Comedy
Jennifer Aniston Clove
David Schwimmer
Mike Myers
Will Ferrell
Shrek the Halls Gary Trousdale Eddie Murphy Animation 11/28/2007 English Language
Antonio Banderas Fantasy
Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Short film
Mike Myers Adventure
Aron Warner Comedy
Conrad Vernon
Christopher Knights
Marissa Jaret Winokur
Shrek Ever After Mike Mitchell Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Comedy 5/21/2010 English Language
Mike Mitchell Eric Idle Merlin Computer animation
Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots Fantasy
Eddie Murphy Donkey
Justin Timberlake Arthur Pendragon
Julie Andrews Queen Lillian
Mike Myers Shrek
Paul McCartney Rumpelstiltskin
Larry King Doris the Ugly Stepsister
The Love Guru Mike Myers Maurice Pitka US$ 62000000 Comedy 6/20/2008 English Language
Jessica Alba Jane Bullard
Justin Timberlake Jacques Grande
Romany Malco Darren Roanoke
Jessica Simpson
Ben Kingsley
Verne Troyer
Shrek Goes Fourth Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Computer animation
Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots
Eddie Murphy Donkey
Mike Myers Shrek
View from the top Bruno Barreto Gwyneth Paltrow Romantic comedy 3/21/2003 English Language
Mike Myers
Rob Lowe
Christina Applegate
Kelly Preston
Candice Bergen
Mark Ruffalo
Joshua Malina

1 name Directed by Performances - Actor Performances - Character Estimated budget - Currency Estimated budget - Amount Genres Initial release date Languages
2 Wayne's World Penelope Spheeris Mike Myers Wayne Campbell US$ 20000000 Comedy 2/14/1992 English Language
3 Dana Carvey Garth Algar Satire
4 Rob Lowe Buddy film
5 Tia Carrere
6 Lara Flynn Boyle Stacy
7 Chris Farley
8 Ed O'Neill
9 Robert Patrick
10 Alice Cooper
11 Wayne's World 2 Stephen Surjik Mike Myers Wayne Campbell Comedy 12/10/1993 English Language
12 Dana Carvey Garth Algar Buddy film
13 Christopher Walken
14 Tia Carrere
15 Chris Farley
16 Ted McGinley
17 Olivia d'Abo
18 Kevin Pollak
19 Ed O'Neill
20 Kim Basinger
21 Heather Locklear
22 Austin Powers: Goldmember Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 7/26/2002 English Language
23 Beyoncé Foxxy Cleopatra Time travel
24 Seth Green Scott Evil Comedy
25 Michael York
26 Robert Wagner
27 Michael Caine
28 Verne Troyer
29 Gwyneth Paltrow Dixie Normous
30 Fred Savage
31 Aaron Himelstein
32 Mindy Sterling
33 Josh Zuckerman
34 Greg Grunberg
35 Tommy 'Tiny' Lister
36 Rob Lowe
37 Masi Oka
38 Nikki Schieler Ziering
39 Britney Spears
40 Tom Cruise Him/Herself
41 John Travolta
42 Danny DeVito
43 Katie Couric Prison Guard
44 Steven Spielberg
45 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 5/2/1997 English Language
46 Elizabeth Hurley Time travel
47 Michael York Comedy
48 Mimi Rogers
49 Robert Wagner
50 Patrick Bristow
51 Fabiana Udenio
52 Elya Baskin
53 Paul Dillon
54 Lois Chiles
55 Christian Slater
56 Brian George
57 Cynthia Lamontagne
58 Cindy Margolis Fembot
59 Mindy Sterling
60 Joe Son
61 So I Married an Axe Murderer Thomas Schlamme Mike Myers Comedy 7/30/1993 English Language
62 Nancy Travis
63 Anthony LaPaglia
64 Amanda Plummer
65 Brenda Fricker
66 Michael G. Hagerty
67 Luenell Police Records Officer
68 Debi Mazar
69 Matt Doherty
70 Steven Wright
71 Charles Grodin
72 Patrick Bristow
73 Phil Hartman
74 Cintra Wilson
75 Michael Richards
76 Sheila Kelley
77 Alan Arkin
78 M. C. Brennan
79 Holly Lewis
80 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me Jay Roach Mike Myers Austin Powers Parody 6/11/1999 English Language
81 Heather Graham Comedy German Language
82 Robert Wagner Time travel
83 Rob Lowe
84 Michael York
85 Verne Troyer
86 David Koechner
87 Muse Watson
88 Michael G. Hagerty
89 Kristen Johnston
90 Mindy Sterling
91 Gia Carides
92 Will Ferrell
93 Bree Turner
94 Scott Cooper
95 Shrek 2 Andrew Adamson John Lithgow Lord Farquaad US$ 125000000 Comedy 5/19/2004 English Language
96 Kelly Asbury Mike Myers Shrek Computer animation
97 Conrad Vernon Eddie Murphy Donkey Fantasy
98 Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona
99 Julie Andrews Queen
100 Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots
101 John Cleese King
102 Rupert Everett Prince Charming
103 Jennifer Saunders Fairy Godmother
104 Aron Warner Wolf
105 Kelly Asbury Page
106 Cody Cameron Pinocchio
107 Conrad Vernon Gingerbread Man
108 Christopher Knights Blind Mouse
109 Mark Moseley Mirror
110 Inglourious Basterds Quentin Tarantino Brad Pitt Lt. Aldo Raine US$ 70000000 War 8/21/2009 English Language
111 Mike Myers General Ed French Adventure German Language
112 Diane Kruger Bridget von Hammersmark Action French Language
113 Daniel Brühl Frederick Zoller Black comedy Italian Language
114 Til Schweiger Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz
115 B. J. Novak PFC Utivich
116 Michael Fassbender Lt. Archie Hicox
117 Julie Dreyfus Francesca Mondino
118 Maggie Cheung Madame Mimieux
119 Rod Taylor Winston Churchhill
120 Gedeon Burkhard
121 Christian Berkel Eric the Barkeeper
122 Samuel L. Jackson
123 Samm Levine PFC Hirschberg
124 Cloris Leachman Mrs. Himmelstein
125 Christoph Waltz Colonel Hans Landa
126 Ludger Pistor
127 Omar Doom PFC Omar Ulmer
128 Jana Pallaske
129 Enzo G. Castellari
130 Jacky Ido
131 Eli Roth
132 Mélanie Laurent
133 54 Mark Christopher Ryan Phillippe Shane O'Shea US$ 18000000 LGBT 8/28/1998 English Language
134 Salma Hayek Anita Randazzo Drama
135 Neve Campbell Julie Black
136 Mike Myers Steve Rubell
137 Sela Ward Billie Auster
138 Breckin Meyer Greg Randazzo
139 Sherry Stringfield Viv
140 Ellen Albertini Dow Disco Dottie
141 Cameron Mathison Atlanta
142 Noam Jenkins Romeo
143 Jay Goede Buck
144 Patrick Taylor Tarzan
145 Heather Matarazzo Grace O'Shea
146 Heidi Klum VIP Patron
147 Mark Ruffalo
148 Lauren Hutton
149 Skipp Sudduth
150 Michael York
151 Shrek the Third Raman Hui Mike Myers Shrek Comedy 5/18/2007 English Language
152 Chris Miller Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Computer animation
153 Raman Hui Eddie Murphy Fantasy
154 Antonio Banderas
155 Julie Andrews
156 John Cleese
157 Rupert Everett
158 Justin Timberlake Artie
159 Regis Philbin
160 Seth Rogen Ship Captain
161 Eric Idle
162 Cheri Oteri
163 Edison Chen
164 View from the Top Bruno Barreto Gwyneth Paltrow Donna Jensen Romantic comedy 3/21/2003 English Language
165 Christina Applegate Comedy
166 Mark Ruffalo
167 Candice Bergen
168 Joshua Malina
169 Kelly Preston
170 Mike Myers
171 Rob Lowe
172 Marc Blucas
173 Pete's Meteor Brenda Fricker Drama 1998
174 Mike Myers
175 The Cat in the Hat Bo Welch Mike Myers The Cat in the Hat US$ 109000000 Musical 11/21/2003 English Language
176 Alec Baldwin Larry Quinn Fantasy
177 Kelly Preston Joan Walden
178 Dakota Fanning Sally Walden
179 Spencer Breslin Conrad Walden
180 Amy Hill
181 Sean Hayes The Fish
182 Shrek Andrew Adamson Mike Myers Shrek US$ 60000000 Parody 5/18/2001 English Language
183 Vicky Jenson Eddie Murphy Donkey Computer animation
184 Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Comedy
185 John Lithgow Lord Farquaad Fantasy
186 Chris Farley
187 Conrad Vernon
188 Vincent Cassel
189 Val Bettin
190 Christopher Knights
191 The Thin Pink Line Joe Dietl Laura Kightlinger Satire 1998 English Language
192 Michael Irpino Janeane Garofalo Joyce Wintergarden-Dingle Indie
193 Margaret Cho Comedy
194 Jennifer Aniston Clove
195 David Schwimmer
196 Mike Myers
197 Will Ferrell
198 Shrek the Halls Gary Trousdale Eddie Murphy Animation 11/28/2007 English Language
199 Antonio Banderas Fantasy
200 Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Short film
201 Mike Myers Adventure
202 Aron Warner Comedy
203 Conrad Vernon
204 Christopher Knights
205 Marissa Jaret Winokur
206 Shrek Ever After Mike Mitchell Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Comedy 5/21/2010 English Language
207 Mike Mitchell Eric Idle Merlin Computer animation
208 Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots Fantasy
209 Eddie Murphy Donkey
210 Justin Timberlake Arthur Pendragon
211 Julie Andrews Queen Lillian
212 Mike Myers Shrek
213 Paul McCartney Rumpelstiltskin
214 Larry King Doris the Ugly Stepsister
215 The Love Guru Mike Myers Maurice Pitka US$ 62000000 Comedy 6/20/2008 English Language
216 Jessica Alba Jane Bullard
217 Justin Timberlake Jacques Grande
218 Romany Malco Darren Roanoke
219 Jessica Simpson
220 Ben Kingsley
221 Verne Troyer
222 Shrek Goes Fourth Cameron Diaz Princess Fiona Computer animation
223 Antonio Banderas Puss in Boots
224 Eddie Murphy Donkey
225 Mike Myers Shrek
226 View from the top Bruno Barreto Gwyneth Paltrow Romantic comedy 3/21/2003 English Language
227 Mike Myers
228 Rob Lowe
229 Christina Applegate
230 Kelly Preston
231 Candice Bergen
232 Mark Ruffalo
233 Joshua Malina

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@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
ABT147,147,Abington,domp,w,EPA,CT,Windham,EA,41.8402,-72.01,209,"Hampton, CT",Urban/Agric,Rolling,Mixed,CT15,.0236,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ACA416,416,"Acadia NP",dom,,NPS,ME,Hancock,EA,44.3769,-68.2608,158,,Forest,Rolling,Mixed,ME98,.3466,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
ALC188,188,Alabama-Coushatta,dom,,EPA,TX,Hardin,CE,30.421,-94.4045,101,,Prairie,Rolling,Yes,TX10,197.5735,"2005-02-11 08:18:47"
ALH157,157,Alhambra,domp,w,EPA,IL,Madison,CE,38.869,-89.6228,164,"Pocohantas, IL",Agric,Flat,Yes,IL46,.0782,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ALH257,257,"Alhambra Collocated",,domw,EPA,IL,Madison,CE,38.869,-89.6228,164,,Agric,Flat,Yes,IL46,.0782,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ALH557,557,"Alhambra Aerosol",,a,EPA,IL,Madison,CE,38.869,-89.6228,164,"Pocahontas, IL",Agric,Flat,,IL46,.0782,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ANA115,115,"Ann Arbor",domp,w,EPA,MI,Washtenaw,EA,42.4165,-83.902,267,"Pinckney, MI",Forest,Flat,Mixed,MI52,.0136,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ANL146,146,"Argonne NL",,dom,EPA,IL,DuPage,CE,41.7,-87.99,229,"Sag Bridge, IL",Urban/Agric,Rolling,Mixed,IL18,72.8113,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
