{ "name": "Português (Brasil)", "core-index": { "help": "Ajuda", "contributors": "Contribuidores:", "new-proj-name": "Nome do novo projeto:", "download": "Download", "delete-key": "Excluir chave de preferência", "id": "Project ID:", "subject": "Assunto:", "preferences": "Preferências", "creator": "Autor:", "no-proj": "Nenhum projeto existente. Selecione 'Criar projeto' para criar um novo projeto.", "version": "Versão", "error-rename": "Falha ao renomear o projeto:", "pref-key": "Valor da chave de preferência", "change-metadata-value": "Alterar valor da chave do metadado", "sample-data": "dados de exemplos", "description": "Description:", "try-these": "Se você não tem dados para trabalhar experimente estes", "customMetadata": "Metadado personalizado(JSON):", "add-pref": "Adicionar preferência", "rowCount": "Número de linhas:", "key": "Chave", "new-version": "Nova versão!", "now": "agora", "change-value": "Change value of preference key", "about": "Sobre", "slogan": "Uma poderosa ferramenta para trabalhar com dados desorganizados", "name": "Project name:", "created": "Criado em:", "edit": "Editar", "importOptionMetadata": "", "modified": "Última modificação:", "value": "Valor", "delete": "Excluir" }, "core-index-create": { "almost-done": "quase pronto...", "min-remaining": "minutos restantes", "create-proj": "Criar projeto", "from": "Obter dados a partir de", "memory-usage": "Uso da memória:", "question": "Criar um projeto através da importação de dados. Quais tipos de arquivos contendo dados que eu posso importar?", "sec-remaining": "segundos restantes", "done": "Finalizado.", "formats": "Documentos TSV, CSV, *SV, Excel (.xls e .xlsx), JSON, XML, RDF as XML e Google Data são todos suportados. Utilize extensões do OpenRefine para suporte a outros formatos.", "starting": "Iniciando", "no-details": "Sem detalhes técnicos." }, "core-index-import": { "rename": "Renomear projeto (opcional):", "select-file": "Selecionar arquivos para importar", "warning-name": "Por favor, de um nome ao projeto.", "project-name": "Project name", "import-proj": "Import Project", "warning-select": "Por favor, selecione ao menos um arquivo.", "optional-separated": "opcional, separados por vírgulas", "file": "Project file:", "uploading-pasted-data": "Carregando dados introduzidos...", "warning-clipboard": "Você deve introduzir algum dados para importar.", "warning-record-path": "Por favor, primeiro especifique um caminho para gravar.", "several-file": "Há muitos arquivos disponíveis. Por favor, selecione os que deseja importar.", "warning-data-file": "Você deve selecionar um arquivo com dados para importar.", "web-address": "Endereços web (URLs)", "updating-preview": "Atualizando pré visualização...", "errors": "Erros:", "project-tags": "Tags", "inspecting-files": "Analizando
arquivos selecionados ...", "column-widths": "Largura das colunas:", "clipboard": "Clipboard", "inspecting": "Analisando arquivos selecionados...", "import": "Import?", "size": "Tamanho", "warning-web-address": "Você deve especificar um endereço web (URL) para importar.", "sel-by-extension": "Selecionar por extensão", "import-worksheet": "Planilhas para importar", "locate-files": "Localizar um ou mais arquivos em seu computador para carregar:", "format": "Format", "column-names": "Nome das colunas:", "uploading-data": "Carregando dados...", "clipboard-label": "Cole dados da sua área de transferência aqui:", "this-computer": "Este computador", "enter-url": "Digite um ou mais endereços web (URLs) para o download de seus dados:", "pick-nodes": "Selecione os nós para carregar", "sel-by-regex": "Selecionar por Regex nos nomes dos arquivos", "name": "Name", "parsing-options": "Configure Parsing Options", "char-encoding": "Codificação do", "mime-type": "Mime-type", "creating-proj": "Criando projeto", "comma-separated": "números separados por vírgula", "error": "Error:", "locate": "Localizar um arquivo de projeto Refine existente (.tar or .tar.gz):", "downloading-data": "Baixando dados...", "parse-as": "Parse data as", "unknown-err": "Erro