CSVRowParserTests is now tidied - with expected and actual being input into the correct parameters of Assert.assertEquals. One more test passes, but still 2 tests failing.
git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@792 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874
Touched up TsvCsvImporterTests to leave the comma vs. tab guessing to the importer itself. All tests still pass.
git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@790 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874
- use OpenCSV parser instead of our own
- use TestNG instead of JUnit which is a lot more configurable in test selection (and allows us to do a much better job a leaving the tree green even while developing tests that are known to fail)
- integrated TestNG in './gridworks test'
- added Iain to the list of contributors in README.txt
- changed the Eclipse test launch file to use the TestNG launcher (unfortunately, this is not shipped by default in Eclipse, so you have to install it yourself from the http://beust.com/eclipse update file, I'll add this to the wiki shortly)
git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@782 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874
CommandTests and CancelProcessesCommandTests are slightly formatted to match code standards.
Command and CancelProcessesCommand are slightly tweaked to pass under all unit tests.
git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@753 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874
(also added a test-specific log4j conf so that we don't show all the warnings during the tests that were distracting)
git-svn-id: http://google-refine.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@744 7d457c2a-affb-35e4-300a-418c747d4874