function DataTableCellUI(dataTableView, cell, rowIndex, cellIndex, td) { this._dataTableView = dataTableView; this._cell = cell; this._rowIndex = rowIndex; this._cellIndex = cellIndex; this._td = td; this._render(); } DataTableCellUI.prototype._render = function() { var self = this; var cell = this._cell; var divContent = $('
') .addClass("data-table-cell-content"); var editLink = $(' ') .addClass("data-table-cell-edit") .attr("title", "Edit this cell") .appendTo(divContent) .click(function() { self._startEdit(this); }); $(this._td).empty() .unbind() .mouseenter(function() { editLink.css("visibility", "visible"); }) .mouseleave(function() { editLink.css("visibility", "hidden"); }); if (!cell || ("v" in cell && cell.v === null)) { $('').html(" ").appendTo(divContent); } else if ("e" in cell) { $('').addClass("data-table-error").text(cell.e).appendTo(divContent); } else if (!("r" in cell) || !cell.r) { if (typeof cell.v !== "string") { if (typeof cell.v == "number") { divContent.addClass("data-table-cell-content-numeric"); } $('') .addClass("data-table-value-nonstring") .text(cell.v) .appendTo(divContent); } else if (URL.looksLikeUrl(cell.v)) { $('') .text(cell.v) .attr("href", cell.v) .attr("target", "_blank") .appendTo(divContent); } else { $('') .text(cell.v) .appendTo(divContent); } } else { var r = cell.r; var service = (r.service) ? ReconciliationManager.getServiceFromUrl(r.service) : null; if (r.j == "new") { $('').text(cell.v + " (new topic) ").appendTo(divContent); $('') .text("re\u2011match") .addClass("data-table-recon-action") .appendTo(divContent).click(function(evt) { self._doRematch(); }); } else if (r.j == "matched" && "m" in r && r.m !== null) { var match = cell.r.m; var a = $('') .text( .attr("target", "_blank") .appendTo(divContent); if (service && (service.view) && (service.view.url)) { a.attr("href", service.view.url.replace("{{id}}",; } else if (ReconciliationManager.isFreebaseIdOrMid(r.identifierSpace)) { a.attr("href", "" +; } $(' ').appendTo(divContent); $('') .text("re\u2011match") .addClass("data-table-recon-action") .appendTo(divContent) .click(function(evt) { self._doRematch(); }); } else { $('').text(cell.v).appendTo(divContent); if (this._dataTableView._showRecon) { var ul = $('
').addClass("data-table-recon-candidates").appendTo(divContent); if ("c" in r && r.c.length > 0) { var candidates = r.c; var renderCandidate = function(candidate, index) { var li = $('
').addClass("data-table-recon-candidate").appendTo(ul); $(' ') .addClass("data-table-recon-match-similar") .attr("title", "Match this topic to this cell and other cells with the same content") .appendTo(li).click(function(evt) { self._doMatchTopicToSimilarCells(candidate); }); $(' ') .addClass("data-table-recon-match") .attr("title", "Match this topic to this cell") .appendTo(li).click(function(evt) { self._doMatchTopicToOneCell(candidate); }); var a = $('') .addClass("data-table-recon-topic") .attr("target", "_blank") .text( .appendTo(li); if ((service) && (service.view) && (service.view.url)) { a.attr("href", service.view.url.replace("{{id}}",; } else if (ReconciliationManager.isFreebaseIdOrMid(r.identifierSpace)) { a.attr("href", "" +; } var preview = null; if ((service) && (service.preview)) { preview = service.preview; } else if (ReconciliationManager.isFreebaseIdOrMid(r.identifierSpace)) { preview = DataTableCellUI.topicBlockPreview; } if (preview) { { if (!evt.metaKey && !evt.ctrlKey) { self._previewCandidateTopic(candidate, this, preview); evt.preventDefault(); return false; } }); } var score; if (candidate.score < 1) { score = Math.round(candidate.score * 1000) / 1000; } else { score = Math.round(candidate.score); } $('').addClass("data-table-recon-score").text("(" + score + ")").appendTo(li); }; for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { renderCandidate(candidates[i], i); } } var liNew = $('