ARE128,128,Arendtsville,domp,w,EPA,PA,Adams,EA,39.9231,-77.3078,269,"Arendtsville, PA",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,PA00,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ARE228,228,"Arendtsville Collocated",,domw,EPA,PA,Adams,EA,39.9231,-77.3078,269,"Arendtsville, PA",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,PA00,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ARE528,528,"Arendtsville Aerosol",i,an,EPA,PA,Adams,EA,39.9231,-77.3078,269,"Arendtsville, PA",Agric,Rolling,,PA00,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ASH135,135,Ashland,dom,,EPA,ME,Aroostook,EA,46.6041,-68.4135,235,"Squa Pan, ME",Agric,Flat,Yes,ME00,42.3797,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ASH235,235,"Ashland Collocated",,dom,EPA,ME,Aroostook,EA,46.6041,-68.4135,235,"Squa Pan, ME",Agric,Flat,Yes,ME00,42.3797,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BBE401,401,"Big Bend NP",dom,,NPS,TX,Brewster,CE,29.3022,-103.1772,1052,,Forest,Complex,Mixed,TX04,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BEL116,116,Beltsville,domt,r,EPA,MD,"Prince George's",EA,39.0284,-76.8171,46,"Laurel, MD",Range,Flat,Mixed,MD99,.0457,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
BEL216,216,"Beltsville Collocated",,r,EPA,MD,"Prince George's",EA,39.0284,-76.8171,46,"Laurel, MD",Range,Flat,Mixed,MD99,.0457,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
BFT142,142,Beaufort,domp,w,EPA,NC,Carteret,EA,34.8848,-76.6203,2,,Agric,Flat,Yes,NC06,.0424,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BVL130,130,Bondville,dom,,EPA,IL,Champaign,CE,40.0519,-88.3724,212,"Bondville, IL",Agric,Flat,Yes,IL11,.1624,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BVL530,530,"Bondville Aerosol",,a,EPA,IL,Champaign,CE,40.0519,-88.3724,212,"Bondville, IL",Agric,Flat,,IL11,.1624,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BWR139,139,"Blackwater NWR",dom,,EPA,MD,Dorchester,EA,38.445,-76.1114,4,,Forest/Marsh,Coastal,Mixed,MD15,51.1551,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CAD150,150,"Caddo Valley",dom,,EPA,AR,Clark,CE,34.1795,-93.0988,71,"Caddo Valley, AR",Forest,Complex,No,AR03,.0182,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CAN407,407,"Canyonlands NP",dom,,NPS,UT,"San Juan",MO,38.4586,-109.8211,1809,,Desert,Complex,Mixed,UT09,.3736,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
CAT175,175,Claryville,dm,o,EPA,NY,Ulster,EA,41.9422,-74.5519,765,,Forest,Complex,No,NY68,7.0504,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
CDR119,119,"Cedar Creek",domp,w,EPA,WV,Gilmer,EA,38.8795,-80.8477,234,"Glenville, WV",Forest,Complex,No,WV05,.0143,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CDZ171,171,Cadiz,dom,,EPA,KY,Trigg,CE,36.7841,-87.8499,189,"7.5 min. Topo Cadiz, KY",Agric,Rolling,Yes,KY99,19.5374,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CDZ571,571,"Cadiz Aerosol",i,an,EPA,KY,Trigg,CE,36.7841,-87.8499,189,"7.5 min. Topo Cadiz, KY",Agric,Rolling,,KY99,19.5374,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CHA267,267,"Chiricahua NM Collocated",,dom,EPA,AZ,Cochise,MOno,32.0097,-109.3889,1570,,Range,Complex,No,AZ98,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CHA467,467,"Chiricahua NM",domp,w,NPS,AZ,Cochise,MOno,32.0092,-109.3892,1570,"Bowie Mountain South, AZ",Range,Complex,No,AZ98,.0624,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CHE185,185,"Cherokee Nation",dom,,EPA,OK,Adair,CE,35.7507,-94.67,299,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,AR27,59.2288,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CKT136,136,Crockett,dom,,EPA,KY,Morgan,EA,37.9214,-83.0662,455,"Dingus, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY35,47.2688,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CND125,125,Candor,dom,w,EPA,NC,Montgomery,EA,35.2632,-79.8365,198,"Biscoe, NC",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,NC36,43.0075,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CNT169,169,Centennial,dom,,EPA,WY,Albany,MO,41.3642,-106.2399,3178,"Centennial, WY",Forest,Complex,Mixed,WY95,.0934,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CON186,186,"Converse Station",dom,,EPA,CA,"San Bernardino",PA,34.1941,-116.913,1837,"Big Bear Lake",Forest/Arid,Complex,No,CA67,49.7348,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
COW137,137,Coweeta,dom,,EPA,NC,Macon,EA,35.0608,-83.4306,686,"Prentiss, NC",Forest,Complex,No,NC25,.0347,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
COW182,182,"Coweeta Special",,d,EPA,NC,Macon,EA,35.0608,-83.4306,,,Forest,Complex,No,NC25,.0347,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CTH110,110,"Connecticut Hill",dom,w,EPA,NY,Tompkins,EA,42.4006,-76.6538,501,"Mecklenberg, NY",Forest,Rolling,No,NY67,.05,"2009-10-29 21:57:21"
CTH510,510,"Connecticut Hill Aerosol",i,an,EPA,NY,Tompkins,EA,42.4006,-76.6538,501,"Mecklenberg, NY",Forest,Rolling,,NY67,.05,"2009-10-29 21:57:21"
CVL151,151,Coffeeville,dom,,EPA,MS,Yalobusha,CE,34.0026,-89.799,134,"Coker Lake, MS",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,MS30,.0296,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DCP114,114,"Deer Creek",domp,w,EPA,OH,Fayette,EA,39.6359,-83.2605,267,"Mount Sterling, OH",Agric,Rolling,Yes,OH54,.0436,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DCP214,214,"Deer Creek Collocated",,dom,EPA,OH,Fayette,EA,39.6359,-83.2605,267,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,OH54,.0436,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DEN417,417,"Denali NP",dom,,NPS,AK,Denali,AL,63.7258,-148.9633,661,,Forest,Complex,No,AK03,.2117,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DEV412,412,"Death Valley NM",,dom,NPS,CA,Inyo,PA,36.5092,-116.8481,125,,Desert,Complex,No,CA75,171.2402,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
EGB181,181,Egbert,dm,,EPA,ON,,EA,44.232,-79.7812,251,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,NY10,218.0141,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
EGB281,281,"Egbert Collocated",,d,EPA,ON,,EA,44.232,-79.7812,251,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,NY10,218.0141,"2008-11-03 00:00:00"
ESP127,127,"Edgar Evins",dom,,EPA,TN,DeKalb,CE,36.0388,-85.7331,302,"Silver Point, TN",Forest,Rolling,No,KY10,127.8361,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
EVE419,419,"Everglades NP",dm,o,NPS,FL,Miami-Dade,EA,25.3911,-80.6806,2,,Forest/Marsh,Flat,Yes,FL11,.1353,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
GAS153,153,"Georgia Station",dom,,EPA,GA,Pike,EA,33.1787,-84.4052,270,"Hollonville, GA",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,GA41,.1305,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GAS253,253,"Georgia Station Collocated",,dom,EPA,GA,Pike,EA,33.1787,-84.4052,270,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,GA41,.1305,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GLR468,468,"Glacier NP",dom,,NPS,MT,Flathead,MO,48.5103,-113.9956,976,"Lake McDonald West, MT",Forest,Complex,No,MT05,.0149,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GRB411,411,"Great Basin NP",dom,,NPS,NV,"White Pine",PA,39.0053,-114.2158,2060,,Forest,Complex,No,NV05,.0334,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GRC474,474,"Grand Canyon NP",dom,,NPS,AZ,Coconino,MOno,36.0597,-112.1822,2073,"Grand Canyon",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,AZ03,2.775,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GRS420,420,"Great Smoky NP - Look Rock",dom,,NPS,TN,Blount,EA,35.6331,-83.9422,793,,Forest,Complex,No,TN11,31.7791,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GTH161,161,Gothic,domp,w,EPA,CO,Gunnison,MO,38.9564,-106.9858,2926,"Gothic, CO",Range,Complex,No,CO10,.2023,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HBR183,183,"Hubbard Brook Special",,d,EPA,NH,Grafton,EA,43.95,-71.7,,,Forest,Complex,No,NH02,.8135,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HOW132,132,Howland,dom,,EPA,ME,Penobscot,EA,45.2158,-68.7082,69,"Howland, ME",Forest,Rolling,Yes,ME95,57.499,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HOX148,148,Hoxeyville,dom,,EPA,MI,Wexford,EA,44.1809,-85.739,305,"Wellston, MI",Forest,Flat,Yes,MI53,7.9705,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HVT424,424,"Hawaii Volcanoes NP",,dom,NPS,HI,Hawaii,HAno,19.4197,-155.24,1199,,Forest/Tropical,Complex,No,HI99,.0452,"2005-02-11 08:18:47"
HWF187,187,"Huntington Wildlife Forest",dom,,EPA,NY,Essex,EA,43.9731,-74.2232,502,Newcomb,Forest,Complex,No,NY20,.0079,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
IRL141,141,"Indian River Lagoon",dom,,EPA,FL,"Indian River",EA,27.8492,-80.4554,2,,Coastal/Marsh,Flat/Water,Yes,FL99,78.8593,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
JOT403,403,"Joshua Tree NM",dom,,NPS,CA,"San Bernardino",PA,34.0714,-116.3906,1244,,Desert,Complex,No,CA67,.0448,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
KEF112,112,"Kane Exp. Forest",dom,,EPA,PA,Elk,EA,41.598,-78.7674,622,"James City, PA",Forest,Rolling,Yes,PA29,.0236,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
KNZ184,184,"Konza Prairie",dom,,EPA,KS,Riley,CE,39.1021,-96.6096,348,,Prairie,Flat,Yes,KS31,.0358,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
KVA428,428,"Kobuk Valley NP",,dm,NPS,AK,,AL,67.0931,-157.8689,88,,,,,,,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
LAV410,410,"Lassen Volcanic NP",dom,,NPS,CA,Shasta,PA,40.5403,-121.5764,1756,,Forest,Complex,No,CA96,3.1628,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LCW121,121,"Lilley C. Woods",,dom,EPA,KY,Letcher,EA,37.13,-82.99,335,"Roxana, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY22,5.8578,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LIV573,573,"Livonia Aerosol",i,a,EPA,IN,Washington,EAno,38.5347,-86.2608,299,,Agric,Rolling,,KY19,61.2709,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LRL117,117,"Laurel Hill",dom,,EPA,PA,Somerset,EA,39.9878,-79.2515,615,"Rockwood, PA",Forest,Complex,No,MD08,37.6019,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LYE145,145,"Lye Brook",,domw,EPA,VT,Bennington,EA,43.051,-73.0614,730,"Sunderland, VT",Forest,Mountaintop,No,VT01,21.2267,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
LYK123,123,Lykens,domp,w,EPA,OH,Crawford,EA,40.9173,-82.9982,303,"Chatfield, OH",Agric,Flat,Mixed,OH15,.0347,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MAC426,426,"Mammoth Cave NP",dom,,NPS,KY,Edmonson,EA,37.1313,-86.148,243,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY10,,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
