package com.metaweb.gridworks.commands.cell; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.json.JSONWriter; import com.metaweb.gridworks.commands.Command; import com.metaweb.gridworks.history.Change; import com.metaweb.gridworks.history.HistoryEntry; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Cell; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Column; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Project; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.changes.CellChange; import com.metaweb.gridworks.process.QuickHistoryEntryProcess; import com.metaweb.gridworks.util.ParsingUtilities; import com.metaweb.gridworks.util.Pool; public class EditOneCellCommand extends Command { @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); Project project = getProject(request); int rowIndex = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("row")); int cellIndex = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("cell")); String type = request.getParameter("type"); String valueString = request.getParameter("value"); Serializable value = null; if ("number".equals(type)) { value = Double.parseDouble(valueString); } else if ("boolean".equals(type)) { value = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(valueString); } else if ("date".equals(type)) { value = ParsingUtilities.stringToDate(valueString); } else { value = valueString; } EditOneCellProcess process = new EditOneCellProcess( project, "Edit single cell", rowIndex, cellIndex, value ); HistoryEntry historyEntry = project.processManager.queueProcess(process); if (historyEntry != null) { /* * If the operation has been done, return the new cell's data * so the client side can update the cell's rendering right away. */ JSONWriter writer = new JSONWriter(response.getWriter()); Pool pool = new Pool(); Properties options = new Properties(); options.put("pool", pool); writer.object(); writer.key("code"); writer.value("ok"); writer.key("historyEntry"); historyEntry.write(writer, options); writer.key("cell"); process.newCell.write(writer, options); writer.key("pool"); pool.write(writer, options); writer.endObject(); } else { respond(response, "{ \"code\" : \"pending\" }"); } } catch (Exception e) { respondException(response, e); } } protected static class EditOneCellProcess extends QuickHistoryEntryProcess { final int rowIndex; final int cellIndex; final Serializable value; Cell newCell; EditOneCellProcess( Project project, String briefDescription, int rowIndex, int cellIndex, Serializable value ) { super(project, briefDescription); this.rowIndex = rowIndex; this.cellIndex = cellIndex; this.value = value; } protected HistoryEntry createHistoryEntry(long historyEntryID) throws Exception { Cell cell = _project.rows.get(rowIndex).getCell(cellIndex); Column column = _project.columnModel.getColumnByCellIndex(cellIndex); if (column == null) { throw new Exception("No such column"); } newCell = new Cell( value, cell != null ? cell.recon : null ); String description = "Edit single cell on row " + (rowIndex + 1) + ", column " + column.getName(); Change change = new CellChange(rowIndex, cellIndex, cell, newCell); return new HistoryEntry( historyEntryID, _project, description, null, change); } } }