function ExporterManager(button) { this._button = button; this._initializeUI(); } ExporterManager.handlers = {}; ExporterManager.MenuItems = [ { "id" : "core/export-project", "label": "Export Project", "click": function() { ExporterManager.handlers.exportProject(); } }, {}, { "id" : "core/export-tsv", "label": "Tab-Separated Value", "click": function() { ExporterManager.handlers.exportRows("tsv", "tsv"); } }, { "id" : "core/export-csv", "label": "Comma-Separated Value", "click": function() { ExporterManager.handlers.exportRows("csv", "csv"); } }, { "id" : "core/export-html-table", "label": "HTML Table", "click": function() { ExporterManager.handlers.exportRows("html", "html"); } }, { "id" : "core/export-excel", "label": "Excel", "click": function() { ExporterManager.handlers.exportRows("xls", "xls"); } }, {}, { "id" : "core/export-tripleloader", "label": "Tripleloader", "click": function() { ExporterManager.handlers.exportTripleloader("tripleloader"); } }, { "id" : "core/export-mqlwrite", "label": "MQLWrite", "click": function() { ExporterManager.handlers.exportTripleloader("mqlwrite"); } }, {}, { "id" : "core/export-templating", "label": "Templating...", "click": function() { new TemplatingExporterDialog(); } } ]; ExporterManager.prototype._initializeUI = function() { { MenuSystem.createAndShowStandardMenu( ExporterManager.MenuItems, this, { horizontal: false } ); evt.preventDefault(); return false; }); }; ExporterManager.handlers.exportTripleloader = function(format) { if (!theProject.overlayModels.freebaseProtograph) { alert( "You haven't done any schema alignment yet,\nso there is no triple to export.\n\n" + "Use the Schemas > Edit Schema Alignment Skeleton...\ncommand to align your data with Freebase schemas first." ); } else { ExporterManager.handlers.exportRows(format, "txt"); } }; ExporterManager.handlers.exportRows = function(format, ext) { var name = $.trim(\W/g, ' ')).replace(/\s+/g, '-'); var form = document.createElement("form"); $(form) .css("display", "none") .attr("method", "post") .attr("action", "/command/core/export-rows/" + name + "." + ext) .attr("target", "refine-export"); $('') .attr("name", "engine") .attr("value", JSON.stringify(ui.browsingEngine.getJSON())) .appendTo(form); $('') .attr("name", "project") .attr("value", .appendTo(form); $('') .attr("name", "format") .attr("value", format) .appendTo(form); document.body.appendChild(form);"about:blank", "refine-export"); form.submit(); document.body.removeChild(form); }; ExporterManager.handlers.exportProject = function() { var name = $.trim(\W/g, ' ')).replace(/\s+/g, '-'); var form = document.createElement("form"); $(form) .css("display", "none") .attr("method", "post") .attr("action", "/command/core/export-project/" + name + ".google-refine.tar.gz") .attr("target", "refine-export"); $('') .attr("name", "project") .attr("value", .appendTo(form); document.body.appendChild(form);"about:blank", "refine-export"); form.submit(); document.body.removeChild(form); };