MCK131,131,Mackville,dom,,EPA,KY,Washington,EA,37.7046,-85.0485,353,"Mackville, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY03,.0364,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MCK231,231,"Mackville Collocated",dom,,EPA,KY,Washington,EA,37.7046,-85.0485,353,"Mackville, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY03,.0364,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MEV405,405,"Mesa Verde NP",dom,,NPS,CO,Montezuma,MO,37.1983,-108.4903,2165,,Forest,Complex,No,CO99,.0222,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MKG113,113,"M.K. Goddard",dom,,EPA,PA,Mercer,EA,41.4271,-80.1451,384,"Hadley, PA",Forest,Rolling,No,NY10,115.4666,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MKG513,513,"M.K. Goddard Aerosol",i,a,EPA,PA,Mercer,EA,41.4271,-80.1451,384,"Hadley, PA",Forest,Rolling,,NY10,115.4666,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MOR409,409,"Mount Rainier NP",dom,,NPS,WA,Pierce,PA,46.7583,-122.1244,415,,Forest,Complex,No,WA99,.345,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
NCS415,415,"North Cascades NP",,dom,NPS,WA,Skagit,PA,48.5397,-121.4472,109,,Forest,Complex,No,WA19,.4873,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
OLY421,421,"Olympic NP",,dom,NPS,WA,Clallam,PA,48.0975,-123.4256,125,,Forest,Complex,No,WA14,46.242,"2005-10-07 14:29:41"
ONL102,102,"Oak Ridge",,dom,EPA,TN,Anderson,EA,35.96,-84.29,341,,Forest,Rolling,Yes,TN00,.2954,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
OXF122,122,Oxford,dom,,EPA,OH,Butler,EA,39.5327,-84.7286,284,"Oxford, OH",Agric,Rolling,No,OH09,.4023,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PAL190,190,"Palo Duro",dom,,EPA,TX,Armstrong,CE,34.8803,-101.6649,1050,,Prairie,Complex,Mixed,,,"2007-06-08 10:24:18"
PAR107,107,Parsons,dom,,EPA,WV,Tucker,EA,39.0905,-79.6617,510,"Parsons, WV",Forest,Complex,No,WV18,.0996,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PAR207,207,"Parsons Collocated",,dom,EPA,WV,Tucker,EA,39.0905,-79.6617,510,,Forest,Complex,No,WV18,.0996,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PBF129,129,Perryville,,dom,EPA,KY,Boyle,EA,37.68,-84.97,279,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY03,7.4263,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PED108,108,"Prince Edward",domp,w,EPA,VA,"Prince Edward",EA,37.1655,-78.3069,150,"Green Bay, VA",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,VA24,.0333,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PET427,427,"Petrified Forest",dom,,NPS,AZ,Navajo,MOno,34.8225,-109.8919,1723,,Desert,Flat,No,AZ97,,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
PIN414,414,"Pinnacles NM",dom,,NPS,CA,"San Benito",PA,36.485,-121.1556,335,,Forest,Complex,No,CA66,.3516,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PND165,165,Pinedale,dom,,EPA,WY,Sublette,MO,42.9288,-109.788,2388,"Freemont Lake South, WY",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,WY06,.1066,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PNF126,126,Cranberry,dom,w,EPA,NC,Avery,EA,36.1058,-82.0454,1219,"Carber's Gap, NC",Forest,Mountaintop,Mixed,NC45,46.7396,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
POF425,425,"Poker Flats, Yukon Flats NM",,dm,NPS,AK,"Fairbanks North Star",AL,65.1178,-147.4333,495,"Livengood, AK",Forest,Complex,No,AK01,4.5359,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PRK134,134,Perkinstown,domp,w,EPA,WI,Taylor,CE,45.2066,-90.5969,472,"Perkinstown, WI",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,WI35,.0741,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PSU106,106,"Penn State",dom,,EPA,PA,Centre,EA,40.7208,-77.9319,378,"Pine Grove Mills, PA",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,PA42,7.1195,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
QAK172,172,"Quaker City",dom,,EPA,OH,Noble,EA,39.9428,-81.3373,372,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,OH49,23.5039,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
QAK272,272,"Quaker City Collocated",,a,EPA,OH,Noble,EA,39.9428,-81.3373,372,,Agric,Rolling,,OH49,23.5039,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
QAK572,572,"Quaker City Aerosol",i,an,EPA,OH,Noble,EA,39.9428,-81.3373,372,,Agric,Rolling,,OH49,23.5039,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
RCK163,163,"Reynolds Creek",,dom,EPA,ID,Owyhee,MO,43.21,-116.75,1198,"Silver City, ID",Range,Rolling,Mixed,ID11,.5287,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
RCK263,263,"Reynolds Creek Collocated",,dom,EPA,ID,Owyhee,MO,43.21,-116.75,1198,,Range,Rolling,Mixed,ID11,.5287,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ROM206,206,"Rocky Mtn NP Collocated",dom,,EPA,CO,Larimer,MO,40.2778,-105.5453,2804,,Forest,Complex,No,CO98,9.9672,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ROM406,406,"Rocky Mtn NP",dom,,NPS,CO,Larimer,MO,40.2778,-105.5453,2743,,Forest,Complex,No,CO98,9.9672,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
RTP101,101,"Res. Triangle Pk.",,domr,EPA,NC,Durham,EA,35.91,-78.88,91,,Urban,Rolling,No,NC41,27.0509,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
SAL133,133,"Salamonie Reservoir",dom,,EPA,IN,Wabash,EAno,40.816,-85.6611,250,"Lagro, IN",Agric,Flat,Yes,IN20,16.713,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SAN189,189,"Santee Sioux",dom,,EPA,NE,Knox,CE,42.8292,-97.854,429,,Range,Rolling,Yes,SD99,173.8717,"2006-09-20 10:35:45"
SAV164,164,"Saval Ranch",,dom,EPA,NV,Elko,PA,41.29,-115.86,1873,"Mahala Creek East, NV",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,NV01,.8348,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SCR180,180,"Scotia Range",,dmw,EPA,PA,Centre,EA,40.7884,-77.9464,376,"Pine Grove Mills, PA",Forest,Rolling,,PA15,.0516,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SEK402,402,"Sequoia NP - Lookout Pt",,dom,NPS,CA,Tulare,PA,36.4292,-118.7625,1225,,Forest,Mountaintop,No,CA75,15.4801,"2005-10-07 14:29:41"
SEK430,430,"Sequoia NP - Ash Mountain",dom,,NPS,CA,Tulare,PA,36.4894,-118.8228,457,,Forest,Mountaintop,No,CA75,9.5779,"2005-10-07 14:25:29"
SHN418,418,"Shenandoah NP - Big Meadows",dom,,NPS,VA,Madison,EA,38.5231,-78.4347,1073,"Big Meadows, VA",Forest,Mountaintop,Mixed,VA28,.1165,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SHN518,518,"Shenandoah NP - Big Meadows Aerosol",,a,EPA,VA,Madison,EA,38.5231,-78.4347,1073,"Big Meadows, VA",Forest,Mountaintop,,VA28,.1165,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SIK270,270,"Sikes Collocated",,a,EPA,LA,Winn,CE,32.0575,-92.4353,68,,Agric,Flat,,AR02,175.4986,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
SIK570,570,"Sikes Aerosol",i,an,EPA,LA,Winn,CE,32.0575,-92.4353,68,"Sikes, LA",Agric,Flat,,AR02,175.4986,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
SND152,152,"Sand Mountain",dom,,EPA,AL,DeKalb,CE,34.2888,-85.9698,352,"Crossville, AL",Agric,Rolling,Yes,AL99,.024,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SPD111,111,Speedwell,domp,w,EPA,TN,Claiborne,EA,36.47,-83.8268,361,"Ausmus, TN",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,TN04,.0967,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
STK138,138,Stockton,dom,,EPA,IL,"Jo Daviess",CE,42.2869,-89.9997,274,"Stockton, IL",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,IL18,106.7481,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SUM156,156,Sumatra,domp,w,EPA,FL,Liberty,EA,30.1103,-84.9903,14,"Sumatra, FL",Forest,Flat,Yes,FL23,.1773,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SUM256,256,"Sumatra Collocated",,dom,EPA,FL,Liberty,EA,30.1103,-84.9903,14,,Forest,Flat,Yes,FL23,.1773,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
THR422,422,"Theodore Roosevelt NP",dom,,NPS,ND,Billings,MO,46.8947,-103.3778,850,,Forest,Rolling,Mixed,ND00,.0076,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
UIN162,162,Uinta,,domw,EPA,UT,Duchesne,MO,40.55,-110.32,2500,"Burnt Mill Spring, UT",Range,Complex,No,UT08,108.9817,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
UVL124,124,Unionville,domp,w,EPA,MI,Tuscola,EA,43.6138,-83.3591,201,"Ellington, MI",Agric,Flat,Yes,MI51,.1122,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VII423,423,"Virgin Islands NP - Lind Pt",,dom,NPS,VI,"St. John",AT,18.3364,-64.7964,80,,Forest,Complex,No,VI01,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VIN140,140,Vincennes,dom,,EPA,IN,Knox,EAno,38.7408,-87.4853,134,"Fritchton, IN",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,IN22,.0171,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VOY413,413,"Voyageurs NP",dom,,NPS,MN,"St. Louis",CE,48.4128,-92.8292,429,,Forest,Rolling,Mixed,MN32,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VPI120,120,"Horton Station",domp,,EPA,VA,Giles,EA,37.3297,-80.5578,920,"Eggleston, VA",Agric,Mountaintop,No,VA13,.1924,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
WEL149,149,Wellston,,dom,EPA,MI,Wexford,EA,44.2249,-85.8198,295,"Wellston, MI",Forest,Flat,Yes,MI53,.1232,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WFM105,105,"Whiteface Mountain",,dom,EPA,NY,Essex,EA,44.39,-73.86,570,"Wilmington, NY",Forest,Complex,No,NY98,.3707,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WNC429,429,"Wind Cave NP",dm,,NPS,SD,Custer,MO,43.5578,-103.4839,1292,,Prairie,Rolling,Mixed,,,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
WPA103,103,"West Point A",,dom,EPA,NY,Orange,EA,41.35,-74.05,203,,Forest,Complex,No,NY99,.1471,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WPB104,104,"West Point B",,dom,EPA,NY,Orange,EA,41.35,-74.05,203,"Popolopen Lake, NY",Forest,Complex,No,NY99,.1471,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WSP144,144,"Wash. Crossing",dom,,EPA,NJ,Mercer,EA,40.3125,-74.8729,61,"Pennington, NJ",Range,Rolling,Mixed,NJ99,1.5591,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WST109,109,Woodstock,dom,,EPA,NH,Grafton,EA,43.945,-71.7008,258,"Woodstock, NH",Forest,Complex,No,NH02,.2913,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
YEL408,408,"Yellowstone NP",dom,,NPS,WY,Teton,MO,44.5597,-110.4006,2400,,Agric,Rolling,No,WY08,39.8359,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
YOS404,404,"Yosemite NP - Turtleback Dome",dom,,NPS,CA,Mariposa,PA,37.7133,-119.7061,1605,,Forest,Complex,No,CA99,16.1891,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ABT147,147,Abington,domp,w,EPA,CT,Windham,EA,41.8402,-72.01,209,"Hampton, CT",Urban/Agric,Rolling,Mixed,CT15,.0236,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ACA416,416,"Acadia NP",dom,,NPS,ME,Hancock,EA,44.3769,-68.2608,158,,Forest,Rolling,Mixed,ME98,.3466,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
ALC188,188,Alabama-Coushatta,dom,,EPA,TX,Hardin,CE,30.421,-94.4045,101,,Prairie,Rolling,Yes,TX10,197.5735,"2005-02-11 08:18:47"
