#!/bin/sh ########################################################## # Gridworks Control System # ########################################################## fail() { cat < -h for more details EOF exit 1 } usage() { cat < where [options] include: -h print this message and exit -p the port that gridworks will listen to default: 3333 -i the host interface gridworks should bind to default: -w path to the webapp default: src/main/webapp -d enable JVM debugging (on port 8000) -x enable JMX monitoring (for jconsole) and is one of build ..... Build Gridworks run ....... Run Gridworks EOF exit 0 } add_option() { OPTS="$OPTS $1" } OPTS="$GRIDWORKS_OPTS" # ----- actions ------------------------------------------------- build() { if [ ! -d $GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR ] ; then mkdir $GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR || exit 1 fi ANT=`which ant` if [ "$ANT" = "" ] ; then ANT_TAR=`ls thirdparty | grep apache-ant` ANT_DIR="$GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR/ant" ANT="$ANT_DIR/bin/ant" if [ ! -d $ANT_DIR ] ; then tar xzf $ANT_TAR -C $BUILD_DIR || exit 1 fi fi $ANT -f build.xml compile || exit 1 } run() { if [ ! -d $GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR/classes ] ; then build echo "" fi CLASSPATH="$GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR/classes" for i in `ls $GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR/*.jar` ; do CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$i done RUN_CMD="$JAVA -cp $CLASSPATH $OPTS com.metaweb.gridworks.Gridworks" echo "Starting Gridworks at 'http://${GRIDWORKS_HOST}:${GRIDWORKS_PORT}/'" echo "" #echo "$RUN_CMD" #echo "" exec $RUN_CMD } # ----- We called without arguments print the usage ------------- [ $# -gt 0 ] || usage # ----- Normalize the current directory ------------------------- cd `dirname $0` # ----- Make sure there is a java environment installed ------------------------- if [ ! -z "$JAVA_HOME" ] ; then JAVA="$JAVA_HOME/bin/java" else JAVA=`which java` if [ -z "$JAVA" ] ; then system=`uname` if [ "$system" = 'Darwin' ] ; then JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home else echo "The 'java' command should be in your path or the 'JAVA_HOME' environment variable should be set" exit 1 fi fi fi # ----- Parse the command line args ------------------------------------------ while [ $# -ne 0 ] ; do case "$1" in -p) shift; GRIDWORKS_PORT="$1"; shift; continue;; -i) shift; GRIDWORKS_HOST="$1"; shift; continue;; -w) shift; GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP="$1"; shift; continue;; -d) shift; add_option '-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n'; continue;; -x) shift; add_option '-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote'; continue;; -*) fail "Invalid option: $1";; *) break;; esac done ACTION=$1; shift # ----- Verify and Set Required Environment Variables ------------------------- if [ "$JAVA_OPTIONS" == "" ] ; then JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms256M -Xmx1024M" fi add_option "$JAVA_OPTIONS" if [ "$GRIDWORKS_PORT" == "" ] ; then GRIDWORKS_PORT="3333" fi add_option "-Dgridworks.port=$GRIDWORKS_PORT" if [ "$GRIDWORKS_HOST" == "" ] ; then GRIDWORKS_HOST="" fi add_option "-Dgridworks.host=$GRIDWORKS_HOST" if [ "$GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP" == "" ] ; then GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP="src/main/webapp" fi add_option "-Dgridworks.webapp=$GRIDWORKS_WEBAPP" if [ "$GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR" == "" ] ; then GRIDWORKS_BUILD_DIR="build" fi if [ "$GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR" == "" ] ; then GRIDWORKS_LIB_DIR="lib" fi # ----- Respond to the action given -------------------------------------------- case "$ACTION" in build) build;; run) run;; *) usage; ;; esac