157: "Huella" according to my colleagues is the way they used that term in Big Data.
158: "Huella del n-grma" same as 157.
456 to 465: for an easy reading I made some adjustments in the “menu” and in the “best-cand” options.
516: “Tiempo entre consultas” sounds better, because throttle-delay tells OpenRefine to wait the specified number of milliseconds between URL requests.
- refactor LoadLanguageCommand so language loading can be reused
- add GetLanguagesCommand for the server
- change GUI to fetch language list and update selection list with it
- make all file loading relative to module base
- move core language files into appropriate place
- eliminate all SetLanguage commands and use SetPreference instead
- eliminate all LoadLanguage commands except for core's
- fix duplicate keys in JSON language files
- remove BOM from JSON language files
OPEN - task 760: Translations not being loaded from built kit