ALH157,157,Alhambra,domp,w,EPA,IL,Madison,CE,38.869,-89.6228,164,"Pocohantas, IL",Agric,Flat,Yes,IL46,.0782,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ALH257,257,"Alhambra Collocated",,domw,EPA,IL,Madison,CE,38.869,-89.6228,164,,Agric,Flat,Yes,IL46,.0782,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ALH557,557,"Alhambra Aerosol",,a,EPA,IL,Madison,CE,38.869,-89.6228,164,"Pocahontas, IL",Agric,Flat,,IL46,.0782,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ANA115,115,"Ann Arbor",domp,w,EPA,MI,Washtenaw,EA,42.4165,-83.902,267,"Pinckney, MI",Forest,Flat,Mixed,MI52,.0136,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ANL146,146,"Argonne NL",,dom,EPA,IL,DuPage,CE,41.7,-87.99,229,"Sag Bridge, IL",Urban/Agric,Rolling,Mixed,IL18,72.8113,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
ARE128,128,Arendtsville,domp,w,EPA,PA,Adams,EA,39.9231,-77.3078,269,"Arendtsville, PA",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,PA00,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ARE228,228,"Arendtsville Collocated",,domw,EPA,PA,Adams,EA,39.9231,-77.3078,269,"Arendtsville, PA",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,PA00,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ARE528,528,"Arendtsville Aerosol",i,an,EPA,PA,Adams,EA,39.9231,-77.3078,269,"Arendtsville, PA",Agric,Rolling,,PA00,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ASH135,135,Ashland,dom,,EPA,ME,Aroostook,EA,46.6041,-68.4135,235,"Squa Pan, ME",Agric,Flat,Yes,ME00,42.3797,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ASH235,235,"Ashland Collocated",,dom,EPA,ME,Aroostook,EA,46.6041,-68.4135,235,"Squa Pan, ME",Agric,Flat,Yes,ME00,42.3797,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BBE401,401,"Big Bend NP",dom,,NPS,TX,Brewster,CE,29.3022,-103.1772,1052,,Forest,Complex,Mixed,TX04,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BEL116,116,Beltsville,domt,r,EPA,MD,"Prince George's",EA,39.0284,-76.8171,46,"Laurel, MD",Range,Flat,Mixed,MD99,.0457,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
BEL216,216,"Beltsville Collocated",,r,EPA,MD,"Prince George's",EA,39.0284,-76.8171,46,"Laurel, MD",Range,Flat,Mixed,MD99,.0457,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
BFT142,142,Beaufort,domp,w,EPA,NC,Carteret,EA,34.8848,-76.6203,2,,Agric,Flat,Yes,NC06,.0424,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BVL130,130,Bondville,dom,,EPA,IL,Champaign,CE,40.0519,-88.3724,212,"Bondville, IL",Agric,Flat,Yes,IL11,.1624,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BVL530,530,"Bondville Aerosol",,a,EPA,IL,Champaign,CE,40.0519,-88.3724,212,"Bondville, IL",Agric,Flat,,IL11,.1624,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
BWR139,139,"Blackwater NWR",dom,,EPA,MD,Dorchester,EA,38.445,-76.1114,4,,Forest/Marsh,Coastal,Mixed,MD15,51.1551,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CAD150,150,"Caddo Valley",dom,,EPA,AR,Clark,CE,34.1795,-93.0988,71,"Caddo Valley, AR",Forest,Complex,No,AR03,.0182,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CAN407,407,"Canyonlands NP",dom,,NPS,UT,"San Juan",MO,38.4586,-109.8211,1809,,Desert,Complex,Mixed,UT09,.3736,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
CAT175,175,Claryville,dm,o,EPA,NY,Ulster,EA,41.9422,-74.5519,765,,Forest,Complex,No,NY68,7.0504,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
CDR119,119,"Cedar Creek",domp,w,EPA,WV,Gilmer,EA,38.8795,-80.8477,234,"Glenville, WV",Forest,Complex,No,WV05,.0143,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CDZ171,171,Cadiz,dom,,EPA,KY,Trigg,CE,36.7841,-87.8499,189,"7.5 min. Topo Cadiz, KY",Agric,Rolling,Yes,KY99,19.5374,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CDZ571,571,"Cadiz Aerosol",i,an,EPA,KY,Trigg,CE,36.7841,-87.8499,189,"7.5 min. Topo Cadiz, KY",Agric,Rolling,,KY99,19.5374,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CHA267,267,"Chiricahua NM Collocated",,dom,EPA,AZ,Cochise,MOno,32.0097,-109.3889,1570,,Range,Complex,No,AZ98,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CHA467,467,"Chiricahua NM",domp,w,NPS,AZ,Cochise,MOno,32.0092,-109.3892,1570,"Bowie Mountain South, AZ",Range,Complex,No,AZ98,.0624,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CHE185,185,"Cherokee Nation",dom,,EPA,OK,Adair,CE,35.7507,-94.67,299,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,AR27,59.2288,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CKT136,136,Crockett,dom,,EPA,KY,Morgan,EA,37.9214,-83.0662,455,"Dingus, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY35,47.2688,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CND125,125,Candor,dom,w,EPA,NC,Montgomery,EA,35.2632,-79.8365,198,"Biscoe, NC",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,NC36,43.0075,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CNT169,169,Centennial,dom,,EPA,WY,Albany,MO,41.3642,-106.2399,3178,"Centennial, WY",Forest,Complex,Mixed,WY95,.0934,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CON186,186,"Converse Station",dom,,EPA,CA,"San Bernardino",PA,34.1941,-116.913,1837,"Big Bear Lake",Forest/Arid,Complex,No,CA67,49.7348,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
COW137,137,Coweeta,dom,,EPA,NC,Macon,EA,35.0608,-83.4306,686,"Prentiss, NC",Forest,Complex,No,NC25,.0347,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
COW182,182,"Coweeta Special",,d,EPA,NC,Macon,EA,35.0608,-83.4306,,,Forest,Complex,No,NC25,.0347,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
CTH110,110,"Connecticut Hill",dom,w,EPA,NY,Tompkins,EA,42.4006,-76.6538,501,"Mecklenberg, NY",Forest,Rolling,No,NY67,.05,"2009-10-29 21:57:21"
CTH510,510,"Connecticut Hill Aerosol",i,an,EPA,NY,Tompkins,EA,42.4006,-76.6538,501,"Mecklenberg, NY",Forest,Rolling,,NY67,.05,"2009-10-29 21:57:21"
CVL151,151,Coffeeville,dom,,EPA,MS,Yalobusha,CE,34.0026,-89.799,134,"Coker Lake, MS",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,MS30,.0296,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DCP114,114,"Deer Creek",domp,w,EPA,OH,Fayette,EA,39.6359,-83.2605,267,"Mount Sterling, OH",Agric,Rolling,Yes,OH54,.0436,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DCP214,214,"Deer Creek Collocated",,dom,EPA,OH,Fayette,EA,39.6359,-83.2605,267,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,OH54,.0436,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DEN417,417,"Denali NP",dom,,NPS,AK,Denali,AL,63.7258,-148.9633,661,,Forest,Complex,No,AK03,.2117,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
DEV412,412,"Death Valley NM",,dom,NPS,CA,Inyo,PA,36.5092,-116.8481,125,,Desert,Complex,No,CA75,171.2402,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
EGB181,181,Egbert,dm,,EPA,ON,,EA,44.232,-79.7812,251,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,NY10,218.0141,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
EGB281,281,"Egbert Collocated",,d,EPA,ON,,EA,44.232,-79.7812,251,,Agric,Rolling,Yes,NY10,218.0141,"2008-11-03 00:00:00"
ESP127,127,"Edgar Evins",dom,,EPA,TN,DeKalb,CE,36.0388,-85.7331,302,"Silver Point, TN",Forest,Rolling,No,KY10,127.8361,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
EVE419,419,"Everglades NP",dm,o,NPS,FL,Miami-Dade,EA,25.3911,-80.6806,2,,Forest/Marsh,Flat,Yes,FL11,.1353,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
GAS153,153,"Georgia Station",dom,,EPA,GA,Pike,EA,33.1787,-84.4052,270,"Hollonville, GA",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,GA41,.1305,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GAS253,253,"Georgia Station Collocated",,dom,EPA,GA,Pike,EA,33.1787,-84.4052,270,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,GA41,.1305,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GLR468,468,"Glacier NP",dom,,NPS,MT,Flathead,MO,48.5103,-113.9956,976,"Lake McDonald West, MT",Forest,Complex,No,MT05,.0149,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GRB411,411,"Great Basin NP",dom,,NPS,NV,"White Pine",PA,39.0053,-114.2158,2060,,Forest,Complex,No,NV05,.0334,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GRC474,474,"Grand Canyon NP",dom,,NPS,AZ,Coconino,MOno,36.0597,-112.1822,2073,"Grand Canyon",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,AZ03,2.775,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GRS420,420,"Great Smoky NP - Look Rock",dom,,NPS,TN,Blount,EA,35.6331,-83.9422,793,,Forest,Complex,No,TN11,31.7791,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
GTH161,161,Gothic,domp,w,EPA,CO,Gunnison,MO,38.9564,-106.9858,2926,"Gothic, CO",Range,Complex,No,CO10,.2023,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HBR183,183,"Hubbard Brook Special",,d,EPA,NH,Grafton,EA,43.95,-71.7,,,Forest,Complex,No,NH02,.8135,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HOW132,132,Howland,dom,,EPA,ME,Penobscot,EA,45.2158,-68.7082,69,"Howland, ME",Forest,Rolling,Yes,ME95,57.499,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HOX148,148,Hoxeyville,dom,,EPA,MI,Wexford,EA,44.1809,-85.739,305,"Wellston, MI",Forest,Flat,Yes,MI53,7.9705,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
HVT424,424,"Hawaii Volcanoes NP",,dom,NPS,HI,Hawaii,HAno,19.4197,-155.24,1199,,Forest/Tropical,Complex,No,HI99,.0452,"2005-02-11 08:18:47"
HWF187,187,"Huntington Wildlife Forest",dom,,EPA,NY,Essex,EA,43.9731,-74.2232,502,Newcomb,Forest,Complex,No,NY20,.0079,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
IRL141,141,"Indian River Lagoon",dom,,EPA,FL,"Indian River",EA,27.8492,-80.4554,2,,Coastal/Marsh,Flat/Water,Yes,FL99,78.8593,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
JOT403,403,"Joshua Tree NM",dom,,NPS,CA,"San Bernardino",PA,34.0714,-116.3906,1244,,Desert,Complex,No,CA67,.0448,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
KEF112,112,"Kane Exp. Forest",dom,,EPA,PA,Elk,EA,41.598,-78.7674,622,"James City, PA",Forest,Rolling,Yes,PA29,.0236,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
KNZ184,184,"Konza Prairie",dom,,EPA,KS,Riley,CE,39.1021,-96.6096,348,,Prairie,Flat,Yes,KS31,.0358,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
KVA428,428,"Kobuk Valley NP",,dm,NPS,AK,,AL,67.0931,-157.8689,88,,,,,,,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
LAV410,410,"Lassen Volcanic NP",dom,,NPS,CA,Shasta,PA,40.5403,-121.5764,1756,,Forest,Complex,No,CA96,3.1628,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LCW121,121,"Lilley C. Woods",,dom,EPA,KY,Letcher,EA,37.13,-82.99,335,"Roxana, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY22,5.8578,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LIV573,573,"Livonia Aerosol",i,a,EPA,IN,Washington,EAno,38.5347,-86.2608,299,,Agric,Rolling,,KY19,61.2709,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LRL117,117,"Laurel Hill",dom,,EPA,PA,Somerset,EA,39.9878,-79.2515,615,"Rockwood, PA",Forest,Complex,No,MD08,37.6019,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
