$scriptInjection $styleInjection #if($params.new && $params.new == "1") #set($newStyle = "") #set($oldStyle = "display: none; ") #else #set($oldStyle = "") #set($newStyle = "display: none; ") #end
Google Refine

A power tool for working with messy data.

Create a New Project

Import data from

What kinds of data files can I import?

TSV, CSV, *SV, Excel (.xls and .xlsx), JSON, XML, RDF as XML, and Google Spreadsheets are all supported. Support for other formats can be added with Refine extensions.

Create a New Project

or Import an Existing Project

Advanced Options

Limit load to:
rows (blank for all)
initial non-blank lines
initial data rows
When parsing text files:
Split into columns
Column separator:
(leave blank to auto-detect)
Auto-detect value types
(numbers, dates, etc)
Header lines:
(use 0 if your data has no header)
Ignore quotation marks