').addClass("data-table-recon-candidate").appendTo(ul); $(' ') .addClass("data-table-recon-match-similar") .attr("title", "Create a new topic for this cell and other cells with the same content") .appendTo(liNew).click(function(evt) { self._doMatchNewTopicToSimilarCells(); }); $(' ') .addClass("data-table-recon-match") .attr("title", "Create a new topic for this cell") .appendTo(liNew).click(function(evt) { self._doMatchNewTopicToOneCell(); }); $('').text("(New topic)").appendTo(liNew); var suggestOptions; var addSuggest = false; if ((service) && (service.suggest) && (service.suggest.entity)) { suggestOptions = service.suggest.entity; addSuggest = true; } else if (ReconciliationManager.isFreebaseIdOrMid(r.identifierSpace)) { addSuggest = true; } if (addSuggest) { $('') .addClass("data-table-recon-search") .click(function(evt) { self._searchForMatch(suggestOptions); return false; }) .text("search for match") .appendTo($('
').appendTo(divContent)); } } } } divContent.appendTo(this._td); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._doRematch = function() { this._doJudgment("none"); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._doMatchNewTopicToOneCell = function() { this._doJudgment("new"); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._doMatchNewTopicToSimilarCells = function() { this._doJudgmentForSimilarCells("new", {}, { shareNewTopics: true }, true); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._doMatchTopicToOneCell = function(candidate) { this._doJudgment("matched", {}, { id :, name:, score: candidate.score, types: candidate.types.join(",") }); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._doMatchTopicToSimilarCells = function(candidate) { this._doJudgmentForSimilarCells("matched", {}, { id :, name:, score: candidate.score, types: candidate.types.join(",") }, true); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._doJudgment = function(judgment, params, bodyParams) { this._postProcessOneCell( "recon-judge-one-cell", params || {}, $.extend(bodyParams || {}, { row: this._rowIndex, cell: this._cellIndex, judgment: judgment, identifierSpace: (this._cell.r) ? this._cell.r.identifierSpace : null, schemaSpace: (this._cell.r) ? this._cell.r.schemaSpace : null }), true ); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._doJudgmentForSimilarCells = function(judgment, params, bodyParams) { this._postProcessSeveralCells( "recon-judge-similar-cells", params || {}, $.extend(bodyParams || {}, { columnName: Refine.cellIndexToColumn(this._cellIndex).name, similarValue: this._cell.v, judgment: judgment, identifierSpace: (this._cell.r) ? this._cell.r.identifierSpace : null, schemaSpace: (this._cell.r) ? this._cell.r.schemaSpace : null }), true ); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._searchForMatch = function(suggestOptions) { var self = this; var frame = $(DOM.loadHTML("core", "scripts/views/data-table/cell-recon-search-for-match.html")); var elmts = DOM.bind(frame); elmts.cellTextSpan.text(this._cell.v); var match = null; var commit = function() { if (match !== null) { var params = { judgment: "matched", id:, name:, types: $.map(match.type, function(elmt) { return typeof elmt == "string" ? elmt :; }).join(",") }; if (elmts.radioSimilar[0].checked) { params.similarValue = self._cell.v; params.columnName = Refine.cellIndexToColumn(self._cellIndex).name; self._postProcessSeveralCells("recon-judge-similar-cells", {}, params, true); } else { params.row = self._rowIndex; params.cell = self._cellIndex; self._postProcessOneCell("recon-judge-one-cell", {}, params, true); } dismiss(); } }; var commitNew = function() { if (elmts.radioSimilar[0].checked) { self._doMatchNewTopicToSimilarCells(); } else { self._doMatchNewTopicToOneCell(); } dismiss(); };;;; var level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); var dismiss = function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(level - 1); }; var suggestOptions2 = $.extend({ align: "left" }, suggestOptions || { all_types: true }); elmts.input .attr("value", this._cell.v) .suggest(suggestOptions2) .bind("fb-select", function(e, data) { match = data; commit(); }) .focus() .data("suggest").textchange(); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._postProcessOneCell = function(command, params, bodyParams, columnStatsChanged) { var self = this; Refine.postCoreProcess( command, params, bodyParams, { columnStatsChanged: columnStatsChanged }, { onDone: function(o) { Refine.preparePool(o.pool); if (o.cell.r) { o.cell.r = o.pool.recons[o.cell.r]; } self._cell = o.cell; self._dataTableView._updateCell(self._rowIndex, self._cellIndex, self._cell); self._render(); } } ); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._postProcessSeveralCells = function(command, params, bodyParams, columnStatsChanged) { Refine.postCoreProcess( command, params, bodyParams, { cellsChanged: true, columnStatsChanged: columnStatsChanged } ); }; DataTableCellUI.topicBlockPreview = { url: '{{id}}?mode=content&blocks=[{"block":"full_info"},{"block":"article_props"}]', width: 430, height: 300 }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._previewCandidateTopic = function(candidate, elmt, preview) { var self = this; var id =; var url = preview.url.replace("{{id}}", id); var fakeMenu = MenuSystem.createMenu(); fakeMenu .width(preview.width) .css("background", "none") .css("border", "none") .html(DOM.loadHTML("core", "scripts/views/data-table/cell-recon-preview-popup-header.html")); var iframe = $('') .addClass("data-table-topic-popup-iframe") .width(preview.width) .height(preview.height) .attr("src", url) .appendTo(fakeMenu); MenuSystem.showMenu(fakeMenu, function(){}); MenuSystem.positionMenuLeftRight(fakeMenu, $(elmt)); var elmts = DOM.bind(fakeMenu); { self._doMatchTopicToOneCell(candidate); MenuSystem.dismissAll(); }); { self._doMatchTopicToSimilarCells(candidate); MenuSystem.dismissAll(); }); }; DataTableCellUI.prototype._startEdit = function(elmt) { self = this; var originalContent = !this._cell || ("v" in this._cell && this._cell.v === null) ? "" : this._cell.v; var menu = MenuSystem.createMenu().addClass("data-table-cell-editor").width("400px"); menu.html(DOM.loadHTML("core", "scripts/views/data-table/cell-editor.html")); var elmts = DOM.bind(menu); MenuSystem.showMenu(menu, function(){}); MenuSystem.positionMenuLeftRight(menu, $(this._td)); var commit = function() { var type = elmts.typeSelect[0].value; var applyOthers = elmts.applyOthersCheckbox[0].checked; var text = elmts.textarea[0].value; var value = text; if (type == "number") { value = parseFloat(text); if (isNaN(value)) { alert("Not a valid number."); return; } } else if (type == "boolean") { value = ("true" == text); } else if (type == "date") { value = Date.parse(text); if (!value) { alert("Not a valid date."); return; } value = value.toString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); } MenuSystem.dismissAll(); if (applyOthers) { Refine.postCoreProcess( "mass-edit", {}, { columnName: Refine.cellIndexToColumn(self._cellIndex).name, expression: "value", edits: JSON.stringify([{ from: [ originalContent ], to: value, type: type }]) }, { cellsChanged: true } ); } else { Refine.postCoreProcess( "edit-one-cell", {}, { row: self._rowIndex, cell: self._cellIndex, value: value, type: type }, {}, { onDone: function(o) { Refine.preparePool(o.pool); if (o.cell.r) { o.cell.r = o.pool.recons[o.cell.r]; } self._cell = o.cell; self._dataTableView._updateCell(self._rowIndex, self._cellIndex, self._cell); self._render(); } } ); } };; elmts.textarea .text(originalContent) .keydown(function(evt) { if (!evt.shiftKey) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { if (evt.ctrlKey) { elmts.applyOthersCheckbox[0].checked = true; } commit(); } else if (evt.keyCode == 27) { MenuSystem.dismissAll(); } } }) .select() .focus(); { MenuSystem.dismissAll(); }); };