function HistoryWidget(div) { this._div = div; this.update(); } HistoryWidget.prototype.update = function(onDone) { var self = this; Ajax.chainGetJSON( "/command/get-history?" + $.param({ project: }), null, function(data) { self._data = data; self._render(); if (onDone) { onDone(); } } ); }; HistoryWidget.prototype._render = function() { var self = this; this._div.empty(); this._div.unbind(); $('

Undo/Redo History

').appendTo(this._div); var bodyDiv = $('
').addClass("history-panel-body").appendTo(this._div); bodyDiv.mouseenter(function(evt) { bodyDiv.addClass("history-panel-body-expanded"); }); this._div.mouseenter(function(evt) { if (self._timerID != null) { window.clearTimeout(self._timerID); self._timerID = null; } }).mouseleave(function(evt) { self._timerID = window.setTimeout(function() { self._timerID = null; bodyDiv.removeClass("history-panel-body-expanded"); autoscroll(); }, 1000); }); var renderEntry = function(container, entry, lastDoneID, title) { var a = $('').appendTo(container); a.addClass("history-entry").html(entry.description).attr("title", title).click(function(evt) { return self._onClickHistoryEntry(evt, entry, lastDoneID); }); return a; }; var divPast = $('
').addClass("history-past").appendTo(bodyDiv); if (this._data.past.length == 0) { $('
').addClass("history-panel-message").text("No change to undo").appendTo(divPast); } else { for (var i = 0; i < this._data.past.length; i++) { var entry = this._data.past[i]; renderEntry(divPast, entry, i == 0 ? 0 : this._data.past[i - 1].id, "Undo to here"); } } var divNow = $('
').text("done upto here").addClass("history-now").appendTo(bodyDiv); var divFuture = $('
').addClass("history-future").appendTo(bodyDiv); if (this._data.future.length == 0) { $('
').addClass("history-panel-message").text("No change to redo").appendTo(divFuture); } else { for (var i = 0; i < this._data.future.length; i++) { var entry = this._data.future[i]; renderEntry(divFuture, entry,, "Redo to here"); } } var autoscroll = function() { bodyDiv[0].scrollTop = divNow[0].offsetTop + divNow[0].offsetHeight - bodyDiv[0].offsetHeight; }; autoscroll(); var footerDiv = $('
').addClass("history-panel-footer").appendTo(this._div); $('').text("extract").appendTo(footerDiv).click(function() { self._extractOperations(); }); $('').appendTo(footerDiv); $('').text("apply").appendTo(footerDiv).click(function() { self._showApplyOperationsDialog(); }); }; HistoryWidget.prototype._onClickHistoryEntry = function(evt, entry, lastDoneID) { var self = this; Gridworks.postProcess( "undo-redo", { lastDoneID: lastDoneID }, null, { everythingChanged: true } ); }; HistoryWidget.prototype._extractOperations = function() { var self = this; $.getJSON( "/command/get-operations?" + $.param({ project: }), null, function(data) { if ("entries" in data) { self._showExtractOperationsDialog(data); } }, "jsonp" ); }; HistoryWidget.prototype._showExtractOperationsDialog = function(json) { var self = this; var frame = DialogSystem.createDialog(); frame.width("800px"); var header = $('
').addClass("dialog-header").text("Extract Operations").appendTo(frame); var body = $('
').addClass("dialog-body").appendTo(frame); var footer = $('
').addClass("dialog-footer").appendTo(frame); $('

').text( "The following JSON code encodes the operations you have done that can be abstracted. " + "You can copy and save it in order to apply the same operations in the future.").appendTo(body); var table = $('
') .addClass("extract-operation-dialog-layout") .appendTo(body)[0]; var leftColumn = table.rows[0].insertCell(0); var rightColumn = table.rows[0].insertCell(1); $(leftColumn).width("50%"); $(rightColumn).width("50%").css("padding-left", "20px"); var entryDiv = $('
').addClass("extract-operation-dialog-entries").appendTo(leftColumn); var entryTable = $('
').appendTo(entryDiv)[0]; var createEntry = function(entry) { var tr = entryTable.insertRow(entryTable.rows.length); var td0 = tr.insertCell(0); var td1 = tr.insertCell(1); td0.width = "1%"; if ("operation" in entry) { entry.selected = true; $('').appendTo(td0).click(function() { entry.selected = !entry.selected; updateJson(); }); $('').text(entry.operation.description).appendTo(td1); } else { $('').text(entry.description).css("color", "#888").appendTo(td1); } }; for (var i = 0; i < json.entries.length; i++) { createEntry(json.entries[i]); } var textarea = $('