desconhecido" }, "core-index-open": { "rename": "Renomear", "new-title": "Nome do novo projeto:", "del-body": "Você tem certeza que deseja excluir este projeto \"", "open-proj": "Open Project", "contributors": "Contribuidores", "creator": "Autor", "browse": "Navegar pelo diretório de trabalho", "name": "Name", "row-count": "Número de linhas", "subject": "Assunto", "warning-proj-name": "Você deve especificar um nome para o projeto.", "warning-rename": "Falha ao renomear o projeto:", "edit-tags-desc": "Editar tags do projeto (espaço e vírgula são delimitadores):", "del-title": "Excluir este projeto", "edit-tags": "Editar tags do projeto", "edit-meta-data": "Sobre", "last-mod": "Última modificação", "warning-data-file": "Você deve especificar um arquivo ou uma URL para carregar os dados.", "tags": "Tags", "description": "Description" }, "core-index-lang": { "lang-settings": "Idioma", "send-req": "Alterar idioma", "page-reload": "A página será atualizada para aplicar as mudanças.", "label": "Selecione o idioma de preferência" }, "core-index-parser": { "parse-cell": "Detectar texto das células
em número, datas, ...", "trim": "Trim leading & trailing whitespace from strings", "parse-next": "", "commas": "vírgulas (CSV)", "tabs": "tabs (TSV)", "escape": "Ignorar caracteres especiais com \\", "lines-header": "line(s) as column headers", "store-source": "Store file source
(file names, URLs)
in each row", "ignore-first": "Ignorar primeira(s)", "store-nulls": "Carregar células em branco como nulas", "lines-into-row": "linhas em uma linha", "custom": "outro", "include-raw-templates": "Include templates as raw wikicode", "quotation-mark": "Quotation marks are used
to enclose cells containing
column separators", "invalid-wikitext": "No table could be parsed. Are you sure this is a valid wiki table?", "json-parser": "Clique no primeiro nó do JSON { } correspondente ao primeiro registro a carregar.", "parse-every": "Parse every", "store-blank": "Carregar linhas em branco", "discard-initial": "Descartar primeira(s)", "parse-references": "Extract references in additional columns", "col-separated-by": "Colunas são separadas por", "wiki-base-url": "Reconcile to wiki with base URL:", "blank-spanning-cells": "Pad cells spanning over multiple rows or columns with nulls", "click-xml": "Clique no primeiro elemento XML correspondente ao primeiro registro a carregar.", "lines-beg": "linhas(s) no começo do arquivo", "preserve-empty": "Preservar células vazias", "rows-data": "linhas(s) de dados", "load-at-most": "Carregar ao menos" }, "core-dialogs": { "help": "Help", "medium-format": "Formato local médio", "html-table": "HTML table", "internal-err": "Internal error", "from-total": " total", "out-col-header": "Output column headers", "tsv": "Tab-separated values (TSV)", "template-rowt": "Template da linha", "keying-function": "Keying Function ", "reuse": "Reuse", "date-format": "Para valores de data/hora use o formato", "focusing-on": "foco em", "fingerprint": "fingerprint", "block-chars": "Caracteres do bloco ", "long-format": "Formato local longo", "short-format": "Formato local curto", "leven": "levenshtein", "rotated-clock": "Rotacionar 45° no sentido horário", "upload": "Upload", "remove": "Remove", "merge": "Merge?", "cluster-descr": "This feature helps you find groups of different cell values that might be alternative representations of the same thing. For example, the two strings \"New York\" and \"new york\" are very likely to refer to the same concept and just have capitalization differences, and \"Gödel\" and \"Godel\" probably refer to the same person.", "phonetic": "cologne-phonetic", "found": "encontrado", "starred": "Com estrela", "find-more": "Mais informações...", "ngram-size": "Tamanho do Ngram ", "warning-check-boxes": "You must check some Edit? checkboxes for your edits to be applied.", "no-column-dataset": "Não há colunas na base de dados", "new-cell-val": "New Cell Value", "choice-var-length": "Variação de tamanho dos valores", "download": "Download", "omit-time": "Omitir hora", "link-match": "Link to matched entity's