diff --git a/main/webapp/modules/core/langs/translation-zh.json b/main/webapp/modules/core/langs/translation-zh.json
index 15157ce0e..4a43191d0 100644
--- a/main/webapp/modules/core/langs/translation-zh.json
+++ b/main/webapp/modules/core/langs/translation-zh.json
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
"column-names": "列名:",
"comma-separated": "逗号分隔的数字们",
"optional-separated": "可选,以逗号分隔",
- "warning-record-path": "Please specify a record path first.",
+ "warning-record-path": "请首先指定一个记录路径.",
"pick-nodes": "摘选记录节点",
"char-encoding": "字符编码"
@@ -141,26 +141,26 @@
"try-another-method": "请尝试上面的其他操作或者修改操作的参数",
"clustering": "簇集中... ",
"warning-check-boxes": "必须选中某些 `编辑?` 列的复选框来应用你的编辑 ",
- "choices-in-cluster": "# 簇中的选择",
+ "choices-in-cluster": "# 簇中的可选择数",
"rows-in-cluster": "# 簇中的行数",
- "choice-avg-length": "Average Length of Choices",
- "choice-var-length": "Length Variance of Choices",
- "found": "found",
- "filtered-from": "filtered from ",
- "from-total": " total",
+ "choice-avg-length": "选择的平均长度",
+ "choice-var-length": "选择的长度变化",
+ "found": "被发现",
+ "filtered-from": "筛选自",
+ "from-total": " 个中",
"cluster-descr": "This feature helps you find groups of different cell values that might be alternative representations of the same thing. For example, the two strings \"New York\" and \"new york\" are very likely to refer to the same concept and just have capitalization differences, and \"Gödel\" and \"Godel\" probably refer to the same person.",
- "find-more": "Find out more ...",
- "method": "Method ",
- "key-collision": "key collision",
- "nearest-neighbor": "nearest neighbor",
- "keying-function": "Keying Function ",
- "fingerprint": "fingerprint",
- "ngram": "ngram-fingerprint",
- "metaphone": "metaphone3",
- "phonetic": "cologne-phonetic",
- "distance-fun": "Distance Function ",
- "leven": "levenshtein",
- "ppm" : "PPM",
+ "find-more": "查看更多信息 ...",
+ "method": "方法 ",
+ "key-collision": "关键词碰接",
+ "nearest-neighbor": "就近原则",
+ "keying-function": "关键词算法",
+ "fingerprint": "指纹分类算法",
+ "ngram": "ngram-指纹分类算法",
+ "metaphone": "metaphone3算法",
+ "phonetic": "cologne-phonetic算法",
+ "distance-fun": "距离算法",
+ "leven": "levenshtein算法",
+ "ppm" : "PPM算法",
"ngram-size": "Ngram Size ",
"ngram-radius": "Radius ",
"block-chars": "Block Chars ",
@@ -194,17 +194,17 @@
"row-index": "The current row's index. This is a shortcut for 'row.index'.",
"returns": "returns",
"from": "From",
- "expression": "Expression",
- "reuse": "Reuse",
- "remove": "Remove",
- "error": "Error",
- "no-syntax-err": "No syntax error",
- "internal-err": "Internal error",
- "language": "Language",
- "preview": "Preview",
- "history": "History",
- "starred": "Starred",
- "help": "Help",
+ "expression": "表达式",
+ "reuse": "重用",
+ "remove": "移除",
+ "error": "错误",
+ "no-syntax-err": "没有语法错误",
+ "internal-err": "内部异常",
+ "language": "语言",
+ "preview": "预览",
+ "history": "历史",
+ "starred": "星标",
+ "help": "帮助",
"opt-code-applied": "Option code successfully applied.",
"error-apply-code": "Error applying option code",
"custom-tab-exp": "Custom Tabular Exporter",
@@ -286,16 +286,16 @@
"numeric": "Numeric"
"core-project": {
- "open": "Open",
- "permalink": "Permalink",
- "export": "Export",
- "help": "Help",
- "starting": "Starting up",
- "facet-filter": "Facet / Filter",
- "undo-redo": "Undo / Redo",
- "extensions": "Extensions",
- "proj-name": "Click to rename project",
- "use-facets": "Using facets and filters",
+ "open": "打开",
+ "permalink": "永久地址",
+ "export": "导出",
+ "help": "帮助",
+ "starting": "启动",
+ "facet-filter": "归类 / 过滤器",
+ "undo-redo": "撤销 / 重做",
+ "extensions": "扩展",
+ "proj-name": "单击以重命名",
+ "use-facets": "使用归类和过滤器",
