function RangeFacet(div, config, options) { this._div = div; this._config = config; this._options = options; this._setDefaults(); this._timerID = null; this._initializeUI(); } RangeFacet.prototype._setDefaults = function() { switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": this._min = this._config.min; break; case "max": this._max = this._config.max; break; default: this._min = this._config.min; this._max = this._config.max; } }; RangeFacet.prototype.getJSON = function() { var o = cloneDeep(this._config); o.type = "range"; switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": o.min = this._min; break; case "max": o.max = this._max; break; default: o.min = this._min; if (this._max == this._config.max) { // pretend to be open-ended o.mode = "min"; } else { o.max = this._max; } } return o; }; RangeFacet.prototype.hasSelection = function() { switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": return this._min > this._config.min; case "max": return this._max < this._config.max; default: return this._min > this._config.min || this._max < this._config.max; } }; RangeFacet.prototype._initializeUI = function() { var self = this; var container = this._div.empty(); var headerDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-title").appendTo(container); $('').text(; var removeButton = $('').addClass("facet-choice-link").text("remove").click(function() { self._remove(); }).prependTo(headerDiv); var bodyDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-body").appendTo(container); this._sliderDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-slider").appendTo(bodyDiv); this._statusDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-status").appendTo(bodyDiv); var onSlide = function(event, ui) { switch (self._config.mode) { case "min": self._min = ui.value; break; case "max": self._max = ui.value; break; default: self._min = ui.values[0]; self._max = ui.values[1]; } self._setRangeIndicators(); self._scheduleUpdate(); }; var sliderConfig = { range: "max", min: this._config.min, max: this._config.max, value: 2, slide: onSlide }; if ("step" in this._config) { sliderConfig.step = this._config.step; } switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": sliderConfig.range = "max"; sliderConfig.value = this._min; break; case "max": sliderConfig.range = "min"; sliderConfig.value = this._max; break; default: sliderConfig.range = true; sliderConfig.values = [ this._min, this._max ]; } this._sliderDiv.slider(sliderConfig); this._setRangeIndicators(); }; RangeFacet.prototype._setRangeIndicators = function() { var text; switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": text = "At least " + this._min; break; case "max": text = "At most " + this._max; break; default: text = this._min + " to " + this._max; } this._statusDiv.text(text); }; RangeFacet.prototype.updateState = function(data) { switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": this._min = data.min; break; case "max": this._max = data.max; break; default: this._min = data.min; if ("max" in data) { this._max = data.max; } } this.render(); }; RangeFacet.prototype.render = function() { this._setRangeIndicators(); }; RangeFacet.prototype._reset = function() { this._setDefaults(); this._updateRest(); }; RangeFacet.prototype._remove = function() { ui.browsingEngine.removeFacet(this); this._div = null; this._config = null; this._data = null; }; RangeFacet.prototype._scheduleUpdate = function() { if (this._timerID == null) { var self = this; this._timerID = window.setTimeout(function() { self._timerID = null; self._updateRest(); }, 300); } }; RangeFacet.prototype._updateRest = function() { ui.browsingEngine.update(); ui.dataTableView.update(true); };