page", "match-ent-name": "Matched entity's name", "rows-in-cluster": "# Linhas no cluster", "content": "Conteúdo", "use-this-val": "Use this value", "cells-of-row": "The cells of the current row. This is a shortcut for 'row.cells'. A particular cell can be retrieved with 'cells.' if the is a single word, or with 'cells[\"\"] otherwise.", "method": "Método ", "ngram-radius": "Radius ", "processing": "Processando...", "row-index": "The current row's index. This is a shortcut for 'row.index'.", "ignore-facets": "Ignore facets and filters and export all rows", "cluster-edit": "Agrupar e editar coluna", "out-not-unmatch": "Output nothing for unmatched cells", "date-iso": "ISO 8601, ex., 2011-08-24T18:36:10+08:00", "other-format": "Other formats", "line-based": "Line-based text formats", "no-syntax-err": "No syntax error", "language": "Idioma", "row-count": "Número de linhas", "sel-and-ord": "Selecione e ordene as colunas para exportar", "choice-avg-length": "Média de tamanho dos valores", "json-text": "The following JSON text encodes the options you have set in the other tabs. You can copy it out and save it for later, and paste it back in and click Apply to re-use the same options.", "ngram": "ngram-fingerprint", "reorder-column": "Reordenar / Remover colunas", "char-enc": "Character encoding", "browse-this-cluster": "Browse this cluster", "expression": "Expression", "no-rotation": "Não rotacionar", "regular-dot": "Pontos normais", "for-recon-cell": "For reconciled cells, output", "ppm": "PPM", "cell-value": "The current cell's value. This is a shortcut for 'cell.value'.", "cluster-values": "Valores no cluster", "clustering": "Clustering... ", "out-empty-row": "Output empty rows (ie all cells null)", "from": "From", "drag-column": "Arraste as colunas para reordenar", "custom": "Personalizado", "returns": "returns", "preview": "Pré-visualização", "try-another-method": "Try selecting another method above or changing its parameters", "opt-code": "Option Code", "row-fields": "The current row. It has 5 fields: 'flagged', 'starred', 'index', 'cells', and 'record'.", "line-sep": "Line separator", "template-export": "Exportar template", "browse-only-these": "Browse only these values", "error-getColumnInfo": "Error calling 'get-columns-info'", "logarithmic-plot": "Logarithmic Plot", "updating": "Atualizando...", "opt-for": "Opções para", "linear-plot": "Linear Plot", "excel-xml": "Excel in XML (.xlsx)", "custom-tab-exp": "Custom Tabular Exporter", "custom-separator": "Custom separator", "template-suffix": "Sufixo", "history": "Histórico", "cell-content": "Conteúdo das células", "drop-column": "Solte as colunas aqui para remover", "small-dot": "Pontos pequenos", "no-cluster-found": "No clusters were found with the selected method", "template-rows": "Separador de linhas", "cluster-size": "Tamanho do cluster", "match-ent-id": "Matched entity's ID", "distance-fun": "Distance Function ", "opt-code-applied": "Código de opção aplicado com sucesso.", "excel": "Excel (.xls)", "error-apply-code": "Erro ao aplicar código de opção", "full-format": "Formato local completo", "scatterplot-matrix": "Scatterplot Matrix", "upload-to": "Upload to", "csv": "Comma-separated values (CSV)", "template-prefix": "Prefix", "nearest-neighbor": "vizinho mais próximo", "cell-fields": "The current cell. It has a few fields: 'value' and 'recon'.", "idling": "Idling...", "local-time": "Usar fuso horário local", "rotated-counter-clock": "Rotacionar 45° no sentido anti-horário", "key-collision": "colisão de chaves", "choices-in-cluster": "# Choices in Cluster", "error": "Error", "filtered-from": "filtrado de ", "big-dot": "Pontos grandes", "metaphone": "metaphone3" }, "core-facets": { "regular-dot": "Regular Dot Size", "current-exp": "Current Expression", "set-choice-count": "Set choice count limit", "cluster": "Cluster", "regular-exp": "regular expression", "click-to-edit": "Click to edit expression", "blank": "Blank", "loading": "Loading...", "unknown-error": "Unknown error", "invert": "invert", "facet-by-count": "Facet by choice