import sys import re import unittest import test.test_support class SysTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_platform(self): self.assertEquals(sys.platform[:4], "java", "sys.platform is not java") def test_exit_arg(self): "sys.exit can be called with args" try: sys.exit("leaving now") except SystemExit, e: self.assertEquals(str(e), "leaving now") def test_tuple_args(self): "Exceptions raised unpacking tuple args have right line number" def tuple_args( (x,y) ): pass try: tuple_args( 10 ) except TypeError: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] if tb.tb_lineno == 0:"Traceback lineno was zero") def test_name(self): "sys.__name__ can be reassigned/deleted" self.assertEquals(sys.__name__, 'sys') sys.__name__ = 'foo' self.assert_('foo' in str(sys)) del sys.__name__ self.assert_('foo' not in str(sys)) sys.__name__ = 'sys' def test_readonly(self): def deleteClass(): del sys.__class__ self.assertRaises(TypeError, deleteClass) def deleteDict(): del sys.__dict__ self.assertRaises(TypeError, deleteDict) def assignClass(): sys.__class__ = object self.assertRaises(TypeError, assignClass) def assignDict(): sys.__dict__ = {} self.assertRaises(TypeError, assignDict) def test_resetmethod(self): gde = sys.getdefaultencoding sys.getdefaultencoding = 5 self.assertEquals(sys.getdefaultencoding, 5) del sys.getdefaultencoding self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, sys, 'getdefaultencoding') sys.getdefaultencoding = gde def test_reload(self): gde = sys.getdefaultencoding del sys.getdefaultencoding reload(sys) self.assert_(type(sys.getdefaultencoding) == type(gde)) def exec_code_separately(function, sharing=False): """Runs code in a separate context: (thread, PySystemState, PythonInterpreter) A PySystemState is used in conjunction with its thread context. This is not so desirable - at the very least it means that a thread pool cannot be shared. But this is not the place to revisit ancient design decisions.""" def function_context(): from org.python.core import Py from org.python.util import PythonInterpreter from org.python.core import PySystemState ps = PySystemState() pi = PythonInterpreter({}, ps) if not sharing: ps.shadow() ps.builtins = ps.builtins.copy() pi.exec(function.func_code) import threading context = threading.Thread(target=function_context) context.start() context.join() def set_globally(): import sys import test.sys_jy_test_module # used as a probe # can't use 'foo', test_with wants to have that undefined sys.builtins['test_sys_jy_foo'] = 42 def set_shadow(): import sys sys.builtins['fum'] = 24 class ShadowingTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): exec_code_separately(set_globally, sharing=True) exec_code_separately(set_shadow) def test_super_globals(self): import sys, __builtin__ def get_sym(sym): return sys.builtins.get(sym) def get_sym_attr(sym): return hasattr(__builtin__, sym) self.assertEqual(test_sys_jy_foo, 42, "should be able to install a new builtin ('super global')") self.assertEqual(get_sym('test_sys_jy_foo'), 42) self.assertTrue(get_sym_attr('test_sys_jy_foo')) def is_fum_there(): fum self.assertRaises(NameError, is_fum_there) # shadowed global ('fum') should not be visible self.assertEqual(get_sym('fum'), None) self.assertTrue(not(get_sym_attr('fum'))) def test_sys_modules_per_instance(self): import sys self.assertTrue('sys_jy_test_module' not in sys.modules, "sys.modules should be per PySystemState instance") def test_main(): test.test_support.run_unittest(SysTest, ShadowingTest) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()