LYE145,145,"Lye Brook",,domw,EPA,VT,Bennington,EA,43.051,-73.0614,730,"Sunderland, VT",Forest,Mountaintop,No,VT01,21.2267,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
LYK123,123,Lykens,domp,w,EPA,OH,Crawford,EA,40.9173,-82.9982,303,"Chatfield, OH",Agric,Flat,Mixed,OH15,.0347,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MAC426,426,"Mammoth Cave NP",dom,,NPS,KY,Edmonson,EA,37.1313,-86.148,243,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY10,,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
MCK131,131,Mackville,dom,,EPA,KY,Washington,EA,37.7046,-85.0485,353,"Mackville, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY03,.0364,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MCK231,231,"Mackville Collocated",dom,,EPA,KY,Washington,EA,37.7046,-85.0485,353,"Mackville, KY",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY03,.0364,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MEV405,405,"Mesa Verde NP",dom,,NPS,CO,Montezuma,MO,37.1983,-108.4903,2165,,Forest,Complex,No,CO99,.0222,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MKG113,113,"M.K. Goddard",dom,,EPA,PA,Mercer,EA,41.4271,-80.1451,384,"Hadley, PA",Forest,Rolling,No,NY10,115.4666,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MKG513,513,"M.K. Goddard Aerosol",i,a,EPA,PA,Mercer,EA,41.4271,-80.1451,384,"Hadley, PA",Forest,Rolling,,NY10,115.4666,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
MOR409,409,"Mount Rainier NP",dom,,NPS,WA,Pierce,PA,46.7583,-122.1244,415,,Forest,Complex,No,WA99,.345,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
NCS415,415,"North Cascades NP",,dom,NPS,WA,Skagit,PA,48.5397,-121.4472,109,,Forest,Complex,No,WA19,.4873,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
OLY421,421,"Olympic NP",,dom,NPS,WA,Clallam,PA,48.0975,-123.4256,125,,Forest,Complex,No,WA14,46.242,"2005-10-07 14:29:41"
ONL102,102,"Oak Ridge",,dom,EPA,TN,Anderson,EA,35.96,-84.29,341,,Forest,Rolling,Yes,TN00,.2954,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
OXF122,122,Oxford,dom,,EPA,OH,Butler,EA,39.5327,-84.7286,284,"Oxford, OH",Agric,Rolling,No,OH09,.4023,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PAL190,190,"Palo Duro",dom,,EPA,TX,Armstrong,CE,34.8803,-101.6649,1050,,Prairie,Complex,Mixed,,,"2007-06-08 10:24:18"
PAR107,107,Parsons,dom,,EPA,WV,Tucker,EA,39.0905,-79.6617,510,"Parsons, WV",Forest,Complex,No,WV18,.0996,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PAR207,207,"Parsons Collocated",,dom,EPA,WV,Tucker,EA,39.0905,-79.6617,510,,Forest,Complex,No,WV18,.0996,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PBF129,129,Perryville,,dom,EPA,KY,Boyle,EA,37.68,-84.97,279,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,KY03,7.4263,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PED108,108,"Prince Edward",domp,w,EPA,VA,"Prince Edward",EA,37.1655,-78.3069,150,"Green Bay, VA",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,VA24,.0333,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PET427,427,"Petrified Forest",dom,,NPS,AZ,Navajo,MOno,34.8225,-109.8919,1723,,Desert,Flat,No,AZ97,,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
PIN414,414,"Pinnacles NM",dom,,NPS,CA,"San Benito",PA,36.485,-121.1556,335,,Forest,Complex,No,CA66,.3516,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PND165,165,Pinedale,dom,,EPA,WY,Sublette,MO,42.9288,-109.788,2388,"Freemont Lake South, WY",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,WY06,.1066,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PNF126,126,Cranberry,dom,w,EPA,NC,Avery,EA,36.1058,-82.0454,1219,"Carber's Gap, NC",Forest,Mountaintop,Mixed,NC45,46.7396,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
POF425,425,"Poker Flats, Yukon Flats NM",,dm,NPS,AK,"Fairbanks North Star",AL,65.1178,-147.4333,495,"Livengood, AK",Forest,Complex,No,AK01,4.5359,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PRK134,134,Perkinstown,domp,w,EPA,WI,Taylor,CE,45.2066,-90.5969,472,"Perkinstown, WI",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,WI35,.0741,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
PSU106,106,"Penn State",dom,,EPA,PA,Centre,EA,40.7208,-77.9319,378,"Pine Grove Mills, PA",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,PA42,7.1195,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
QAK172,172,"Quaker City",dom,,EPA,OH,Noble,EA,39.9428,-81.3373,372,,Agric,Rolling,Mixed,OH49,23.5039,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
QAK272,272,"Quaker City Collocated",,a,EPA,OH,Noble,EA,39.9428,-81.3373,372,,Agric,Rolling,,OH49,23.5039,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
QAK572,572,"Quaker City Aerosol",i,an,EPA,OH,Noble,EA,39.9428,-81.3373,372,,Agric,Rolling,,OH49,23.5039,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
RCK163,163,"Reynolds Creek",,dom,EPA,ID,Owyhee,MO,43.21,-116.75,1198,"Silver City, ID",Range,Rolling,Mixed,ID11,.5287,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
RCK263,263,"Reynolds Creek Collocated",,dom,EPA,ID,Owyhee,MO,43.21,-116.75,1198,,Range,Rolling,Mixed,ID11,.5287,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ROM206,206,"Rocky Mtn NP Collocated",dom,,EPA,CO,Larimer,MO,40.2778,-105.5453,2804,,Forest,Complex,No,CO98,9.9672,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
ROM406,406,"Rocky Mtn NP",dom,,NPS,CO,Larimer,MO,40.2778,-105.5453,2743,,Forest,Complex,No,CO98,9.9672,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
RTP101,101,"Res. Triangle Pk.",,domr,EPA,NC,Durham,EA,35.91,-78.88,91,,Urban,Rolling,No,NC41,27.0509,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
SAL133,133,"Salamonie Reservoir",dom,,EPA,IN,Wabash,EAno,40.816,-85.6611,250,"Lagro, IN",Agric,Flat,Yes,IN20,16.713,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SAN189,189,"Santee Sioux",dom,,EPA,NE,Knox,CE,42.8292,-97.854,429,,Range,Rolling,Yes,SD99,173.8717,"2006-09-20 10:35:45"
SAV164,164,"Saval Ranch",,dom,EPA,NV,Elko,PA,41.29,-115.86,1873,"Mahala Creek East, NV",Forest,Rolling,Mixed,NV01,.8348,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SCR180,180,"Scotia Range",,dmw,EPA,PA,Centre,EA,40.7884,-77.9464,376,"Pine Grove Mills, PA",Forest,Rolling,,PA15,.0516,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SEK402,402,"Sequoia NP - Lookout Pt",,dom,NPS,CA,Tulare,PA,36.4292,-118.7625,1225,,Forest,Mountaintop,No,CA75,15.4801,"2005-10-07 14:29:41"
SEK430,430,"Sequoia NP - Ash Mountain",dom,,NPS,CA,Tulare,PA,36.4894,-118.8228,457,,Forest,Mountaintop,No,CA75,9.5779,"2005-10-07 14:25:29"
SHN418,418,"Shenandoah NP - Big Meadows",dom,,NPS,VA,Madison,EA,38.5231,-78.4347,1073,"Big Meadows, VA",Forest,Mountaintop,Mixed,VA28,.1165,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SHN518,518,"Shenandoah NP - Big Meadows Aerosol",,a,EPA,VA,Madison,EA,38.5231,-78.4347,1073,"Big Meadows, VA",Forest,Mountaintop,,VA28,.1165,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SIK270,270,"Sikes Collocated",,a,EPA,LA,Winn,CE,32.0575,-92.4353,68,,Agric,Flat,,AR02,175.4986,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
SIK570,570,"Sikes Aerosol",i,an,EPA,LA,Winn,CE,32.0575,-92.4353,68,"Sikes, LA",Agric,Flat,,AR02,175.4986,"2009-08-05 15:38:28"
SND152,152,"Sand Mountain",dom,,EPA,AL,DeKalb,CE,34.2888,-85.9698,352,"Crossville, AL",Agric,Rolling,Yes,AL99,.024,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SPD111,111,Speedwell,domp,w,EPA,TN,Claiborne,EA,36.47,-83.8268,361,"Ausmus, TN",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,TN04,.0967,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
STK138,138,Stockton,dom,,EPA,IL,"Jo Daviess",CE,42.2869,-89.9997,274,"Stockton, IL",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,IL18,106.7481,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SUM156,156,Sumatra,domp,w,EPA,FL,Liberty,EA,30.1103,-84.9903,14,"Sumatra, FL",Forest,Flat,Yes,FL23,.1773,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
SUM256,256,"Sumatra Collocated",,dom,EPA,FL,Liberty,EA,30.1103,-84.9903,14,,Forest,Flat,Yes,FL23,.1773,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
THR422,422,"Theodore Roosevelt NP",dom,,NPS,ND,Billings,MO,46.8947,-103.3778,850,,Forest,Rolling,Mixed,ND00,.0076,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
UIN162,162,Uinta,,domw,EPA,UT,Duchesne,MO,40.55,-110.32,2500,"Burnt Mill Spring, UT",Range,Complex,No,UT08,108.9817,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
UVL124,124,Unionville,domp,w,EPA,MI,Tuscola,EA,43.6138,-83.3591,201,"Ellington, MI",Agric,Flat,Yes,MI51,.1122,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VII423,423,"Virgin Islands NP - Lind Pt",,dom,NPS,VI,"St. John",AT,18.3364,-64.7964,80,,Forest,Complex,No,VI01,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VIN140,140,Vincennes,dom,,EPA,IN,Knox,EAno,38.7408,-87.4853,134,"Fritchton, IN",Agric,Rolling,Mixed,IN22,.0171,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VOY413,413,"Voyageurs NP",dom,,NPS,MN,"St. Louis",CE,48.4128,-92.8292,429,,Forest,Rolling,Mixed,MN32,0,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
VPI120,120,"Horton Station",domp,,EPA,VA,Giles,EA,37.3297,-80.5578,920,"Eggleston, VA",Agric,Mountaintop,No,VA13,.1924,"2008-05-14 07:23:59"
WEL149,149,Wellston,,dom,EPA,MI,Wexford,EA,44.2249,-85.8198,295,"Wellston, MI",Forest,Flat,Yes,MI53,.1232,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WFM105,105,"Whiteface Mountain",,dom,EPA,NY,Essex,EA,44.39,-73.86,570,"Wilmington, NY",Forest,Complex,No,NY98,.3707,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WNC429,429,"Wind Cave NP",dm,,NPS,SD,Custer,MO,43.5578,-103.4839,1292,,Prairie,Rolling,Mixed,,,"2007-10-11 12:07:04"
WPA103,103,"West Point A",,dom,EPA,NY,Orange,EA,41.35,-74.05,203,,Forest,Complex,No,NY99,.1471,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WPB104,104,"West Point B",,dom,EPA,NY,Orange,EA,41.35,-74.05,203,"Popolopen Lake, NY",Forest,Complex,No,NY99,.1471,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WSP144,144,"Wash. Crossing",dom,,EPA,NJ,Mercer,EA,40.3125,-74.8729,61,"Pennington, NJ",Range,Rolling,Mixed,NJ99,1.5591,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
WST109,109,Woodstock,dom,,EPA,NH,Grafton,EA,43.945,-71.7008,258,"Woodstock, NH",Forest,Complex,No,NH02,.2913,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
YEL408,408,"Yellowstone NP",dom,,NPS,WY,Teton,MO,44.5597,-110.4006,2400,,Agric,Rolling,No,WY08,39.8359,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"