counts", "logar-plot-abbr": "log", "sort-by": "Sort by", "numeric": "Numeric", "reset": "reset", "time": "Time", "remove-facet": "Remove this facet", "non-time": "Non-Time", "linear-plot-abbr": "lin", "small-dot": "Small Dot Size", "edit-based-col": "Edit Facet's Expression based on Column", "facet-choices": "Facet Choices as Tab Separated Values", "change": "change", "name": "name", "count": "count", "logar-plot": "Logarithmic Plot", "case-sensitive": "case sensitive", "edit": "edit", "set-max-choices": "Set the maximum number of choices shown in each text facet (too many will slow down the application)", "linear-plot": "Linear Plot", "rotated-clock": "Rotated 45° Clockwise", "edit-facet-exp": "Edit Facet's Expression", "too-many-choices": "choices total, too many to display", "error": "Error", "export-plot": "export plot", "big-dot": "Big Dot Size", "rotated-counter-clock": "Rotated 45° Counter-Clockwise", "no-rotation": "No rotation" }, "core-project": { "use-facets": "Usando facetas e filtros", "extract-history": "Extract Operation History", "refreshing-facet": "Atualizando facetas...", "cancel-all": "Cancel All", "excel": "Excel (.xls)", "canceling": "Canceling...", "proj-name": "Clique para renomear o projeto", "html-table": "HTML table", "templating": "Templating...", "mistakes": "Don't worry about making mistakes. Every change you make will be shown here, and you can undo your changes anytime.", "export": "Exportar", "extract-save": "Extract and save parts of your operation history as JSON that you can apply to this or other projects in the future.", "cancel": "Cancel", "apply": "Apply…", "extract": "Extract…", "odf": "ODF spreadsheet", "help": "Ajuda", "comma-sep": "Comma-separated value", "tab-value": "Tab-separated value", "clear-selection": "Clear selection in all facets", "open": "Abrir", "facet-filter": "Faceta / Filtro", "json-invalid": "The JSON you pasted is invalid", "last-op-er": "The last operation encountered some errors", "apply-operation": "Apply Operation History", "mqlwrite": "MQLWrite", "update-facets": "Atualizar todas as facetas", "undo-redo": "Desfazer / Refazer", "export-project": "Export project", "watch-cast": "Assista esses screencasts", "continue-remaining": "Continue with the remaining operations", "remove-all": "Remove all facets", "complete": "complete", "undo": "Undo", "warning-align": "You haven't done any schema alignment yet,\n so there is no triple to export.\n\n Use the Freebase > Edit Schema Alignment Skeleton...\n command to align your data with Freebase schemas first.", "use-to-select": "Use facets and filters to select subsets of your data to act on. Choose facet and filter methods from the menus at the top of each data column.", "not-sure": "Não sabe como começar?", "permalink": "Permalink", "other-process": "other pending process", "learn-more": "Learn more »", "other-processes": "other pending processes", "excel-xml": "Excel 2007+ (.xlsx)", "custom-tabular": "Custom tabular exporter...", "filter": "Filter:", "triple-loader": "Triple loader", "extensions": "Extensões", "starting": "Starting up", "paste-json": "Paste an extracted JSON history of operations to perform:", "undo-history": "Infinite undo history" }, "core-recon": { "error-contact": "Error contacting recon service", "access": "Access", "cell-contains": "Each cell contains:", "auto-match": "Auto-match candidates with high confidence", "column": "Column", "service-title": "Services", "against-type": "Reconcile against type", "recon-col": "Reconcile column", "cell-type": "Reconcile each cell to an entity of one of these types", "wd-recon-lang": "en", "service-api": "Service API", "max-candidates": "Maximum number of candidates to return", "no-type": "Reconcile against no particular type", "col-detail": "Also use relevant details from other columns", "as-property": "As Property", "pick-service": "Pick a Service or Extension on Left", "include": "Include", "warning-type-sugg": "Sorry, we can't suggest any type for your data. Please specify a type yourself below.", "contact-service": "Contacting reconciliation