package com.metaweb.gridworks.model.operations; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONWriter; import com.metaweb.gridworks.expr.ExpressionUtils; import com.metaweb.gridworks.history.HistoryEntry; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.AbstractOperation; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Cell; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Column; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Project; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.Row; import com.metaweb.gridworks.model.changes.MassRowChange; public class MultiValuedCellJoinOperation extends AbstractOperation { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3134524625206033285L; final protected String _columnName; final protected String _keyColumnName; final protected String _separator; static public AbstractOperation reconstruct(Project project, JSONObject obj) throws Exception { return new MultiValuedCellJoinOperation( obj.getString("columnName"), obj.getString("keyColumnName"), obj.getString("separator") ); } public MultiValuedCellJoinOperation( String columnName, String keyColumnName, String separator ) { _columnName = columnName; _keyColumnName = keyColumnName; _separator = separator; } public void write(JSONWriter writer, Properties options) throws JSONException { writer.object(); writer.key("op"); writer.value(OperationRegistry.s_opClassToName.get(this.getClass())); writer.key("description"); writer.value(getBriefDescription()); writer.key("columnName"); writer.value(_columnName); writer.key("keyColumnName"); writer.value(_keyColumnName); writer.key("separator"); writer.value(_separator); writer.endObject(); } protected String getBriefDescription() { return "Join multi-valued cells in column " + _columnName; } protected HistoryEntry createHistoryEntry(Project project) throws Exception { Column column = project.columnModel.getColumnByName(_columnName); if (column == null) { throw new Exception("No column named " + _columnName); } int cellIndex = column.getCellIndex(); Column keyColumn = project.columnModel.getColumnByName(_keyColumnName); if (column == null) { throw new Exception("No key column named " + _keyColumnName); } int keyCellIndex = keyColumn.getCellIndex(); List newRows = new ArrayList(); int oldRowCount = project.rows.size(); for (int r = 0; r < oldRowCount; r++) { Row oldRow = project.rows.get(r); if (oldRow.isCellBlank(keyCellIndex)) { newRows.add(oldRow.dup()); continue; } int r2 = r + 1; while (r2 < oldRowCount && project.rows.get(r2).isCellBlank(keyCellIndex)) { r2++; } if (r2 == r + 1) { newRows.add(oldRow.dup()); continue; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int r3 = r; r3 < r2; r3++) { Object value = project.rows.get(r3).getCellValue(cellIndex); if (!ExpressionUtils.isBlank(value)) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(_separator); } sb.append(value.toString()); } } for (int r3 = r; r3 < r2; r3++) { Row newRow = project.rows.get(r3).dup(); if (r3 == r) { newRow.setCell(cellIndex, new Cell(sb.toString(), null)); } else { newRow.setCell(cellIndex, null); } if (!newRow.isEmpty()) { newRows.add(newRow); } } r = r2 - 1; // r will be incremented by the for loop anyway } return new HistoryEntry( project, getBriefDescription(), this, new MassRowChange(newRows) ); } }