$scriptInjection $styleInjection

Welcome to Gridworks

Freebase Gridworks is a power tool that allows you to load data, understand it, clean it up, reconcile it internally, augment it with data coming from Freebase, and optionally contribute your data to Freebase for others to use.

It was originally developed by Metaweb.

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Open a Project

or Import an Existing Project

Create a New Project

Data File:
Or Data File URL:
Project Name:

Advanced Options

Limit load to:
rows (blank for all)
initial non-blank lines
initial data rows
When parsing text files:
Split into columns
Column separator:
leave blank to guess comma or tab
Guess cells' value types
try to parse numbers, dates, etc.
Header lines:
use 0 if there is no header line
Ignore Quotation Marks
Ignore quotation marks,
using all newlines and separators