service", "enter-url": "Enter the service's URL" }, "core-util-enc": { "all": "All Encodings", "years-ago": "years ago", "week-ago": "a week ago", "working": "Working", "encoding": "Encoding", "months-ago": "months ago", "yesterday": "yesterday", "invalid-date": "Invalid date string", "days-ago": "days ago", "common": "Common Encodings", "month-ago": "a month ago", "year-ago": "a year ago", "select-enc": "Select Encoding", "weeks-ago": "weeks ago", "today": "today", "aliases": "Aliases" }, "core-views": { "all": "All", "custom-facet": "Custom Facet on column", "copy-recon-judg": "Copy recon judgments from column", "hist-entries": "Judgment action timestamp", "text": "text", "match-identical": "Match All Identical Cells", "join-cells": "Join multi-valued cells", "actions": "Actions", "search-match": "Search for match", "filtered-cell": "Match all filtered cells to...", "bounded-log-facet": "1-bounded numeric log facet", "remove-col": "Remove this column", "new-topic2": "Mark to create one new item for each cell in this column for all current filtered rows", "collapse-left": "Collapse all columns to left", "field-len": "by field lengths", "configure-prop": "configure", "url-fetch": "Formulate the URLs to fetch:", "previous": "previous", "smallest-first": "smallest first", "several-col": "into several columns", "warning-col-name": "You must enter a column name.", "match-this": "Match this cell only", "one-topic": "Create one new item for similar cells", "sort-cell": "Sort cell values as", "add-col-recon-col": "Add columns from reconciled column", "create-topic-cells": "Create a new item for this and all identical cells", "add-based-col": "Add column based on this column", "rename-col": "Rename this column", "by-judg": "By judgment", "scatterplot-facet": "Scatterplot facet", "contain-val": "(containing original cells' values)", "columnize-col": "Columnize by key/value columns", "latest-first": "latest first", "booleans": "booleans", "specify-sep": "Please specify a separator.", "valid-values": "Valid values", "create-topic": "Create new item", "star-rows": "Star rows", "blank-down": "Blank down", "spec-new-name": "Please specify the new key column's name.", "timeline-facet": "Timeline facet", "clear-recon2": "Clear reconciliation data in this column for all current filtered rows", "apply-to-cell": "Apply to judged cells", "matched": "matched", "case-sensitive": "case-sensitive", "times-chang": "times until no change", "facets": "Facets", "val-col": "Value Column", "largest-first": "largest first", "create-topic-cell": "Create a new item for this cell", "move-to-left": "Move column left", "keep-or": "keep original", "qa-facets": "QA facets", "discard-judg2": "Discard reconciliation judgments in this column for all current filtered rows", "list-int": "List of integers separated by commas, e.g., 5, 7, 15", "flag-rows": "Flag rows", "after-split": "After Splitting", "one-col": "One column", "best-name": "Best candidate's name match", "collapse-expand": "Collapse/expand columns to make viewing the data more convenient", "choose-match": "Choose new match", "uppercase": "To uppercase", "best-type": "Best candidate's types", "discard-judg": "Discard reconciliation judgments", "blank-out": "Blank out cells", "best-cand-type-match": "best candidate's types match?", "sort-by-col": "sort by this column alone", "enter-col-name": "Enter new column name", "text-facet": "Text facet", "warning-format": "The given field lengths are not properly formatted.", "copy-opt": "Copying Options", "best-word-sim": "Best candidate's name word similarity", "copy-val": "copy value from original column", "edit-column": "Edit column", "pos-blank": "Position blanks and errors", "errors": "Errors", "edit-cell": "Edit this cell", "drag-drop": "Drag and drop to re-order", "collapse-white": "Collapse consecutive whitespace", "fill-other": "Fill down in other columns", "two-new-col": "Two new columns", "collapse-other": "Collapse all other columns", "reorder-remove": "Re-order / remove columns", "copy-recon2": "Copy this column's reconciliation