function DataTableColumnHeaderUI(dataTableView, column, columnIndex, td) { this._dataTableView = dataTableView; this._column = column; this._columnIndex = columnIndex; this._td = td; this._render(); } DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._render = function() { var self = this; var td = this._td; var headerTable = document.createElement("table"); $(headerTable).addClass("column-header-layout").attr("cellspacing", "0").attr("cellpadding", "0").attr("width", "100%").appendTo(td); var headerTableRow = headerTable.insertRow(0); var headerLeft = headerTableRow.insertCell(0); var headerRight = headerTableRow.insertCell(1); $('').html(this._column.headerLabel).appendTo(headerLeft); $(headerRight).attr("width", "1%"); $('').addClass("column-header-menu").appendTo(headerRight).click(function() { self._createMenuForColumnHeader(this); }); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._createMenuForColumnHeader = function(elmt) { self = this; MenuSystem.createAndShowStandardMenu([ { label: "Edit", submenu: [ { "heading" : "Cell Content Transformations" }, { label: "To Titlecase", click: function() { self._doTextTransform("toTitlecase(value)"); } }, { label: "To Uppercase", click: function() { self._doTextTransform("toUppercase(value)"); } }, { label: "To Lowercase", click: function() { self._doTextTransform("toLowercase(value)"); } }, {}, { label: "Custom Expression ...", click: function() { self._doTextTransformPrompt(); } }, { "heading" : "Column Operations" }, { label: "Add Column Based on This Column ...", click: function() { self._doAddColumn("value"); } }, { label: "Remove This Column", click: function() { self._doRemoveColumn(); } }, { "heading" : "Advanced Transformations" }, { label: "Split Multi-Value Cells ...", click: function() { self._doSplitMultiValueCells(); } }, { label: "Join Multi-Value Cells ...", click: function() { self._doJoinMultiValueCells(); } } ] }, { label: "Filter", tooltip: "Filter rows by this column's cell content or characteristics", submenu: [ { label: "Text Facet", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "list", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel, "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "value" } ); } }, { label: "Custom Text Facet ...", click: function() { self._doFilterByExpressionPrompt("value", "list"); } }, {}, { label: "Numeric Facet", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "range", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel, "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "value", "mode" : "range", "min" : 0, "max" : 1 }, { } ); } }, { label: "Custom Numeric Facet ...", click: function() { self._doFilterByExpressionPrompt("value", "range"); } }, {}, { label: "Text Search", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "text", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel, "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "mode" : "text", "caseSensitive" : false } ); } }, { label: "Regular Expression Search", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "text", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + " (regex)", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "mode" : "regex", "caseSensitive" : true } ); } } ] }, { label: "View", tooltip: "Collapse/expand columns to make viewing the data more convenient", submenu: [ { label: "Collapse This Column", click: function() { theProject.columnModel.columns[self._columnIndex].collapsed = true; self._dataTableView.render(); } }, { label: "Collapse All Other Columns", click: function() { for (var i = 0; i < theProject.columnModel.columns.length; i++) { if (i != self._columnIndex) { theProject.columnModel.columns[i].collapsed = true; } } self._dataTableView.render(); } }, { label: "Collapse All Columns To Right", click: function() { for (var i = self._columnIndex + 1; i < theProject.columnModel.columns.length; i++) { theProject.columnModel.columns[i].collapsed = true; } self._dataTableView.render(); } } ] }, {}, { label: "Reconcile", tooltip: "Match this column's cells to topics on Freebase", submenu: [ { label: "Start Reconciling ...", tooltip: "Reconcile text in this column with topics on Freebase", click: function() { new ReconDialog(self._column); } }, {}, { label: "Approve Best Candidates", tooltip: "Approve best reconciliaton candidate per cell in this column for all current filtered rows", click: function() { self._doApproveBestCandidates(); } }, { label: "Approve As New Topics", tooltip: "Set to create new topics for cells in this column for all current filtered rows", click: function() { self._doApproveNewTopics(); } }, { label: "Discard Reconciliation Results", tooltip: "Discard reconciliaton results in this column for all current filtered rows", click: function() { self._doDiscardReconResults(); } } ] }, { label: "Reconcile Filter", tooltip: "Match this column's cells to topics on Freebase", submenu: [ { label: "By Judgment", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "list", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": judgment", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "cell.recon.judgment" }, { "scroll" : false } ); } }, {}, { label: "Best Candidate's Relevance Score", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "range", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": best candidate's relevance score", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "", "mode" : "range", "min" : 0, "max" : 200 }, { } ); } }, { label: "Best Candidate's Type Match", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "list", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": best candidate's type match", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "cell.recon.features.typeMatch" }, { "scroll" : false } ); } }, { label: "Best Candidate's Name Match", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "list", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": best candidate's name match", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "cell.recon.features.nameMatch" }, { "scroll" : false } ); } }, {}, { label: "Best Candidate's Name Edit Distance", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "range", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": best candidate's name edit distance", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "cell.recon.features.nameLevenshtein", "mode" : "range", "min" : 0, "max" : 1, "step" : 0.1 }, { } ); } }, { label: "Best Candidate's Name Word Similarity", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "range", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": best candidate's name word similarity", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "cell.recon.features.nameWordDistance", "mode" : "range", "min" : 0, "max" : 1, "step" : 0.1 }, { } ); } }, {}, { label: "Best Candidate's Types", click: function() { ui.browsingEngine.addFacet( "list", { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": best candidate's types", "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : "" } ); } } ] } ], elmt, { width: "120px", horizontal: false }); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doFilterByExpressionPrompt = function(expression, type) { var self = this; DataTableView.promptExpressionOnVisibleRows( this._column, "Custom Filter on " + this._column.headerLabel, expression, function(expression) { var config = { "name" : self._column.headerLabel + ": " + expression, "cellIndex" : self._column.cellIndex, "expression" : expression }; if (type == "range") { config.mode = "range"; } ui.browsingEngine.addFacet(type, config); } ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doTextTransform = function(expression) { this._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "do-text-transform", { columnName: this._column.headerLabel, expression: expression } ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doTextTransformPrompt = function() { var self = this; DataTableView.promptExpressionOnVisibleRows( this._column, "Custom Transform on " + this._column.headerLabel, "value", function(expression) { self._doTextTransform(expression); } ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doDiscardReconResults = function() { this._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "discard-reconcile", { columnName: this._column.headerLabel } ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doApproveBestCandidates = function() { this._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "approve-reconcile", { columnName: this._column.headerLabel } ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doApproveNewTopics = function() { this._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "approve-new-reconcile", { columnName: this._column.headerLabel } ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doAddColumn = function(initialExpression) { var self = this; DataTableView.promptExpressionOnVisibleRows( this._column, "Add Column Based on Column " + this._column.headerLabel, initialExpression, function(expression) { var headerLabel = window.prompt("Enter header label for new column:"); if (headerLabel != null) { self._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "add-column", { baseColumnName: self._column.headerLabel, expression: expression, headerLabel: headerLabel, columnInsertIndex: self._columnIndex + 1 }, true ); } } ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doRemoveColumn = function() { this._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "remove-column", { columnName: this._column.headerLabel }, true ); }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doJoinMultiValueCells = function() { var separator = window.prompt("Enter separator to use between values", ", "); if (separator != null) { this._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "join-multi-value-cells", { columnName: this._column.headerLabel, keyColumnName: theProject.columnModel.keyColumnName, separator: separator } ); } }; DataTableColumnHeaderUI.prototype._doSplitMultiValueCells = function() { var separator = window.prompt("What separator currently separates the values?", ", "); if (separator != null) { this._dataTableView.doPostThenUpdate( "split-multi-value-cells", { columnName: this._column.headerLabel, keyColumnName: theProject.columnModel.keyColumnName, separator: separator, mode: "plain" } ); } };