package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; public class FixedWidthImporter implements ReaderImporter, StreamImporter { //TODO this class is almost an exact copy of TsvCsvImporter. Could we combine the two, or combine common functions into a common abstract supertype? final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("FixedWidthImporter"); @Override public boolean canImportData(String contentType, String fileName) { if (contentType != null) { contentType = contentType.toLowerCase().trim(); //filter out tree structure data if("application/json".equals(contentType)|| "text/json".equals(contentType)|| "application/xml".equals(contentType) || "text/xml".equals(contentType) || "application/rss+xml".equals(contentType) || "application/atom+xml".equals(contentType) || "application/rdf+xml".equals(contentType)) //TODO add more tree data types. return false; return "text/plain".equals(contentType) || "text/fixed-width".equals(contentType); //FIXME Is text/fixed-width a valid contentType? } return false; } @Override public void read(InputStream inputStream, Project project, ProjectMetadata metadata, Properties options) throws ImportException { read(new InputStreamReader(inputStream), project, metadata, options); } @Override public void read(Reader reader, Project project, ProjectMetadata metadata, Properties options) throws ImportException { boolean splitIntoColumns = ImporterUtilities.getBooleanOption("split-into-columns", options, true); String columnWidths = options.getProperty("fixed-column-widths"); int ignoreLines = ImporterUtilities.getIntegerOption("ignore", options, -1); int headerLines = ImporterUtilities.getIntegerOption("header-lines", options, 1); int limit = ImporterUtilities.getIntegerOption("limit",options,-1); int skip = ImporterUtilities.getIntegerOption("skip",options,0); boolean guessValueType = ImporterUtilities.getBooleanOption("guess-value-type", options, true); LineNumberReader lnReader = new LineNumberReader(reader); read(lnReader, project, columnWidths, limit, skip, ignoreLines, headerLines, guessValueType, splitIntoColumns ); } /** * * @param lnReader * LineNumberReader used to read file or string contents * @param project * The project into which the parsed data will be added * @param columnWidths * Expects a comma separated string of integers which indicate the number of characters in each line * @param limit * The maximum number of rows of data to import * @param skip * The number of initial data rows to skip * @param ignoreLines * The number of initial lines within the data source which should be ignored entirely * @param headerLines * The number of lines in the data source which describe each column * @param guessValueType * Whether the parser should try and guess the type of the value being parsed * @param splitIntoColumns * Whether the parser should try and split the data source into columns * @throws IOException */ public void read(LineNumberReader lnReader, Project project, String sep, int limit, int skip, int ignoreLines, int headerLines, boolean guessValueType, boolean splitIntoColumns) throws ImportException{ int[] columnWidths = null; columnWidths = getColumnWidthsFromString( sep ); if(columnWidths.length < 2) splitIntoColumns = false; List columnNames = new ArrayList(); String line = null; int rowsWithData = 0; try { while ((line = lnReader.readLine()) != null) { if (ignoreLines > 0) { ignoreLines--; continue; } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(line)) { continue; } if (headerLines > 0) { //column headers headerLines--; ArrayList cells = getCells(line, columnWidths, splitIntoColumns); for (int c = 0; c < cells.size(); c++) { String cell = cells.get(c).trim(); //add column even if cell is blank ImporterUtilities.appendColumnName(columnNames, c, cell); } } else { //data Row row = new Row(columnNames.size()); ArrayList cells = getCells(line, columnWidths, splitIntoColumns); if( cells != null && cells.size() > 0 ) rowsWithData++; if (skip <=0 || rowsWithData > skip){ //add parsed data to row for(String s : cells){ if (ExpressionUtils.isNonBlankData(s)) { Serializable value = guessValueType ? ImporterUtilities.parseCellValue(s) : s; row.cells.add(new Cell(value, null)); }else{ row.cells.add(null); } } project.rows.add(row); project.columnModel.setMaxCellIndex(row.cells.size()); ImporterUtilities.ensureColumnsInRowExist(columnNames, row); if (limit > 0 && project.rows.size() >= limit) { break; } } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ImportException("The fixed width importer could not read the next line", e); } ImporterUtilities.setupColumns(project, columnNames); } /** * Splits the line into columns * @param line * @param lnReader * @param splitIntoColumns * @return */ private ArrayList getCells(String line, int[] widths, boolean splitIntoColumns) { ArrayList cells = new ArrayList(); if(splitIntoColumns){ int columnStartCursor = 0; int columnEndCursor = 0; for(int width : widths){ if(columnStartCursor >= line.length()){ cells.add(null); //FIXME is adding a null cell (to represent no data) OK? continue; } columnEndCursor = columnStartCursor + width; if(columnEndCursor > line.length()) columnEndCursor = line.length(); if(columnEndCursor <= columnStartCursor){ cells.add(null); //FIXME is adding a null cell (to represent no data, or a zero width column) OK? continue; } cells.add(line.substring(columnStartCursor, columnEndCursor)); columnStartCursor = columnEndCursor; } }else{ cells.add(line); } return cells; } /** * Converts the expected string of comma separated integers into an array of integers. * Also performs a basic sanity check on the provided data. * * @param sep * A comma separated string of integers. e.g. 4,2,5,22,19 * @return * @throws ServletException */ public int[] getColumnWidthsFromString(String sep) throws ImportException { String[] splitSep = Pattern.compile(",").split(sep); int[] widths = new int[splitSep.length]; for(int i = 0; i < splitSep.length; i++){ try{ int parsedInt = Integer.parseInt(splitSep[i]); if( parsedInt < 0 ) throw new ImportException("A column cannot have a width of less than zero", null); widths[i] = parsedInt; }catch(NumberFormatException e){ throw new ImportException("For a fixed column width import, the column widths must be given as a comma separated string of integers. e.g. 1,3,5,22,19", e); } } return widths; } }