rem Changing this for debugging on Appveyor @echo on rem rem Configuration variables rem rem ANT_HOME rem Home of Ant installation; copy is in the source as tools\apache-ant-* rem rem JAVA_HOME rem Home of Java installation. rem rem JAVA_OPTIONS rem Extra options to pass to the JVM rem if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" @setlocal if "%OS%"=="WINNT" @setlocal rem --- First two utilities for exiting -------------------------------------------- goto endUtils :usage echo Usage %0 [options] ^ echo where [options] include: echo. echo "/?" print this message and exit echo. echo "/p " the port that OpenRefine will listen to echo default: 3333 echo. echo "/i " the host interface OpenRefine should bind to echo default: echo. echo "/w " path to the webapp echo default src\main\webapp echo. echo "/d" enable JVM debugging (on port 8000) echo. echo "/m " max memory heap size to use echo default: 1024M echo. echo "/x" enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole and friends) echo. echo "and is one of echo. echo build ..................... Build OpenRefine echo run ....................... Run OpenRefine echo. echo server_test ............... Run the server tests echo extensions_test ........... Run the extensions tests echo. echo clean ..................... Clean compiled classes echo distclean ................. Remove all generated files echo. goto end :fail echo Type 'refine /h' for usage. goto end :endUtils rem --- Read ini file ----------------------------------------------- set OPTS= for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%a in (refine.ini) do ( set %%a=%%b ) rem --- Log for troubleshooting ------------------------------------------ echo Getting Java Version... for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('java -version 2^>^&1 ^| find "version"') do (set JVERSION=%%a) echo Getting Free Ram... for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic os get FreePhysicalMemory ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do @set /A freeRam=%%i/1024 ( echo ----------------------- echo PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE = %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% echo JAVA_HOME = %JAVA_HOME% echo java -version = %JVERSION% echo freeRam = %freeRam%M echo REFINE_MEMORY = %REFINE_MEMORY% echo ----------------------- ) > support.log rem --- Check JAVA_HOME --------------------------------------------- if not "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto gotJavaHome echo You must set JAVA_HOME to point at your Java Development Kit installation echo. echo If you don't know how to do this, follow the instructions at echo. echo echo. goto fail :gotJavaHome rem --- Argument parsing -------------------------------------------- :loop if ""%1"" == """" goto endArgumentParsing if ""%1"" == ""/h"" goto usage if ""%1"" == ""/?"" goto usage if ""%1"" == ""/p"" goto arg-p if ""%1"" == ""/i"" goto arg-i if ""%1"" == ""/w"" goto arg-w if ""%1"" == ""/d"" goto arg-d if ""%1"" == ""/m"" goto arg-m if ""%1"" == ""/x"" goto arg-x goto endArgumentParsing :arg-p set REFINE_PORT=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-i set REFINE_HOST=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-w set REFINE_WEBAPP=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-m set REFINE_MEMORY=%2 goto shift2loop :arg-d set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n goto shift2loop :arg-x set OPTS=%OPTS% goto shift2loop :shift2loop shift shift goto loop :endArgumentParsing rem --- Fold in Environment Vars -------------------------------------------- if not "%JAVA_OPTIONS%" == "" goto gotJavaOptions set JAVA_OPTIONS= :gotJavaOptions set OPTS=%OPTS% %JAVA_OPTIONS% if not "%REFINE_MEMORY%" == "" goto gotMemory set REFINE_MEMORY=1024M if not "%REFINE_MIN_MEMORY%" == "" goto gotMemory set REFINE_MIN_MEMORY=256M :gotMemory set OPTS=%OPTS% -Xms%REFINE_MIN_MEMORY% -Xmx%REFINE_MEMORY% -Drefine.memory=%REFINE_MEMORY% rem --- Check free memory --------------------------------------------- for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic os get FreePhysicalMemory ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do @set /A freeRam=%%i/1024 echo You have %freeRam%M of free memory. echo Your current configuration is set to use %REFINE_MEMORY% of memory. echo OpenRefine can run better when given more memory. Read our FAQ on how to allocate more memory here: echo echo. if not "%REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE%" == "" goto gotMaxFormContentSize set REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE=1048576 :gotMaxFormContentSize set OPTS=%OPTS% -Drefine.max_form_content_size=%REFINE_MAX_FORM_CONTENT_SIZE% if not "%REFINE_PORT%" == "" goto gotPort set REFINE_PORT=3333 :gotPort set OPTS=%OPTS% -Drefine.port=%REFINE_PORT% if not "%REFINE_HOST%" == "" goto gotHost set REFINE_HOST= :gotHost set OPTS=%OPTS% if not "%REFINE_WEBAPP%" == "" goto gotWebApp set REFINE_WEBAPP=main\webapp :gotWebApp set OPTS=%OPTS% -Drefine.webapp=%REFINE_WEBAPP% if not "%REFINE_CLASSES_DIR%" == "" goto gotClassesDir set REFINE_CLASSES_DIR=server\classes :gotClassesDir if not "%REFINE_LIB_DIR%" == "" goto gotLibDir set REFINE_LIB_DIR=server\lib :gotLibDir rem ----- Respond to the action ---------------------------------------------------------- set ACTION=%1 if ""%ACTION%"" == ""build"" goto doAnt if ""%ACTION%"" == ""server_test"" goto doAnt if ""%ACTION%"" == ""extensions_test"" goto doAnt if ""%ACTION%"" == ""clean"" goto doAnt if ""%ACTION%"" == ""distclean"" goto doAnt if ""%ACTION%"" == ""run"" goto doRun :doRun set CLASSPATH="%REFINE_CLASSES_DIR%;%REFINE_LIB_DIR%\*" "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" -cp %CLASSPATH% %OPTS% -Djava.library.path=%REFINE_LIB_DIR%/native/windows goto end :doAnt if not "%ANT_HOME%" == "" goto gotAntHome echo You must have Apache Ant installed and the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to it echo. echo You can download it from echo. echo echo. echo If you don't know how to set environment variables, follow the instructions at echo. echo echo. :gotAntHome "%ANT_HOME%\bin\ant.bat" -f build.xml %ACTION% goto end :end