/* * Derived from Portfolio filterable.js by Joel Sutherland * * Copyright (C) 2009 Joel Sutherland. * Liscenced under the MIT liscense * * Modified for OpenRefine by Simone Povoscania */ (function($) { $.fn.filterList = function(settings) { settings = $.extend( { animationSpeed: 500, show: { height: 'show', opacity: 'show' }, hide: { height: 'hide', opacity: 'hide' }, useTags: true, tagSelector: '#projectTags a', selectedTagClass: 'current', allTag: 'all' }, settings); var listElement = $(this); /* FILTER: select a tag and filter */ listElement.bind("filter", function( e, tagToShow ){ if(settings.useTags){ $(settings.tagSelector).removeClass(settings.selectedTagClass); $(settings.tagSelector + '[href="' + tagToShow + '"]').addClass(settings.selectedTagClass); } $(this).trigger("filterMyList", [ tagToShow.substr(1) ]); }); /* FILTERPORTFOLIO: pass in a class to show, all others will be hidden */ listElement.bind("filterMyList", function( e, classToShow ){ if(classToShow === settings.allTag){ $(this).trigger("show"); }else{ $(this).trigger("show", [ '.' + classToShow ] ); $(this).trigger("hide", [ ':not(.' + classToShow + ')' ] ); } }); /* SHOW: show a single class*/ $(this).bind("show", function( e, selectorToShow ){ listElement.children(selectorToShow).animate(settings.show, settings.animationSpeed); }); /* SHOW: hide a single class*/ $(this).bind("hide", function( e, selectorToHide ){ listElement.children(selectorToHide).animate(settings.hide, settings.animationSpeed * 0.6); }); /* ============ Setup Tags ====================*/ if(settings.useTags){ $(settings.tagSelector).on("click", function(){ listElement.trigger("filter", [ $(this).attr('href') ]); $(settings.tagSelector).removeClass('current'); $(this).addClass('current'); }); } return this; }; })(jQuery);