# OpenRefine
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OpenRefine is a power tool that allows you to load data, understand it,
clean it up, reconcile it, and augment it with data coming from
the web. All with the comfort and privacy of your own computer.
* [OpenRefine Releases](https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/releases)
Documentation and Videos
* [Documentation Wiki](https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/wiki/Documentation-For-Users)
* [FAQ](https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/wiki/FAQ)
* [Official Website and tutorial videos](http://openrefine.org)
Contributing to the project
* [Developers Guide & Architecture](https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/wiki/Documentation-For-Developers)
* [Contributing Guide](https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md)
Contact us
* [Mailing List](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/openrefine)
* [Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/openrefine)
Licensing and legal issues
OpenRefine is open source software and is licensed under the BSD license
located in the [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt). See that file also for information on open source
libraries that OpenRefine depends on.
This software was created by Metaweb Technologies, Inc. and originally written
and conceived by David Huynh . Metaweb Technologies, Inc.
was acquired by Google, Inc. in July 2010 and the product was renamed Google Refine.
In October 2012, it was renamed OpenRefine as it transitioned to a
community-supported product.
EMERITUS CREATORS (no longer active but honored for bringing OpenRefine to life)
- David Huynh
- Stefano Mazzocchi
EMERITUS CONTRIBUTORS (no longer active but honored here for their previous contributions)
- Vishal Talwar
- Jeff Fry
- Will Moffat
- James Home
- Heather Campbell
- Iain Sproat
- Tom Morris
- Thad Guidry
- Martin Magdinier
- Paul Makepeace
- Tomaž Šolc
- Gabriel Sjoberg
- Rod Salazar
- pxb
- Qi
- Antonin Delpeuch
- Owen Stephens
- Ettore Rizza
- Fabio Tacchelli
- noamoss
- ROMitat
- Jesus M. Castagnetto
- Pablo Moyano
- David Leoni
- Cora Johnson-Roberson
- Pei Long Hui
- Rudy Alvarez
- Mateja Verlic Bruncic
- nestorjal
- Alexey Medvetsky
- Remi Rampin
- lispc
- Bob Harper
- Felix Lohmeier
- Shixiong Zhu
- Ankit Sardesai
- Scott Wiedemann
- Ryo Yamazaki
- Ralf Claussnitzer
- Charles Pritchard
- Maxim Galushka
- Evelyn Mitchell
- Andreas Kohn
- Honza
- Ram Ezrach
- Daniel Berthereau
- Gideon Thomas
- José Vitor Hisse
- Vitor Baptista
- Joe Wicentowski
- mpc9000
- Dan Michael O.
- Adi Eyal
- Shrubhra Sharma
- Fadi Maali
- Aubrey Mcfato
- Matthias Findeisen
- Mathieu Saby
- Allan Nordhøy