"use-to-select": "Use facets and filters to select subsets of your data to act on. Choose facet and filter methods from the menus at the top of each data column.",
"not-sure": "Not sure how to get started?",
"watch-cast": "Watch these screencasts",
@@ -336,34 +336,34 @@
"undo": "撤销"
"core-recon": {
- "access": "Access",
- "service-api": "Service API",
- "cell-type": "Reconcile each cell to an entity of one of these types",
- "col-detail": "Also use relevant details from other columns",
- "against-type": "Reconcile against type",
- "no-type": "Reconcile against no particular type",
- "auto-match": "Auto-match candidates with high confidence",
- "warning-type-sugg": "Sorry, we can't suggest any type for your data. Please specify a type yourself below.",
- "column": "Column",
- "include": "Include",
- "as-property": "As Property",
- "contact-service": "Contacting reconciliation service",
- "error-contact": "Error contacting recon service",
- "fb-recon": "Freebase Query-based Reconciliation",
- "recon-col": "Reconcile column",
- "pick-service": "Pick a Service or Extension on Left",
- "add-recon-srv": "Add Namespaced Reconciliation Service",
- "namespace": "Namespace",
- "ent-type": "Type of Entities (optional)",
- "add-std-srv": "Add Standard Reconciliation Service",
- "enter-url": "Enter the service's URL",
- "specify-ns": "Please specify a namespace.",
- "cell-contains": "Each cell contains:",
+ "access": "访问",
+ "service-api": "服务API",
+ "cell-type": "将各个单元格搭配到下列类型的一个实例上",
+ "col-detail": "同时使用其他列中的相关信息",
+ "against-type": "使用后面的类型",
+ "no-type": "不指定,任意匹配",
+ "auto-match": "自动匹配高质量的候选类型",
+ "warning-type-sugg": "抱歉,未能为你的数据找到相应的类型,请指定Sorry, we can't suggest any type for your data. Please specify a type yourself below.",
+ "column": "列",
+ "include": "包含在内",
+ "as-property": "作为属性",
+ "contact-service": "正在访问搭配服务",
+ "error-contact": "在访问搭配服务时出现异常",
+ "fb-recon": "基于query的Freebase搭配",
+ "recon-col": "搭配列",
+ "pick-service": "在左侧选择一个服务或扩展",
+ "add-recon-srv": "添加具命名空间的搭配服务",
+ "namespace": "命名空间",
+ "ent-type": "实体类型 (可选)",
+ "add-std-srv": "添加标准搭配服务",
+ "enter-url": "键入一个服务的URL",
+ "specify-ns": "请指定一个命名空间.",
+ "cell-contains": "各个包含以下内容的单元格:",
"fb-id": "a Freebase ID, e.g., /en/solar_system",
"fb-guid": "a Freebase GUID, e.g., #9202a8c04000641f80000000000354ae",
"fb-key": "a Freebase key in",
- "fb-en-ns": "the Wikipedia English namespace",
- "this-ns": "this namespace:",
+ "fb-en-ns": "英文维基命名空间",
+ "this-ns": "该命名空间:",
"max-candidates" : "Maximum number of candidates to return"
@@ -386,62 +386,62 @@
"invalid-date": "日期字符串格式错误"
"core-views": {
- "edit-cell": "Edit this cell",
- "choose-match": "Choose new match",
+ "edit-cell": "编辑这个单元格",
+ "choose-match": "选择新的匹配",
"match-all-cells": "Match this topic to this and all identical cells",
"match-this-cell": "Match this topic to this cell",
- "create-topic-cells": "Create a new topic for this and all identical cells",
- "create-topic-cell": "Create a new topic for this cell",
- "create-topic": "Create new topic",
- "search-match": "Search for match",
- "not-valid-number": "Not a valid number.",
- "not-valid-date": "Not a valid date.",
- "match-this": "Match this cell only",
- "match-other": "Match other cells with same content",
- "search-for": "Search for",
- "match-cell": "Match this Cell",
- "match-identical": "Match All Identical Cells",
- "matched": "matched",
- "new": "new",
+ "create-topic-cells": "为该单元格及与其相同的单元格创建主题",
+ "create-topic-cell": "为这个单元格创建新主题",
+ "create-topic": "创建新主题",
+ "search-match": "检索以匹配",
+ "not-valid-number": "非法的数值.",
+ "not-valid-date": "非法的日期值.",
+ "match-this": "只匹配这个单元格",
+ "match-other": "匹配其他具有相同内容的单元格",
+ "search-for": "搜索",
