Ongoing Fixes: - Issue 34: "Behavior of Text Filter is unpredictable when "regular expression" mode is enabled." Regex was not compiled with case insensitivity flag. - Issue 4: "Match All bug with ZIP code". Numeric values in cells were not stringified first before comparison. 1.0.1 Release (May 12, 2010) Fixes: - Issue 2: "Undo History bug" - bulk row starring and flagging operations could not be undone. - Issue 5: "Localized Windows cause save problems for Gridworks" - Windows user IDs that contain unicode characters were not retrieved correctly. - Issue 10: "OAuth fails on sign in" - due to clock offset. - Issue 11: "missing "lang" attribute in MQL generated in schema alignment" - Issue 13: "float rejected from sandbox upload as Json object" - everything was sent as a string. - Issue 17: "Conflated triples - all rows are producing triple with "s" :" $Name_0"" - The Create A New Topic for Each Cell command created shared recon objects. - Issue 18: "Error converting russian characters during edit of single cell" - [partial fix] Issue 19: "CSV import is too basic" - fixed for CSV, not for TSV 1.0 Release (May 10, 2010) First Public Release