var RdfSchemaAlignment = {}; function RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog(schema){ this._originalSchema = schema || { rootNodes: [] }; this._schema = cloneDeep(this._originalSchema); // this is what can be munched on if (!this._schema.rootNodes.length) { this._schema.rootNodes.push(RdfSchemaAlignment.createNewRootNode()); } //this._schema = { rootNodes: [] }; //this._schema.rootNodes.push(RdfSchemaAlignment.createNewRootNode()); this._nodeUIs = []; this._createDialog(); RdfSchemaAlignment._defaultNamespace = this._schema.baseUri; this._replaceBaseUri(RdfSchemaAlignment._defaultNamespace || URL.getHostname()+'/'); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._createDialog = function() { var self = this; var frame = DialogSystem.createDialog(); frame.width("1000px"); var header = $('
').addClass("dialog-header").text("RDF Schema Alignment").appendTo(frame); var body = $('
').addClass("dialog-body").appendTo(frame); var footer = $('
').addClass("dialog-footer").appendTo(frame); this._constructFooter(footer); this._constructBody(body); this._level = DialogSystem.showDialog(frame); this._renderBody(body); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._constructFooter = function(footer) { var self = this; $('').html("  OK  ").click(function() { var schema = self.getJSON(); Gridworks.postProcess( "save-rdf-schema", {}, { schema: JSON.stringify(schema) }, {}, { onDone: function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(self._level - 1); theProject.schema = schema; } } ); }).appendTo(footer); $('').text("Cancel").click(function() { DialogSystem.dismissUntil(self._level - 1); }).appendTo(footer); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._constructBody = function(body) { var self = this; $('

' + 'RDF Schema Alignment... node types are: cell-as-resource, cell-as-literal, cell-as-blank, literal, resource, and blank' + '

').appendTo(body); var html = $( '

Base URI: edit

'+ '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '
' ).appendTo(body); var elmts = DOM.bind(html); this._baseUriSpan = elmts.baseUriSpan; elmts.baseUriSpan.text(RdfSchemaAlignment._defaultNamespace);{ evt.preventDefault(); self._editBaseUri($(; }); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._previewRdf = function(){ var self = this; var schema = this.getJSON(); self._previewPane.empty().html(''); $.post( "/command/preview-rdf?" + $.param({ project: }), { schema: JSON.stringify(schema), engine: JSON.stringify(ui.browsingEngine.getJSON()) }, function(data) { self._previewPane.empty(); self._previewPane.text(data.v); }, "json" ); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._renderBody = function(body) { var self = this; $("#rdf-schema-alignment-tabs").tabs({ select:function(evt,tabs){ if(tabs.index===1){ self._previewRdf(); } } }); $("#rdf-schema-alignment-tabs-preview").css("display", ""); $("#rdf-schema-alignment-tabs-vocabulary-manager").css("display", ""); this._canvas = $(".schema-alignment-dialog-canvas"); this._nodeTable = $('
').addClass("schema-alignment-table-layout").appendTo(this._canvas)[0]; for (var i = 0; i < this._schema.rootNodes.length; i++) { this._nodeUIs.push(new RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.UINode( this, this._schema.rootNodes[i], this._nodeTable, { expanded: true, mustBeCellTopic: true } )); } this._previewPane = $("#rdf-schema-alignment-dialog-preview"); this._vocabularyManager = $("#rdf-vocabulary-manager"); var vocab_html = $( '
' + '
' + '' ); var elmts = DOM.bind(vocab_html); this._vocabularyManager.html(vocab_html); this._vocabularyListContainer = elmts.vocabularyList; this._newVocabularyContainer = elmts.newVocabulary; this._listVocabularies(); }; //TODO refactor vocabulary manager into its stand-alone Javascript object (~Class) RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._listVocabularies = function(){ var self = this; self._vocabularyListContainer.empty(); self._renderVocabularyFooter(); $.get("/command/list-vocabularies",{},function(o){ var vocab_table = $('
').width('100%').addClass('data-table')[0]; var tr = vocab_table.insertRow(vocab_table.rows.length); $(tr).addClass(''); $(tr).html('PrefixNamespace'); $('td',tr).addClass('column-header'); for(var i=0;i').html('').click(getDelFunc).appendTo($(td)); td = tr.insertCell(1); $(td).text( ); td = tr.insertCell(2); $(td).text(vocabulary.uri); } $(vocab_table).appendTo(self._vocabularyListContainer); },"json"); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._renderVocabularyFooter = function(){ var self = this; self._newVocabularyContainer.empty(); var html = $( '

Add New:

' + '
'+ '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
prefix: e.g. rdf, rdfs, foaf, skos, dcat...
url: The URL where vocabulary definition can be obtained as RDF/XML
namespace: The namespace under which vocabulary classes and properties are defined (only those will be imported)
it is usually the same as the URL.
' + '
' ); var elmts = DOM.bind(html);{ e.preventDefault(); var prefix = elmts.prefix.val(); var namespace = elmts.namespace.val(); var url = elmts.url.val(); if(!(prefix && namespace && url)){ alert('Please enter all required parameters'); return ; } var dismissBusy = DialogSystem.showBusy('Importing vocabulary from: ' + url); $.get("/command/import-vocabulary",{prefix:prefix,namespace:namespace,url:url},function(data){ dismissBusy(); if (data.code === "error"){ alert('Error:' + data.message) }else{ self._listVocabularies(); } },"json"); }); html.appendTo(self._newVocabularyContainer); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._deleteVocabulary = function(uri){ var self = this; var dismissBusy = DialogSystem.showBusy('Deleteing vocabulary: ' + uri); $.post("/command/delete-vocabulary",{uri:uri},function(data){ dismissBusy(); if (data.code === "error"){ alert('Error:' + data.message) }else{ self._listVocabularies(); } },"json"); }; RdfSchemaAlignment.createNewRootNode = function() { var links = []; var columns = theProject.columnModel.columns; for (var i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { var column = columns[i]; var target = { nodeType: "cell-as-literal", columnName:, columnIndex:i }; links.push({ uri: null, curie:null, target: target }); } rootNode = { nodeType: "cell-as-resource", uriExpression:"gel:row.index.urlify(baseURI)", columnIndex:-1, isRowNumberCell:true}; rootNode.links = links; return rootNode; }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._editBaseUri = function(src){ var self = this; var menu = MenuSystem.createMenu().width('400px'); menu.html('' ); MenuSystem.showMenu(menu,function(){}); MenuSystem.positionMenuLeftRight(menu, src); var elmts = DOM.bind(menu); elmts.newBaseUri.val(RdfSchemaAlignment._defaultNamespace).focus().select(); { var newBaseUri = elmts.newBaseUri.val(); if(!newBaseUri || !newBaseUri.substring(7)=='http://'){ alert('Base URI should start with http://'); return; } MenuSystem.dismissAll(); self._replaceBaseUri(newBaseUri); }); { MenuSystem.dismissAll(); }); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype._replaceBaseUri = function(newBaseUri){ var self = this; RdfSchemaAlignment._defaultNamespace = newBaseUri; $.post("/command/save-baseURI?" + $.param({project: }),{baseURI:newBaseUri},function(data){ if (data.code === "error"){ alert('Error:' + data.message) }else{ self._baseUriSpan.empty().text(newBaseUri); } },"json"); }; RdfSchemaAlignmentDialog.prototype.getJSON = function() { var rootNodes = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._nodeUIs.length; i++) { var node = this._nodeUIs[i].getJSON(); if (node !== null) { rootNodes.push(node); } } return { baseUri:RdfSchemaAlignment._defaultNamespace, rootNodes: rootNodes }; };