package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Manage the cache of project's lookups. * * @author Lu Liu */ public class LookupCacheManager { protected final Map _lookups = new HashMap<>(); /** * Computes the ProjectLookup based on combination key, * returns the cached one from the HashMap if already computed. * * @param targetProject the project to look up * @param targetColumn the column of the target project to look up * @return a {@link ProjectLookup} instance of the lookup result */ public ProjectLookup getLookup(long targetProject, String targetColumn) throws LookupException { String key = targetProject + ";" + targetColumn; if (!_lookups.containsKey(key)) { ProjectLookup lookup = new ProjectLookup(targetProject, targetColumn); computeLookup(lookup); synchronized (_lookups) { _lookups.put(key, lookup); } } return _lookups.get(key); } public void flushLookupsInvolvingProject(long projectID) { synchronized (_lookups) { for (Iterator> it = _lookups.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry =; ProjectLookup lookup = entry.getValue(); if (lookup.targetProjectID == projectID) { it.remove(); } } } } public void flushLookupsInvolvingProjectColumn(long projectID, String columnName) { synchronized (_lookups) { for (Iterator> it = _lookups.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry =; ProjectLookup lookup = entry.getValue(); if (lookup.targetProjectID == projectID && lookup.targetColumnName.equals(columnName)) { it.remove(); } } } } protected void computeLookup(ProjectLookup lookup) throws LookupException { if (lookup.targetProjectID < 0) { return; } Project targetProject = ProjectManager.singleton.getProject(lookup.targetProjectID); ProjectMetadata targetProjectMetadata = ProjectManager.singleton.getProjectMetadata(lookup.targetProjectID); if (targetProject == null) { return; } // if this is a lookup on the index column if (lookup.targetColumnName.equals(Cross.INDEX_COLUMN_NAME)) { for (int r = 0; r < targetProject.rows.size(); r++) { lookup.valueToRowIndices.put(String.valueOf(r) , Collections.singletonList(r)); } return; // return directly } Column targetColumn = targetProject.columnModel.getColumnByName(lookup.targetColumnName); if (targetColumn == null) { throw new LookupException("Unable to find column " + lookup.targetColumnName + " in project " + targetProjectMetadata.getName()); } // We can't use for-each here, because we'll need the row index when creating WrappedRow int count = targetProject.rows.size(); for (int r = 0; r < count; r++) { Row targetRow = targetProject.rows.get(r); Object value = targetRow.getCellValue(targetColumn.getCellIndex()); if (ExpressionUtils.isNonBlankData(value)) { String valueStr = value.toString(); lookup.valueToRowIndices.putIfAbsent(valueStr, new ArrayList<>()); lookup.valueToRowIndices.get(valueStr).add(r); } } } static public class ProjectLookup { final public long targetProjectID; final public String targetColumnName; final public Map> valueToRowIndices = new HashMap<>(); ProjectLookup(long targetProjectID, String targetColumnName) { this.targetProjectID = targetProjectID; this.targetColumnName = targetColumnName; } public HasFieldsListImpl getRows(Object value) { if (!ExpressionUtils.isNonBlankData(value)) return null; String valueStr = value.toString(); if (valueToRowIndices.containsKey(valueStr)) { Project targetProject = ProjectManager.singleton.getProject(targetProjectID); if (targetProject != null) { HasFieldsListImpl rows = new HasFieldsListImpl(); for (Integer r : valueToRowIndices.get(valueStr)) { Row row = targetProject.rows.get(r); rows.add(new WrappedRow(targetProject, r, row)); } return rows; } } return null; } } }