// Documentation for these options can be found at: // https://docusaurus.io/docs/en/site-config const siteConfig = { title: 'OpenRefine', // Title for your website. tagline: 'A power tool for working with messy data.', url: 'https://openrefine.github.io/', baseUrl: '/docs-prototype/', projectName: 'OpenRefine', organizationName: 'OpenRefine', // For no header links in the top nav bar -> headerLinks: [], headerLinks: [ {doc: 'index', label: 'Home'}, ], users: [], customDocsPath: 'docs/src', docsUrl: '', /* path to images for header/footer */ headerIcon: 'img/openrefine_logo.png', footerIcon: 'img/openrefine_logo.png', favicon: 'img/openrefine_logo.png', /* Colors for website */ colors: { primaryColor: '#196581', secondaryColor: '#5a4411', }, /* Custom fonts for website */ /* fonts: { myFont: [ "Times New Roman", "Serif" ], myOtherFont: [ "-apple-system", "system-ui" ] }, */ copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} OpenRefine contributors`, highlight: { // Highlight.js theme to use for syntax highlighting in code blocks. theme: 'default', }, // Add custom scripts here that would be placed in <script> tags. scripts: ['https://buttons.github.io/buttons.js'], // On page navigation for the current documentation page. onPageNav: 'separate', // No .html extensions for paths. cleanUrl: false, // Open Graph and Twitter card images. ogImage: 'img/openrefine_logo.png', twitterImage: 'img/openrefine_logo.png', // Expand/collapse the links and subcategories under categories. docsSideNavCollapsible: true, // Show documentation's last contributor's name. // enableUpdateBy: true, // Show documentation's last update time. // enableUpdateTime: true, // You may provide arbitrary config keys to be used as needed by your // template. For example, if you need your repo's URL... repoUrl: 'https://github.com/OpenRefine/OpenRefine', twitterUsername: 'OpenRefine' }; module.exports = siteConfig;