function RangeFacet(div, config, options) { this._div = div; this._config = config; this._options = options; this._from = ("from" in this._config) ? this._config.from : null; this._to = ("to" in this._config) ? : null; this._selectNonNumeric = ("selectNonNumeric" in this._config) ? this._config.selectNonNumeric : true; this._selectBlank = ("selectBlank" in this._config) ? this._config.selectBlank : true; this._selectError = ("selectError" in this._config) ? this._config.selectError : true; this._nonNumericCount = 0; this._blankCount = 0; this._errorCount = 0; this._error = false; this._initializedUI = false; } RangeFacet.prototype._setDefaults = function() { switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": this._from = this._config.min; break; case "max": this._to = this._config.max; break; default: this._from = this._config.min; this._to = this._config.max; } this._selectNonNumeric = true; this._selectBlank = true; this._selectError = true; }; RangeFacet.reconstruct = function(div, uiState) { return new RangeFacet(div, uiState.c, uiState.o); }; RangeFacet.prototype.getUIState = function() { var json = { c: this.getJSON(), o: this._options }; return json; } RangeFacet.prototype.getJSON = function() { var o = { type: "range", name:, mode: this._config.mode, expression: this._config.expression, columnName: this._config.columnName, selectNonNumeric: this._selectNonNumeric, selectBlank: this._selectBlank, selectError: this._selectError }; if (this._config.mode == "min" || this._config.mode == "range") { if (this._from != null) { o.from = this._from; } } if (this._config.mode == "max" || this._config.mode == "range") { if (this._to != null) { = this._to; } } return o; }; RangeFacet.prototype.hasSelection = function() { if (!this._selectNonNumeric || !this._selectBlank || !this._selectError) { return true; } switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": return this._from != null && (!this._initializedUI || this._from > this._config.min); case "max": return this._to != null && (!this._initializedUI || this._to < this._config.max); default: return (this._from != null && (!this._initializedUI || this._from > this._config.min)) || (this._to != null && (!this._initializedUI || this._to < this._config.max)); } }; RangeFacet.prototype._initializeUI = function() { var self = this; var container = this._div.empty(); var headerDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-title").appendTo(container); $('').text(; var resetButton = $('').addClass("facet-choice-link").text("reset").click(function() { switch (self._config.mode) { case "min": self._from = self._config.min; self._sliderDiv.slider("value", self._from); break; case "max": self._to = self._config.max; self._sliderDiv.slider("value", self._to); break; default: self._from = self._config.min; self._to = self._config.max; self._sliderDiv.slider("values", 0, self._from); self._sliderDiv.slider("values", 1, self._to); } self._selectNonNumeric = true; self._selectBlank = true; self._selectError = true; self._setRangeIndicators(); self._updateRest(); }).prependTo(headerDiv); var removeButton = $('') .attr("src", "images/close.png") .attr("title", "Remove this facet") .addClass("facet-choice-link") .click(function() { self._remove(); }).prependTo(headerDiv); var bodyDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-body").appendTo(container); if (this._error) { return; } this._histogramDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-histogram").appendTo(bodyDiv); this._sliderDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-slider").appendTo(bodyDiv); this._statusDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-status").appendTo(bodyDiv); this._otherChoicesDiv = $('
').addClass("facet-range-other-choices").appendTo(bodyDiv); var onSlide = function(event, ui) { switch (self._config.mode) { case "min": self._from = ui.value; break; case "max": self._to = ui.value; break; default: self._from = ui.values[0]; self._to = ui.values[1]; } self._setRangeIndicators(); }; var onStop = function() { self._updateRest(); }; var sliderConfig = { range: "max", min: this._config.min, max: this._config.max, value: 2, stop: onStop, slide: onSlide }; if ("step" in this._config) { sliderConfig.step = this._config.step; } switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": sliderConfig.range = "max"; sliderConfig.value = this._from; break; case "max": sliderConfig.range = "min"; sliderConfig.value = this._to; break; default: sliderConfig.range = true; sliderConfig.values = [ this._from, this._to ]; } this._sliderDiv.slider(sliderConfig); this._setRangeIndicators(); this._renderOtherChoices(); }; RangeFacet.prototype._renderOtherChoices = function() { var self = this; var container = this._otherChoicesDiv.empty(); var table = $('').attr("cellpadding", "0").attr("cellspacing", "1").css("white-space", "pre").appendTo(container)[0]; var tr0 = table.insertRow(0); var tr1 = table.insertRow(1); var td00 = $(tr0.insertCell(0)).attr("width", "1%"); var nonNumericCheck = $('').appendTo(td00).change(function() { self._selectNonNumeric = !self._selectNonNumeric; self._updateRest(); }); if (this._selectNonNumeric) { nonNumericCheck[0].checked = true; } var td01 = $(tr0.insertCell(1)).attr("colspan", "3"); $('').text("Non-numeric ").addClass("facet-choice-label").appendTo(td01); $('').text(this._nonNumericCount).addClass("facet-choice-count").appendTo(td01); var td10 = $(tr1.insertCell(0)).attr("width", "1%"); var blankCheck = $('').appendTo(td10).change(function() { self._selectBlank = !self._selectBlank; self._updateRest(); }); if (this._selectBlank) { blankCheck[0].checked = true; } var td11 = $(tr1.insertCell(1)); $('').text("Blank ").addClass("facet-choice-label").appendTo(td11); $('').text(this._blankCount).addClass("facet-choice-count").appendTo(td11); var td12 = $(tr1.insertCell(2)).attr("width", "1%"); var errorCheck = $('').appendTo(td12).change(function() { self._selectError = !self._selectError; self._updateRest(); }); if (this._selectError) { errorCheck[0].checked = true; } var td13 = $(tr1.insertCell(3)); $('').text("Error ").addClass("facet-choice-label").appendTo(td13); $('').text(this._errorCount).addClass("facet-choice-count").appendTo(td13); }; RangeFacet.prototype._setRangeIndicators = function() { var text; switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": text = "At least " + this._from; break; case "max": text = "At most " + this._to; break; default: text = this._from + " to " + this._to; } this._statusDiv.text(text); }; RangeFacet.prototype.updateState = function(data) { if ("min" in data && "max" in data) { this._config.min = data.min; this._config.max = data.max; this._config.step = data.step; this._baseBins = data.baseBins; this._bins = data.bins; switch (this._config.mode) { case "min": this._from = Math.max(data.from, this._config.min); break; case "max": this._to = Math.min(, this._config.max); break; default: this._from = Math.max(data.from, this._config.min); if ("to" in data) { this._to = Math.min(, this._config.max); } else { this._to = data.max; } } this._nonNumericCount = data.nonNumericCount; this._blankCount = data.blankCount; this._errorCount = data.errorCount; } else { this._error = true; } this.render(); }; RangeFacet.prototype.render = function() { if (!this._initializedUI) { this._initializeUI(); this._initializedUI = true; } if (this._error) { return; } this._sliderDiv.slider("option", "min", this._config.min); this._sliderDiv.slider("option", "max", this._config.max); this._sliderDiv.slider("option", "step", this._config.step); var max = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this._baseBins.length; i++) { max = Math.max(max, this._baseBins[i]); } if (max == 0) { this._histogramDiv.hide(); } else { var values = []; var diffs = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._baseBins.length; i++) { var v = Math.ceil(100 * this._bins[i] / max); var diff = Math.ceil(100 * this._baseBins[i] / max) - v; values.push(v == 0 ? 0 : Math.max(2, v)); // use min 2 to make sure something shows up diffs.push(diff == 0 ? 0 : Math.max(2, diff)); } this._histogramDiv.empty().show(); $('').attr("src", "" + [ "chs=" + this._histogramDiv[0].offsetWidth + "x50", //"cht=ls&chm=o,ff6600,0,-1,3&chls=0", // use for line plot "cht=bvs&chbh=r,0&chco=000088,aaaaff", // use for histogram "chd=t:" + values.join(",") + "|" + diffs.join(",") ].join("&") ).appendTo(this._histogramDiv); } this._setRangeIndicators(); this._renderOtherChoices(); }; RangeFacet.prototype._reset = function() { this._setDefaults(); this._updateRest(); }; RangeFacet.prototype._remove = function() { ui.browsingEngine.removeFacet(this); this._div = null; this._config = null; this._data = null; }; RangeFacet.prototype._updateRest = function() { Gridworks.update({ engineChanged: true }); };