YOS404,404,"Yosemite NP - Turtleback Dome",dom,,NPS,CA,Mariposa,PA,37.7133,-119.7061,1605,,Forest,Complex,No,CA99,16.1891,"2004-11-03 08:41:33"

2 ABT147 147 Abington domp w EPA CT Windham EA 41.8402 -72.01 209 Hampton, CT Urban/Agric Rolling Mixed CT15 .0236 2004-11-03 08:41:33
3 ACA416 416 Acadia NP dom NPS ME Hancock EA 44.3769 -68.2608 158 Forest Rolling Mixed ME98 .3466 2007-10-11 12:07:04
4 ALC188 188 Alabama-Coushatta dom EPA TX Hardin CE 30.421 -94.4045 101 Prairie Rolling Yes TX10 197.5735 2005-02-11 08:18:47
5 ALH157 157 Alhambra domp w EPA IL Madison CE 38.869 -89.6228 164 Pocohantas, IL Agric Flat Yes IL46 .0782 2004-11-03 08:41:33
6 ALH257 257 Alhambra Collocated domw EPA IL Madison CE 38.869 -89.6228 164 Agric Flat Yes IL46 .0782 2004-11-03 08:41:33
7 ALH557 557 Alhambra Aerosol a EPA IL Madison CE 38.869 -89.6228 164 Pocahontas, IL Agric Flat IL46 .0782 2004-11-03 08:41:33
8 ANA115 115 Ann Arbor domp w EPA MI Washtenaw EA 42.4165 -83.902 267 Pinckney, MI Forest Flat Mixed MI52 .0136 2004-11-03 08:41:33
9 ANL146 146 Argonne NL dom EPA IL DuPage CE 41.7 -87.99 229 Sag Bridge, IL Urban/Agric Rolling Mixed IL18 72.8113 2009-08-05 15:38:28
10 ARE128 128 Arendtsville domp w EPA PA Adams EA 39.9231 -77.3078 269 Arendtsville, PA Agric Rolling Mixed PA00 0 2004-11-03 08:41:33
11 ARE228 228 Arendtsville Collocated domw EPA PA Adams EA 39.9231 -77.3078 269 Arendtsville, PA Forest Rolling Mixed PA00 0 2004-11-03 08:41:33
12 ARE528 528 Arendtsville Aerosol i an EPA PA Adams EA 39.9231 -77.3078 269 Arendtsville, PA Agric Rolling PA00 0 2004-11-03 08:41:33
13 ASH135 135 Ashland dom EPA ME Aroostook EA 46.6041 -68.4135 235 Squa Pan, ME Agric Flat Yes ME00 42.3797 2004-11-03 08:41:33
14 ASH235 235 Ashland Collocated dom EPA ME Aroostook EA 46.6041 -68.4135 235 Squa Pan, ME Agric Flat Yes ME00 42.3797 2004-11-03 08:41:33
15 BBE401 401 Big Bend NP dom NPS TX Brewster CE 29.3022 -103.1772 1052 Forest Complex Mixed TX04 0 2004-11-03 08:41:33
16 BEL116 116 Beltsville domt r EPA MD Prince George's EA 39.0284 -76.8171 46 Laurel, MD Range Flat Mixed MD99 .0457 2007-10-11 12:07:04
17 BEL216 216 Beltsville Collocated r EPA MD Prince George's EA 39.0284 -76.8171 46 Laurel, MD Range Flat Mixed MD99 .0457 2007-10-11 12:07:04
18 BFT142 142 Beaufort domp w EPA NC Carteret EA 34.8848 -76.6203 2 Agric Flat Yes NC06 .0424 2004-11-03 08:41:33
19 BVL130 130 Bondville dom EPA IL Champaign CE 40.0519 -88.3724 212 Bondville, IL Agric Flat Yes IL11 .1624 2004-11-03 08:41:33
20 BVL530 530 Bondville Aerosol a EPA IL Champaign CE 40.0519 -88.3724 212 Bondville, IL Agric Flat IL11 .1624 2004-11-03 08:41:33
21 BWR139 139 Blackwater NWR dom EPA MD Dorchester EA 38.445 -76.1114 4 Forest/Marsh Coastal Mixed MD15 51.1551 2004-11-03 08:41:33
22 CAD150 150 Caddo Valley dom EPA AR Clark CE 34.1795 -93.0988 71 Caddo Valley, AR Forest Complex No AR03 .0182 2004-11-03 08:41:33
23 CAN407 407 Canyonlands NP dom NPS UT San Juan MO 38.4586 -109.8211 1809 Desert Complex Mixed UT09 .3736 2007-10-11 12:07:04
24 CAT175 175 Claryville dm o EPA NY Ulster EA 41.9422 -74.5519 765 Forest Complex No NY68 7.0504 2007-10-11 12:07:04
25 CDR119 119 Cedar Creek domp w EPA WV Gilmer EA 38.8795 -80.8477 234 Glenville, WV Forest Complex No WV05 .0143 2004-11-03 08:41:33
26 CDZ171 171 Cadiz dom EPA KY Trigg CE 36.7841 -87.8499 189 7.5 min. Topo Cadiz, KY Agric Rolling Yes KY99 19.5374 2004-11-03 08:41:33
27 CDZ571 571 Cadiz Aerosol i an EPA KY Trigg CE 36.7841 -87.8499 189 7.5 min. Topo Cadiz, KY Agric Rolling KY99 19.5374 2004-11-03 08:41:33
28 CHA267 267 Chiricahua NM Collocated dom EPA AZ Cochise MOno 32.0097 -109.3889 1570 Range Complex No AZ98 0 2004-11-03 08:41:33
29 CHA467 467 Chiricahua NM domp w NPS AZ Cochise MOno 32.0092 -109.3892 1570 Bowie Mountain South, AZ Range Complex No AZ98 .0624 2004-11-03 08:41:33
30 CHE185 185 Cherokee Nation dom EPA OK Adair CE 35.7507 -94.67 299 Agric Rolling Yes AR27 59.2288 2004-11-03 08:41:33
31 CKT136 136 Crockett dom EPA KY Morgan EA 37.9214 -83.0662 455 Dingus, KY Agric Rolling Mixed KY35 47.2688 2004-11-03 08:41:33
32 CND125 125 Candor dom w EPA NC Montgomery EA 35.2632 -79.8365 198 Biscoe, NC Forest Rolling Mixed NC36 43.0075 2004-11-03 08:41:33
33 CNT169 169 Centennial dom EPA WY Albany MO 41.3642 -106.2399 3178 Centennial, WY Forest Complex Mixed WY95 .0934 2004-11-03 08:41:33
34 CON186 186 Converse Station dom EPA CA San Bernardino PA 34.1941 -116.913 1837 Big Bear Lake Forest/Arid Complex No CA67 49.7348 2004-11-03 08:41:33
35 COW137 137 Coweeta dom EPA NC Macon EA 35.0608 -83.4306 686 Prentiss, NC Forest Complex No NC25 .0347 2004-11-03 08:41:33
36 COW182 182 Coweeta Special d EPA NC Macon EA 35.0608 -83.4306 Forest Complex No NC25 .0347 2004-11-03 08:41:33
37 CTH110 110 Connecticut Hill dom w EPA NY Tompkins EA 42.4006 -76.6538 501 Mecklenberg, NY Forest Rolling No NY67 .05 2009-10-29 21:57:21
38 CTH510 510 Connecticut Hill Aerosol i an EPA NY Tompkins EA 42.4006 -76.6538 501 Mecklenberg, NY Forest Rolling NY67 .05 2009-10-29 21:57:21
39 CVL151 151 Coffeeville dom EPA MS Yalobusha CE 34.0026 -89.799 134 Coker Lake, MS Forest Rolling Mixed MS30 .0296 2004-11-03 08:41:33
40 DCP114 114 Deer Creek domp w EPA OH Fayette EA 39.6359 -83.2605 267 Mount Sterling, OH Agric Rolling Yes OH54 .0436 2004-11-03 08:41:33
41 DCP214 214 Deer Creek Collocated dom EPA OH Fayette EA 39.6359 -83.2605 267 Agric Rolling Yes OH54 .0436 2004-11-03 08:41:33
42 DEN417 417 Denali NP dom NPS AK Denali AL 63.7258 -148.9633 661 Forest Complex No AK03 .2117 2004-11-03 08:41:33
43 DEV412 412 Death Valley NM dom NPS CA Inyo PA 36.5092 -116.8481 125 Desert Complex No CA75 171.2402 2008-05-14 07:23:59
44 EGB181 181 Egbert dm EPA ON EA 44.232 -79.7812 251 Agric Rolling Yes NY10 218.0141 2004-11-03 08:41:33
45 EGB281 281 Egbert Collocated d EPA ON EA 44.232 -79.7812 251 Agric Rolling Yes NY10 218.0141 2008-11-03 00:00:00
46 ESP127 127 Edgar Evins dom EPA TN DeKalb CE 36.0388 -85.7331 302 Silver Point, TN Forest Rolling No KY10 127.8361 2004-11-03 08:41:33
47 EVE419 419 Everglades NP dm o NPS FL Miami-Dade EA 25.3911 -80.6806 2 Forest/Marsh Flat Yes FL11 .1353 2009-08-05 15:38:28
48 GAS153 153 Georgia Station dom EPA GA Pike EA 33.1787 -84.4052 270 Hollonville, GA Agric Rolling Mixed GA41 .1305 2004-11-03 08:41:33
49 GAS253 253 Georgia Station Collocated dom EPA GA Pike EA 33.1787 -84.4052 270 Agric Rolling Mixed GA41 .1305 2004-11-03 08:41:33
50 GLR468 468 Glacier NP dom NPS MT Flathead MO 48.5103 -113.9956 976 Lake McDonald West, MT Forest Complex No MT05 .0149 2004-11-03 08:41:33
51 GRB411 411 Great Basin NP dom NPS NV White Pine PA 39.0053 -114.2158 2060 Forest Complex No NV05 .0334 2004-11-03 08:41:33
52 GRC474 474 Grand Canyon NP dom NPS AZ Coconino MOno 36.0597 -112.1822 2073 Grand Canyon Forest Rolling Mixed AZ03 2.775 2004-11-03 08:41:33
53 GRS420 420 Great Smoky NP - Look Rock dom NPS TN Blount EA 35.6331 -83.9422 793 Forest Complex No TN11 31.7791 2004-11-03 08:41:33
54 GTH161 161 Gothic domp w EPA CO Gunnison MO 38.9564 -106.9858 2926 Gothic, CO Range Complex No CO10 .2023 2004-11-03 08:41:33
55 HBR183 183 Hubbard Brook Special d EPA NH Grafton EA 43.95 -71.7 Forest Complex No NH02 .8135 2004-11-03 08:41:33
56 HOW132 132 Howland dom EPA ME Penobscot EA 45.2158 -68.7082 69 Howland, ME Forest Rolling Yes ME95 57.499 2004-11-03 08:41:33
57 HOX148 148 Hoxeyville dom EPA MI Wexford EA 44.1809 -85.739 305 Wellston, MI Forest Flat Yes MI53 7.9705 2004-11-03 08:41:33
58 HVT424 424 Hawaii Volcanoes NP dom NPS HI Hawaii HAno 19.4197 -155.24 1199 Forest/Tropical Complex No HI99 .0452 2005-02-11 08:18:47
59 HWF187 187 Huntington Wildlife Forest dom EPA NY Essex EA 43.9731 -74.2232 502 Newcomb Forest Complex No NY20 .0079 2004-11-03 08:41:33
60 IRL141 141 Indian River Lagoon dom EPA FL Indian River EA 27.8492 -80.4554 2 Coastal/Marsh Flat/Water Yes FL99 78.8593 2004-11-03 08:41:33
61 JOT403 403 Joshua Tree NM dom NPS CA San Bernardino PA 34.0714 -116.3906 1244 Desert Complex No CA67 .0448 2004-11-03 08:41:33
62 KEF112 112 Kane Exp. Forest dom EPA PA Elk EA 41.598 -78.7674 622 James City, PA Forest Rolling Yes PA29 .0236 2004-11-03 08:41:33
63 KNZ184 184 Konza Prairie dom EPA KS Riley CE 39.1021 -96.6096 348 Prairie Flat Yes KS31 .0358 2004-11-03 08:41:33
64 KVA428 428 Kobuk Valley NP dm NPS AK AL 67.0931 -157.8689 88 2007-10-11 12:07:04
65 LAV410 410 Lassen Volcanic NP dom NPS CA Shasta PA 40.5403 -121.5764 1756 Forest Complex No CA96 3.1628 2004-11-03 08:41:33
66 LCW121 121 Lilley C. Woods dom EPA KY Letcher EA 37.13 -82.99 335 Roxana, KY Agric Rolling Mixed KY22 5.8578 2004-11-03 08:41:33
67 LIV573 573 Livonia Aerosol i a EPA IN Washington EAno 38.5347 -86.2608 299 Agric Rolling KY19 61.2709 2004-11-03 08:41:33
68 LRL117 117 Laurel Hill dom EPA PA Somerset EA 39.9878 -79.2515 615 Rockwood, PA Forest Complex No MD08 37.6019 2004-11-03 08:41:33
69 LYE145 145 Lye Brook domw EPA VT Bennington EA 43.051 -73.0614 730 Sunderland, VT Forest Mountaintop No VT01 21.2267 2007-10-11 12:07:04
70 LYK123 123 Lykens domp w EPA OH Crawford EA 40.9173 -82.9982 303 Chatfield, OH Agric Flat Mixed OH15 .0347 2004-11-03 08:41:33
71 MAC426 426 Mammoth Cave NP dom NPS KY Edmonson EA 37.1313 -86.148 243 Agric Rolling Mixed KY10 2008-05-14 07:23:59
72 MCK131 131 Mackville dom EPA KY Washington EA 37.7046 -85.0485 353 Mackville, KY Agric Rolling Mixed KY03 .0364 2004-11-03 08:41:33
73 MCK231 231 Mackville Collocated dom EPA KY Washington EA 37.7046 -85.0485 353 Mackville, KY Agric Rolling Mixed KY03 .0364 2004-11-03 08:41:33
74 MEV405 405 Mesa Verde NP dom NPS CO Montezuma MO 37.1983 -108.4903 2165 Forest Complex No CO99 .0222 2004-11-03 08:41:33
75 MKG113 113 M.K. Goddard dom EPA PA Mercer EA 41.4271 -80.1451 384 Hadley, PA Forest Rolling No NY10 115.4666 2004-11-03 08:41:33
76 MKG513 513 M.K. Goddard Aerosol i a EPA PA Mercer EA 41.4271 -80.1451 384 Hadley, PA Forest Rolling NY10 115.4666 2004-11-03 08:41:33
77 MOR409 409 Mount Rainier NP dom NPS WA Pierce PA 46.7583 -122.1244 415 Forest Complex No WA99 .345 2007-10-11 12:07:04
78 NCS415 415 North Cascades NP dom NPS WA Skagit PA 48.5397 -121.4472 109 Forest Complex No WA19 .4873 2008-05-14 07:23:59
79 OLY421 421 Olympic NP dom NPS WA Clallam PA 48.0975 -123.4256 125 Forest Complex No WA14 46.242 2005-10-07 14:29:41
80 ONL102 102 Oak Ridge dom EPA TN Anderson EA 35.96 -84.29 341 Forest Rolling Yes TN00 .2954 2008-05-14 07:23:59
81 OXF122 122 Oxford dom EPA OH Butler EA 39.5327 -84.7286 284 Oxford, OH Agric Rolling No OH09 .4023 2004-11-03 08:41:33
