function ClusteringDialog(columnName, expression) { this._columnName = columnName; this._expression = expression; this._method = "binning"; this._function = "fingerprint"; this._params = {}; this._facets = []; this._createDialog(); this._cluster(); } ClusteringDialog.prototype._createDialog = function() { var self = this; var frame = DialogSystem.createDialog(); frame.width("900px"); var header = $('
').addClass("dialog-header").text('Cluster & Edit column "' + this._columnName + '"').appendTo(frame); var body = $('
').addClass("dialog-body").appendTo(frame); var footer = $( '' ).appendTo(frame); var html = $( '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + 'Method: ' + '' + '
Keying Function:
' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' ).appendTo(body); this._elmts = DOM.bind(html); this._elmts.methodSelector.change(function() { var selection = $(this).find("option:selected").text(); if (selection == 'key collision') { body.find(".binning-controls").show(); body.find(".knn-controls").hide(); self._method = "binning"; self._elmts.keyingFunctionSelector.change(); } else if (selection = 'nearest neightbor') { body.find(".binning-controls").hide(); body.find(".knn-controls").show(); self._method = "knn"; self._elmts.distanceFunctionSelector.change(); } }); var changer = function() { self._function = $(this).find("option:selected").text(); $(".function-params").hide(); $("#" + self._function + "-params").show(); params_changer(); }; this._elmts.keyingFunctionSelector.change(changer); this._elmts.distanceFunctionSelector.change(changer); var params_changer = function() { self._params = {}; $(".dialog-body input.param:visible").each(function() { var e = $(this); var name = e.attr('name'); var datatype = e.attr('datatype') || 'string'; var value = e.val(); if (datatype == 'int') { value = parseInt(value); } else if (datatype == 'float') { value = parseFloat(value); } self._params[name] = value; }); self._cluster(); }; this._elmts.ngramSize.change(params_changer); this._elmts.radius.change(params_changer); this._elmts.ngramBlock.change(params_changer); var left_footer = footer.find(".left"); $('').text("Select All").click(function() { self._selectAll(); }).appendTo(left_footer); $('').text("Deselect All").click(function() { self._deselectAll(); }).appendTo(left_footer); var right_footer = footer.find(".right"); $('').text("Apply & Re-Cluster").click(function() { self._onApplyReCluster(); }).appendTo(right_footer); $('').text("Apply & Close").click(function() { self._onApplyClose(); }).appendTo(right_footer); $('').text("Close").click(function() { self._dismiss(); }).appendTo(right_footer); this._level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); $("#recon-dialog-tabs").tabs(); $("#recon-dialog-tabs-strict").css("display", ""); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._renderTable = function(clusters) { var self = this; var container = this._elmts.tableContainer; if (clusters.length > 0) { var table = $('
').addClass("clustering-dialog-entry-table")[0]; var trHead = table.insertRow(table.rows.length); trHead.className = "header"; $(trHead.insertCell(0)).text("Cluster Size"); $(trHead.insertCell(1)).text("Row Count"); $(trHead.insertCell(2)).text("Values in Cluster"); $(trHead.insertCell(3)).text("Merge?"); $(trHead.insertCell(4)).text("New Cell Value"); var renderCluster = function(cluster) { var tr = table.insertRow(table.rows.length); tr.className = table.rows.length % 2 == 0 ? "odd" : "even"; $(tr.insertCell(0)).text(cluster.choices.length); $(tr.insertCell(1)).text(cluster.rowCount); var ul = $(''); var choices = cluster.choices; var rowCount = 0; for (var c = 0; c < choices.length; c++) { var choice = choices[c]; var li = $('
  • '); $('').text(choice.v).click(function() { var parent = $(this).closest("tr"); parent.find("input[type='text']").val($(this).text()); parent.find("input:not(:checked)").attr('checked', true).change(); return false; }).appendTo(li); $('').text("(" + choice.c + " rows)").addClass("clustering-dialog-entry-count").appendTo(li); rowCount += choice.c; li.appendTo(ul); } $(tr.insertCell(2)).append(ul); var editCheck = $('') .change(function() { cluster.edit = !cluster.edit; }).appendTo(tr.insertCell(3)); if (cluster.edit) { editCheck.attr("checked", "true"); } var input = $('') .attr("value", cluster.value) .keyup(function() { cluster.value = this.value; }).appendTo(tr.insertCell(4)); }; for (var i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) { renderCluster(clusters[i]); } container.empty().append(table); this._elmts.resultSummary.html( (clusters.length === this._clusters.length) ? ("" + this._clusters.length + " cluster" + ((this._clusters.length != 1) ? "s" : "") + " found") : ("" + clusters.length + " cluster" + ((clusters.length != 1) ? "s" : "") + " filtered from " + this._clusters.length + " total") ); } else { container.html( '
    No clusters were found with the selected method
    Try selecting another method above or changing its parameters
    ' ); } }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._cluster = function() { var self = this; var container = this._elmts.tableContainer.html( '
    ' ); this._elmts.resultSummary.empty(); $.post( "/command/compute-clusters?" + $.param({ project: }), { engine: JSON.stringify(ui.browsingEngine.getJSON()), clusterer: JSON.stringify({ 'type' : this._method, 'function' : this._function, 'column' : this._columnName, 'params' : this._params }) }, function(data) { self._updateData(data); }, "json" ); } ClusteringDialog.prototype._updateData = function(data) { var clusters = []; $.each(data, function() { var cluster = { edit: false, choices: this, value: this[0].v, size: this.length }; var sum = 0; var sumSquared = 0; var rowCount = 0; $.each(cluster.choices, function() { rowCount += this.c; var l = this.v.length; sum += l; sumSquared += l * l; }); cluster.rowCount = rowCount; cluster.avg = sum / cluster.choices.length; cluster.variance = Math.sqrt(sumSquared / cluster.choices.length - cluster.avg * cluster.avg); clusters.push(cluster); }); this._clusters = clusters; this._resetFacets(); this._updateAll(); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._selectAll = function() { $(".clustering-dialog-entry-table input:not(:checked)").attr('checked', true).change(); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._deselectAll = function() { $(".clustering-dialog-entry-table input:checked").attr('checked', false).change(); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._onApplyClose = function() { var self = this; this._apply(function() { self._dismiss(); }); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._onApplyReCluster = function() { var self = this; this._apply(function() { self._cluster(); }); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._apply = function(onDone) { var clusters = this._getRestrictedClusters(); var edits = []; for (var i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) { var cluster = clusters[i]; if (cluster.edit) { var values = []; for (var j = 0; j < cluster.choices.length; j++) { values.push(cluster.choices[j].v); } edits.push({ from: values, to: cluster.value }); } } if (edits.length > 0) { Gridworks.postProcess( "mass-edit", {}, { columnName: this._columnName, expression: this._expression, edits: JSON.stringify(edits) }, { cellsChanged: true }, { onError: function(o) { alert("Error: " + o.message); }, onDone: onDone } ); } else { alert("You must check some Edit? checkboxes for your edits to be applied."); } }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._dismiss = function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(this._level - 1); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._getBaseClusters = function() { return [].concat(this._clusters); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._getRestrictedClusters = function(except) { var clusters = this._getBaseClusters(); for (var i = 0; i < this._facets.length; i++) { var facet = this._facets[i].facet; if (except !== facet) { clusters = facet.restrict(clusters); } } return clusters; }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._updateAll = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._facets.length; i++) { var facet = this._facets[i].facet; var clusters = this._getRestrictedClusters(facet); facet.update(clusters); } this._renderTable(this._getRestrictedClusters()); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._resetFacets = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this._facets.length; i++) { var r = this._facets[i]; r.facet.dispose(); r.elmt.remove(); } this._facets = []; this._createFacet("Cluster Size", "size"); this._createFacet("Row Count", "rowCount"); this._createFacet("Value Length Average", "avg"); this._createFacet("Value Length Variance", "variance"); }; ClusteringDialog.prototype._createFacet = function(title, property) { var elmt = $('
    ').appendTo(this._elmts.facetContainer); this._facets.push({ elmt: elmt, facet: new ClusteringDialog.Facet(this, title, property, elmt, this._getBaseClusters()) }); }; ClusteringDialog.Facet = function(dialog, title, property, elmt, clusters) { this._dialog = dialog; this._property = property; var self = this; var max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (var i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) { var cluster = clusters[i]; var val = cluster[property]; max = Math.max(max, val); min = Math.min(min, val); } this._min = min; this._max = max; if (min >= max) { this._step = 0; this._baseBins = []; } else { var diff = max - min; this._step = 1; if (diff > 10) { while (this._step * 100 < diff) { this._step *= 10; } } else { while (this._step * 100 > diff) { this._step /= 10; } } this._min = (Math.floor(this._min / this._step) * this._step); this._max = (Math.ceil(this._max / this._step) * this._step); this._binCount = 1 + Math.ceil((this._max - this._min) / this._step); if (this._binCount > 100) { this._step *= 2; this._binCount = Math.round((1 + this._binCount) / 2); } this._baseBins = this._computeDistribution(clusters); this._from = this._min; this._to = this._max; elmt.addClass("clustering-dialog-facet"); var html = $( '
    ' + title + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' + '
    ' ).appendTo(elmt); this._elmts = DOM.bind(html); this._elmts.slider.slider({ min: this._min, max: this._max, values: [ this._from, this._to ], stop: function(evt, ui) { self._from = ui.values[0]; self._to = ui.values[1]; self._setRangeIndicators(); self._dialog._updateAll(); } }); this._setRangeIndicators(); } }; ClusteringDialog.Facet.prototype.dispose = function() { }; ClusteringDialog.Facet.prototype.restrict = function(clusters) { if (this._baseBins.length == 0 || (this._from == this._min && this._to == this._max)) { return clusters; } var clusters2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) { var cluster = clusters[i]; var val = cluster[this._property]; if (val >= this._from && val <= this._to) { clusters2.push(cluster); } } return clusters2; }; ClusteringDialog.Facet.prototype.update = function(clusters) { if (this._baseBins.length == 0) { return; } var bins = this._computeDistribution(clusters); var max = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._baseBins.length; i++) { max = Math.max(max, this._baseBins[i]); } var values = []; var diffs = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._baseBins.length; i++) { var v = Math.ceil(100 * bins[i] / max); var diff = Math.ceil(100 * this._baseBins[i] / max) - v; values.push(v == 0 ? 0 : Math.max(2, v)); // use min 2 to make sure something shows up diffs.push(diff == 0 ? 0 : Math.max(2, diff)); } this._elmts.histogramContainer.empty(); $('').attr("src", "" + [ "chs=" + this._elmts.histogramContainer[0].offsetWidth + "x50", "cht=bvs&chbh=r,0&chco=000088,aaaaff", "chd=t:" + values.join(",") + "|" + diffs.join(",") ].join("&") ).appendTo(this._elmts.histogramContainer); }; ClusteringDialog.Facet.prototype._setRangeIndicators = function() { this._elmts.selectionContainer.text(this._from + " to " + this._to); }; ClusteringDialog.Facet.prototype._computeDistribution = function(clusters) { var bins = []; for (var b = 0; b < this._binCount; b++) { bins.push(0); } for (var i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) { var cluster = clusters[i]; var val = cluster[this._property]; var bin = Math.round((val - this._min) / this._step); bins[bin]++; } return bins; };