(function() { var oldResponse = $.suggest.suggest.prototype.response; var typeToIncludedTypes = {}; var resortByType = function(data, type) { var schemaPrefixes = [ type + "/" ]; var includedTypes = typeToIncludedTypes[type]; for (var i = 0; i < includedTypes.length; i++) { schemaPrefixes.push(includedTypes[i] + "/"); } var results = data.result; var entries1 = []; var entries2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { var result = results[i]; var matched = false; for (var j = 0; j < schemaPrefixes.length; j++) { var schemaPrefix = schemaPrefixes[j]; if (result.id.substring(0, schemaPrefix.length) == schemaPrefix) { matched = true; break; } } if (matched) { entries1.push(result); } else { entries2.push(result); } } data.result = entries1.concat(entries2); }; /* * Property suggest */ $.suggest( "suggestP", $.extend( true, {}, $.suggest.suggest.prototype, { request: function(val, start) { if (this.ac_xhr) { this.ac_xhr.abort(); this.ac_xhr = null; } if (val.charAt(0) == '/') { this.request_mqlread(val, start); } else { this.request_relevance(val, start); } }, request_mqlread: function(val, start) { var self = this; var o = this.options; var query = [{ "id" : val, "name" : null, "guid" : null, "x:type" : "/type/property", "/type/property/expected_type" : null }]; var data = { query: JSON.stringify({ query: query }) }; var baseUrl = "http://api.freebase.com/api/service/mqlread"; var url = baseUrl + "?" + $.param(data), cached = $.suggest.cache[url]; if (cached) { this.response(cached, start ? start : -1, true); return; } clearTimeout(this.request.timeout); this.request.timeout = setTimeout(function() { self.ac_xhr = $.ajax({ url: baseUrl, data: data, beforeSend: function() { var calls = self.input.data("request.count.suggest") || 0; if (!calls) { self.trackEvent(self.name, "start_session"); } calls += 1; self.trackEvent(self.name, "request", "count", calls); self.input.data("request.count.suggest", calls); }, success: function(r) { r.prefix = val; // we need this so that the rest of suggest wouldn't error out if (!("result" in r)) { r.result = []; } self.response(r, start ? start : -1); }, error: function(xhr) { self.trackEvent(self.name, "request", "error", {url:this.url, response: xhr ? xhr.responseText : ''}); }, complete: function(xhr) { if (xhr) { self.trackEvent(self.name, "request", "tid", xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Metaweb-TID")); } }, dataType: "jsonp", cache: true }); }, o.xhr_delay); }, request_relevance: function(val, start) { var self = this; var o = this.options; var data = { query: val, mql_output: JSON.stringify([{ "id" : null, "name" : null, "/type/property/expected_type" : { "id" : null, "name" : null } }]) }; if (start) { data.start = start; } $.extend(data, o.ac_param); $.extend(data, { limit: 100 }); var baseUrl = "http://api.freebase.com/api/service/search"; var url = baseUrl + "?" + $.param(data), cached = $.suggest.cache[url]; if (cached) { this.response(cached, start ? start : -1, true); return; } clearTimeout(this.request.timeout); this.request.timeout = setTimeout(function() { self.ac_xhr = $.ajax({ url: baseUrl, data: data, beforeSend: function() { var calls = self.input.data("request.count.suggest") || 0; if (!calls) { self.trackEvent(self.name, "start_session"); } calls += 1; self.trackEvent(self.name, "request", "count", calls); self.input.data("request.count.suggest", calls); }, success: function(data) { data.prefix = val; // we need this so that the rest of suggest wouldn't error out if ("schema" in o) { var type = o.schema; var apply = function() { resortByType(data, type); $.suggest.cache[url] = data; self.response(data, start ? start : -1); }; if (type in typeToIncludedTypes) { apply(); } else { var query = { query: { "id" : type, "/freebase/type_hints/included_types": [] } }; $.getJSON( "http://api.freebase.com/api/service/mqlread?" + $.param({ query: JSON.stringify(query) }) + "&callback=?", null, function(d) { var types = []; if ("result" in d) { types = d.result["/freebase/type_hints/included_types"]; } typeToIncludedTypes[type] = types; apply(); }, "jsonp" ); } } else { self.response(data, start ? start : -1); } }, error: function(xhr) { self.trackEvent(self.name, "request", "error", {url:this.url, response: xhr ? xhr.responseText : ''}); }, complete: function(xhr) { if (xhr) { self.trackEvent(self.name, "request", "tid", xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Metaweb-TID")); } }, dataType: "jsonp", cache: true }); }, o.xhr_delay); }, create_item: function(data, response_data) { var css = this.options.css; var li = $("
  • ").addClass(css.item); var name = $("
    ") .addClass(css.item_name) .append( $("
  • ").addClass(css.item); var name = $("
    ") .addClass(css.item_name) .append( $("