+ "match-cell": "匹配这个单元格",
+ "match-identical": "匹配所有相同单元格",
+ "matched": "已匹配",
+ "new": "新",
"to-be-recon": "to be reconciled",
- "facet": "Facet",
- "edit-cells": "Edit cells",
- "edit-column": "Edit column",
- "transpose": "Transpose",
- "sort": "Sort",
- "collapse-expand": "Collapse/expand columns to make viewing the data more convenient",
- "collapse-this": "Collapse this column",
- "collapse-other": "Collapse all other columns",
- "collapse-left": "Collapse all columns to left",
- "collapse-right": "Collapse all columns to right",
- "reconcile": "Reconcile",
+ "facet": "归类",
+ "edit-cells": "编辑单元格",
+ "edit-column": "编辑列",
+ "transpose": "变换",
+ "sort": "排序",
+ "collapse-expand": "收起/展开列以更舒适的查看数据",
+ "collapse-this": "收起该列",
+ "collapse-other": "收起所有其他列",
+ "collapse-left": "收起左侧列",
+ "collapse-right": "收起右侧列",
+ "reconcile": "搭配",
"match-fb": "Match this column's cells to topics on Freebase",
- "reverse": "Reverse",
- "remove-sort": "Remove sort",
- "sort-by": "Sort by",
- "sort-cell": "Sort cell values as",
- "pos-blank": "Position blanks and errors",
- "text": "text",
- "case-sensitive": "case-sensitive",
- "numbers": "numbers",
- "dates": "dates",
- "booleans": "booleans",
- "drag-drop": "Drag and drop to re-order",
+ "reverse": "反转",
+ "remove-sort": "不排序",
+ "sort-by": "排序,按照",
+ "sort-cell": "排序,将单元格数据作为",
+ "pos-blank": "空白及错误处",
+ "text": "文本",
+ "case-sensitive": "大小写敏感",
+ "numbers": "数字",
+ "dates": "日期",
+ "booleans": "布尔",
+ "drag-drop": "拖拽以重新排序",
"forward": "forward",
- "sort-by-col": "sort by this column alone",
- "smallest-first": "smallest first",
- "largest-first": "largest first",
- "earliest-first": "earliest first",
- "latest-first": "latest first",
- "false-true": "false then true",
- "true-fasle": "true then false",
- "valid-values": "Valid values",
- "blanks": "Blanks",
- "errors": "Errors",
- "search-fb-topic": "Search Freebase for a topic to match all filtered cells:",
- "copy-recon-judg": "Copy recon judgments from column",
- "copy-to-col": "Copy to Columns",
- "copy-opt": "Copying Options",
+ "sort-by-col": "仅按此列排序",
+ "smallest-first": "从小到大",
+ "largest-first": "从大到小",
+ "earliest-first": "从早到晚",
+ "latest-first": "从晚到早",
+ "false-true": "先假后真",
+ "true-fasle": "先真后假",
+ "valid-values": "合法值",
+ "blanks": "空白",
+ "errors": "错误",
+ "search-fb-topic": "在Freebase中寻找与筛选后的单元格相匹配的主题:",
+ "copy-recon-judg": "复制预判,从列",
+ "copy-to-col": "复制到列",
+ "copy-opt": "复制选项",
"apply-to-cell": "Apply to judged cells",
"what-to-copy": "What to copy:",
"new-recon": "new recon judgments",
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
"prepend-name": "prepend the original column's name to each cell",
"follow-by": "followed by",
"before-val": "before the cell's value",
- "ignore-blank": "Ignore blank cells",
+ "ignore-blank": "忽略空白单元格",
"fill-other": "Fill down in other columns",
"spec-new-name": "Please specify the new key column's name.",
"spec-new-val": "Please specify the new value column's name.",
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@
"date": "日期",
"ctrl-enter": "Ctrl-Enter",
"rows": "行",
- "records": "数据记录",
+ "records": "记录",
"show": "显示"
"core-buttons": {
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@
"next": "下一步 »",
"add-url": "添加另一个URL",
"update-preview": "更新预览",
- "pick-record": "选择数据元素",
+ "pick-record": "选择记录",
"merge-cluster": "合并选中 & 重新簇集",
"merge-close": "合并选中 & 关闭",
"close": "关闭",
@@ -657,9 +657,9 @@
"perform-op": "执行这些操作",
"add-std-svc": "添加标准服务",
"add-named-svc": "添加命名空间服务",
- "start-recon": "开始调和",
+ "start-recon": "开始搭配",
"add-service": "添加服务",
- "dont-reconcile": "不要调和单元格",
+ "dont-reconcile": "不搭配单元格",
"new-topic": "新主题",
"match": "匹配",
"copy": "复制",