DataTableColumnHeaderUI.extendMenu(function(column, columnHeaderUI, menu) { var columnIndex = Refine.columnNameToColumnIndex(; var doAddColumn = function() { var frame = $( DOM.loadHTML("core", "scripts/views/data-table/add-column-dialog.html") .replace("$EXPRESSION_PREVIEW_WIDGET$", ExpressionPreviewDialog.generateWidgetHtml())); var elmts = DOM.bind(frame); elmts.dialogHeader.text("Add column based on column " +; var level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); var dismiss = function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(level - 1); };; { var columnName = $.trim(elmts.columnNameInput[0].value); if (!columnName.length) { alert("You must enter a column name."); return; } Refine.postCoreProcess( "add-column", { baseColumnName:, expression: previewWidget.getExpression(true), newColumnName: columnName, columnInsertIndex: columnIndex + 1, onError: $('input[name="create-column-dialog-onerror-choice"]:checked')[0].value }, null, { modelsChanged: true } ); dismiss(); }); var o = DataTableView.sampleVisibleRows(column); var previewWidget = new ExpressionPreviewDialog.Widget( elmts, column.cellIndex, o.rowIndices, o.values, null ); }; var doAddColumnByFetchingURLs = function() { var frame = $( DOM.loadHTML("core", "scripts/views/data-table/add-column-by-fetching-urls-dialog.html") .replace("$EXPRESSION_PREVIEW_WIDGET$", ExpressionPreviewDialog.generateWidgetHtml())); var elmts = DOM.bind(frame); elmts.dialogHeader.text("Add column by fetching URLs based on column " +; var level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); var dismiss = function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(level - 1); };; { var columnName = $.trim(elmts.columnNameInput[0].value); if (!columnName.length) { alert("You must enter a column name."); return; } Refine.postCoreProcess( "add-column-by-fetching-urls", { baseColumnName:, urlExpression: previewWidget.getExpression(true), newColumnName: columnName, columnInsertIndex: columnIndex + 1, delay: elmts.throttleDelayInput[0].value, onError: $('input[name="dialog-onerror-choice"]:checked')[0].value }, null, { modelsChanged: true } ); dismiss(); }); var o = DataTableView.sampleVisibleRows(column); var previewWidget = new ExpressionPreviewDialog.Widget( elmts, column.cellIndex, o.rowIndices, o.values, null ); }; var doRemoveColumn = function() { Refine.postCoreProcess( "remove-column", { columnName: }, null, { modelsChanged: true } ); }; var doRenameColumn = function() { var newColumnName = window.prompt("Enter new column name",; if (newColumnName !== null) { Refine.postCoreProcess( "rename-column", { oldColumnName:, newColumnName: newColumnName }, null, { modelsChanged: true } ); } }; var doMoveColumnTo = function(index) { Refine.postCoreProcess( "move-column", { columnName:, index: index }, null, { modelsChanged: true } ); }; var doMoveColumnBy = function(change) { Refine.postCoreProcess( "move-column", { columnName:, index: Refine.columnNameToColumnIndex( + change }, null, { modelsChanged: true } ); }; var doSplitColumn = function() { var frame = $(DOM.loadHTML("core", "scripts/views/data-table/split-column-dialog.html")); var elmts = DOM.bind(frame); elmts.dialogHeader.text("Split column " + + " into several columns"); var level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); var dismiss = function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(level - 1); };; { var mode = $("input[name='split-by-mode']:checked")[0].value; var config = { columnName:, mode: mode, guessCellType: elmts.guessCellTypeInput[0].checked, removeOriginalColumn: elmts.removeColumnInput[0].checked }; if (mode == "separator") { config.separator = elmts.separatorInput[0].value; if (!(config.separator)) { alert("Please specify a separator."); return; } config.regex = elmts.regexInput[0].checked; var s = elmts.maxColumnsInput[0].value; if (s) { var n = parseInt(s,10); if (!isNaN(n)) { config.maxColumns = n; } } } else { var s = "[" + elmts.lengthsTextarea[0].value + "]"; try { var a = JSON.parse(s); } catch (e) { alert("The given field lengths are not properly formatted."); return; } var lengths = []; $.each(a, function(i,n) { if (typeof n == "number") lengths.push(n); }); if (lengths.length === 0) { alert("No field length is specified."); return; } config.fieldLengths = JSON.stringify(lengths); } Refine.postCoreProcess( "split-column", config, null, { modelsChanged: true } ); dismiss(); }); }; MenuSystem.appendTo(menu, [ "core/edit-column" ], [ { id: "core/split-column", label: "Split into Several Columns ...", click: doSplitColumn }, {}, { id: "core/add-column", label: "Add Column Based on This Column ...", click: doAddColumn }, { id: "core/add-column-by-fetching-urls", label: "Add Column By Fetching URLs ...", click: doAddColumnByFetchingURLs }, {}, { id: "core/rename-column", label: "Rename This Column", click: doRenameColumn }, { id: "core/remove-column", label: "Remove This Column", click: doRemoveColumn }, {}, { id: "core/move-column-to-beginning", label: "Move Column to Beginning", click: function() { doMoveColumnTo(0); } }, { id: "core/move-column-to-end", label: "Move Column to End", click: function() { doMoveColumnTo(theProject.columnModel.columns.length - 1); } }, { id: "core/move-column-to-left", label: "Move Column Left", click: function() { doMoveColumnBy(-1); } }, { id: "core/move-column-to-right", label: "Move Column Right", click: function() { doMoveColumnBy(1); } } ]); });