data to other columns", "remove-matching": "Remove all matching rows", "unstar-rows": "Unstar rows", "move-to-right": "Move column right", "reorder-perma": "Reorder rows permanently", "new": "new", "custom-numeric-label": "Custom Numeric Facet on column", "log-length-facet": "Log of text length facet", "custom-numeric": "Custom Numeric Facet", "re-trans": "Re-transform up to", "custom-text-facet": "Custom text facet", "match-other": "Match other cells with same content", "first": "first", "search-fb-topic": "Search Freebase for a topic to match all filtered cells:", "from-col": "From Column", "cluster-edit": "Cluster and edit", "start-recon": "Start reconciling", "facet-flag": "Facet by flag", "show-as": "Show as", "transpose": "Transpose", "columnize": "Columnize by Key/Value Columns", "add-col-fetch": "Add column by fetching URLs based on column", "facet-blank": "Facet by blank", "best-cand-edit-dist": "best candidate's name edit distance", "spec-separator": "Please specify the separator between original column names and cell values.", "milli": "milliseconds", "by": "By", "true-fasle": "true then false", "move-to-end": "Move column to end", "before-val": "before the cell's value", "dates": "dates", "extend-not-supported": "This reconciliation service does not support data extension. Try removing the service and adding it again. If the problem persists, contact the service provider.", "last": "last", "reverse": "Reverse", "expect-two": "Expected an integer at least 2.", "add-col-recon-val": "Add columns from reconciled values", "best-cand2": "Match each cell to its best candidate in this column for all current filtered rows", "throttle-delay": "Throttle delay", "new-recon": "new recon judgments", "what-to-copy": "What to copy:", "separator": "Separator", "ctrl-enter": "Ctrl-Enter", "view": "View", "judg-actions2": "Judgment Action type", "to-text": "To text", "reg-exp": "regular expression", "word-facet": "Word facet", "check-format": "Please check the file format.", "recon-text-fb": "Reconcile text in this column with items on Freebase", "clear-recon": "Clear reconciliation data", "earliest-first": "earliest first", "duplicates-facet": "Duplicates facet", "number": "number", "best-edit-dist": "Best candidate's name edit distance", "remove-prop": "remove", "split-into-col": "Split into several columns", "cache-responses": "Cache responses", "boolean": "boolean", "to-be-recon": "to be reconciled", "copy-recon": "Copy reconciliation data...", "judg-hist": "Judgment action timestamp", "judg-actions": "Judgment action type", "next": "next", "rows": "rows", "follow-by": "followed by", "false-true": "false then true", "unicode-facet": "Unicode char-code facet", "transp-cell-col": "Transpose cells in rows into columns", "transform": "Transform", "split-into": "Split into", "configure-col": "Configure this column", "one-topic2": "Mark to create one new item for each group of similar cells in this column for all current filtered rows", "to-number": "To number", "forward": "forward", "spec-new-val": "Please specify the new value column's name.", "edit-cells": "Edit cells", "sort": "Sort", "match-all-cells": "Match this item to this and all identical cells", "col-at-most": "columns at most (leave blank for no limit)", "warning-sel-judg": "Please select at least one kind of judgment to copy.", "remove-sort": "Remove sort", "common-transform": "Common transforms", "edit-col": "Edit columns", "note-col": "Note Column (optional)", "cannot-same": "If specified, the note column cannot be the same as the key column or the value column.", "split-col": "Split column", "match-cell": "Match this Cell", "warning-no-length": "No field length is specified.", "reconcile-tooltip": "Match this column's cells to items from external databases", "guess-cell": "Guess cell type", "enter-separator": "Enter separator to use between values", "new-topic": "Create a new item for each cell", "add-by-urls": "Add column by fetching URLs", "show": "Show", "add-col-col": "Add column based on column", "best-score": "Best candidate's