82 PAL190 190 Palo Duro dom EPA TX Armstrong CE 34.8803 -101.6649 1050 Prairie Complex Mixed 2007-06-08 10:24:18
83 PAR107 107 Parsons dom EPA WV Tucker EA 39.0905 -79.6617 510 Parsons, WV Forest Complex No WV18 .0996 2004-11-03 08:41:33
84 PAR207 207 Parsons Collocated dom EPA WV Tucker EA 39.0905 -79.6617 510 Forest Complex No WV18 .0996 2004-11-03 08:41:33
85 PBF129 129 Perryville dom EPA KY Boyle EA 37.68 -84.97 279 Agric Rolling Mixed KY03 7.4263 2004-11-03 08:41:33
86 PED108 108 Prince Edward domp w EPA VA Prince Edward EA 37.1655 -78.3069 150 Green Bay, VA Forest Rolling Mixed VA24 .0333 2004-11-03 08:41:33
87 PET427 427 Petrified Forest dom NPS AZ Navajo MOno 34.8225 -109.8919 1723 Desert Flat No AZ97 2007-10-11 12:07:04
88 PIN414 414 Pinnacles NM dom NPS CA San Benito PA 36.485 -121.1556 335 Forest Complex No CA66 .3516 2004-11-03 08:41:33
89 PND165 165 Pinedale dom EPA WY Sublette MO 42.9288 -109.788 2388 Freemont Lake South, WY Forest Rolling Mixed WY06 .1066 2004-11-03 08:41:33
90 PNF126 126 Cranberry dom w EPA NC Avery EA 36.1058 -82.0454 1219 Carber's Gap, NC Forest Mountaintop Mixed NC45 46.7396 2004-11-03 08:41:33
91 POF425 425 Poker Flats, Yukon Flats NM dm NPS AK Fairbanks North Star AL 65.1178 -147.4333 495 Livengood, AK Forest Complex No AK01 4.5359 2004-11-03 08:41:33
92 PRK134 134 Perkinstown domp w EPA WI Taylor CE 45.2066 -90.5969 472 Perkinstown, WI Agric Rolling Mixed WI35 .0741 2004-11-03 08:41:33
93 PSU106 106 Penn State dom EPA PA Centre EA 40.7208 -77.9319 378 Pine Grove Mills, PA Agric Rolling Mixed PA42 7.1195 2004-11-03 08:41:33
94 QAK172 172 Quaker City dom EPA OH Noble EA 39.9428 -81.3373 372 Agric Rolling Mixed OH49 23.5039 2004-11-03 08:41:33
95 QAK272 272 Quaker City Collocated a EPA OH Noble EA 39.9428 -81.3373 372 Agric Rolling OH49 23.5039 2004-11-03 08:41:33
96 QAK572 572 Quaker City Aerosol i an EPA OH Noble EA 39.9428 -81.3373 372 Agric Rolling OH49 23.5039 2004-11-03 08:41:33
97 RCK163 163 Reynolds Creek dom EPA ID Owyhee MO 43.21 -116.75 1198 Silver City, ID Range Rolling Mixed ID11 .5287 2004-11-03 08:41:33
98 RCK263 263 Reynolds Creek Collocated dom EPA ID Owyhee MO 43.21 -116.75 1198 Range Rolling Mixed ID11 .5287 2004-11-03 08:41:33
99 ROM206 206 Rocky Mtn NP Collocated dom EPA CO Larimer MO 40.2778 -105.5453 2804 Forest Complex No CO98 9.9672 2004-11-03 08:41:33
100 ROM406 406 Rocky Mtn NP dom NPS CO Larimer MO 40.2778 -105.5453 2743 Forest Complex No CO98 9.9672 2004-11-03 08:41:33
101 RTP101 101 Res. Triangle Pk. domr EPA NC Durham EA 35.91 -78.88 91 Urban Rolling No NC41 27.0509 2007-10-11 12:07:04
102 SAL133 133 Salamonie Reservoir dom EPA IN Wabash EAno 40.816 -85.6611 250 Lagro, IN Agric Flat Yes IN20 16.713 2004-11-03 08:41:33
103 SAN189 189 Santee Sioux dom EPA NE Knox CE 42.8292 -97.854 429 Range Rolling Yes SD99 173.8717 2006-09-20 10:35:45
104 SAV164 164 Saval Ranch dom EPA NV Elko PA 41.29 -115.86 1873 Mahala Creek East, NV Forest Rolling Mixed NV01 .8348 2004-11-03 08:41:33
105 SCR180 180 Scotia Range dmw EPA PA Centre EA 40.7884 -77.9464 376 Pine Grove Mills, PA Forest Rolling PA15 .0516 2004-11-03 08:41:33
106 SEK402 402 Sequoia NP - Lookout Pt dom NPS CA Tulare PA 36.4292 -118.7625 1225 Forest Mountaintop No CA75 15.4801 2005-10-07 14:29:41
107 SEK430 430 Sequoia NP - Ash Mountain dom NPS CA Tulare PA 36.4894 -118.8228 457 Forest Mountaintop No CA75 9.5779 2005-10-07 14:25:29
108 SHN418 418 Shenandoah NP - Big Meadows dom NPS VA Madison EA 38.5231 -78.4347 1073 Big Meadows, VA Forest Mountaintop Mixed VA28 .1165 2004-11-03 08:41:33
109 SHN518 518 Shenandoah NP - Big Meadows Aerosol a EPA VA Madison EA 38.5231 -78.4347 1073 Big Meadows, VA Forest Mountaintop VA28 .1165 2004-11-03 08:41:33
110 SIK270 270 Sikes Collocated a EPA LA Winn CE 32.0575 -92.4353 68 Agric Flat AR02 175.4986 2009-08-05 15:38:28
111 SIK570 570 Sikes Aerosol i an EPA LA Winn CE 32.0575 -92.4353 68 Sikes, LA Agric Flat AR02 175.4986 2009-08-05 15:38:28
112 SND152 152 Sand Mountain dom EPA AL DeKalb CE 34.2888 -85.9698 352 Crossville, AL Agric Rolling Yes AL99 .024 2004-11-03 08:41:33
113 SPD111 111 Speedwell domp w EPA TN Claiborne EA 36.47 -83.8268 361 Ausmus, TN Agric Rolling Mixed TN04 .0967 2004-11-03 08:41:33
114 STK138 138 Stockton dom EPA IL Jo Daviess CE 42.2869 -89.9997 274 Stockton, IL Agric Rolling Mixed IL18 106.7481 2004-11-03 08:41:33
115 SUM156 156 Sumatra domp w EPA FL Liberty EA 30.1103 -84.9903 14 Sumatra, FL Forest Flat Yes FL23 .1773 2004-11-03 08:41:33
116 SUM256 256 Sumatra Collocated dom EPA FL Liberty EA 30.1103 -84.9903 14 Forest Flat Yes FL23 .1773 2004-11-03 08:41:33
117 THR422 422 Theodore Roosevelt NP dom NPS ND Billings MO 46.8947 -103.3778 850 Forest Rolling Mixed ND00 .0076 2004-11-03 08:41:33
118 UIN162 162 Uinta domw EPA UT Duchesne MO 40.55 -110.32 2500 Burnt Mill Spring, UT Range Complex No UT08 108.9817 2004-11-03 08:41:33
119 UVL124 124 Unionville domp w EPA MI Tuscola EA 43.6138 -83.3591 201 Ellington, MI Agric Flat Yes MI51 .1122 2004-11-03 08:41:33
120 VII423 423 Virgin Islands NP - Lind Pt dom NPS VI St. John AT 18.3364 -64.7964 80 Forest Complex No VI01 0 2004-11-03 08:41:33
121 VIN140 140 Vincennes dom EPA IN Knox EAno 38.7408 -87.4853 134 Fritchton, IN Agric Rolling Mixed IN22 .0171 2004-11-03 08:41:33
122 VOY413 413 Voyageurs NP dom NPS MN St. Louis CE 48.4128 -92.8292 429 Forest Rolling Mixed MN32 0 2004-11-03 08:41:33
123 VPI120 120 Horton Station domp EPA VA Giles EA 37.3297 -80.5578 920 Eggleston, VA Agric Mountaintop No VA13 .1924 2008-05-14 07:23:59
124 WEL149 149 Wellston dom EPA MI Wexford EA 44.2249 -85.8198 295 Wellston, MI Forest Flat Yes MI53 .1232 2004-11-03 08:41:33
125 WFM105 105 Whiteface Mountain dom EPA NY Essex EA 44.39 -73.86 570 Wilmington, NY Forest Complex No NY98 .3707 2004-11-03 08:41:33
126 WNC429 429 Wind Cave NP dm NPS SD Custer MO 43.5578 -103.4839 1292 Prairie Rolling Mixed 2007-10-11 12:07:04
127 WPA103 103 West Point A dom EPA NY Orange EA 41.35 -74.05 203 Forest Complex No NY99 .1471 2004-11-03 08:41:33
128 WPB104 104 West Point B dom EPA NY Orange EA 41.35 -74.05 203 Popolopen Lake, NY Forest Complex No NY99 .1471 2004-11-03 08:41:33
129 WSP144 144 Wash. Crossing dom EPA NJ Mercer EA 40.3125 -74.8729 61 Pennington, NJ Range Rolling Mixed NJ99 1.5591 2004-11-03 08:41:33
130 WST109 109 Woodstock dom EPA NH Grafton EA 43.945 -71.7008 258 Woodstock, NH Forest Complex No NH02 .2913 2004-11-03 08:41:33
131 YEL408 408 Yellowstone NP dom NPS WY Teton MO 44.5597 -110.4006 2400 Agric Rolling No WY08 39.8359 2004-11-03 08:41:33
132 YOS404 404 Yosemite NP - Turtleback Dome dom NPS CA Mariposa PA 37.7133 -119.7061 1605 Forest Complex No CA99 16.1891 2004-11-03 08:41:33

View File

@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
name guid id key
Abraham Lincoln #9202a8c04000641f8000000000003bcf /en/abraham_lincoln Abraham_Lincoln
Andrew Jackson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000005e5e /en/andrew_jackson Andrew_Jackson
Andrew Johnson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000005e6e /en/andrew_johnson Andrew_Johnson
Bill Clinton #9202a8c04000641f80000000000094f3 /en/bill_clinton Bill_Clinton
Benjamin Harrison #9202a8c04000641f800000000000a8c1 /en/benjamin_harrison Benjamin_Harrison
Chester A. Arthur #9202a8c04000641f800000000000e942 /en/chester_a_arthur Chester_A$002E_Arthur
Calvin Coolidge #9202a8c04000641f800000000000e952 /en/calvin_coolidge Calvin_Coolidge
Dwight D. Eisenhower #9202a8c04000641f80000000000122f1 /en/dwight_d_eisenhower Dwight_D$002E_Eisenhower
Franklin D. Roosevelt #9202a8c04000641f80000000000177a8 /en/franklin_d_roosevelt Franklin_D$002E_Roosevelt
Franklin Pierce #9202a8c04000641f80000000000178a1 /en/franklin_pierce Franklin_Pierce
George H. W. Bush #9202a8c04000641f8000000000019258 /en/george_h_w_bush George_H$002E_W$002E_Bush
George Washington #9202a8c04000641f80000000000192ec /en/george_washington George_Washington
Grover Cleveland #9202a8c04000641f800000000001a368 /en/grover_cleveland Grover_Cleveland
Herbert Hoover #9202a8c04000641f800000000001c592 /en/herbert_hoover Herbert_Hoover
John Adams #9202a8c04000641f800000000001fe18 /en/john_adams John_Adams
John Quincy Adams #9202a8c04000641f800000000001fe96 /en/john_quincy_adams John_Quincy_Adams
James Madison #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020893 /en/james_madison James_Madison
James Monroe #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020981 /en/james_monroe James_Monroe
John Tyler #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020991 /en/john_tyler John_Tyler
James K. Polk #9202a8c04000641f80000000000209a1 /en/james_k_polk James_K$002E_Polk
James Buchanan #9202a8c04000641f80000000000209b1 /en/james_buchanan James_Buchanan
Jimmy Carter #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020a2e /en/jimmy_carter Jimmy_Carter
Martin Van Buren #9202a8c04000641f8000000000027c13 /en/martin_van_buren Martin_Van_Buren
Millard Fillmore #9202a8c04000641f8000000000027c23 /en/millard_fillmore Millard_Fillmore
Ronald Reagan #9202a8c04000641f8000000000032c10 /en/ronald_reagan Ronald_Reagan
Richard Nixon #9202a8c04000641f8000000000032d27 /en/richard_nixon Richard_Nixon
Rutherford B. Hayes #9202a8c04000641f8000000000033882 /en/rutherford_b_hayes Rutherford_B$002E_Hayes
Thomas Jefferson #9202a8c04000641f800000000003ad58 /en/thomas_jefferson Thomas_Jefferson
Theodore Roosevelt #9202a8c04000641f800000000003bfb1 /en/theodore_roosevelt Theodore_Roosevelt
Ulysses S. Grant #9202a8c04000641f800000000003e451 /en/ulysses_s_grant Ulysses_S$002E_Grant
Warren G. Harding #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040726 /en/warren_g_harding Warren_G$002E_Harding
William Henry Harrison #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040cb6 /en/william_henry_harrison William_Henry_Harrison
William McKinley #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040ea7 /en/william_mckinley William_McKinley
William Howard Taft #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040eb7 /en/william_howard_taft William_Howard_Taft
Woodrow Wilson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040ec7 /en/woodrow_wilson Woodrow_Wilson
Zachary Taylor #9202a8c04000641f80000000000424a9 /en/zachary_taylor Zachary_Taylor
James Garfield #9202a8c04000641f800000000005085b /en/james_garfield James_Garfield
Lyndon B. Johnson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000069dbd /en/lyndon_b_johnson Lyndon_B$002E_Johnson
Barack Obama #9202a8c04000641f800000000029c277 /en/barack_obama Barack_Obama
