@echo off rem rem Configuration variables rem rem JAVA_HOME rem Home of Java installation. rem rem JAVA_OPTIONS rem Extra options to pass to the JVM rem if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" @setlocal if "%OS%"=="WINNT" @setlocal rem --- First two utilities for exiting -------------------------------------------- goto endUtils :usage echo Usage %0 [options] ^ echo where [options] include: echo. echo /h print this message and exit echo. echo /p the port that Gridworks will listen to echo default: 3333 echo. echo /i the host interface gridworks should bind to echo default: echo. echo /w path to the webapp echo default src\main\webapp echo. echo /d enable JVM debugging (on port 8000) echo. echo /x enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole and friends) echo. echo and is one of echo. echo build ..... Build Gridworks echo run ....... Run Gridworks echo. goto end :fail echo See: '%0 /h' for usage. goto end :endUtils if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto gotJavaHome echo You must set JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation goto fail :gotJavaHome set OPTS=%GRIDWORKS_OPTS% rem --- Argument parsing -------------------------------------------- :loop if ""%1"" == """" goto endArgumentParsing if ""%1"" == ""/h"" goto usage if ""%1"" == ""/p"" goto arg-p if ""%1"" == ""/i"" goto arg-i if ""%1"" == ""/w"" goto arg-w if ""%1"" == ""/d"" goto arg-d if ""%1"" == ""/x"" goto arg-x goto endArgumentParsing :arg-p set GRIDWORKS_PORT=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-i set GRIDWORKS_HOST=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-w set GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-d set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n goto shift2loop :arg-x set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote goto shift2loop :shift2loop shift shift goto loop :endArgumentParsing rem --- Fold in Environment Vars -------------------------------------------- if not "%JAVA_OPTIONS%" == "" goto gotJavaOptions set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms256M -Xmx1024M :gotJavaOptions set OPTS=%OPTS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% if not "%GRIDWORKS_PORT%" == "" goto gotPort set GRIDWORKS_PORT=3333 :gotPort set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.port=%GRIDWORKS_PORT% if not "%GRIDWORKS_HOST%" == "" goto gotHost set GRIDWORKS_HOST= :gotHOST set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.host=%GRIDWORKS_HOST% if not "%GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP%" == "" goto gotHost set GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP=src\main\webapp :gotHOST set OPTS=%OPTS% -Dgridworks.webapp=%GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP% if not "%GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR%" == "" goto gotBuildDir set GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR=build :gotBuildDir if not "%GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR%" == "" goto gotLibDir set GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR=lib :gotLibDir rem ----- Respond to the action ---------------------------------------------------------- set ACTION=%1 if not "%ACTION%" == "" goto gotAction set ACTION="run" :gotAction if ""%ACTION%"" == ""build"" goto doBuild if ""%ACTION%"" == ""run"" goto doRun goto usage :doBuild ant -f build.xml compile goto end :doRun set CLASSPATH="%GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR%\classes;%GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR%\*" "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -cp %CLASSPATH% %OPTS% com.metaweb.gridworks.Gridworks goto end :end