score", "match-recon": "match recon judgments", "flagged-rows": "Flagged Rows", "no-settings": "No settings are available for this property.", "transp-cell-row": "Transpose cells across columns into rows", "custom-text-trans": "Personalizar a transformação do texto na coluna", "not-valid-number": "Not a valid number.", "reconcile": "Reconcile", "trim-all": "Trim leading and trailing whitespace", "starred-rows": "Starred Rows", "extend-not-reconciled": "This operation is only available on reconciled columns.", "by-sep": "by separator", "custom-facets": "Customized facets", "numbers": "numbers", "store-err": "store error", "facet-error": "Facet by error", "new-col-name": "New column name", "best-type-match": "Best candidate's type match", "facet": "Facet", "key-col": "Key Column", "on-error": "On error", "match-this-cell": "Match this item to this cell", "not-valid-date": "Not a valid date.", "text-filter": "Text filter", "warning-no-property": "Please select a property first.", "contain-names": "(containing original columns' names)", "best-cand-score": "best candidate's score", "sel-col-val": "Please select one key column and one value column that are different from one another.", "warning-other-col": "Please select some other column to copy to.", "split-cells": "Split multi-valued cells", "titlecase": "To titlecase", "fill-down": "Fill down", "spec-col-name": "Please specify the new column's name.", "search-for": "Search for", "expand-all": "Expand all columns", "sort-by": "Sort by", "ignore-blank": "Ignore blank cells", "transp-cell": "Transpose Cells Across Columns into Rows", "best-cand-name": "best candidate's name match?", "blanks": "Blanks", "copy-to-col": "Copy to Columns", "how-split": "How to Split Column", "lowercase": "To lowercase", "transp-into": "Transpose into", "facet-star": "Facet by star", "collapse-all": "Collapse all columns", "best-cand": "Match each cell to its best candidate", "date": "date", "text-length-facet": "Text length facet", "to-col": "To Column", "collapse-right": "Collapse all columns to right", "best-cand-word-sim": "best candidate's name word similarity", "set-blank": "set to blank", "numeric-facet": "Numeric facet", "edit-rows": "Edit rows", "filtered-cell2": "Search for a item to match all filtered cells to", "records": "records", "how-many-rows": "How many rows to transpose?", "unflag-rows": "Unflag rows", "to-date": "To date", "move-to-beg": "Move column to beginning", "what-separator": "What separator currently separates the values?", "numeric-log-facet": "Numeric log facet", "data-type": "Data type:", "prepend-name": "prepend the original column's name to each cell", "unescape-html": "Unescape HTML entities", "how-split-cells": "How to split multi-valued cells", "collapse-this": "Collapse this column" }, "core-buttons": { "unselect-all": "Desmarcar todos", "merge-close": "Merge Selected & Close", "import-proj": "Importar projeto", "dont-reconcile": "Don't Reconcile Cell", "download": "Download", "export": "Exportar", "conf-pars-opt": "Configure Parsing Options »", "reset-template": "Resetar template", "apply": "Aplicar", "cancel": "Cancelar", "close": "Fechar", "deselect-all": "Desmarcar todos", "select": "Marcar", "merge-cluster": "Merge Selected & Re-Cluster", "reset-all": "Resetar todos", "next": "Próximo »", "esc": "Esc", "select-all": "Marcar todos", "preview": "Pré-visualização", "match": "Match", "startover": "« Reiniciar", "remove-all": "Remover todos", "export-cluster": "Export Clusters", "add-std-svc": "Add Standard Service", "enter": "Enter", "transpose": "Transpose", "start-recon": "Start Reconciling", "perform-op": "Perform Operations", "copy": "Copiar", "update-preview": "Atualizar Pré-visualização", "ok": "  OK  ", "create-project": "Create Project »", "new-topic": "Novo item", "upload": "Upload", "refresh": "Atualizar", "reselect-files": "« Re-select Files", "add-service": "Add Service", "apply-to-all": "Aplicar em todas as células iguais", "add-url": "Adicionar outra URL", "unselect": "Desmarcar", "pick-record": "Pick Record Elements" } }