George W. Bush #9202a8c04000641f8000000000951bd7 /en/george_w_bush George_W$002E_Bush
Harry S. Truman #9202a8c04000641f8000000000953892 /en/harry_s_truman Harry_S$002E_Truman
Gerald Ford #9202a8c04000641f8000000000bfcd9f /en/gerald_ford Gerald_Ford
name guid id key
Abraham Lincoln #9202a8c04000641f8000000000003bcf /en/abraham_lincoln Abraham_Lincoln
Andrew Jackson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000005e5e /en/andrew_jackson Andrew_Jackson
Andrew Johnson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000005e6e /en/andrew_johnson Andrew_Johnson
Bill Clinton #9202a8c04000641f80000000000094f3 /en/bill_clinton Bill_Clinton
Benjamin Harrison #9202a8c04000641f800000000000a8c1 /en/benjamin_harrison Benjamin_Harrison
Chester A. Arthur #9202a8c04000641f800000000000e942 /en/chester_a_arthur Chester_A$002E_Arthur
Calvin Coolidge #9202a8c04000641f800000000000e952 /en/calvin_coolidge Calvin_Coolidge
Dwight D. Eisenhower #9202a8c04000641f80000000000122f1 /en/dwight_d_eisenhower Dwight_D$002E_Eisenhower
Franklin D. Roosevelt #9202a8c04000641f80000000000177a8 /en/franklin_d_roosevelt Franklin_D$002E_Roosevelt
Franklin Pierce #9202a8c04000641f80000000000178a1 /en/franklin_pierce Franklin_Pierce
George H. W. Bush #9202a8c04000641f8000000000019258 /en/george_h_w_bush George_H$002E_W$002E_Bush
George Washington #9202a8c04000641f80000000000192ec /en/george_washington George_Washington
Grover Cleveland #9202a8c04000641f800000000001a368 /en/grover_cleveland Grover_Cleveland
Herbert Hoover #9202a8c04000641f800000000001c592 /en/herbert_hoover Herbert_Hoover
John Adams #9202a8c04000641f800000000001fe18 /en/john_adams John_Adams
John Quincy Adams #9202a8c04000641f800000000001fe96 /en/john_quincy_adams John_Quincy_Adams
James Madison #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020893 /en/james_madison James_Madison
James Monroe #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020981 /en/james_monroe James_Monroe
John Tyler #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020991 /en/john_tyler John_Tyler
James K. Polk #9202a8c04000641f80000000000209a1 /en/james_k_polk James_K$002E_Polk
James Buchanan #9202a8c04000641f80000000000209b1 /en/james_buchanan James_Buchanan
Jimmy Carter #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020a2e /en/jimmy_carter Jimmy_Carter
Martin Van Buren #9202a8c04000641f8000000000027c13 /en/martin_van_buren Martin_Van_Buren
Millard Fillmore #9202a8c04000641f8000000000027c23 /en/millard_fillmore Millard_Fillmore
Ronald Reagan #9202a8c04000641f8000000000032c10 /en/ronald_reagan Ronald_Reagan
Richard Nixon #9202a8c04000641f8000000000032d27 /en/richard_nixon Richard_Nixon
Rutherford B. Hayes #9202a8c04000641f8000000000033882 /en/rutherford_b_hayes Rutherford_B$002E_Hayes
Thomas Jefferson #9202a8c04000641f800000000003ad58 /en/thomas_jefferson Thomas_Jefferson
Theodore Roosevelt #9202a8c04000641f800000000003bfb1 /en/theodore_roosevelt Theodore_Roosevelt
Ulysses S. Grant #9202a8c04000641f800000000003e451 /en/ulysses_s_grant Ulysses_S$002E_Grant
Warren G. Harding #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040726 /en/warren_g_harding Warren_G$002E_Harding
William Henry Harrison #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040cb6 /en/william_henry_harrison William_Henry_Harrison
William McKinley #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040ea7 /en/william_mckinley William_McKinley
William Howard Taft #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040eb7 /en/william_howard_taft William_Howard_Taft
Woodrow Wilson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040ec7 /en/woodrow_wilson Woodrow_Wilson
Zachary Taylor #9202a8c04000641f80000000000424a9 /en/zachary_taylor Zachary_Taylor
James Garfield #9202a8c04000641f800000000005085b /en/james_garfield James_Garfield
Lyndon B. Johnson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000069dbd /en/lyndon_b_johnson Lyndon_B$002E_Johnson
Barack Obama #9202a8c04000641f800000000029c277 /en/barack_obama Barack_Obama
George W. Bush #9202a8c04000641f8000000000951bd7 /en/george_w_bush George_W$002E_Bush
Harry S. Truman #9202a8c04000641f8000000000953892 /en/harry_s_truman Harry_S$002E_Truman
Gerald Ford #9202a8c04000641f8000000000bfcd9f /en/gerald_ford Gerald_Ford
John F. Kennedy #9202a8c04000641f8000000000c1c424 /en/john_f_kennedy John_F$002E_Kennedy
1 name guid id key
2 Abraham Lincoln #9202a8c04000641f8000000000003bcf /en/abraham_lincoln Abraham_Lincoln
3 Andrew Jackson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000005e5e /en/andrew_jackson Andrew_Jackson
4 Andrew Johnson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000005e6e /en/andrew_johnson Andrew_Johnson
5 Bill Clinton #9202a8c04000641f80000000000094f3 /en/bill_clinton Bill_Clinton
6 Benjamin Harrison #9202a8c04000641f800000000000a8c1 /en/benjamin_harrison Benjamin_Harrison
7 Chester A. Arthur #9202a8c04000641f800000000000e942 /en/chester_a_arthur Chester_A$002E_Arthur
8 Calvin Coolidge #9202a8c04000641f800000000000e952 /en/calvin_coolidge Calvin_Coolidge
9 Dwight D. Eisenhower #9202a8c04000641f80000000000122f1 /en/dwight_d_eisenhower Dwight_D$002E_Eisenhower
10 Franklin D. Roosevelt #9202a8c04000641f80000000000177a8 /en/franklin_d_roosevelt Franklin_D$002E_Roosevelt
11 Franklin Pierce #9202a8c04000641f80000000000178a1 /en/franklin_pierce Franklin_Pierce
12 George H. W. Bush #9202a8c04000641f8000000000019258 /en/george_h_w_bush George_H002EW002E_Bush
13 George Washington #9202a8c04000641f80000000000192ec /en/george_washington George_Washington
14 Grover Cleveland #9202a8c04000641f800000000001a368 /en/grover_cleveland Grover_Cleveland
15 Herbert Hoover #9202a8c04000641f800000000001c592 /en/herbert_hoover Herbert_Hoover
16 John Adams #9202a8c04000641f800000000001fe18 /en/john_adams John_Adams
17 John Quincy Adams #9202a8c04000641f800000000001fe96 /en/john_quincy_adams John_Quincy_Adams
18 James Madison #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020893 /en/james_madison James_Madison
19 James Monroe #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020981 /en/james_monroe James_Monroe
20 John Tyler #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020991 /en/john_tyler John_Tyler
21 James K. Polk #9202a8c04000641f80000000000209a1 /en/james_k_polk James_K$002E_Polk
22 James Buchanan #9202a8c04000641f80000000000209b1 /en/james_buchanan James_Buchanan
23 Jimmy Carter #9202a8c04000641f8000000000020a2e /en/jimmy_carter Jimmy_Carter
24 Martin Van Buren #9202a8c04000641f8000000000027c13 /en/martin_van_buren Martin_Van_Buren
25 Millard Fillmore #9202a8c04000641f8000000000027c23 /en/millard_fillmore Millard_Fillmore
26 Ronald Reagan #9202a8c04000641f8000000000032c10 /en/ronald_reagan Ronald_Reagan
27 Richard Nixon #9202a8c04000641f8000000000032d27 /en/richard_nixon Richard_Nixon
28 Rutherford B. Hayes #9202a8c04000641f8000000000033882 /en/rutherford_b_hayes Rutherford_B$002E_Hayes
29 Thomas Jefferson #9202a8c04000641f800000000003ad58 /en/thomas_jefferson Thomas_Jefferson
30 Theodore Roosevelt #9202a8c04000641f800000000003bfb1 /en/theodore_roosevelt Theodore_Roosevelt
31 Ulysses S. Grant #9202a8c04000641f800000000003e451 /en/ulysses_s_grant Ulysses_S$002E_Grant
32 Warren G. Harding #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040726 /en/warren_g_harding Warren_G$002E_Harding
33 William Henry Harrison #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040cb6 /en/william_henry_harrison William_Henry_Harrison
34 William McKinley #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040ea7 /en/william_mckinley William_McKinley
35 William Howard Taft #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040eb7 /en/william_howard_taft William_Howard_Taft
36 Woodrow Wilson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000040ec7 /en/woodrow_wilson Woodrow_Wilson
37 Zachary Taylor #9202a8c04000641f80000000000424a9 /en/zachary_taylor Zachary_Taylor
38 James Garfield #9202a8c04000641f800000000005085b /en/james_garfield James_Garfield
39 Lyndon B. Johnson #9202a8c04000641f8000000000069dbd /en/lyndon_b_johnson Lyndon_B$002E_Johnson
40 Barack Obama #9202a8c04000641f800000000029c277 /en/barack_obama Barack_Obama
41 George W. Bush #9202a8c04000641f8000000000951bd7 /en/george_w_bush George_W$002E_Bush
42 Harry S. Truman #9202a8c04000641f8000000000953892 /en/harry_s_truman Harry_S$002E_Truman
43 Gerald Ford #9202a8c04000641f8000000000bfcd9f /en/gerald_ford Gerald_Ford
44 John F. Kennedy #9202a8c04000641f8000000000c1c424 /en/john_f_kennedy John_F$002E_Kennedy

View File

@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
var test_facets = new function() {
// test opening Food project
this.test_open_project = [
action("click", { link: "Food" } ),
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assert("gw_row_count", "7413" )
// create text facet from 1st word of Short Description
this.test_facet_creation = [
var test_facets = new function() {
// test opening Food project
this.test_open_project = [
action("click", { link: "Food" } ),
action("waits.forPageLoad", { timeout: "20000" } ),
assert("gw_row_count", "7413" )
// create text facet from 1st word of Short Description
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action("gw_wait4menuitem", { name: 'Custom Text Facet' } ),
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action("waits.forElement", { jquery: '("td:contains(\'value.split\')")[0]' } ),
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action("type", { jquery: '(".expression-preview-code")[0]', text: "value.split(',')[0]" } ),
action("waits.forElement", { jquery: '("td:contains(\'value.split\')")[0]' } ),
action("click", { jquery: '("button:contains(\'OK\')")[0]' } )
// test created facet
// test created facet
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action("waits.forElement", { jquery: '(".ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]' } ),
action("waits.forElement", { jquery: '(".ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]' } ),
// sort the facet by count and test the result
// sort the facet by count and test the result
this.test_sorted_facet = [
action("click", { jquery: '(".ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]' } ),
action("waits.forElement", { jquery: '(".ui-state-active .ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]' } ),
action("click", { jquery: '(".ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]' } ),
action("waits.forElement", { jquery: '(".ui-state-active .ui-button-text:contains(\'count\')")[0]' } ),